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The Prison [Safe Haven]

Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia seemed embarrassed and disheartened at River's misunderstanding, "River... I don't think you'll ever truly understand our curse..." Emilia took a napkin, and patted her face clean with it, before standing up from the table, "Thank you River... But, if the people at the Inn carry a similar mindset as you, our worlds cannot, and should not exist together... I'm sorry... I know your heart is in the right place, but it's the very thing that you're not willing to give that would not only make your stay uncomfortable, but dangerous... I'd ask you to understand once more... But, given your disposition on the matter... I'll not ask you to do that, because of your general rule." the way she worded that sounded as if Emilia took offense to it, or at least is basing her argument on it, "Please... Before one of our kind here tries to take what your general rule will not allow, return to your people at the Inn... I'm sure they share your mindset..."

Emilia turned from River, not appearing offended so much, as she was now appearing to have her hopes crushed, "I should have known... I don't need to wonder if others at that place are like her... For not only ours, but her people's safety as well, we must not mingle with their kind..." Emilia sighed, "General Rule... How foolish I was to believe her... I should have known that Amy girl only wanted our resources..." Emilia then cringed at the next thought in her mind, after this war with these creatures was over, she imagined River standing over her, with her blade in her gut, "Regina always said I trust too easily... And with as much as that girl spoke of killing... Oh god... Would she even hesitate to kill me? A mindless monster...?"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"Actually," River says, getting up as well, chagrin evident in her voice. "I can only think of one other person who more or less shares my views on the matter. Pretty much everyone else seems to think with their crotch more than anything else. Jesse, our shopkeep, seemed almost enamored with the prospect of meeting some of you." She chuckles a bit and walks around the table, placing a hand on Emilia's shoulder, almost as a comforting gesture.

"And it's a general rule, and not a hard and fast one, for a reason, you know. To save someone's life or something, I wouldn't even hesitate, its the idea of sex as recreation that I'm opposed to. I'm just... Traditional, like that, you know? And to hell with dangerous, I grew up in the slums and leap buildings for a living, I'm not afraid of a few women, alright? I learned a long time ago how to handle myself, you don't have to worry about me, alright?"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia showed a reaction when River mentioned Jesse, as if she knew her as well, "Yes... I know Jesse... Quite a special woman, she is..." Then, after listening to the rest of River's words, Emilia decided not to end her time with River, in favor of one more thing she wanted to see, to put River's claims to the test...

Emilia put her hand on River's as it rested on her shoulder, and turned to her, "River... I don't think you know exactly what to be afraid of..." she then took a step closer to River, wrapping her arms around River's back, and pulling River slightly, but gently, into her own body, so that her lips weren't far from River's. River had caught Emilia's unknown, yet delightful smell strongly after being so close to her. She had a wonderful scent about her, that almost had River relate Emilia to the scent of a beautiful flower...

Emilia did nothing more than embrace River in that suggestive way, that mostly only people who were attracted to each other would do, hoping that was all she had to do to get her point across to River, "I won't lie, River..." she whispered, almost passionately, not having to raise her voice, "I think you are very attractive..."

Despite her words, she was thinking something else in her mind, "I don't believe you're committed to peace, River." she thought, while still making sure her eyes were locked onto River's, even if they weren't looking back, "This is what we are... And this is what you have to fear..." she said aloud, while holding River in the same sexually suggestive manner.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River tenses some, but holds her ground. She meets Emilia's eyes evenly as the woman speaks, her expression torn as the woman speaks to her. When she finishes, River sighs and leans forward, touching foreheads while still meeting her gaze. "Emilia, I will never fear you, or anyone else in this place. I'm cautious around everyone, but that's a habit from long before any of this happened." She explains cautiously, waiting for a response.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia's resolve seemed shaken when River touched her forehead with her own, blinking and blushing a little, before trying to reinforce her already shaking determination, "R-River... You know what I am! You know what I could do to you, at any time... You have every right to fear me!" she noticed her grip on River loosened a bit, but remembered herself, and returned to her original posture, holding River close, and pressing their bodies together.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"But I also know that you're still Human, as well. I know that you'd fight your nature if you had to, which makes you a better human than a lot of people I've seen." She says earnestly, before chuckling a little. "As for 'what you could do to me, at any time', I think I'd surprise you a little. Even those monsters outside haven't been so lucky yet." She says, cracking a smile to ligthen the mood a little.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia went silent for a few seconds, actually losing her look into River's eyes, before a smile of her own stretched across her face, and a hand on River's back trailed down, and pinched her bottom, smiling a bit more as she did so, "I think I could surprise you a little as well..."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River just chuckled a little, breaking the embrace. "You probably would." She says with a smile, turning around and gathering their trays to clean up the table. "So, what now?" She asked as she worked.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

