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The Pit


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Pit

"Yeah? Wanna put that to the test, fucktoy?" Rane answered hotly.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Pit

"Fine then." Nyx glared at Rane, optics filled with contempt. "If you are this eager to fall, I shall oblige. I suppose I could give Beraku a present for helping me with the training. Hope he won't break you after I'm done beating stupidity out of you, slut."



King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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Re: The Pit

Walking towards the infirmary, Hitomi comes the sight of two other competitors starting to get into a row. A cute robot girl and a lovely tanned woman. She hopped those two would have with their spar and let off some steam. Commander knows that a good fight gets her loosened up in all the right ways.

But right now she needs to meet with the medics and give them a baseline for giving her future treatments. (Hitomi talks to the Nurse.)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

"Yeah, we'll see how much fun he has with a second turn on you. Assuming they don't just toss you in the scrap heap when I'm done!"



Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

After her training session Kamui would head over to the enlisting station to enlist for a match against her first opponent, "I'm ready to face me first opponent, I'm getting restless sitting around my cell, I need to blow off some steam! Who here wants to take me on!?" She lays out an open challenge to all takers.

((Enlist for a match against first available PC))
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Returning from her match with Nyx, Rane went to take a bath, cleaning off her own blood and trying to make her face a little more presentable. Then she went to rest, and then to train, readying herself for more matches.

(Spend dem points on +1 grapple and +1 dexterity and hope the randoms go my way.)


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

After telling the doctors to get rid of her current pregnancy, feeling no obligation to carry it to term, Nyx left the clinic to clear herself up and get some rest. Once she was fully recovered, she decided to go get some more training. Her last session left her slightly slower on the offensive and that was a weakness she had to rectify quickly. She did make a point of avoiding Rane, not in the mood to deal with the woman.

(Train dexterity after clinic, shower and rest. Spend the one point I've got for this.)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Pit

It was Himiko's first day at this new duty of hers, one that she was certainly not being put into for her own good. But that was hardly anything new, the doctor always used her and the other female subjects as he pleased for his devious pleasures. And this place appeared to be no different, it's inhabitants most likely aiming to abuse her as well when given the chance. The initial rounds that the amazonian lady construct had taken around the limited premises showed her as such, many bully-type people coming across her during that walk. As much as she did not like it, the doctor's will was absolute, and this was what she had to do. But she was not going to be the lowest one here, some smaller individual would serve that role.

Looking around for some tiny being nearby, Himiko would look for an opportunity to catch them alone. Using the chance, she would grab them with her huge hands and threaten to break them in half unless they submitted to her will.

(Threaten the neighbors for Intimidate gain and random loss)
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Hitomi, The Ghoul Whisperer

The nurse pats Hitomi on the shoulder and listens to everything she has to say with smiles and nods, relating as much as she can while giving slight indication that she mostly prefers talking about organs. "Oh, I'm a ghoul! I've eaten enough people to know everything about them!" she declares that she murdered over ten thousand people and ate them to learn about their anatomy. She's good now though.

+1 Fortitude, -1 Striking

Rane, The Hype

Rane begins her . Presumably in three hundred times Earth's gravity.

+1 Grapple, +1 Striking, -1 Fortitude
+1 Dexterity, +1 Fortitude, -1 Sexual

Himiko, The Cruel

Becoming a predator, Himiko locates a member of the Chibi race, creatures so small that they're like children to most other races, and Himiko .

You monster.

+1 Intimidation, -20 HP

Nyx, The Masochist

Avoiding Rane, the arena was talking about Nyx's loss almost non-stop. To the point where the hands of the male contenders were all over her, taunting her and teasing her as if thinking she was easy prey. In an unexpected act though, the Tunnel Rhinos formed a parameter around Nyx and guided her to her locations without a word, and left just the same. Protecting her for mysterious reasons and letting her train.

+1 Dexterity, +1 Evasion, -1 Grappling
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Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Nyx felt slightly better after her training. Now that she felt her speed return to it's previous levels, she felt far more confident about her chances, especially with how easier she found dodging after this session. The unexpected intervention of the Tunnel Rhinos bothered her, however. Not that it wasn't appreciated - she was this close to breaking one of the overconfident male's nose and starting a brawl at one point - but to be honest, she'd sooner expect them to be among those who taunted her rather than protect her. Perhaps their boss had plans for her? Jake wasn't known for his benevolence, though. Puzzling.

In the end, however, Nyx had to do something to fix her damaged reputation first. And there was no other way around it than going out there and beating someone for once. She'd really rather not deal with any of the sentient fighters, however. A beast, or perhaps one of those experimental plant things some fighters mentioned? Those could work.

(Free fight, preferably against some plant/tentacle monster. Vore is acceptable.)


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Hitomi thanked the nice undead cannibal for the relaxing talk. Despite the odd subject matter, she felt better about herself and more relaxed.

Taking note of the interesting people on the way and returning any smiling (or leering) with a warm smile of her own. Hitomi found her way to the Training Room. She deciding to work on skills needed to win any future fights and seek a more experienced fighter to give her some tips and try out some new esoteric grappling maneuvers.

(Hitomi is looking for a sparring partner to train her Sexual abilities with.)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Finding a victim, Himiko proceeds with her plan, carrying through without thinking about it too much at first. But as she holds the tiny person in her hands, a wave of shame washes over her as they cry in the face of a predator that they were not expecting most likely. After a little bit, she puts the chibi down, apologizing profusely as even her limited limited social understanding made her realize how nasty she was being. Patting the girl on the head, the white amazon promised to not do this to them again and maybe even help them with something later if they needed aid in some heavy lifting or similar that she could perform for them. Having said that, she left, not wanting to further traumatize her victim. As bad as she felt for doing it, Himiko had found a small gain from this shameful encounter.

