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The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

"A honey made from the Apharolas Lotus. Harmless alone, however when used as a catalyst it makes a very potent aphrodisiac and had a side effect of making a woman more fertile." She said with a silken voice as she pants softly in her motions of driving her body against her soft folds, pushing the dildo in and out of Lisa's body. Her folds squeezed it firmly trying to milk it for its bounty save for it had none. "It... works very well.. when you climax my dear."

She said the tip of her tail running over Lisa's lips making her suckle slightly on that small bit of tail before she withdraw it and slide the tail into her second hole. She felt it slide right up into her ass and began to wiggle and shake like a rattlesnakes tail making and intense wave inside Lisa's body a ball of yarn rolling up inside of her stomach and it felt like her heart might burst from the excitement. She couldn't have fathomed such a sexual encounter even in her incubus induced dreams.

Charlotte and the Red Haired Elf lied next to Lisa their folds pressed against once another as they grinded against the other causing them to moan incessantly in their lewd lesbian act putting on a rather erotic show for the males in the room and especially for Lisa. Lisa's hands sought her breasts rubbing at them and pulling upon her nipples as sweat slickened skin slides over silk pillows. They arched their backs with Charlottes right hand reaching for the elf's soon pulling herself up so they could share a rather intimate kiss as their juices were mingling upon the floor from their motions. Hands rubbing over ample bosoms and nipples rubbing over the other. A snarl alerted Lisa from the intimate vision of the two for another.

Lisa blushed heavily noticing how the male lizardmen were reacting to this orgy of women. They were stroking their cocks eagerly wanting them so badly. Lisa's mind could clearly picture riding two of those erections at once with another wedged in between her breasts and two in each hand and finally one thrusting into her mouth. A lewd fantasy that had her becoming sopping wet from the motions of the dildo and tail inside her body. It wasn't disgusting at this point in time. Inside it felt highly flattering to be needed so desperately. She realized that the mistress was the only thing keeping those ravenous lizardfolk from jumping her and making her be showered in pints of spunk. The lovely mistress gave a sinful and sultry smile as she moaned much to Lisa's delight seeing how she could indeed feel pleasure from Lisa's actions. However the double penetration was taking its toll on Lisa as she groans loudly trying to hold her climax back.
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

"Ohhh....you know I think...you might be more important than the warlord...without the harem, the warriors would be hard to keep focused..." Lisa squeezed her breasts together to fondle them, even in her lust haze she knew a little flattery could help before the tail entered her mouth to cease her talk for a moment. Lisa knew she was dancing a dangerous line, even in the throes of passion she had to remember that in the end she was here to get the offensive to end. After the tail left her mouth and before her mind was completely awash again she remembered a long standing question she had.

"Why such a large offensive? It's a dangerous gambit for a people who have few allies and resources..." She quickly returned to her moaning when the tail was inserted into her, she could feel her urges welling up again but an unexplained bit of strength, perhaps sheer stubborness, made Lisa want to suppress the building orgasm and show her reptilian host that she could be just as strong as her.
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

A sharp moan came from the pouting lizardwomans lips as she gave a sharp his now with every thrust or so. Her breasts along with Lisa's heaved with intense vigor as their passionate frenzies climbed. Sweat and love juices mingling over their bodies and trickling down Lisa's stomach with every motion as she whispers. Her eyes flashed with danger behind her as she spoke whilst in rough union with her hips. "Mmm... but he promises us much more then the mere marshlands.. Pound harder... We have not had the blessings of being the dominant species through birthright. We have had to struggle and overcome more the you shall ever know slave."

