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The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

War Camp, West Side (Gargantua, Pheonix)

(Continued from Sen and Alice's exit.)

The light of the sun is about to break the horizon, and already many soldiers are up and about, some standing guard, while others scurrying, readying their gear for their next shift. A few have slowed their pace to take in the lovely sight of Hannibel and Nete, then hastening back to their duties.

As the two ladies exit the tent, Lt.Miles follows. "Wait," he calls out, "Didn't you want a tour?"
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B)

Triacca allowed herself a slight smile as she relaxed somewhat. Finally, some action which might fatten her pocketbook.

"Yes, sir. The Bulwark is ready for duty. However," her tone shifting from one of a military subordinate to that of a businesswoman, "We'll need to discuss the scope of this scouting contract... just how long and how far we're expected to travel within Mirafar's walls. Exploring the entirety of a monster-infested city would be a guarantee of hostile contact. I trust that your office to prepared to compensate accordingly?"
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B)

General Duke produces a torn shard of parchment and presents it to Triacca. "Up front, a salt brick, 30 copper flakes, and 15 ration coupons," he says bluntly, reciting the contents of the paper. He produces another parchment for her. "For the safe return of the scout after nine days, 30 brass slivers."

(This will satisfy your current forces needs, however, it will not allow you to improve either your wealth lever, or hire enough mercenaries to improve that resource level. If you want to expand, you may want to negotiate a better deal.
I advise against asking for silver or gold, though.)
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B)

So much for fattening her pocketbook, Triacca thought to herself.

Her smirk extended into a full grin. "Thirty brass for nine days? By the gods, General, that'd be a fair price if we were escorting the scout down a deserted road." She then leaned forward and spoke with more reservation. "If we're to go into a city that has likely claimed the lives of every other man you've sent in, seventy brass would be a far more reasonable sum."
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B)

Persuasion + Charisma. 5 dice rolled, 2 hits scored, plus a free hit for reputation.

"Seventy? That's more than double what I offered," the General responds, his narrowing in scrutiny. He pauses to think for a second before counter offering, "50 brass." One of his assistants produces scroll and hands it to him. Triacca catches a glimpse, it is a contract written in legal/military jargon.

(This is pretty much the best you can get...)
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Re: War Camp, West Side (Gargantua, Pheonix)

That wasn't me, I was just getting bored in there since we don't have enough knowledge of the area to make any real plans. My plans right now are to go out and at least do a check of the mines. Sen says before glanicng at Alice Was that you who wanted the tour?
Re: War Camp, West Side (Gargantua, Pheonix)

"Yes it was, Miss Valiere," Alice responds. "You'll come with, won't you? Come take stock of what resources we've got here in the camp, and all that."

"I would prefer to wait for Miss Silvers before we left, but I'm sure it'd be alright if she just met us at Pyynana's tent - we can go and gather what we'll need from the doctor's and the mess tent while she and the General speak." At this, Alice turns her head to look at the guard standing at the tent's flap, and says "You'll tell her that, won't you sir?"

(A perception check'll let me eavesdrop on Triacca, right? I try to do so, distractedly. So nosy. I'm totally not doing this just for the sake of rolling.)
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B)

Triacca stood up very straight and resumed her formal military tone.

"Very well, sir. The Bulwarks are at your service." She performed a quick salute.

She hoped the city itself would contain some riches to make this mission really worthwhile.
Re: War Camp, West Side (Gargantua, Pheonix)

Perception 6 + Auspex 4 + Intuition 4. 14 dice total, 3 automatic hits. (Which is pretty awesome.)

While the tent is made of thick material, Alice's keen sense easily pickup the gist of the conversation between Triacca and General Duke.

The addressed guard nods and taps his left fist to his chest. "Yes, Exalted." he confirms. On the other side of the main flap, his companion also salutes in unison.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B)

Logic 1 + Bureaucracy 2. 3 dice, 1 hit.

