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The Prison [Safe Haven]

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
After the quiet trip to the prison, surprisingly devoid of all monsters, Selena reaches a back entrance to her destination.

There was what looked like a normal staff entrance, and right next to it was a little speaker with a button next to it, likely used for talking with whoever might be on the other side...
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Selena takes a deep breath, then sighs and prods the button, turning to the speaker and screaming at the top of her lungs,

Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

She heard screaming from the other end, and saw a small little camera look at her, then around her, not soon before hearing a very angry girl on the other side...

"That hurt, you bitch!" the woman exclaimed.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Selena waves merrily to the camera,

"Can I come in? I accidentally raped the doctor back at the inn, and I need a couch to crash at until the cops are done investigating and this all blows over."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Selena heard the woman growl from the other side, not soon after hearing the door unlock "Yeah, come on in, so I can punch your face in for yelling like a fucking siren!"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Selena laughs as she opens door and ducks in, hoping to avoid the guards threat even if it might've not been real,

"Didn't I at least bring excitment and wonder to your boring day~?"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

The woman who spoke to her was behind a bullet proof glass, with a square opening in front of her that Selena could barely fit through. Behind the woman was a whole load of goodies, weapons and ammo galore. She had brown hair, and brown eyes.

The woman got out of her seat, and began to head around, going through a door on the opposite side from where Selena came from, and walking around, so that she was headed straight for Selena, eyes locked on her...
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Selena smiles as she stands there, looking at the girl,

"Why hello there~"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Walking up to Selena, she delivers a hard punch to her stomach, making her take a step back in pain.

Placing her hands on her hips, she cast an angry glare at Selena, "You deserved that." she told her.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Selena let out a loud "umph" as she holds onto her stomach and laughs,

"Hehe... it's been ages since someone punched me there~"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

The woman narrowed her eyes at Selena, before letting out a, "Hmph!" and turning back, heading back around to her seat, and gesturing Selena to go inside the prison, "Get lost," she told her.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Selena shrugs and walks into the prison, looking around,

"This'll be intersting~"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

As soon as Selena leaves the room she was in, she walks into the courtyard. The whole yard seemed to be the middle of the prison, leading to all of the different areas of the whole complex. There were many women walking around, some were just lone women, but most were couples, either walking hand in hand, laying in the grass, or sitting on one of the many benches, talking or kissing.

The labels around the yard weren't obvious, but once one would get close, they would see words awkwardly painted along the side. The choices Selena had to go were; the cafeteria, the rest area, the gym, the showers, and Emilia's office.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Selena decides to head straight for the office, after all, better to let everyone know she was there thne to surprise them during the night...

"Man... they need a new interior designer.."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Going through the hallway, Selena eventually reaches Emilia's office door. She heard a woman singing lightly from the other side.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Selena knocks heavily on the door,

"Hey Emilia! Why's your office the only one that's labelled?" she yells loudly.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

A black haired, blue eyed, innocent looking girl opens the door in a rush, looking very worried, "I-is something the matter?" she asks Selena, seeming a bit shaken by how loud of a greeting she gave.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Selena shakes her head as she smiles,

"Nothing wrong at all, just wonderin' why your office has your name on it~"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia blinks at Selena, "Because... It's my office..." she tells the blue haired girl, seeming to be dumbfounded by her behavior.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Selena sighs and shakes her head,

"I meant, "Why is your office so clearly labelled? I don't see any other offices around here."