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The Prison [Safe Haven]

Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

With both her hands free, Emilia folded them in front of her in an innocent manner, as she opened the door for River, and walked with her, following the wonderful scent all the way to the cafeteria.

Walking along the sidewalks to the lunch room, Emilia was showered with greetings from nearly everyone except for those too far away to be noticed. It got so crazy, that some of the women around the prison appeared ready to trample each other just to get Emilia's attention. Emilia tried to calm the large amount of women down, and immediately shushed any suggestion that River and her were in a relationship, knowing full well that the woman wasn't interested in her that way, and just wanted to nourish their friendship by eating together.

After the craze died, and the two women could actually pass through the mass of women wanting Emilia to recognize them, they were starting to reach the door of the cafeteria when Emilia let out a heaving sigh, "They give me too much credit... I don't even do anything around here..." she discredited herself, glad to be away from the rush of people.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"Well, you must be doing something right." River says with a chuckle, pointedly ignoring any comment as they passed related to the pair being in a relationship. She actually did her best to not be noticed by the crowd at all, big crowds made her uncomfortable, but that hardly worked. She managed to loosen up some once they were through the worst of it, however.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia went silent, and lowered her head a little at River's words. She didn't seem to believe them herself.

They reached the double doors, and Emilia opened the left for River, letting her in first, and after they both went inside, it was quite different this time around, rather than when River came in with Regina. All of the women, or half women, as it were, saw Emilia, they immediately made way for her, even going as far as inviting her to pass them. Not a soul that River saw was not kind to Emilia, it seemed that everyone loved her, and even respected her greatly.

No one tried to stop River either, after seeing that she was with Emilia, they just as eagerly invited the stranger to pass...

Emilia was blushing heavily at all the invitations, "I don't know why they do this every time..." she whispered to River after all of the invitations were thrust upon her, "I really don't deserve this... There are women who work so much harder to make this place safe and comfortable..." she claims shamefully.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"Well," River says, stopping Emilia before they get too deep into the line, "I find the most effective way to convince someone of something is to not give them a choice in the matter. I say we wait in line like everyone else, and tell people that if you eating is so important to them, they can speed it up by stopping their offers and dishing themselves out first, hmm?" She says, a smile on her face.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia blinked at River, and did as she said to do, trying to show some determination, and stand in line. However, the people in the line didn't stand for this, and River found Emilia suddenly being pulled by her hand away from her, each of the women in the line insisting rather forcibly that she go ahead of them.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"Hey!" River says in an irritated tone of voice, drawing the attention of the ones pulling Emilia around. "What does Emilia want more, to get her food in a hurry, to to be shoved to the front of the line like some special needs kid? Or to be normal, and wait like everyone else? If you really care about her, stop making her feel so embarassed and leave her be, huh? If you really want her to get her food so fast, turn around and make the line go faster, instead of standing here making someone you claim to care about feel uncomfortable!" She says sternly, giving Emilia a look and a wink that tells her to agree so they'll turn back around.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

The women in the line appeared not too happy to have a stranger like River tell them what to do, and River found herself quickly outnumbered by the angry faces of women, and possibly half women looking at her. However, Emilia appeared to have lost their attention for a time, and quickly was working her way back to River in a hurry.

The women of the line mostly shouted dismissing remarks about River's business, as well as a few of them shouting threats about kicking River out. They seemed about to converge on River, until Emilia reached her, shoving her way through the crowd, and quickly stood right next to her, and threw a protective arm around River's shoulder, thinking that the women would backoff if Emilia was attached to River, "P-Please..." she begged, her voice shaky and scared, "Don't fight... I can wait in line..." her eyes darted nervously across the mass of slowly relaxing people, "Please don't fight over this... She's just... New here... Please don't upset our guests..."

The women in the line seemed to heed Emilia's words, and obeyed when she pleaded that they stop. After River got what she wanted, and the two of them were standing in line, Emilia let out a deep breath she must have been holding in, still holding onto River's shoulder, feeling the need to protect her, "Please don't start a fight..." she pleaded with River, "Almost everyone here is friendly, and kind, but they tend to be overprotective... And unforgiving..."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River made no moves during the time the others were surrounding her, though she kept her eyes open to get out of the way of anything incoming. Once Emilia caught up and defused the situation, she let out a held breath and relaxed somewhat. 'Wow, it would seem a lot of people here lost their ears that night. I wasn't trying to start a fight Emilia, don't worry, but a fair amount of these women need some introspection and apparently don't like being told so by a stranger." She says, letting out a sigh. "At least they aren't pulling you around anymore, right?"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia gave River a affectionate look, and lifted her other hand so that both of her hands were on River's shoulders, holding her like a dear friend, even though they hardly spent a day together, "River... I'd prefer that, rather than seeing you get hurt..." she told her, as if she was truly worried for River's safety. Right as she finished talking, they had already reached their turn in line. The chef placed a pre-made tray of food on top of the sneeze guard, just for her. The food on it suggested Emilia was a vegetarian, as there was nothing but fruits and vegetables on it, which is likely what led to her fine figure, which anyone could see that her tight fitting dress reveals.