While Emilia interrupted River's attempt to take her tray, preferring to get it herself, she sighed at River's question, "Now... And I hate to say this... But..." she looked sad, but determined with some currently unvoiced decision, "River... The last thing I want is to jeopardize the safety of everyone here, and... Even though you're able to ignore our uncomfortable truth, I imagine others might not be able to... Overlook the fact..."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River nods, letting emilia handle her dishes without complaint. "I see where you're coming from. How many troubles like that have you had here, with the people you've saved?" She asks. Certain influences in the Inn aside, they must have had people with a problem with it before, just from sheer numbers...
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia stopped for a second, dead in her tracks, before continuing her walk silently, and placing all of their dishes on the counter for the many women doing dishes to clean before turning to River with a grim expression, "... I suppose... I can show you... And maybe... That will convince you." She seemed to think for a moment, a hand resting on her chin, before deciding, "There is a certain part of this Prison, you do not know about... That is where the women who... Well... Would not coexist with us go..." she shook her head, "But, believe me, to this day, I wish we could let them go, and stop holding them in those cells like wild animals... But... Just like how I'm sure the women at your Inn are... They either want to kill our kind... Or just run out of the Prison, in fear of us..." Emilia seemed sad, and distraught by the thought, before asking River without looking at her, "... And... If it's not too much to ask... I'd like for you to take them, and bring them to your Inn... It breaks my heart to know that they're suffering in those cursed cages..."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

If River wasn't aleady putting her dishes down, she would have dropped them. Her hands shook ever so slightly and she watched them for a second, before putting them palms down on the counter, her mind reeling.

"H-how many?" She asked darkly, not looking anywhere but her hands.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia wasn't surprised at River's reaction, and responded to her question, "I specifically ordered they not be raped... Originally, there were over a dozen women that reacted... Harshly... To our condition, and we left them alone in those cells... And, after a while, they eventually realized we were not their enemy, and swore they wouldn't try to run away, out into the dangerous city, or even kill us... Some of those women are in this cafeteria right now, happily making friends, and living among us..." then, her tone went as dark as River's, "But... There are those certain women... Who are absolutely obsessed with the idea that we're monsters... We really have no choice but to keep them locked up... We don't have many other options... Short of placing them in your care at the Inn..."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"How. Many?" River asked again, closing her eyes and dipping her head. She could understand why it was done well enough, but just the though of being stuck in an eight by eight cell for any length of time made her want to scream. No room to Run, no room to live...
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia sighed, "I don't know, exactly... I never go down there..." she sighed in frustration, "None of us like keeping them in there... But what else would you have us do? They either want to up and run wildly into the city, with no other intention but to get away, or just grab anything they can, and try to kill us... That's why I'd like for you and your friends at the Inn to take them... Give them a home, other than a closed in cell..."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"No, I get why you had to do it, Emilia, it's just... It's just my own, personal brand of hell, to be cooped up like that..." River says slowly, before taking a deep breath and moving away from the dish area, to not be a roadblock. "We'll need supplies, I don't think the inn has the resources to handle a lot of people at once like that. A couple sets of your clothes each, a few days of food if you could spare it... And we'll need an escort, preferable people who were in there and changed their mind. That many women outside, and there'll be monsters everywhere... None of them like you though, just to be safe. Is all that possible?" She asked, looking pained.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia shook her head slowly, "River... We never introduced those women to weaponry... All of your kind that live here, we keep them safe... It's bad enough they have to suffer from our desires, but I wouldn't allow any of them to take up arms... The only women here trained for combat... Are women like me..." she looks away from River, "... I'm sorry..."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"You mean there isn't a single full woman here that has wanted to help out outside the safe area?" River asks incredulously. "Alright, we can still make that work, I'm just worried that they'll try to mob the escort you give us if they found out. Do they know what you've just told me?" She asked, her mind spinning as it tries to work out how to make it work...
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia frowned, "No... There are women here that are like you... But we never gave them a gun... Not after one pretended to cooperate... And shot one of us in a rage..." she put a hand to her chest, and had a look of fear in her eyes, "It was awful... Just for someone... To die like that..."

Emilia let out a sigh after looking as if she was remembering something, "I'm afraid that most of them are very paranoid at this point... They think that everyone is one of our kind... Although it might help if everyone around them proved they weren't like us, which would greatly help if you brought your own kind here to escort them, and prove that they're going far away from people like us..."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"Alright, so any that started in there is a bad idea, but any should work, I just didn't want to give them an... Anotomical reason to start mobbing. People from the inn might work, but I don't know if we have the firepower to take out the mass that would go after that many women in the street. Give me a second, I'll see..." River says, turning on her eirpeice and shifting to hers and Cal's channel. "Hey Cal, you busy? I need to have a quick chat with either Amy or Freyda."