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The Oil Arena

Re: The Oil Arena

Stats, round start
Alex: HP = 57, PP= 33/44, EP = 67, Status = Grappled, Clothing Shifted, Voluntary Pleasure Resistance Drop = 8
Alice: HP = 18/37, PP = 8/45, EP = 46/108, Status = Grappled, Clothing Shifted, Dark Armor X = 12
Initiative: Alex = 7, Alice = 13

Alice's Grapple: Unopposed
Pleasure: 5 + 8 + 1 = 14.

Alex's Grapple: Not going to bother rolling with Dark Armor deactivated.
Pleasure: 3 + 10 + 4 + 8 - 12 = 13 pleasure. Orgasm.
Damage: 6

Alex wins again!

Alice sort-of wins. In a way.
Stats, round end
Alex: HP = 57, PP= 19/44, EP = 67, Status = Grappled, Clothing Shifted, Voluntary Pleasure Resistance Drop = 8
Alice: HP = 12/37, PP = 45, EP = 46/108, Status = Grappled, Clothing Shifted, Stunned by Orgasm
Re: The Oil Arena

Alice was encouraged by the quiet noises of pleasure she drew out of Alex, at least confident in the knowledge that she was making the dragon feel good. Soon she could feel her opponent's finger slowly pumping inside of her ass, though, and the shivers of pleasure grew more powerful, the blind girl starting to make her own moans, much louder than Alex's. She still kept up her attentions to the warrior's chest, her fingers now rolling and pinching the dragon's still nipples between them, replicating the feelings she had been given earlier in her opponent, but she was quickly losing this battle. Alex's finger began to thrust quicker and deeper with each passing moment, the new sensation swiftly building her pleasure, and it wasn't long before the blind girl let out a squeal of ecstasy, kicking her frail legs back as her toes curled in her orgasm. For a few moments Alice shivered and shook in the dragon's strong arms, still held just off the ground, before she continued groping the warrior's breasts, whispering "I'm sorry, so far I've selfishly hogged all the pleasure for myself. I'm not up for trying that again, but if you'll just lay back for a bit I'll do my best to finally pay you back."
Re: The Oil Arena

For a few moments the warrior felt her own knees starting to go weak. The attention being paid to her chest was an almost exact copy of how she attacked Alice earlier, and had Alice understood just how inexperienced Alex was she could guess that the dragon had touched the girl exactly how the dragon herself like to be touched. The gentle massage, the palms pressing and brushing against her nipples, the pinching and pulling that centered on her excited little peaks, they were all techniques that had proven to drive the warrior women wild with need.

But just as she feared it didn't last. Alice could no longer resist the pleasure being forced into her previously untouched rear, and the moment the girl started to squeal Alex pressed herself against the shadowmancer and nearly swallowed that open mouth with her own. Every cry the human made was fed directly into the dragon that nearly smothered her, and every shiver and spasm she made could be felt crawling against Alex's skin. It was exciting and frustrating to feel the girl cum a second time, and if this match were to end without Alex finding her own release she would at least etch these sensations into her mind so she could take care of herself in private.

Once Alice finally came down from her sexual high the dragoness was far too worked up for her own good. But when the girl offered her apology and swore she would try to return the favor Alex practically moaned with unbridled lust. "Oh god, please not another match..." She leaned back again and brought the pair crashing to the arena floor once again. The landing was not all that comfortable just as it was last time, but right now she just didn't care. "If I had to watch you cum a third time I think I'd go mad..."
Re: The Oil Arena

As Alice came, her strong opponent held her tightly to her body, locking lips with the blind girl as she shivered on top of her. It was a feeling and a moment she would remember and treasure for a long time afterward; a feeling of both intense pleasure and passion, and at the same time warmth and safety as she was wrapped up in the dragon’s powerful arms. When she had recovered from her orgasm and made her offer to return the favor she could almost feel Alex’s arousal coming through the warrior’s voice as she flopped the two of them back onto the ground, the oil splashing up around the two of them a bit, and she couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. "Don’t worry, I’ll return as much of the pleasure you’ve given to me as I can" she said, adjusting herself on top of her opponent and considering her options.

Alice quickly settled on beginning to tease the dragon’s chest again; after all, it had seemed to be quite effective earlier. A frail hand palmed each ample breast as well as it could, thin fingers gently kneading the soft flesh as the well-oiled palms of her hands rubbed against the warrior’s stiff nipples. The hands worked slow circles around Alex’s orbs, the circles getting tighter with each pass until finally her fingers caught the dragon’s stiff peaks between them, gently pinching them and rolling them between the digits. The blind girl was glad for the oil, which made all of her actions seem a little more skilled, and gave her the confidence to be more firm and assertive with her motions, knowing that it would be more difficult to cause discomfort to her subject with the wonderful substance. She relished every little sound of pleasure that she drew from Alex, each little moan and shiver increasing her confidence further.

Eventually Alice decided that she had teased her former opponent enough, and her right hand slowly began to trail down the dragon’s body, her fingers gliding over the slick flesh of her stomach as she leaned in for a kiss. As their lips locked and their tongues met, the blind girl’s hand found its target, her fingers carefully tracing the edges of Alex’s sex, teasing her labia as her other hand kept up the attention to the dragon’s chest. Unfortunately she hadn’t been able to pick up any new tricks in this department, so her own technique would have to do. As two of her fingers teased Alex’s lower lips, a third slipped between them, gently rubbing the length of the dragon’s slit. After a few rubs her thumb reached back, searching for and gently pressing down on the dragon’s engorged clit, rubbing it in a small, subtle circle. This was the way she had developed over the years to arouse herself, and though the target of her attentions likely didn’t need any help with her arousal, Alice still felt that she should do her best to take Alex as high as she could.