With her disgusting event now in the past, Himiko realized that it was about time that she performed some duties, and that involved fighting someone. Or something, she could not really know. Hopefully she would not have to fight the chibi, that would be just too bad for her conscience. Going over to the registration, she applied for a bout, not quite sure if she was ready for what all that entailed.

(Fight something random in free battle and fear the chibi's revenge.)


Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Two figures zap to and foe from the arena dispensing swift cleaning justice! Returning it to it's once glorious state. Though seeing the globs of urk...Other liquids could only make them grunt with displeasure at the task they had completed.

"FUCK...Tell me why were doing this? When were suppose to be freaking wrestlers here!?" Stacy whined to her partner only a few clicks away tossing away the last bag and turning to face the most pissed off blond.

"Um...I think because master's an investor in the sport so it's to save a little money on janitorial...Also..." Arieta shyly replied and veered away a bit after she said the last word.

"Also?" The blond curtly replied

"Master didn't want our skills to dull especially yours...You've been slacking at the mansion ever since we started this..." Arieta replied almost a bit angry but the blond only showed worry for but a moment.

"SHIT...She noticed?! Come on shouldn't we be focused on training out bodies instead of this stuff?!" Stacy argued as Arieta recoiled from her rage slinking a bit back.

"I'm just telling you what she told me...If you want to take it up with master..." Arieta replied with a mutter but the look of disdain that adorned Stacy's face showed what she thought of that notion.

"Nah fuck that! I'll pick up the slack...In fact I'll do the next two rooms you take a the rest of the day off! Hell maybe even crack some skulls!" Stacy replied with a wide smile and took all the cleaning supplies, dashing away before Arieta could protest.

Now alone she sighed at the notion of trying to relax at this place that she didn't want to be in the first place...Yet she had a duty to preform. Showering in her room and getting a new maid outfit, she headed toward the training room to find maybe a few hopefuls for her master's menagerie. All the while hearing the sound the kick pails and loud "FUCK!" noises from down the hall.

(Reflexes Cleaning training for both Chars)
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit


Thinking to train after talking to the nurse, Hitomi would realize she was running out of time. She had to enlist for a match before they'd let her continue to slack off. (You already used your action.)

The two characters

(I'll allow you to train both at once here, but you gotta stick to just one after this. I dunna want twice the stuff to do for one person)

Training happens.

Stacy: +1 Reflexes, -1 Dexterity
Arieta: +1 Reflexes, -1 Grappling


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Upon reaching the training ground, Hitomi realized that her conversation with the nurse-ghoul went longer than expected, and turned around a double-time to the Enlistment Desk. She needed to enlist in a fight. Figuring that a friendly bout would be like a good spar, Hitomi looked to see if she could fight someone with a similar fighting style to her own to work out the kinks. Finding a suitable opponent, Hitomi can only can get excited. "Oh, she looks... strong."

(Can Hitomi fight Tass' horny space troll?)
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Upon reaching the training ground, Hitomi realized that her conversation with the nurse-ghoul went longer than expected, and turned around a double-time to the Enlistment Desk. She needed to enlist in a fight. Figuring that a friendly bout would be like a good spar, Hitomi looked to see if she could fight someone with a similar fighting style to her own to work out the kinks. Finding a suitable opponent, Hitomi can only can excited. "Oh, she looks... strong."

(Can Hitomi fight Tass' horny space troll?)
Balcmzug blustered through the room, walking in a circle as she waited for an opponent to fight. Spotting a particularly busty human, she grinned and approached. "You fight me?"



King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Making eye contact with the lovely space troll, Hitomi subtly smiled and straightened her posture a bit. "Certainly. Unless you wish to surrender and negotiate a temporary thralldom."

Hitomi could only remember the disappointment of the last time she fought a space troll. It was during training, and she been doing as a team drill with a few of her sisters. The young male was too strong for them, but was also too young to know what to do with his victory.

(Hitomi is playfully taunting. Let's see how this goes.)
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Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Irina, having finally left her room, started to wander about. Not really finding any appeal to the baths or cafeteria, she started to wander past the clinic. Not really doing much more than exchanging smiles with one of the nurses as she passed through, Irina moved on toward the training room.

More so just wandering about and playing around here and there with a few of the optins available to her, Irina was more cognisant of the people around her than the equipment. Practically begging to be challenged with how she was roaming about, she would go looking for trouble and challenge someone or something for that matter, if a challenge did not find her first.

(Irina would auto accept a challenge from anyone, or simply challenege an npc [cure white or a random if not "available"] if no one happens to be interested in her come tomorrow [friday].)
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Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Upon seeing Irina's strutting about with her hands on her hips in an overconfiden and arrogant manner, Kamui would boldly walk up to the woman and meet her gaze dead square in her eyes, attempting to stare her down, bearing down on the othe woman, "I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE! I SHALL PROPERLY TEST YOUR METTLE!"


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

"I accept." Was about all Irina would muster while she turned and faced her challenger. Looking Kamui over, Irina thinks this might be an even match.

"Ready when you are."

(Can a match be done without a timer, or an extended timer for say 3 rounds? [not that i expect it to last that long, but more curious about avoiding a match decided by points])