She gave a chuckle, "The harem is needed for survival, and whilst having the added boon of morale... it serves a purpose. Ohh sweet coils..." She moaned loudly before she continued urging Lisa further over the edge and beyond the worlds void. She spoke once more adding to the conversation. "Every no hair is more capable of bearing our males children and as such it is much more easier to increase our numbers through you. And with the ratio of one female to every ten or fifteen males... it becomes needed to gather others of the opposite gender." Lisa felt her heart begin to swell with delight and her nether regions burned with heated desires before at long last she hit her peak and then the intense pleasure would truly begin fro the aphrodisiac would shoot into her womb making her more fertile but also more physically sensitive and aroused. Suddenly the crystal dildo inside her felt so cold it couldn't do her any good.
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

"But you could...could......OHHHHHHHHHH!" Lisa grabbed two pillows and screamed as her passion overflowed and she felt the strange potion flood into her, leaving her a panting heap. "You are truly a master of your art...the warlord is lucky to have someone like you around..." She smiled trying to stall a bit, anymore sexual stimulation and she'd surely black out. "I hope I get to meet him soon. I wish to see if he finds me acceptable." The sorceress lays still drenched in sweat obviously near her limit but proud of the fight she put up as she gazed up and the sweating and panting lizard standing over her. "You seem as though you could use a breather and a drink fair mistress." Lisa smiled before dropping her head back on a pillow numb to everything but the pleasurable afterglow.
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

The mistress would head back to her throne now pulling the dildo out and handing it to Charlotte for her to use along with the Red Haired Elf as they continued their copulation. The mistress would look on from her throne as she took up a small bit of fine wine and sipped slowly. "Seems like you will do just fine as a new addition to the harem my dear. Since the Warlord always shall try out his newest acquisitions then I think its safe to say once you recover you shall be off to see him personally. Do try your best to pleasure him for he is a difficult person to sate. Go further down into the pyramid going through the double doors and down the steps. But only if you're invited. In time we shall work on your stamina and make sure you are more then capable of being his prime breeding stock."

The mistress gave a soft chuckle as Lisa began to rest and recover her strength. She had a smile upon her face as she felt herself drift off to slumbers warm embrace. When she eventually awoke hours later Lisa's first impulse went to her gear and to reach her destination. For some reason she was quite excited to say the least by this prospect. Though it could have been the incubus in her talking. However she notices a small vial of blue liquid nearby the main door and recognized it as a health potion. Drinking it down would give her a small boost to her vitality for the battle to come.

((+4 HP. We continue on the adventure))

As Lisa redressed with the others asleep and the mistress missing from their orgy Lisa couldn't help but smile as how things have gone so well for her just now and she needed that small reprieve and good fortune to help her unwind and refresh her mind. Her body felt very good at the moment still lightly soothed with the afterglow of her lusts. Moving through the stone doors and down the steps she smiled knowing she was heading in the right direction but she soon realized quickly why the mistress said she had to be invited down here. For she saw a branch of paths leading to three similar doors of solid iron with golden trim and murals upon each. Each corridor was similar to one another however there was one thing evident to be sure. Magic was at the works within this place and that was something exceptionally rare amongst lizard folk. Is it possible that the lizard folk were capable of channeling mana or was there a traitor amongst the humans. She'd never know for sure unless the Warlord was stopped and interrogated.

(Paths: Try the Left Corridor (Hidden) / Try the Center Corridor (Hidden) / Try the Right Corridor)

Lisa's Stats
Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 13/20
Explore and Stam - 8 22/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 35/40
Naughty and Lewd -7 40/40
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Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Lisa tried to say something but it barely came out before she closed her eyes and fell asleep feeling content considering all that had happened. Her dreams were filled with thoughts of lizard men, serpents, the mysterious warlord and the harem mistress. Waking up feeling rejuvinated Lisa hopped to her feet and hurried back through the harem her mind so focused one her goal now that she barely noticed the potion and quickly gulped it down as she dressed. She had to be close to the end now, her mind was racing on all the different possibilities and when she reached the 3 way hall she simple continued walking ahead into the center door without giving it much thought.

