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The Never King (dragoon93041)

Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

Nesak: HP = 43, PP = 44, EP = 91/95, Status = Fine

Pawn: 40 Body, 10 Mind, 35 Speed

Groumet, Chieftain of the Goldbloods
Reyna, Wife of the Chieftain
Breket, Warleader and First Son of Groumet going to be mad at Nesak
Phaeron, Shamanborn and Second Son of Groumet
Roruk the Coward, Third Son of Groumet prefers Roruk the Reasonable
Engren, Warrior and Fourth Son of Groumet
Ingta, Only Daughter of Groumet, twin with Engren
Verein, Great Hunter and Fifth Son of Groumet
Borss the Slovenly, Sixth Son of Groumet

Derng, Chieftain's Guard

(Will get text colors when they fucking earn them D:< )

Mysterious Frog Girl Bihl

Woodcraft: -1 success
Perception: 6 successes

Bihl quirked an eyebrow at Nesak for his odd slip of the tongue. "Nest?" she asked with curious amusement, "gettin ahead of yourself there... But yeah, makin camp and stuff, lets do that."

Approaching the rocky hills in search of a good place to set up, Bihl eventually called out to him, and revealed a moss-coated boulder with a large outcropping that was covered by a curtain of vines. It would leave them covered from sight behind it, and a glance in revealed that the stony nook was only deep enough for the perhaps four fully sized humanoid creatures to congregate in; the two of them would have plenty of room.

With their location picked out, Bihl would split off from him to conduct her own survey of the area. His unfamiliarity with the terrain would, unfortunately, leave Nesak unable to find much of use in his search of the area. He wouldn't travel far, trailing down the rocky hill a ways to come upon a small cleared section in which the sparse grasses gave way to a growth of fairly pretty wildflowers. While not useful, the collection of reds, golds and purples were certainly pleasant to look upon.... Though after a few more moments of gazing upon it Nesak began to feel as if something about it was out of place, as if some hidden danger were present or something there that ought not to be... But he could not tell what it was without further investigation.
Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

Nesak blushed, causing his face to become more brightly golden but didn't react otherwise. He had to be more careful. Constant vigilance. It was actually a lot harder than it sounded. Bihil wasn't acting like the Fomor... although most of his experience with the Fomor was boiling them down to mush with acid. By this point, he had maybe accepted that Bihil probably wasn't going to try and kill him or capture him by this point. But he had to keep his guard up. When it came to the maybe-trap he had to think. He wasn't looking for riches, or seeking danger. There were broadly two reasons for a trap: some kind of sentient being had made the trap or it was a trap created by a creature or plant or other natural being. If the latter, then as long as Bihil and Nesak avoided the trap, they should be fine. If the former, though, if it was an artificial trap, or even a trap using a creature by a wolfir hunter or something, then they would be in danger. Even if he avoided the trap, the wolfir could come upon them. He needed to find out which it was.

First he used his spiritual powers to investigate the flowers. Maybe the answer lurked within them. Maybe they had some kind of special pollen that infested the mind, causing one to become stupefied. He didn't think that was the case, though. If that failed to procure any results, he would chuck progressively larger objects into the area, though his lack of muscle would prevent that from going on too long. Finally, if that also didn't work, he would inch forward, searching the area very closely and prodding the area he was about to step with a stick each time. If he found something unusual, he would use his spiritual power again to fully understand what it was he was looking at.

Using Analyze multiple times, at 0 EP each
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Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

Nesak: HP = 43, PP = 44, EP = 91/95, Status = Fine, Aroused, Grappled

Pawn: 40 Body, 10 Mind, 35 Speed

Groumet, Chieftain of the Goldbloods
Reyna, Wife of the Chieftain
Breket, Warleader and First Son of Groumet going to be mad at Nesak
Phaeron, Shamanborn and Second Son of Groumet
Roruk the Coward, Third Son of Groumet prefers Roruk the Reasonable
Engren, Warrior and Fourth Son of Groumet
Ingta, Only Daughter of Groumet, twin with Engren
Verein, Great Hunter and Fifth Son of Groumet
Borss the Slovenly, Sixth Son of Groumet

Derng, Chieftain's Guard

(Will get text colors when they fucking earn them D:< )

Mysterious Frog Girl Bihl

Herbalism: 4 successes

Perception: 2 successes vs 3 successes

Attack: Automatic hit.
Resistance: 34 vs 35, Nesak rolls abysmally but still just barely avoids becoming Horny.