"All right," he responds, as he scribbles out some final details on the contract. He hands it to Triacca to sign, to which she finds the agreed payment, and no exploitable loopholes for which the General could screw her over with. Another of his assistants, this one sherry haired with green eyes, comes forward with a small pouch in one hand. "This is Lieutenant Rose," General Duke introduces.

"Exalted," salutes Lt.Rose, as she taps her chest above her modest breasts with her right fist. She produces a small scroll of parchment and offers it and the jingling pouch to Triacca "I am the administrative officer of the platoon the scout you are to escort is part of. His commanding officer, Captain Orly, is currently assigned to guard the Medical tent. You will present this scroll to him, as it contains his and the scout's orders."
Re: War Camp, West Side (Gargantua, Pheonix)

Fine, I just don't like waiting around. The only times I have waited around for a long stretch of time weren't exactly what you would call pleasant. Sen says with a slight shudder.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B)

Triacca nods to the lieutenant as she takes the pouch and parchment from her. Glancing around and seeing only the bustle of administrators, she gives a final salute and steps out of the command tent.

After taking a few steps into the cold air she then opens the jingling pouch, ensures that the initial payment is all there, and dumps the contents into her primary belt pouch. Redeeming those coupons could wait for now. She had a more pressing issue... her medicine called to her.

Triacca stepped briskly towards where she had left her supply wagon. She spotted her two mercenaries before the wagon itself: Azun, stern-faced and motionless as always, and Trevan aimlessly pacing around. They greeted her but she paid them little heed as she reached into the wagon and seized a small green box, pulling the lid off and hastily reaching in. She produced a small object, no bigger than her thumb − Heartsfire.

It was a single berry wrapped in two multicolored herb leaves. She tossed it into her mouth and punctured the berry with her sharp tooth, savoring the sweet burning sensation as the juice was slowly freed into her mouth. A few moments later she chewed and finally swallowed the concoction, eyes fluttering as she did so.

She glanced to her side and noticed that Trevan had been watching her with rapt attention. "You seem to enjoy that more every time Miss Triacca Ma'am," he blurted out. She furrowed her brow and turned away.

Trevan was almost a foot shorter than Triacca, a few years younger and with boyish features. He fancied himself a ladies' man but rarely had any success in the taverns the Crimson Bulwark had come across. He was however one of the best bowmen Triacca had ever seen, and so she kept him around despite his sometimes irritating behavior.

Azun was tall, dark-skinned and in his late thirties. He seldom spoke and smiled even less frequently. He could usually be found leaning on his pike, scanning the horizon during the day or staring at the stars at night. He had traveled with Triacca longer than any other single merc, and she knew she could trust him both in and outside a battle.

"Good news, boys," Triacca spoke. "We've gotten ourselves a contract from the General himself. The pay's mediocre, we'll be creeping face-first into a nest full of monsters, and we'll have to protect some helpless scout the entire time. A real vacation." The other two mercenaries looked at each other incredulously. "However, it gets us into the city, and gods only know what sort of goodies lie within. So hopefully we'll end up doing some salvaging on the side."

Triacca decided to look through the supply cart, taking note of their current supplies. And there was also the scroll of parchment she was to take to Captain Orly. If there was no seal, she could easily take a peek and ensure there weren't any "surprise" objectives of this mission.
Re: War Camp, West Side (Gargantua, Pheonix)

Alice nods. "Fair enough".

"Oh, by the way, these are my friends. My attendants Hannibel and Nete, and the bodyguard I mentioned earlier, Daz. Daz, this is Sen Valiere, another Exalted we'll be working with."

Daz, having got up when they walked out of the tent, sticks out his hand in greeting. "Pleasure ta meetcha."

