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The OOC Thread

Re: The OOC Thread

I have no idea, but I'm going to imagine that's related to the grim bawwwfest that is most likely Castle Amber at this time.

I'm also going to have to post this, because duh:
Re: The OOC Thread

Sorry I been away for a bit everyone, but from three hospital trips from a recurring and very persistant migrane, housework (Which I'm still doing trying to do as I type BTW) and the release of RE:ORC/ Saints Row 3 final DLC, ME3's Operation: Goliath, and a double xp weekend... Time has been kinda stretched very thin lately...

Ill try to get a post out asap
Re: The OOC Thread

Sorry to hear about the migraines, MBS, those things suck royally. And I understand the temptation of those distractions as well. Thanks for checking in.
Re: The OOC Thread

Regarding pictures, I found one I like, but my Paint skills aren't adequate to the task of removing the other person from the picture without leaving the edges jagged. Suppose I could just find a different one....
Re: The OOC Thread

If you couldn't crop it, presumably you could just point at it and say "so my guy looks like this dude", no?

Alternatively, the other guy is suddenly an NPC possibly maybe!
Re: The OOC Thread

Depending on your computer, there may be a snipping tool that can crop it, but it's really okay if there are other characters in the picture. It's just so we can get an idea of Bator.
Re: The OOC Thread

If you really wanted I could try and crop it down, I have access to Photoshop. Can't guarantee it'll be super clean depending on the image but it's better than paint.
Re: The OOC Thread

Honk. It's hardasfuck to pretend I know my siblings when I uh, don't know shit about their personalities and stuff. :V

Therefore, I totally propose we try to into characterization within here, or something. Personalities, what we spent our time doing, pre-game history that others would know about, that sorta thing. ...Mostly personalities.

I'll start, though I'm probably not going over anything new here. My character concept was pretty well broadcast, hurr.

Princess Dubiel, the Bard! (GargantuaBlarg)
A sweet and noble girl, that doesn't care for yon political machinations and whatnot, and fucked off from that shit to ye theatre, where she sings and performs in plays and whatnot. Sheltered, as royalty that fritters time away being a thespian suggests. Well known shapeshifter, bard, wears a silly hat all the time.

Also, numbers! Conveniently organized into one place.



Specific numbers, since I'm pretty sure that's still important. Like, for when the gap between being good at swords is 12 and 14, and 12 and 32

Rank 1 - Bator 56
Rank 2/3 - Svaltus/Vaelus 45
Rank 4 - Even 31
Rank 5 - Vivianna 25
Rank 6 - Dubiel 9

Rank 1 -- Prince Even 40
Rank 2 -- Princess Dubiel 20
Rank 2 -- Prince Svaltus 20
Rank 4 -- Prince Bator 16
Rank 5 -- Prince Vaelus 3
Chaos Rank -- Princess Vivianna -10

Rank 1 -- Princess Dubiel 50
Rank 2 -- Prince Even 49
Rank 3 -- Prince Svaltus 35
Rank 4 -- Prince Bator 31
Rank 5 -- Princess Vivianna 30
Rank 6 -- Prince Vaelus 19

Weapon Skill
Rank 1 -- Prince Even 52
Rank 2 -- Prince Vaelus 51
Rank 3 -- Prince Bator 34
Rank 4 -- Prince Svaltus 20
Princess Dubiel - Amber Rank
Princess Vivianna - Amber Rank

Rank 1 -- Princess Vivianna - 60
Rank 2 -- Prince Vaelus - 37
Rank 3 -- Prince Svaltus - 20
Rank 4 -- Princess Dubiel - 13
Prince Even - Amber Rank
Prince Bator - Amber Rank

Presumably at some point I will shove the other auction in here, but for now I am a lazy shit and don't want to. <_>
Re: The OOC Thread

Yeah, that's fair.

NPC'd Sibling:

Vaelus - Proud, chip on his shoulder, cold towards Olin, very much cares for the Queen Eileen, not a fan of what he considers the "bastards" which is basically anyone not born from his same mother - with one notable exception, Jules, who was born from his mother's sister.


Prince Jules, the Castellan of Amber - Treats Vaelus like is very own big brother, moreso than his actual brothers do. Dedicated to the Queen and to his home Shadow of Ulmf. A bit of a romantic. Perhaps a bit to idealistic.

Princess Wanda, Steward of Amber - Diplomat, workaholic, champion of democracy and civil rights. Jaded.

Prince Edric, Lord Marshal of Amber's Armies. Dour. Rigid. Cold. Your perfect soldier. Traditionalist.

Prince Gamon, Admiral of the North. Loud, Gregarious, Confident, Show-off, Trusting, Brave. Can't stand Siobhan.

Princess Siobhan, Admiral of the South. Dashing, Foolhardy, Calculating thrillseeker, Swashbuckler. Detests Gamon.

Princess Rhone, Warden of Arden. Reserved. Isolated. Naturalist. Wanderlust. Appreciates beauty. Very dismissive of those she doesn't know, but kind to the few she does.
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Re: The OOC Thread

This is a good idea. >_>

Vivianna - Famed tactician, though never known to be any good at physical combat. Spent most of her time off who knows where with her Grandfather or conversing with the King's favourite Mistress. Whenever she wasn't off adventuring through the shadow's, she made a point to spend time with any of her siblings that were willing, playing games, running around shadows, whatever they were into. She has never been quiet about her love for her family and her disdain of death in general, and probably hasn't ever been vocal about disliking anyone in particular when it comes to her family.
Re: The OOC Thread

Well that's two PCs who have claimed no malice or rivalry with anyone.


Booooooring. :D
Re: The OOC Thread

Heh! Prince Even has both in spades.
An accomplished warrior and veteran of many conflicts in Shadow (but always on the front lines, never as a general in the war room), Even is a force to be reckoned with, particularly in close combat. He finds meaning on the battlefield, at the junction of life and death. Even is typically serious, but watch out for his sense of humor--it can be rather morbid, like that of a doctor's or that of someone who has otherwise seen much death. One thing he values above all is honesty; anything he perceives as trickery or backstabbing is not looked highly upon by him. While he understands battlefield tactics, it's still overridden by his idealistic nature, which explains his tendency towards straightforwardness.

Despite being your consummate soldier, Prince Even believes in change. He is not beyond replacing rulers or regimes by force if it is to serve what he perceives as a higher purpose. He is not particularly fond of the current Queen for very personal reasons.
Re: The OOC Thread

Apologies for not posting for so long, I have had neither the time nor the will necessary to write anything. Now that things have settled somewhat, I should be good to go again.

Prince Bator - Aloof, distant, slow to anger. Treats his family (even Olin) with the respect accorded their position as royalty, if not the kinship warranted by their blood. Dismissive of the idea of democracy, as peasants know nothing of the Pattern. Mistrustful of the denizens of the Chaos planes, due to the many campaigns Olin waged against them. Believes that a King should behave properly and be forthright; as such, he has little taste for intrigue.
Re: The OOC Thread

No problem, I've been busy too, and I was sorta waiting for all the posts to come in so I can get timing right.

Anyways, expect posts to be answered soon.
Re: The OOC Thread

Sorry for the delay here, had a lot come up. I'll get a post out soon though.
Re: The OOC Thread

It's okay Farren. So long as most of us keep chuggin' along. this'll keep going.