(Center Corridor.)
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

First Roll:

(Try the Center Corridor, Naughty = 15)
(Lisa's Naughty is 7. Roll of 13. = 20. Lisa succeeds by 5)

As Lisa went down the corridor she smiled to herself thinking slightly on the matter regarding the harem and that maybe a return trip was in order once she got rid of the Warlord. A slight lick of her lips was for her efforts on such dirty thoughts before she realized the walls were becoming more and more cracked as vines and beautiful red hued flowers had managed to work their way into the walls and grew on either side and they were emitting such a lovely smell. They were gorgeous beyond words as it was a rare sight to be bestowed with such a blessing of nature. The kind she recalled at her home so long ago. She couldn't put her finger on why they looked familiar but it was slightly comforting. Moving closer to inspect them and to get a better smell of that wonderful flower she shuts her eyes in contemplation and it only took a few moments of thought to realize she was in danger as the vines began to coil around her legs. This was a Crimson Lotus!

Peering back at her memories as a young teenage apprentice, her mentor had pointed one of them out to her behind a jar. They were predatory plants that were mostly capable of feeding on small animals and insects. However that were parasitic in origin as far as reproduction was concerned. They used their vines and flower's feelers to implant a seed into an unwary humanoid host be it male or female. This allows the seed to grow inside the warmth of the hosts body and gestate. They are large seeds as well so it is hard to get them out as well. Should the seed be allowed to grow, at first it feeds off the host but it will inevitably take over the host, by killing it then using the corpse to locate a suitable place to grow using the host as fertilizer. It wasn't exactly one of the more pleasant ways to die.

She snapped out of it in just a few moments as she was thrown off her feet being dragged closer to the flowers with her scrambling for something to grab hold of and pull herself away but the floor was smooth and there was no torches nearby to burn it. Reaching down at her upper thigh she draws her dagger and cuts the vines that had snared her legs as she tried to scramble away from the deadly plant on all fours for a moment before finding her feet again as she runs towards the door never forgetting that was her inevitable goal. The vines were determined though as they grab her right arm which held the dagger and her waist pulling her towards the wall. She felt her top be torn from her as the vines tried to strip her down so they could implant their seed into her. Enough was enough however as she chants a spell to turn her touch acidic and burns the vines off her body and rushes for the door now finally out of harms way.

Pushing against the door however proved futile and after several attempts to find a lever or chain or such to open the door proved futile also. She then tried magic to open the door or find a secret passage or such but nothing works. Eventually she realized that the door was a false one and that this was a dead end. Mentally she swore and turned around realizing shed have to go back the way she came and try again. The Lotus was still there however and it looked like a tempting target to vent some frustrations on. So she did just that as she channeled her magic and throws a fireball straight at its location incinerating the plant with magical flame. Her favorite robes were ruined and she was feeling mighty good now that the Lotus was gone. Walking back the way she came whilst whistling with malicious joy at the smell of this plant roast and seeing it write in agony she turned to look at her two options now.

(Paths: Try the Left Corridor (Hidden) / Try the Right Corridor (Hidden))

Lisa's Stats
Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 13/20
Explore and Stam - 8 22/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 35/40
Naughty and Lewd -7 40/40
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Lisa smiled as she absorbed the wonderful smells, the scent was so calming and at the same time seemed familiar taking her back to her days as an apprentice. "Mmm...this reaminds me of the time my teacher showed me that rare a beautiful......Crimson Lotus!!!" Her eyes widened in shock just before she was pulled off her feet and could feel vines beginning to snake up her body. "Augh, release me plant!" She pulled the dagger off her hip and slasged at the vegetation, as soon as they relented she bolted at the door chanting a spell as she ran turning her skin deadly to the touch and throws herself into the false door with a grunt. "Godsdamnit!" She whipped around to face the plant narrowing her eyes at it. "I am in a bad mood now...." She thrust her hand out and a stream of fire burst forth like a dragon's breath engulfing the plant.

"Hmph...I need to focus a bit more...at least that narrows my options." She ghlanced between the two remaining doors and turned to the left one. "At least I still have the good sense to avoid a deathly situation like that..."