Even so it didn’t take long for the blind girl to decide that the dragon was ready for more. The finger that had been stroking Alex’s slit slipped into her well-lubed pussy suddenly and with almost no resistance, quickly seeking out a few of the more sensitive parts of the dragon’s inner walls she had found earlier to rub against. Slowly Alice began to piston her finger in and out, ending each thrust with a flourish against Alex’s inner walls, as her attentions to the warrior’s clit increased, the rubbing the little nub a bit faster and harder with her thumb. She continued to kiss the dragon with passion, her left hand flying between her breasts, tweaking each of her nipples in turn, groping the soft, yielding flesh, wishing she could see the look on Alex’s face for herself. Eventually the blind girl slipped a second finger into the dragon’s pussy, rubbing her soft insides furiously with each thrust, her thumb twirling atop the warrior’s pleasure button ever faster until she finally came.
Re: The Oil Arena

Those hands returned... Alice focused her attention on her partner's chest once again, and as the dragon laid herself out she let out little sighs and moans as the girl quite eagerly turned Alex's technique back against her. And she loved it. Those hands massaged and kneaded her more ample mounds, and the oil being worked into her skin only made her that much more sensitive. It felt like her nipples were being dragged across Alice's palms, and as those fingers started to trace a closing circle around them Alex could only feel like her peaks tightening even further until those fingers finally pinched and trapped them. The dragon's slight panting turned into a more forceful cry of pleasure as the tips of her breasts were attacked, and with each roll and twist she gave a small yelp that would have sounded like she was in pain had she not arched her back and forced Alice to grip her a little more tightly.

For what felt like a blissful eternity Alex simply laid back and presented her body while Alice lavished her attention upon her sensitive chest. She felt like she was a goddess being worshiped, a being of such grand design that mortals throw themselves at her just to shower her with their gifts of pleasure, but then something changed. Alice wanted something more, and though the warrior felt that hand sliding across her stomach the lips that suddenly graced her own was far more enticing. The moment the girl leaned forward for her kiss Alex melted into the embrace. The moment those fingers started to tease her sex let out a needy moan that was only stifled by the tongue wrestling with her own. The moment the searching thumb pressed against and barely circled her engorged crown Alex whined into that open mouth and wrapped her arms around the body that lay atop her. She pulled the blind woman close, both of their bodies suddenly getting mashed together while the dragoness opened her mouth wide and completely surrendered herself to the girl's affections. She couldn't help but give in to the sudden intimacy of what they were sharing. Intimacy was her fetish, that pure and unadulterated connection between two people was what her body and soul craved, and even if Alice's modest strength would never let her work Alex's body as well as anyone else could Alex would say that this would be one of the greatest experiences she would ever have in her entire life.

But that didn't mean her body wouldn't react. On the contrary, the intimacy they shared made her body all the more receptive. That was why her legs parted on her own as that teasing finger finally began to delve deeper, and with each little brush against her more sensitive spots it made that powerful body shudder and squeal in delight. Her hips began to move in time with the slow thrusts that followed, and in no time at all Alice would feel Alex rolling herself faster and faster as the attention on her little love button grew. She was quickly barreling to glorious release, and the addition of the second finger to her hungry pussy left her moaning like a common whore.

The hand pulling on her erect nipples, the fingers pounding at her soft inner folds, the thumb working her nub into a frenzy that left her writhing within her lover's care, that mouth that continued to swallow every single cry and moan she made, it was all too much. There was too much pleasure being forced into the dragon's overworked body, and without any way to relieve her tension her resistance finally broke. Her body froze as cried with passion, her entire frame arching as if it were having a small seizure before her hips starting bucking against the motion of those fingers. Alex rode her orgasm as best she could, every inch of her wanting to prolong the pleasurable sensations she felt until her body finally gave out and collapsed back onto the oily floor. But her lips never left Alice, and even as her body finally started to relax Alex rose an arm to hold the back of the girl's head so she could properly show just how much she appreciated what they both just shared.
Re: The Oil Arena

When Alex cried out in pleasure and arched up her body, Alice felt a somewhat strange sense of joy. It was wonderful to be able to give this sort of pleasure to another person, and she was rapidly becoming quite enamored with this dragon. She continued to thrust her fingers into the warrior's spasming pussy, her thumb rubbing furiously at her engorged clit as those hips bucked up into her, seeking even more pleasure. The blind girl muffled all of Alex's ecstatic cries with her mouth, continuing to kiss the dragon passionately, until finally her arched body collapsed back to the ground.

Alice went about withdrawing her fingers very slowly, continuing to give Alex gentle stimulation; she had found over the years that it always made the afterglow that much better if she didn't just stop her attentions to herself abruptly, and she hoped it would be the same for the dragon. Just as she had finished, though, Alex began to kiss her more deeply, and a hand came up to hold the back of her head, pulling them tightly together. Her own hands wandered to the dragon's back and waist, rubbing tenderly as she pressed herself as close and tight as she could with her partner; Alex would be able to feel Alice's heart pounding in her chest, the blind girl's face flushed as more than just appreciated welled up inside her... It wasn't long before the two were poofed onto the beach again, though she would have no way of knowing that as her body rested entirely on the dragon's.