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The Primordial Seed

Re: The Primordial Seed

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B, A, Left

The girl decided not to consume the crystallized Seed just yet. Better to use it when she was ready for it, after all.

The Deprived was a somewhat tempting target. Too far gone to react to her approach, the man growled and snarled at the wall, smacking his own broken sword against the wall without force. The girl set the hilt of her own knife against the heel of her hand, and struck out quickly, the dagger flashing twice across the Deprived’s back.

It wasn’t even a challenge. The man stiffened, reacting sluggishly to the pain, and started to turn around, before the light faltered in his eyes and he stumbled, then slumped to the ground with a rattling groan. The girl fell to her knees over the Deprived, and began carving the man’s ribcage and stomach open, digging deep into the man’s guts, and focusing for a moment. From deep within him, a milky white globe rose, attached to her hand. A meager amount of Seed - but it was some, and it absorbed readily into the girl’s body through her hand, leaving her covered in slime and gore.

Finally, there was the path. Without any hint, she picked a direction almost at random, heading left down the hall. This path took her down further, winding around a few other empty cells. She could hear a few groans as she walked down, until she came out into the middle of what had once been a common area for the prisoners. Once, it was probably brightly lit, if made of stone, with a small library and several tables. Over the centuries, though, this wing had been almost completely abandoned, save for the prisoner herself. Though apparently other prisoners had been forgotten down here - entering the room, the prisoner found herself facing three Deprived. Like the last, they were not terribly aware - but they were more aware than he was, because two of them turned to face her and groan feebly, and the third stirred and started stumbling forward, hollow eyes locking onto her.

Three Deprived wasn’t much more of a challenge than one, but they were already moving toward her, raising their own weapons. She could retreat - this direction did not take her anywhere useful, anyway - or she could try her luck fighting three - and actually fighting, this time, not just slaughtering a helpless target.

Fight? Or flee?

A. Fight
B. Flee
Re: The Primordial Seed

3 aware foes gonna be too much, get your worthless level 1 ass out of there, flee.
Re: The Primordial Seed

Aww shieet son! There's no "bait them back into the hallway and poke them one-by-one until they're dead" option? Sera needs to GIT GUD.

(A) fight

I don't know if they'll chase her and how far they'll chase her if they do. The last thing we need is to bump into some Sauron-looking motherfucker or a giant demon armed with a pillar while she's being chased by hollows. At least it doesn't look like they have torches. Torch hollows suck.
Re: The Primordial Seed

Totally gonna regret this, but...

(A) - Fight

Also, I have zero Dark Souls experience, so I'm probably gonna make some real bad decisions. Just a heads up.
Re: The Primordial Seed

Hey, sorry for the long delay. It's been a busy time for me - and it will continue to be busy through the weekend. I'm moving to Arizona, so I've been running around getting things together for that. I may get the next post up tomorrow, otherwise it will be Monday or Tuesday.
Re: The Primordial Seed

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With the enemies already approaching, the girl made a quick decision to fight. The nearest enemy is just outside of the range of her lunge, so a quick step and a lunge let her strike at him. Her blade flicked toward his throat, and his reactions were too slow to stop the strike. He turned with it, and while the blade sliced deep, it was clearly not an instantly fatal wound. The Deprived raised his weapon and started flailing at the girl, a desperate string of wild attacks that forced her to back up quickly. Despite her speed in backing off, the bleed bit into her exposed forearms, cutting deep channels in her flesh. She stumbled slightly, wincing as the blood welled up.

The other two started to spread out, trying to limit the ways the girl could move. She kept her eyes on the most immediate threat, and lunged forward again after his flailing stopped, slashing the blade across his chest, then stabilizing it and driving it into his stomach, her whole body weight coming along behind it. The fire in the Deprived’s eyes flared for a moment… then he went limp, eyes dimming, broken sword clattering to the ground. The sudden deadweight dragged the girl forward as the Deprived collapsed, and it took a tug to get her dagger free of his sunken belly.

A soft sound of flesh on stone was her only warning. She dove forward desperately, and felt a shallow cut on her thigh as she dove into a quick roll, spinning around quickly to face her attacker, whose already broken sword had just shattered after impacting the ground where she had stood. He dropped the broken hilt and raised his arms, stumbling forward with outstretched arms, trying to grab the girl.

So, what next?

Dodge, then cut and run?
Dodge, then continue fighting?
Lunge in and take a chance against this guy.
Re: The Primordial Seed

Dodge and attack
Re: The Primordial Seed

As it is, these things seem pretty damn slow, it may be best that we trip up the rushing enemy, then move over to deal with our other threat as the first one is recovering.
Re: The Primordial Seed

Vote Results

Dodge and attack!

The girl sidestepped the Deprived’s lunge, and quickly struck, kicking the side of his skinny knee. His leg bowed inward dramatically, and there was a sick crunch as tendons and ligaments split. The Deprived stumbled and fell to one knee - and the girl was there, driving her dagger down into the top of his shoulder, and into his heart. Again, his eyes flared, then faded, and he slumped. She withdrew the dagger, and turned toward the final Deprived.