Herbalism: 4 successes again.

The color added to Nesak's cheeks caused Bihl to quirk an eyebrow, and she parted from him giggling softly and occasionally glancing back over her shoulder.

When confronted with the feeling of unease, Nesak's examination of the wild flowers revealed that they were of a fairly harmless variety, without any chemical properties of note beyond an abundance of nectar. While that might attract an abundance of bees, such wouldn't account for the warning emanating from his gut. The rest of the small clearing was fairly unremarkable, a grassy ring surrounding the raised lump on which the flowerbed rested, leaving Nesak with no choice but to explore in a more direct manner while probing with his magical senses.

Prodding about with a stick and gingerly testing the soft ground before stepping over it, into the field of flowers. The sense of danger only grew as the kobold meandered across the flower patch, but the source of the odd unpleasantness wouldn't reveal itself... Until it was far too late for him to react to it. One moment he was checking a patch of ground, and the next someone had pressed themselves gently against his back, with soft arms wrapping around him, pinning the arm holding his probing stick gently to his side. Before he could so much as jump, a bright yellow flower the size of a dinner plate appeared under his nose, and his surprised inhalation drew in a burst of golden pollen before he fully realized what was going on.

Arousal more intense than he had ever felt flooded through him almost instantaneously, fogging Nesak's thoughts with maddening lust. His loincloth started to rise, and the figure pressed against his back giggled into his ear alluringly. They were most certainly feminine, and what he could see was green of skin, but even as one of their hands began to slip beneath the waistband of his sparse garment Nesak's mind desperately churned to recognize the situation that he was in. It clicked just as his attacker's fingers reached the base of his member and more tuberous tentacles appeared around him, several tipped in flower-like sheaths that oozed a pale yellow fluid.

It was a mutated creature that had come upon him, an unnatural abomination created by magic. An alraune, a being from a foreign land to begin with, changed by Londorien magics; they were rooted to where they were planted and could never move, their humanoid body bonded by tendrils growing from their head that connected them to a larger plant that was generally hidden underground. They often cultivated flower gardens over their main body, taking nectar from them and catching the pollinators drawn to the colorful flora. Sometimes, however, the mischievous plant women would ensnare people that passed by, poison them with arousing pollen and - at least in the case of men - feed on the ensuing result. They were relatively harmless - and often good at offering directions to useful supplies if appeased - but they were known to leave their captors exhausted by the time they were satisfied.

"Teehee... I've never seen anything like you... So short... But so BIG down where it counts!" Her fingers gently stroked down Nesak's length, teasingly, but even that further surge of stimulation on top of his burning arousal didn't completely obliterate his ability to think. There was still time for him to try to make her let him go through diplomacy - they were not unintelligent after all - or by simple force if he was inclined to deny the urges presently burning through his blood.
Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

Okay, so, this was pretty bad. There was no way Nesak was going to wriggle free of these tentacles as he was and he didn't have his Pawn to back him up. He really tried to avoid these situations since by and large he couldn't do much without going overboard. And to make matters worse, this was all the fault of the Sadim-damned Londoriens. He was almost free of the swamp! But thinking about that wouldn't do much good and Nesak didn't exactly have all of his intellect at his command. Most of it was fighting the urge to simply go along with this. After all, it wouldn't be too bad and from the accounts of those who ha- no, no, focus.

He knew what his foe was but he didn't really have many bargaining chips. He began speaking, forcing his voice to stay steady, despite her probing vines and fingers. "Hello lady alraune. My name is Nesak Goldblood. I am a servant of the great spirit Sadim. Perhaps we could talk? I could tell you more about my people or my home. I come from the swamp, you see, off that way." He gestured with his hand as much as he could in the direction he had come from. ""I'm looking for a treasure like the one around my neck. I had a vision that showed me it is in a mountain so off I went. I was looking for food when I stumbled upon your flowerbed" He hoped appealing to her curiosity would be enough to stop her for the moment. While he had briefly managed to keep hold of his senses, he doubted he would be able to keep himself from giving in eventually. Aside from perhaps Bihil arriving and realizing what was going on or Sadim causing a miracle (which might include causing Bihil to come to his rescue), he didn't have much hope of an outside force coming to his aid and he really disliked changing himself. He was never really himself when he changed. But he did have that card to play, if he was driven into a corner.
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Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