(Take left corridor)
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

First Roll:

(Try the Left Corridor, Explore = 15)
(Lisa's Explore is 8. Roll of 2. = 10. Lisa fails by 5)
(Lisa suffers 5 Stamina Loss)

Second Roll:

(Try the Right Corridor, Combat = 15)
(Lisa's Combat is 2. Roll of 9. = 11. Lisa fails by 4)
(Lisa suffers 4 HP Loss)

Lisa moves onward and began to feel a bit of the nostalgia within her for some odd reason. The corridors looked more clean and well maintained then the other corridors which made her wonder if this was the right way. As she pressed onwards with slight smile believing that she had found the way out she soon found out the place was indeed having a nostalgic feeling for a reason as a giant buzz saw runs along the wall and she ducks low to avoid it and her robes were skinned off her with only her panties and bra and stockings and shoes on her now.

As she felt like she was back in the crystal spire she saw the stone bricks shift right slightly revealing blowguns as they fire at her. She leaps over and skids to a stop her legs wide as a spear suddenly sprang up from a murder hole and she scrambled faster for the exit as she hits a floor tile which saws a section of the roof to slam down like a hammer as she leaps forward and makes it to the door. She was panting and white with fear and adrenaline from that narrow escape.

Unfortunately she began to test the door and eventually realized she picked the wrong way... again. The doors were just another false door and by now she was worried more so then angry but also frustrated as her mind began to slip slightly from it. heading back with a lot more wariness and after scrambling through all those traps again she came back looking a bit tired but happy that now there was only the correct route to take.


Lisa heads down the corridor as eventually there was a foul stench within the air and as she sniffed to make sure she make sure she didn't step in anything she saw there was a very large grate she was standing on that was filed with nasty swamp water on top of trash and other sorts of foul smelling rubbish that she didn't even want to repeat aloud. Plugging her nose she marched onwards towards the door oblivious to the pair of eyes that were lying just above the surface of the water. She was almost at the door when she heard a very loud clang as the grate opened and slammed shut and when she turned around she saw a giant crocodile staring at her like a giant piece of meat. A dire one to be exact as bones protrude from its spine, eyes and had much more sharper and longer teeth then its smaller cousins.

She gave a slight gulp as she leaped away from this freakish beast trying to put some distance between her and the damn lizard as she used minor magics to try and pelt it with raw mana arrows that smash into the target's head but all it seems to do is make the thing much more aggressive as it takes a large bite for her to try and consume her however she rolled right and then climbs atop of this thing heading back the way she came to get at his blind since since he was too big to turn.

What she didn't count on however was the tail slapping her bodily into the ground rolling slowly to a stop. Her eyes glazed over slightly as she began to struggle to her feet as it tries to turn around. She had one chance at this and she saw the metal floor her mana channeling into her hands as lightning surges into her hand and she strikes the metal grate to shock the crocodile heavily which spooked the thing back into the waters. She sighed softly in relief as she stood up after a moment of rest as she went to the doors and finally she saw it really was an actual door. Just beyond it would be her destiny and whichever way it goes the Warlord was definitely beyond this chamber and certainly waiting for her now.

Lisa's Stats
Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 9/20
Explore and Stam - 8 17/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 35/40
Naughty and Lewd -7 40/40
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Lisa swore loudly as the saws tore her clothes, -again-, "GODSDAMNIT!!!" She panted and shook as she stumbled through the traps and slapped against the door when she realized it was fake. Weaving back through the traps she adjusted her bra and panties sighing. "Well at least I'm not entirely naked..." Her nose wrinkled up as she smelled the swampy water before her final goal. "Ugh I should have guessed...they're through the swamp." Lisa gagged mildly as she made her way to the final door thankful that at least this corridor was simply disgusting instead of dangerous, until she heard the noise behind her. "Is nothing simple...."