"Well, if you want to head out, I suppose we should get going. Lieutenant Miles? ...Er, was that Silvers just leaving?"
Re: War Camp, West Side (Gargantua, Pheonix)

Hopefully, this is a good meeting as well. Sen replies to Daz, grasping his hand with hers and shaking it slightly before a sent of bacon from the nearby cooking fires causes the metallic centipede on her arm to start making odd chattering sounds. Letting go of Daz's hand, Sen lifts her wrist, and with it the centipede's head, to near her face. Stop that. You never eat the bacon if it's offered anyways. She says to the magical artifact before putting her arm back at her side. Sorry about that. Anyway, Sen glances in the direction of where Alices is pointing, yeah, I guess that is her. Do you want to go grab her and her people to go exploring, or do you want to only have to deal with me?
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B)

An occasional glance would follow Triacca as she briskly passed through the camp, as well as the glimpse of the other exalted chatting just outside the command tent. Few women take up the warrior professions, and Triacca's beauty is a freshing sight.

The two mercenaries brightened at the mentioning of work. Fighting across the world wasn't as profitable as working out of a stronghold, since they didn't have local reputations, and jobs were non-existent in the trek across the Mirafar highlands, travelling in the wake of army. Truth be told, Triacca would not have been able to pay them if the others hadn't quit on way.

"Wonderful news, ma'am," exclaimed Trevan, holding a thumb up. Azun merely nodded in approval. Trevan's grin widens as he fantasizes about what he'll do with his share later on.

Once at her waggon, she finds her loyal troop have unpacked and pitched her and their tents, with plenty of empty space between them and the rest of the camp. The waggon, depressingly bare, holds but a few of crates. One filled with all kinds of melee weapons from fallen foes or purchased from blacksmiths, another with miscellaneous tools and Triacca's medicine brewing kit. One holding the chronicles of previous battles and missions, all in boring point note form. The last three each belonged to each member of the Crimson Bulwark. Triacca's, Azun's box of broken weapon shards, and Trevan's treasure hoard from his successful 'missions'.

The scroll in unsealed. Peeking in the orders reveals that the Captain Orly is to provide a single member of his unit to be transfered to lone operations with Triacca and crew as escort. The scout will be ordered to be accompanied at all times for safety reasons, and may not have any say as to where he will go, since his safety is not his concern. It also orders the captain to eat the scroll after reading.
Re: War Camp, West Side (Gargantua, Pheonix)

"Ah... let's go grab her first. It'd be best if neither of us have to wait for the other.

"She went that way," Alice says, pointing in the direction she disappeared in. "Come on, everyone. Lieutenant Miles."

"Good day, you two," she says as they start off, waving an absent-minded goodbye at the two guards at the tent.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B)

(I was wondering how much money, food supplies and Heartsfire drug is stockpiled. Would now be a good time to go purchase/gather herbs?)

Eat the scroll? This regiment had some odd policies, Triacca thought to herself.

Having mostly free reign on where to go with this scout would was fortunate, so Triacca decided to go grab him soon. Depending on his knowledge of the camp he could act as a guide, and if not she would simply have her mercenaries babysit him until they were ready to embark on their mission.

Triacca glanced up and noticed a small band of people approaching. It looked like the other Exalted and their cohorts.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

The other Exalted catches glimpses of Triacca as they pursue, her pace and the now active camp making it difficult. They lose sigh of her, then find her again in an open space next to a few tents and a wagon.

Then everyone notices that Lt.Miles isn't with them.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

Exasperated, Alice breathes out a long sigh. "Did you really need to rush off like that, Miss Silvers? Now our guide is gone. At this rate it'll be nightfall before we head out."

"At any rate, I would appreciate it if you'd come with us. We should go speak to this Pynana General Edwards mentioned, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to see if we could scare up anything useful from the mess tent and the doctor's. Lunch and bandages, you know."

"I'd like to walk back to the General's tent to see if we can find Lieutenant Miles again, but if not we should really just find the places on our own."
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

Triacca briefly explains to the other Exalted the terms of her contract.

"...And so I'm off to see this Captain Orly in order to procure my scout. Provided that he isn't as lost as any of us, I'll see to it that he plays the role of that Miles fellow and shows us around. Don't fret too much about losing him."