The trail of food was long, though it seemed like mostly American food was available, salads, hamburgers, pizza, Roast beef, baked potatos, anything one could grab from stores or from fast food restaurants was available to River to pick from...
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"Bah, I've had my share of welts and bruises, and I'm quite proficient at getting out of the way in any case." River said, though it was fairly obvious she appreciated the gesture. Grabbing a tray, she loaded up on beef, potatoes, some raw veggies, and a few other things that sit heavy in your stomach. Today was the first since all this happened that she had spent a full day Running, and she was hungry. After she dished herself out, she took a look around the crowded place, finding a few spare seats off to the one side and walking over to them, trying to ignore the inevitable offered tables that she would suspect Emilia was going to get.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River was surprised to find that hardly any offers were given to Emilia. Most found it appropriate to wave to her, and say hello, and to ask her how she was feeling, and how her latest painting was going. River ended up getting separated from Emilia, who was forced to stop, and talk with the people wanting to chat with her. She could hardly take another step, before someone else was saying, "Hey, Emilia!" She gave occasional glance at River, as if she was pleading for assistance...
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River just sighed, and walked back over to where Emilia was, slowly working her way through the small group. "Hey, come on, just sit back and let her eat." She asks the woman currently talking to Emilia, in an exasperated tone of voice.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

After being let go, Emilia quickly followed River over to the spot she had found for them, and let out a sigh as she sat down, "You know... I feel like that's my punishment for not doing anything around here but paint..." she said in self punishment, playing with her salad for a minute, before taking a bite.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River chuckled a little bit, starting on her food. "Then go out and do something, if you feel like you aren't being productive. Even if a couple other girls get sent out with you, you're still helping the group as a whole, right?" She says, looking around the cafeteria with a half interested look as she does so.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia went silent for a time, and spent a little too long chewing on one particular item in her mouth, musing over her thoughts, before remembering herself, and swallowing it, "Not even to say they'd let me out... I'm no fighter... I'd only be more of a handicap because they'd have to protect me the whole way..." she played with her food a little, "And don't even talk about doing anything in the prison, they'd kill before they'd see me doing something like wash a dish, mow the lawn, or sweep the floors..." Emilia sighed, deciding to finally take a bite of her salad.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River shrugged, taking a forkful of mashed potato before answering. "Mmm, just do it anyways. You have to stand up and take charge, or you'll just start feeling worse and worse about it. If they don't like it, tough."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia shakes her head, and swallows her food, "They're always so nice to me... I wouldn't want to hurt their feelings by refusing their hospitality..." she told River, before taking another bite, nearly finished with her food.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River shakes her head, sounding deathly serious. "It's true, you might hurt their feelings a little, but it needs to be done. If we are going to fix all this, we need everybody, everybody helping out the best they can. And the longer it takes, the less chance we have of succeeding. The sooner everyone realizes that, the sooner we can ignore the petty differences like yours, Regina's, and whoever else's 'problem' and start making sure we have a way to end this." She says evenly, looking Emilia right in the eyes.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia shook her head, "I don't think you quite understand, the women here fighting to protect us inside the place are constantly working tirelessly to both make our lives comfortable, and safe. I'd never be so disrespectful to deny their wishes after they've already done so much for not only me, but all of us here." Emilia sighed, and made a referencing gesture to her "unnatural anatomy," "We will always have this problem, and it will likely rule us for the rest of our lives. The only way we can end this, is if your kind accepts what we are, and lives peacefully with us. Most of us didn't choose to be what we are, it just happened..."

Emilia looked River back into her eyes, "River, our kind can be considered to be not even human. Like the monsters, we're eventually forced to have sex with women like you. We don't have a choice... This is not something we can ignore, it is something we must address..." Emilia sighed, "I'm not being crass, River, I'm just trying to tell you that this is not something we can just ignore, and pretend never happened... Before you can ever truly understand, you would have to lay with one of us... Which is something I know most of you at that Inn would not do."

After taking another bite, Emilia gestured to the dozens of women in the prison, "Most of the people here are women, just like you, not like me. Many of whom have lain with one of us, myself included. Unless you could say that, you would willingly make love to one of our kind if the monster-like lust was about to take us over... I don't think that there will be peace between us..." Emilia, after finishing her speech, didn't take another bite of her food. She only stared at it...
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River shook her head a little, taking a bite of beef before she spoke again. "That's not what I meant. It isn't that," She says, gesturing to the appropriate area on Emilia with her fork (It has the right curve to it), "That we need to work to get rid of, I'm pretty sure that yes, it is permanent, and even if it wasn't, with nearly all the men gone, we need it to continue as a race, quite frankly. If it works properly anyways, do we know? Doesn't matter, it's all those mindless things out there that we need to get rid of, and the longer we wait, the more of them there are going to be."

She pauses again to eat a bit more. "And as for the whole acceptance thing, I think that's more of a problem with people in general, fear of the unknown and all that. I for one am perfectly accepting of what you have down there, though I choose not to lay with any of you because I don't just sleep around, as a general rule. Last night was... gods, probably the fourth time I've had sex in nearly two years, since Cal and I broke up. You know wha... Wait a second, did you mean to say that there's a choice involved with growing that? What do you mean?" She asks, confused.