She found the gaunt man on his knees beside the first fallen one, digging into the dead man’s flesh with his bare hands. He tore out great bloody gobs of unnameable viscera, shoveling it into his mouth with a terrible hunger. As he ate, his body began to change, filling out with more muscle, becoming less withered. Too late, the girl realized the final Deprived was absorbing the Seed of the fallen, what little there was. Not enough to bring him back to her level - but enough to make more dangerous for certain.

The Depraved looked up at her, blood dripping down his chin as he extracted a final, solid crystal of Seed from the body of his fallen comrade. He popped it into his mouth, and bit down with a crunch. His eyes glowed for a moment, and he stood, staring at the girl with an intense hunger. “Need… more...,” he groaned, his voice dusty and cracked from long disuse.

He glanced around, then picked up the upper quarter of a broken stool. Gripping the crossbar, it became clear that he intended to use it as a makeshift shield - very makeshift, really. It wouldn’t stand up to anything serious - but of course, the girl is equipped with a dagger.

He circles around, keeping his shield up, and the girl raises her own buckler, matching his movements carefully. He’s a little slower, a little stiffer, but she suspects he will also be a little stronger - and a lot more driven. The terrible hunger in his eyes made that clear.

The first misstep was the girl’s. Her foot landed on the body of one of the Deprived, and she glanced down for a half moment. Her head snapped back toward the Depraved as he lept forward suddenly, bringing his broken sword up high to swing it down at the girl. Her buckler went up, and the blade clattered as it slid over the surface, nicking her arm slightly before being deflected away. The Depraved’s shield came up fast and he jabbed forward with it, striking the girl in the stomach now that her guard was open. She stumbled back - and for a breathless moment, she was sure she was about to trip, and he would be on her.

Fortunately, she found her footing, and she managed to get her own shield up again before the Depraved could take advantage of her stumbling. This time, she swung her shield forward aggressively, swatting his broken sword aside. His guard opened for a brief moment, and she struck, driving her dagger into the shoulder of his shield arm. He snarled in pain, and his arm fell. The girl yanked her dagger free and stepped back quickly, creating distance before the Depraved could strike at her again. His shield arm wasn’t quite useless, but he was clearly having trouble lifting the heavy stool up to a proper guard for more than a moment. A far better exchange than the last, though the girl’s ribs still ached.

Knowing that he couldn’t defend himself as well now, the Depraved rushed the girl, swinging his sword at her in a deliberately wild pattern, forcing her to back up and block, desperately trying to create space to gather herself for a counter attack. Each strike slid off her shield, nicking her arm as she tried to block, or slipped past slightly to slice at her withered chest and body. A low strike nearly crippled her leg, but she managed to deflect part of the strike with a quick move of her shield. It wasn’t until the broken sword caught the edge and shattered like glass that she was able to get a reprieve. Her face was peppered by the shards, and a sheet of pale blood began to flow from a cut over her eye. The Depraved gaped at the hilt in his hand, now devoid of any use. He cast about desperately - but the girl was upon him quickly, her own eyes flaring with a small amount of the Depraved’s own hunger.

The Depraved raised his shield desperately - but the girl dropped her buckler and grabbed the edge of his shield, twisting it roughly out of his hand. A quick jab with her empty fist to the Depraved’s solar plexus sent him stumbling - and a hook of her foot sent him sprawling to the ground. He tried to back away, but she was on him too fast, dropping her knee into his stomach, driving the air out of his lungs - and his recent meal from guts. She gripped her dagger with two hands, and drove it down into the Depraved, over and over and over, driving it past - and through - his desperate hands, into his chest and neck, spraying thick blood over herself. The man’s struggles faded slowly, even with the brutal blows. It wasn’t until the girl drove the dagger down into his eye that his back arched, and he breathed his last with a shuddering gasp. The girl panted, her strikes slowing as she realized resistance had faded. She took a shuddering breath, licking her lips - and let out a soft moan as she tasted the blood on them. Her own desire for Seed nearly took her over completely then. It took an effort to keep from rocking her hips against the dead Depraved’s, trying to eke out what she could from him that way. Instead, she reached her hand into the ruins of his chest, and grasped his Seed. Devouring his fallen comrade had actually more than doubled the Depraved’s Seed, and she drew out a far larger orb than before. She brought it to her lips, savoring the smell and taste before absorbing it into herself. She could feel the Seed she had collected so far, buzzing with untapped power under the surface of her skin.

She stood up, stumbling slightly as her injured leg wavered. She stumbled over to the last untouched Deprived, and began the grisly work of gathering his Seed. He had more than the Deprived in the hallway, but not by much. She absorbed it without any issue, then got to her feet again. Her injured limbs were starting to stiffen from the pain and injury, and she was feeling a little weak from the blood oozing from the dozen shallow cuts on her body. Looking around the room, she noted two exits from this common area. One was back the way she had come, and the other was forward and onward.

So, she faced a choice - move forward, and hope to find a shrine or something else to help her heal, or rest here and try to make bandages from what tattered cloth she could find on the Deprived she had already killed?


Rest here?
Re: The Primordial Seed

Rest for a bit before moving on.
Re: The Primordial Seed

Rest for now. Let's hope nothing heard the fight and is coming to investigate.
Re: The Primordial Seed

Heal up here, you dont know if there are more between you and the next shrine or not.