Nesak: HP = 43, PP = 44, EP = 91/95, Status = Fine, Aroused, Grappled

Pawn: 40 Body, 10 Mind, 35 Speed

Groumet, Chieftain of the Goldbloods
Reyna, Wife of the Chieftain
Breket, Warleader and First Son of Groumet going to be mad at Nesak
Phaeron, Shamanborn and Second Son of Groumet
Roruk the Coward, Third Son of Groumet prefers Roruk the Reasonable
Engren, Warrior and Fourth Son of Groumet
Ingta, Only Daughter of Groumet, twin with Engren
Verein, Great Hunter and Fifth Son of Groumet
Borss the Slovenly, Sixth Son of Groumet

Derng, Chieftain's Guard

(Will get text colors when they fucking earn them D:< )

Mysterious Frog Girl Bihl

"Hm? Oh, you can understand me..." The alraune said in surprise, though her molestation of Nesak didn't end. The gliding of her fingers up and down his shaft grew bolder, her grip more firm and her motions quicker. Two tendrils slipped into the waistband of his loincloth as he spoke, and as her hand reached the bottom of his manhood they tugged down, pulling the garment until it slipped down and was left pooled around his ankles. His cock sprang free, and her fingers clenched around him and began to jerk steadily as she murmured with pleasure.

"The swamp? You mean the one over there... I didn't know anyone lived in there," the woman remarked, and though the lustful hunger was still present in her voice Nesak thought he detected a hint of curiosity growing beside it. "Sadim? Visions?" She said, her stroking slowing to a crawl that nonetheless continued to make his excitement surge. One of her unusual tendrils approached, the open entrance of it dripping as it came to hover just in front of his shaft. Some of the golden fluid oozing from it dripped onto his skin, immediately heightening his sensitivity, and her stroking dragged it across his rod to spread the substance.

As yet there was no sign of Bihl wandering about, but it had only been a few moments since the ambush and a few minutes since they had last parted. Continuing to speak might buy him more time, and reveal his presence and situation to her, but even being slowly jerked off was rapidly assailing the kobold's raging hormones, and the presence of the feeder tendril which would undoubtedly offer ecstasy unlike any he had ever experience wasn't without its dangers.
Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

While he would have been fine continuing the conversation with the alraune, Nesak could feel his willpower waning. If he was to act, it would have to be soon. Otherwise he wouldn't have the strength to reject what the alraune was offering. And while lesser kobolds might have accepted it, Nesak was the son of Groumet! He was to be a leader! And he was the chosen of Sadim! He couldn't let himself be overtaken by the pleasures of the flesh! And so, he activated his power. There were several minor ways he could have improved himself but he was in a hurry so he put his full force into it. Nesak was somewhat glad she had removed his clothes. It was always a mess whenever he changed.

The first power Nesak had ever developed was the power to understand objects and people just by concentrating on them. He wasn't as cautious as he was these days so he gathered several rare ingredients that he had figured out were good at absorbing magical properties and brewed them together. Once he had determined that the mixture was non-toxic, he had downed the drink with the idea that somehow the power from the ingredients would pass to him. That was a mistake. Without any guidance the mixture had caused somewhat chaotic effects. It didn't last long but Nesak found he was able to somewhat control the effects by using his power, though he always found his state of mind somewhat altered whenever he did it.

Nesak's right arm bulged and stretched, gaining a huge increase in muscular tissue. The left leg followed. It was excruciating and Nesak cried out in agony. He hadn't figured that the tentacles would have held like they were and in doing so, they cut into his flesh. His chest followed, then his other limbs. The last to grow was his head, oddly enough. He looked much different now. His skin now looked like gold was threaded throughout and he had sprouted a whole forest of antlers, sharp and dangerous-looking. He was also huge, larger than even an oni. His arms and legs were proportionally longer now as well. He glared at the alraune and stated, in an imperious tone "Release me now and we can continue our talk, little flower." If she was disinclined to listen to him, he would grab the vines and rip them from his limbs. He was prepared to continue their conversation, provided they could do it in a civil manner. If she attempted to use pollen or anything else on him, he would back off, trying to get out of range and find something he could throw at her.