She jumped at the sight of the dire crocodile knowing that is it wanted the creature could probably eat her whole. "No, I did not come this far to end up being eaten here..." Lisa charged the creature sliding away from it's mouth and jumping on top of the beast. "Now I just have to get behind it and-GWAH!" she rubbed her head after being slapped across the room by the mighty tail. "That.....hurt...." She growled completely fed up with all this and shover her hands to the ground sending lightning arcing across the floor and scaring the monster away. "Hmph....finally....I can end this all, one way or another." She cleaned herself off with a cantrip and calmly pushed the door open. "Greetings great Warlord of the Ssen'Thial....."
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Warlord Ssen'Thial, Spirit = 15 ; Combat = 24 ; Naughty x2)
(Lisa's Spirit is 8. Roll of 12. = 20. Lisa succeeds by 5)
(Lisa's Combat is 2 Roll of 17 = 19 Lisa fails by 6)
(Lisa suffers 6 HP loss and 12 Lewd loss)

As she entered the lavish throne room of the Warlord of Sseth'rahs, she saw absolute luxury presented in the forms of conquest as silk pillows with manacles above pillars of stone and to the side. A bonfire pit was to the right side showing one very large looking panther that was skinned and cooking upon the spit. Stolen chests filled with various goods were to the eastern and western walls a weapons rack filled with various instruments were upon and armor stand with fitted armor were in place near the northern wall within the center was a large throne of bones held together by leather and pelted with heavy furs of a giant animal and sitting upon the throne was the giant of a lizardman... the Warlord himself.

He easily dwarfed Lisa by twice her size standing at twelve feet in height. His scales were a dark forest grey with flecks of black along the arms with the underbelly having a rustic copper tone. Upon his chest was a broad chest plate of bronze and bone. Upon his hands were coiled leather twine to make a better grip for his hands. Tanned leather loin cloths reinforced with bone and scrap metal was going down to his knees and he wore heavy bronze leg plates on the thighs and shins. Twisted leather was tied to his feet to give his feet protection.

At the side of his throne was a giant broad battle axe that looked more like a executioners axe to her size crudely carved and tempered from solid steel. At his left hand side was a circular marble table of ornate carvings with some kind of large cup made from the skull of a giant animal. Rising to his feet slowly, he appraised the woman with a chuckle as she didn't look like a slave to him by means of poise or how she held herself up with a defiant eye to him. His hissing voice was very subtle and he had a clear grasp on speech unlike more savage looking brethren "Impressive to say the least that an assassin would make her way so far into my domain and into my throne room no less. Though I must say I am disappointed in your timing. I imagined you here sooner my dear. Tell me something, did it trouble you to witness my harem let alone to masquerade within it?" He chuckled slightly as Lisa looked slightly surprised that he was aware of her at this point but then again with how long she took in the corridors it's no wonder.

"When I first rose to power from my ancestors wombs I imagine what the future of my brethren held and I saw the cruelty that resided within the world I knew well enough that our former existence was not true existence. What some might call life I call barely surviving. When the gifts first started to come within my fifth year I found myself at a loss of what to do. Lizardfolk know well the tales of their origins human though they consider it more legends now. None the less their deep rooted fear and hatred of magic is well known. What I saw was opportunity, I saw a way to rise above the tribal lifestyle. I unified the tribes by force and promise of a better existence. I am now at your borders and my race will multiply much faster with the secrets I have unearthed and with your help."

This explains much on how this came to be and how he managed to make it so far. He had an abundance of mana within him, however unrefined and used it to unify the tribes and using stolen wealth hired the feared Bonegnashers to wage war on the more civilized portions of the world. He picked up his skull and drank slowly of his spiked sanguine and hisses sharply. "Bend the knee and serve me and I shall procure your place as one of my most prized slaves" When he spoke she found her body trying to obey it however her mind was forcing her body to reject the order. She realized he had just tried to dominate her through magic as her knees lock slightly and she pushes herself up and stares at him defiantly once more. "Another mage perhaps? I take my statement back. You most certainly will be my most prized slave. A mage like you can only increase my power and sire me offspring worthy of my lineage."

