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The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

Re: Corruption (Jillian)

She gestures at Jillian with her hand, "When we go rescue the townsfolk, you should look into that boy with the curly blond hair," she chuckled, "He was a cutie! And he's a good cook too! He's right up yer alley!"

Waving her hand, Beatrice stops herself from continuing to tease, "On the subject of saving everyone, what say you? Think you're ready to take on a full fledged demon with that little gadget now?"
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian splutters into her food when Beatrice blithely suggests marrying some random human. Her progress at draining the bowl is halted, momentarily, while she coughs and clears her throat, which gives Beatrice time to move on after her little bit of fun.

"I'm not sure I even understand how to make it work! Cynthia said it was for people with 'strong souls, but no magical talent', but she didn't get to saying how I use it. She said she'd help with that, after I eat breakfast."
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Beatrice slams her hoof down, "Then get some bloody talent!" she shouted, "Eat your breakfast, and then be on your way. Who knows what horrors our comrades are being forced to endure." she reminds her.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

When Beatrice stomps her hoof down, Jillian starts, the bowl in her hands bouncing. Fortunately, there's only a little soup left, which doesn't spill, and she hastily finishes it.

"All right, all right, I'm going! It's just... me, a centaur, learning magic? It's just so, so, strange..." So saying, she plops her bowl down by the pot, and goes back inside Cynthia's tower, heading to the room where she'd last seen the crow tengu.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

"Exactly what I said to the bird," Beatrice tells Jillian as she sets the bowl down, and trots into the tower. "Oi! Keep yer head on yer shoulders!" Beatrice shouted to her, before losing sight of her. And upon entering the tower again, on the second floor, where Cynthia had prepared the tea, she was standing off to the side some ways, closer to a large paned window, with plenty of walking space, even for a centaur.

"Jillian..." Cynthia called out Jillian's name, standing straight, with her red eyes focusing on the centaur directly, "... Do you feel ready...?" she inquired.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian holds her arm out in front of her, eyeing the bracelet critically. Having it on for the past hour or so has gotten her more used to bearing it, so she no longer stares at it as though it were a snake wrapped around her wrist.

"Not really, but... I can't think of any way to feel more ready, so... no time like the present?"

She can't resist a quick glance around the room, wondering if Eilsah will be watching or not.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Looking up, on top of a small ledge, a mostly nude Eilsah, wearing a black set of bra and panties, was looking down at Jillian quietly. Giving her a small wave, she looked to Cynthia as the raven haired Tengu began to speak. "We will begin now." she announced, "If you feel comfortable, please grab the ornament dangling from your bracelet. Then, close your eyes, and try to focus on the grip of your hand around it. Try to see without looking, the power concentrated inside of it."
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

(Oooh, has Eilsah learned to fly with her wings? Or is the ledge not that far up? :p)

Spotting Eilsah, Jillian smiles and waves back, then returns her attention to Cynthia.

Following her instructions, she takes hold of the handle, the bracelet gently tugging at her wrist, making it feel as though she'd grabbed her own finger instead of a decoration. She takes a deeper breath, then closes her eyes, concentrating on the feelings within her hand.

A breath, two, and then her eyes fly open in surprise. In her mind's eye has formed a mental image of the flames from earlier, no longer engulfing her arm, but somehow within it, banked and constant instead of blazing. Their warmth somehow transfers into her gripping hand, making it tingle as it holds onto the bracelet.

The lapse in concentration causes the imagery to fade, and Jillian's mouth works as she looks at the bracelet in surprise.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

(She can fly, she can fly, she can flyyy!)

A small smile appears on Cynthia's face. "You've realized on your first attempt," she announced to her, seeming a little surprised herself, "I did not plan on you learning so quickly. I deeply apologize for not realizing your potential, Jillian. The chances of you rescuing your friends are even greater than I had predicted." she told her, showering Jillian with congratulation and praise.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian blushes, gently scuffing a hoof along the floor. "Well, um, thank you, but I don't see how making my hand all tingly is gonna help... I guess I'm supposed to do something, then, once I'm ready and tingly?"

She takes hold of the bracelet again, prepared for further instruction.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

"Mmm," Cynthia nodded, "Yes, that sensation is the magic of your soul concentrating on that area. In desperation, I noticed the longing for such a weapon, caused a vague shape to materialize in your hand. If you focused it, you could use very real, very accurate weapons, instead of vague concepts. Now~" she raised her wing in Jillian's direction.

"Perform as you did before, summon the sensation, and focus it on a mental image. You do not need color, you only need the grasp of the weapon's dimensions. Then, draw the weapon, imagining the knob of the bracelet as the hilt, from your body, until it becomes crystal clear."
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

After the praise of earlier, Jillian doesn't focus nearly so carefully, gripping the bracelet and quickly feeling the heat build. A minute goes by... two...

Focus on 'a weapon'... arrgh, I can't seem to remember what my weapons feel like! Jillian lifts up her head, sheepishly looking about for inspiration. Her eyes light upon Eilsah, casually swinging her feet from her perch.

Eilsah... dang, I'm still sorry about nabbing her tail this morning...

In fact, she can almost feel it, squirming around in her hand...
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Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Suddenly, Cynthia's eyes went a little wider, blinking with what appeared to be either shock or interest, while Eilsah's mouth dropped, a quiet scream leaving her mouth, as they both stared at the pink tail worming around in Jillian's hand.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

(I LIVE! And now that I've gotten here, I've got no idea why I thought it'd be cute to do.)

Jillian looks down to realize that the twitching in her hand is not just a passing memory. She lets out a yelp of her own, reflexively opening her hand, and the tail drops to the ground, disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"I- er- wha- how- I only got distracted for a minute!"
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Eilsah shakes her head, before her hands go to her mouth, she makes a heaving motion, as if suppressing the urge to throw up at the sight of her own dismembered tail. Cynthia reacts a little differently, eyes wide, staring at Jillian, blinking once, and only once, before speaking to her in a whisper. "Jillian... Perhaps... Your mind is elsewhere?" she asked her, "If you would like some more time before your lessons, to calm whatever's troubling you, I will postpone my teaching for a time."
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

"I, um... maybe that would be best..." Jillian can't help but look worriedly upwards as Eilsah's shoulders continue to heave.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Cynthia nodded, and glanced up to Eilsah, not speaking a word, before turning, and heading back towards the stairs. Immediately following, Eilsah leapt from a height that would normally break her legs, before her wings started to flap, and soften her landing. It appeared she was getting used to them.

She ran over to Jillian with a quickened pace, before stopping in front of her. "Jillian... W-what was that about?" Her cheeks flushed pink, "Of all things... My tail!? It was embarrassing enough this morning..." She pouted to the centaur.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

((Bleah, post.))

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I couldn't think of anything, and then I looked up for inspiration, and saw you, and, um, remembered this morning... that's all..." Jillian looks sheepish, scuffing a hoof on the floor and weaving her fingers together.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Eilsah groaned with depression, her upper body hanging forward with lethargy. "Jillian... You're unbelievable..." she told her four legged companion. But, she let out a sigh, and approached her, putting a hand to Jillian's shoulder. "It's a lot of pressure... I know, and I wish the whole thing with you learning how to use magic... Really, it's a lot to expect from someone so quickly."
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

((I post, poorly, but in a reasonable timeframe.))

"I know, but like Beatrice said, we don't know what they're doing with the townsfolk, and, and, and..." Jillian trails off, going red-faced again.

"But hey, you seem to be getting the hang of your wings!" She waves her hands around, in the general direction of the limbs in question.