Activating Transformation, with the Juggernaut option, paying more for that extra bit. I pay 13 EP now and take 2d6 + 13 damage. My upkeep is 5 EP. Trying to escape grapple.
Grapple is 26d10 (I think; Juggernaut confuses me)

Also, the gold skin and antlers are the 2 temporary mutations I paid for. Unfortunately, since I can only get 2, neither actually give any bonuses. They just look cool.
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Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

Nesak: HP = 20/43, PP = 44, EP = 91/95, Status = Fine, Aroused, Transformation X = Juggernaut, Upkeep = 5 EP

Pawn: 40 Body, 10 Mind, 35 Speed

Groumet, Chieftain of the Goldbloods
Reyna, Wife of the Chieftain
Breket, Warleader and First Son of Groumet going to be mad at Nesak
Phaeron, Shamanborn and Second Son of Groumet
Roruk the Coward, Third Son of Groumet prefers Roruk the Reasonable
Engren, Warrior and Fourth Son of Groumet
Ingta, Only Daughter of Groumet, twin with Engren
Verein, Great Hunter and Fifth Son of Groumet
Borss the Slovenly, Sixth Son of Groumet

Derng, Chieftain's Guard

(Will get text colors when they fucking earn them D:< )

Mysterious Frog Girl Bihl

Nesak takes 20 damage. His HP is not accurate, but I am leaving it as is unless it actually matters because I am a lazy derp.

Nesak's body surged in her grasp, bones snapping and reforming as muscle grew, fueled by ectoplasmic matter empowered by his very essence. He felt her release him about halfway through his transformation into a massive, antlered behemoth whose skin glowed like gold. When he turned to face the plant woman, however, he found himself confront nothing but empty air, and some disturbed earth at his feet. She had returned to the relative safety of her burrow before he could complete his transformation, leaving him unable to question her, though at least he was no longer subject to her molestations.
Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

Nesak chuckles and stands up, stretching. "Very well, little flower. Hopefully your next meal will not be as dangerous as I." He walks out of the field of flowers. As he does so, he changes back. Although this time he didn't hurt himself, it wasn't smooth. He was pretty sure he heard several bones forcibly *click* into place and his organs were pushed around quite a bit. The damage that had seemed so small a few moments ago was excruciating now. He didn't actually know that growing while restrained would cause him this much trouble. He was pretty sure that if someone decided to attack him at this moment, they would be able to take him out with their first blow. He pulled out the potion he had saved for this exact situation and gulped it down. The healing potion would do its work while Nesak looked for resources. At least he had gathered some information on what dangers lurked around here. He also wasn't going to indulged his curiosity: if he sensed danger, he would back off.
Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

Nesak: HP = 20/43, PP = 44, EP = 91/95, Status = Fine, Aroused

Pawn: 40 Body, 10 Mind, 35 Speed

Groumet, Chieftain of the Goldbloods
Reyna, Wife of the Chieftain
Breket, Warleader and First Son of Groumet going to be mad at Nesak
Phaeron, Shamanborn and Second Son of Groumet
Roruk the Coward, Third Son of Groumet prefers Roruk the Reasonable
Engren, Warrior and Fourth Son of Groumet
Ingta, Only Daughter of Groumet, twin with Engren
Verein, Great Hunter and Fifth Son of Groumet
Borss the Slovenly, Sixth Son of Groumet

Derng, Chieftain's Guard

(Will get text colors when they fucking earn them D:< )

Mysterious Frog Girl Bihl

(Don't forget to remove the potion from your inventory if you opt to use it.)

Nesak's search of the area would reveal not much of value. Nestled among the flowers around the alraune's grove were a few of medicinal value, perhaps half of what he needed to replace the healing potion he'd used. As he finished harvesting them, however, Bihl's voice would come from the nearby bushes; "Ahhh, there you are! I found some... Wha?"