He took up his axe and advances upon her and realizing it was taking a tremendous effort to exert control over her body she realizes she needs a weapon to fight back. Rolling under the first idle swing and armed only with her dagger all she could do is dart and dodge away trying to get under his swing and get at a soft spot. However she was not nearly so skilled in combat as a true warrior so when she went in for an attack thinking she saw an opening he back handed her with the force of a door slamming into her falling onto the floor dazed.

When her vision restored she found him atop her, his claws pulled the last bits of clothing off her tearing at the last of her dignity. His tongue flickered about as he held her down with one hand holding both her wrists as he forced her legs apart using his tail on one and his remaining hand upon the other. He pinned the right thigh down with his knee to free his hand and she couldn't stop what would happen next. His left hand reached down to press two fingers into her pussy with the palm bone rubbing over her clit. His sharp nails grazing over the labia giving a small bit of worry that he might damage her intimately and that fear heightened her pleasure. Whether she had wanted it or not she found herself getting extremely wet from the motions his fingers driving further and further into her folds the nails within her pricking at spots she didn't know existed as a sharp moan filled the room as he laid claim to her. Her body needed another bit of male inside of her and she was confident in being obliged though the tears rolling down her face didn't give comfort to what she wished to happen trying to deny that she was liking it. When she felt him pause she wondered what was going on.

Looking down slightly curious for the delay of the molestation she would soon regret it ever slightly. She saw two large lizardman erections peeking up from the loin cloth. Considerably large at about seven inches long and 2 and three quarters inches thick she had to shudder at the thought as a slight gush was felt from her folds at that. "My my... you are ready for this already. Just look at how you show your excitement for me pet" Pulling his fingers free from her warmth, he showed her the intense sticky residue from her folds and her eyes widened, her cheeks reddened and she turned her head away in shame her eyes shut. Torturously teasing her with the tips of his cock rubbing over her folds she saw a chance to escape with the knee releasing pressure from her right thigh. Cocking her leg back she kicked him square in the stomach and scrambled away. He growls but grins all the same knowing he had made grounds towards claiming her. "Run little lamb.. run and defy me. It will make my victory all the more sweeter.

Lisa's Stats
Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 3/20
Explore and Stam - 8 17/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 35/40
Naughty and Lewd -7 28/40
Last edited:
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Lisa glanced around the room as she entered before her eyes looked straight ahead and upwards. "Oh my god...." Her cheeks blushed when she realized he had been aware of her the entire time. Listening to his story it clears up many questions in her mind. As she's about to say something she suddenly bows to him surprised that an untrained lizardman is able to use such powerful magic. "No....I will...not be a slave for you..." Lisa pushes herself to her feet with a grunt. "Oh hell."

She forced her stiff body to move away as he approached drawing her dagger. "Ah h-" Lisa cried out as she was slapped across the room groaning as her head spun. She gasped as her vision cleared to reveal herself pinned helplessly to the ground and the massive warlord fingering her. "Nooooo stop!" She writhed on the floor moaning lustfully only getting more excited when his twin erections emerged, "Oh gods..." She knew if he impaled her it was all over and with her dwindling strength drove her knee into him and staggered away.

Lisa turned and threw her hand out summoning what strength she had left into her voice. "Hold! I am not an assassin! I came to end this conflict and I do not care how it is done. Many have had the same vision as you warlord but all have ended in ruin and death. Such an offensive would unite all the kingdoms against you, they will burn this jungle if they deem it nessicary. And what happens when your armies spread? You have only just now united the tribes, what if two separate tribes should come into conflict on the front far away out of your sight? By the time news reaches you there would be a gaping hole with the enemy pouring through. There are other ways your people can rise to glory without giving all or nothing!" Her voice carried conviction in that she did not want to see an entire race wiped out into extinction.