She came out of the bushes, arms laden with wood and a sack filled with something, and stopped short. Nesak had never put his clothes back on, and even the pain of his transformations hadn't reduced the effects of the poison going through his system, leaving his member still painfully erect.... And in plain sight. "Nuts and wood.... Heheheh~" She fell into a fit of giggles, staring at his nudity, awkwardly raising a hand to cover her mouth, though after a few moments she said; "It's so.... Weird looking! I thought they looked different... I guess you're a different race though...."
Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

Nesak blushed fiercely, his face literally glowing, and quickly gathered his clothing. He jumped behind a bush to put his clothing back on. He tried to keep his voice calm. "Uh, just a second. There's, er, well, an alraune nearby. It, uh, ambushed me and... took off my clothing. It's in the middle of a field of flowers so be careful." He dressed quickly, trying to disguise the bulge, and stepped back out, his face still a little bright. "So, uh, just avoid it. I managed to, well, scare it into hiding underground but it might try and grab you if you get near." He put the herbal components in a small pouch. He could probably trade them for some money. Traders were not an unknown to him, as a few braved the swamps for special items and would sometimes come to the tribe.

Hoping to change the subject, Nesak gestured at the sack "What did you find?" Probably just water but Nesak was desperate for a new topic. He avoided asking about the firewood, though. That'd just make him look like a simpleton. As an afterthought, he used his magic to examine himself, trying to figure out how long this damned arousal drug would stay. He wasn't exactly comfortable as he was and if he had to move anywhere in a hurry he was going to be hampered. Hell, even traveling back to the camp would probably cause some major chafing. He did not look forward to it.

Removed and using Analyze.
Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

Nesak: HP = 20/43, PP = 44, EP = 91/95, Status = Fine, Aroused

Pawn: 40 Body, 10 Mind, 35 Speed

Groumet, Chieftain of the Goldbloods
Reyna, Wife of the Chieftain
Breket, Warleader and First Son of Groumet going to be mad at Nesak
Phaeron, Shamanborn and Second Son of Groumet
Roruk the Coward, Third Son of Groumet prefers Roruk the Reasonable
Engren, Warrior and Fourth Son of Groumet
Ingta, Only Daughter of Groumet, twin with Engren
Verein, Great Hunter and Fifth Son of Groumet
Borss the Slovenly, Sixth Son of Groumet

Derng, Chieftain's Guard

(Will get text colors when they fucking earn them D:< )

Mysterious Frog Girl Bihl

Nesak's hasty reaction to his embarrassment wouldn't free him from Bihl's giggling, but she would still nod carefully in response to his warning and keep away from the collection of flowers while the kobold could make himself decent once more. "Oh I wasn't kidding," she answered in open amusement, "they're just some nuts I found in a tree. Something nice to eat, even if we need to work for it a bit. There's a rock in there too. We can have some when you're, ahh.... Less distracted."

Her eyes flicked down to his still quite plainly visible erection once he stepped back into view, which created a bulge in his sparse garments, and she giggled again. His analysis wasn't particularly promising; shorn pollen was meant to last for hours, remaining in the lungs for some time, and it seemed like he'd have to put up with his arousal for some time. "So uhhh... Lets get back to camp then, I guess?"
Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

Who the hell created those damn Shorn weeds? Maybe he should learn how to project fire... after he learned how to heal himself of such things. In the mean time, he was just going to have to put up with it. Maybe he could have gotten himself off but Nesak, son of Groumet, chosen of Sadim, wasn't going to hide in some bushes and wank. He would just have to deal with it. "This? Oh, don't worry about it, I'll be fine. Let's just head back. We've still got some supplies. Maybe next time I'll have more luck." A few steps told Nesak that this was going to be torture. The pain wasn't doing anything to lessen his arousal. And the only outlet, other than masturbating, was... well, you know. Bihl was nice and all (for a Londorian) but he wasn't going to mate with one of them, even if it was uncomfortable for him. Even if she wasn't that disgusting, in fact she was fairly attractive an-

Nesak shook his head. It was obvious that his other head was trying to influence his thinking and he wasn't about to allow that. He shifted his clothing and cock in vain several times when they walked, trying to get more comfortable but it never worked. Eventually he sighed. He summoned another Pawn to ride him. This one was much smaller, probably the size of a human, and wasn't even as strong as Bihl, most likely. He couldn't ride on its shoulders, like he had for his other Pawn, so he designed a little perch on the back that he could sit on. Bihl could sit on it too, even if it would make for a tight squeeze. He also designed one of the shoulders to be larger and covered in soft moss for another perch. If he didn't do this he'd probably blister somewhere he really, really didn't want to blister and that would make it difficult to continue the trip. He had completely forgotten the lie he had told Bihl when he had first met her. "Bihl, you can ride on this one. I... uh... I can't keep walking like this."

Spending 1 EP for a 26 Body 4 Mind Mini-Pawn.
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Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

Nesak: HP = 20/43, PP = 44, EP = 90/95, Status = Fine, Aroused

Pawn: 40 Body, 10 Mind, 35 Speed
MiniPawn: 26 Body 4 Mind

Groumet, Chieftain of the Goldbloods
Reyna, Wife of the Chieftain
Breket, Warleader and First Son of Groumet going to be mad at Nesak
Phaeron, Shamanborn and Second Son of Groumet
Roruk the Coward, Third Son of Groumet prefers Roruk the Reasonable
Engren, Warrior and Fourth Son of Groumet
Ingta, Only Daughter of Groumet, twin with Engren
Verein, Great Hunter and Fifth Son of Groumet
Borss the Slovenly, Sixth Son of Groumet

Derng, Chieftain's Guard

(Will get text colors when they fucking earn them D:< )

Mysterious Frog Girl Bihl

Bihl's giggling would trail Nesak all the way back to their makeshift campsite, which blessedly wasn't far, as she simply elected to walk back but did place some of her gathered wood on the miniature pawn. When they got back, she went about setting up a small fire while Nesak was free to do as he wished. The rocky outcrop was shelter enough, and once some food was warmed and consumed there was little apparent to do besides rest with the coming night. His erection would bother him for hours, to varying degrees, and would make sleep - or concentration on other tasks he might wish to take before going to bed - more difficult.

However Nesak responded to his predicament, he would awake come the morning to his inert pawns, Bihl still snoozing, and a blessed lack of dangerous disturbances that had bothered them in the night. Rousing his traveling companion, re-summoning either one or both of his pawns, perhaps having another meal and clean up their camp. Before they left, however, Bihl would speak up, seemingly finished teasing him over his mishap the previous day; "The region we're heading into... It's supposed to be pretty dangerous. Not many of my people go this far North at all, but we're leaving the swamps... And in the forests there are supposed to be a lot of wolves. The talky, spear-having, sneaky kind that might try to kill us and eat us. Do you... Happen to have anything that might make sure we'll be harder to sneak up on?"
Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

Finally he could take it no longer. It was just too distracting. He waited until Bihil was busy (or at least wasn't paying too much attention... or had her back turned) and then went a little distance into the bush. It wasn't his proudest moment, as he jacked off. If he ever detailed his adventures, he wasn't going to write any part of this blasted event down. Once he had managed to salvage his concentration, if not his pride, he made his way back into camp and tried to pretend he hadn't left, even if Bihil's giggling made it clear it she had noticed. He dissolved the mini-pawn, as he didn't have any more use for it, letting it fall back into its component pieces.

While he was getting ready in the morning, Bihil posed her concerns to him and he thought. He scratched the back of his neck. "I don't have the power to do exactly that, no. I believe I could make myself slightly better at picking up on things but any more than that and I'd run out of energy very quickly. The Pawns wouldn't work, I've never made them able to notice more than some very basic things. In fact, they'd probably make more noise than we want. I'll do that first thing, at least."

This transformation was much less drastic than his previous one. He spent just a dash of energy to improve his body. He grew a few inches, filled out a little, and his senses sharpened just a tad. He adjusted his armor and the amulet to fit his new size better. He had done this a few times so it wasn't a problem. He dissolved his other Pawn as well and gathered his supplies. "I'm hoping that if we run into any, they'll be feeling more 'talky' and less 'killy'. If we get into trouble... I'll summon another Pawn or something stronger and we can run. Is that alright with you?" Nesak really wanted to make a direct bee-line for the mountain. He didn't want to lose his traveling complain but there wasn't a chance he was going to take a long detour just to avoid a little danger. He did have something in mind for a quick get-away but he was still filling out all the details and if he used it, anyone looking up would be able to spot him.

I drank the healing potion so I should be at full health.

Spending 1 (6-5) EP on Transformation, choosing Body to gain an extra trade die in Stealth and Perception as well as other benefits that aren't really useful right now. 0 Upkeep.
Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

Nesak: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 101/102, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 6, Upkeep = 0, 32/32 Temp HP

Groumet, Chieftain of the Goldbloods
Reyna, Wife of the Chieftain
Breket, Warleader and First Son of Groumet going to be mad at Nesak
Phaeron, Shamanborn and Second Son of Groumet
Roruk the Coward, Third Son of Groumet prefers Roruk the Reasonable
Engren, Warrior and Fourth Son of Groumet
Ingta, Only Daughter of Groumet, twin with Engren
Verein, Great Hunter and Fifth Son of Groumet
Borss the Slovenly, Sixth Son of Groumet

Derng, Chieftain's Guard

(Will get text colors when they fucking earn them D:< )

Mysterious Frog Girl Bihl

"...What'd you just do?" Bihl asked curiously after watching Nesak's slight transformation. Shrugging in response to his plan should they run into trouble, she nodded and replied; "Sure, that sounds good. I wasn't planning on standing and fighting if I could help it anyway!" His embarrassment - and brief escape to help alleviate it - aside, Bihl had mostly avoided teasing Nesak after her initial bouts of giggling, and so far seemed as if she was intent on letting the incident with the alraune pass into memory.

With their plans should they end up being attacked decided upon, the odd pair would set off. Despite her moist skin, Bihl didn't seem particularly bothered about leaving the swamps and heading into the somewhat drier forests. Such was only a part of the long journey between Nesak and the place shown in his visions, but a necessary stepping stone in his path.

The first few hours passed relatively uneventfully, with nothing encountered more dangerous than a squirrel that caused some twigs to drop onto them as it passed overhead. Eventually, however, Nesak and Bihl came upon a game trail. There were recent marks of a small pack of four legged, hooved creatures moving down the trail, heading towards the East, and the prints left by more humanoid feet - some with noticeable lupine pads and claws - following after them. As Nesak and Bihl examined the tracks, however, the sound of running water - and lots of it - would reach them through the trees, originating from somewhere to the Northwest.
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Re: The Never King (dragoon93041)

"I experimented with some magical mushrooms when I was younger. I managed to create an ability to make myself stronger if I put energy into it. Other things, like making Pawns, I learned over time. I can also create acid to spray at things to dissolve them, get information about things, and prevent someone else from using powers. That last one isn't really that helpful, though. I haven't run into anyone I can use it on. Did your tribe have any magic users at all?" He made sure he had everything before they headed out. Three would be more noticeable than two and the Pawn wasn't meant for stealth so he dissolved it as well and took the burden he had been using the Pawn to carry. At least he was stronger now.

When they arrived at the tracks, Nesak paused. The tracks following the prey animal were obviously the Wolfir and Nesak wanted nothing to do with them. Going to the water source would be helpful but it also meant heading towards were the Wolfir were. He had no idea if they had circled back or even if that meant they had an encampment in that direction. But it wasn't like he could account for everything. "Bihil, I think we should head for the water. We can refill our water and maybe even find something to eat for lunch. What do you think?" Nesak hadn't fished very often, he wasn't the best at it, but he had done it often enough to know how to do it. He was sure Bihil would be even better. She seemed far more equipped for dealing with the wilds than he did.
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Nesak: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 101/102, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 6, Upkeep = 0, 32/32 Temp HP

Groumet, Chieftain of the Goldbloods
Reyna, Wife of the Chieftain
Breket, Warleader and First Son of Groumet going to be mad at Nesak
Phaeron, Shamanborn and Second Son of Groumet
Roruk the Coward, Third Son of Groumet prefers Roruk the Reasonable
Engren, Warrior and Fourth Son of Groumet
Ingta, Only Daughter of Groumet, twin with Engren
Verein, Great Hunter and Fifth Son of Groumet
Borss the Slovenly, Sixth Son of Groumet

Derng, Chieftain's Guard

(Will get text colors when they fucking earn them D:< )

Mysterious Frog Girl Bihl

"Uhhh... Magic?" Bihl replied in surprise, "I don't... Even really know what that is.... I just thought you could like, do that stuff somehow. I dunno... I never really thought about it that much to be honest!" The intrinsic ability to convey intention such that other creatures could understand it despite speaking different languages innate to faeries didn't seem to work on concepts that the creature simply didn't understand at all. Very few of the formori had ever displayed any magical ability, and those which did had all seemed to possess a bit of foreign lineage.

"Sure!" She answered when it came time to decide on the direction of their travels, "Water seems like as good a destination as any for now!"

And so they would proceed, heading for the sound of water. The forest here was still relatively dense, with more undergrowth than tall trees that they had to scramble through. Bihl kept to the lower branches of the gnarled trees, allowing her to keep pace with Pan's enhanced frame, until eventually they came upon the source of the sound.

It was a waterfall. A huge one, easily a hundred feet across from the bank on which they stood to the opposite side, both with short cliffs between the nearest flat ground and the water. The waterfall curled inwards near the center, and a great pillar of glassy black stone jutted forth from the center of it. On the right was the river that fed the waterfall, a beautiful crystal blue corridor that ran off into the distance, while to the left, some hundred feet below, was the bottom of the waterfall which produced a rushing roar and an immense cloud of foamy mist. Rainbows streamed through the spraying water as the sunlight met it in mid air, everywhere save for beneath the great black monolith. Off in the distance, Nesak could see an artificial dock stretching out into the lower stretch of the river, in an eddy created by the widening of the river out into a large lake.

"Well... I don't think we're going to swim across this," Bihl declared sardonically, though then she glanced at Nesak and added; "So, what now? Head back to the hunting trail and see what we find there?"
"Magic is... well... it lets you do stuff you could normally not do using your own body. I actually don't know that much about it either. I know that what I do is somehow a different style of doing magic than what our shamans do but that's about it. " He was momentarily alarmed to realize that he couldn't even explain the basics of what he did to someone who didn't understand magic in the slightest. If he found a place where they knew more, he was going to try and learn about it enough to explain the basics at least.

The waterfall and raging rivers were a problem. It was pretty but it was also pretty annoying. There might as well been a huge wall on this side of the area. And this was right where they needed to go too. He saw the dock and sighed. If they went that way, they'd probably run into the Wolfir. But if they went back to the game trail, the same would happen. He shrugged. "We could follow the river until it reached the lake. We need to get around it somehow. But I'm betting we'll find company if we go there." He paused as he weighed their options. "Sure, let's head back to the game trail. We'll see if we find something that could help us get through the area."
Nesak: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 101/102, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 6, Upkeep = 0, 32/32 Temp HP

Groumet, Chieftain of the Goldbloods
Reyna, Wife of the Chieftain
Breket, Warleader and First Son of Groumet going to be mad at Nesak
Phaeron, Shamanborn and Second Son of Groumet
Roruk the Coward, Third Son of Groumet prefers Roruk the Reasonable
Engren, Warrior and Fourth Son of Groumet
Ingta, Only Daughter of Groumet, twin with Engren
Verein, Great Hunter and Fifth Son of Groumet
Borss the Slovenly, Sixth Son of Groumet

Derng, Chieftain's Guard

(Will get text colors when they fucking earn them D:< )

Mysterious Frog Girl Bihl
"We could always just swim, Bihl suggested, though it was a half hearted comment.

Returning to the hunting trail, Bihl slipped ahead a bit just before the reached it and then came back to stop Nesak from heading closer. "Hold up... Someone's coming down the path. At least two of the wolf-folk, carrying something heavy. What do you wanna do? They're heading towards the lake... We could wait and let them go by, or head back into the woods and try to go around them... Or I guess we could try talking to them, though uh... I don't really know how."
Nesak considered the flowing water with unease. "Maybe you can. I can barely keep pace with the rest of the hunting group. I'd rather try to make a Pawn big and strong enough to wade through it than attempt to swim myself."

"I can. All faeries can speak every language so if it comes down to it, we can try diplomacy. These would be their hunters, though, and if they felt we were trespassers they might get angry. And to tell you the truth, I've very limited knowledge of the wolfir.." Nesak wished that he knew more about the wolfir but he didn't. Didn't know a thing about them, other than what they looked like and even then it was more that he knew they had features of both a human and wolf. As a matter of fact, he probably couldn't even tell them apart from a werewolf... if there were any differences. Then he had a sudden, upsetting thought "Uhhh... you know, I think they may be able to smell us." He quickly set about trying to disguise their scent, then fled downwind with Bihil to try and wait while the hunters went by.
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