(Since it looks like I can't beat his combat even with a 20 gotta throw a hail mary and try and diplomacy my way out ^_^')
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

(Well actually I made an error the last adventure and his challenge rating is going to drop by two every time you fail the challenge. Eventually you may be able to win out. However I like your idea enough to improvise something up. I present to you the Alternate Path power which allows you to change one type of challenge to another once. Yes Im going off the beaten path here but its all in good fun. Im turning the combat challenge into a spirit one for this turn.)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Warlord Ssen'Thial, Spirit = 13 ; Spirit (1 Time Only) = 22 ; Naughty x2)
(Lisa's Spirit is 8. Roll of 19. = 27. Lisa succeeds by 14)
(Lisa's Spirit is 8 Roll of 2 = 10 Lisa fails by 12)
(Lisa suffers 10 MP loss and 20 Lewd loss)

The warlord holds his axe in front of him his yellowish eyes slanted at her his ferocity continuing to mount as he spoke harshly slowly advancing towards her "How many times have I heard that from a mage only to wind up being a pawn in their own selfish ambitions. The ones that show mercy are the ones that bow to others and the ones in power are the ones who will not share your opinions. Your talks of peace are hollow and would only serve to cement our race as nothing more then a barely civil race."

He said walking towards her as he backed her up steadily until she was pressed into the throne of bones as he stared into her eyes face to face. "Why should I take such a risk for such little rewards? Im not the only one I have to think about. These civilized people see us as nothing more then savages and if we back down now, they will have no reason to think we cannot be simply pushed about. I for one should choose this route and see my people cemented by force. It's the only thing civilized people understand. I have no need nor want to hear such foolish ideals from one who knows nothing behind rulers nor who has the influence needed to sway them."

Ssen'Thial was firm in his convictions as he would press her up against the throne as he felt the warm succulent flesh of Lisa's body against his own as her would whisper "I saw your need as clear as day mage. You wish to discuss diplomacy then I shall show you how lizardfolk make 'peace'" A wicked smile was upon him as he would forcibly spread her legs wide her thighs hooked over the armrests of the throne with his tail coiling about her hands to hold them in place. The axe was dropped as his hands press to her knees to hold her still.

The tips of his erections rub lewdly over her pussy and she tensed immensely against him. She felt the blunt barbs tickle her clitoris as the upper erection grazes over her lower regions before she felt her folds spread wide as she was forced to accept his lower cock into her folds itself the spear like head of his penis pressing to her walls easily spreading her. The bumps upon the bottom of his erection tickles the right spots within her making her scream in pleasure as he began to mate with her. The mage tried her best to struggle against the warlord but she wasnt any kind of warrior and he was able to easily overpower her in this position.

A heavy blush came as she felt the warlord have his way with her. Her breasts heavily steadily with her hands bound by his tail and pressed to her stomach. With each thrust into her she could hear the loud and lewd sounds of her womanhood utterly enjoying that lizard cock. The lovers in the harem were nothing in comparison to this experience. Her cunt tightened sharply as she was brought to orgasm swiftly by him and her eyes widened when she began to gush with her love juices onto the throne and his waist. An ear-piercing scream came from her lips as she couldn't have fathomed how hard her climax was. He chuckled as he showed no signs of stopping.

Her eyes glazed over from how he took her and made her see stars in her peripheral vision and her head swam from the numbing pleasure her body was suffering. If this was another circumstance she might have more then happily jumped him and rode him until she passed out filled with sperm but this way was not how she would have wanted. When he neared her breasts her stiff nipples were teased powerfully by his serpent tongue as she began to rapidly sway back and forth upon his manhood with the upper cock rubbing lewdly over her sensitive nub making it incredibly hard to stop herself from her next peak.

Biting her lower lip she found herself screaming from it and blushing completely in the face as sweat poured from her form. "Im getting close little mage... I'll be sure to give you abundance" She shook her head with wild passions fueled by fear as she knew with that potion inside her from the harem that she might most assuredly become pregnant with his offspring if he came. She found no aid from her body as she felt herself arch her back sharply as she hit her climax once again. Her eyes went wide and her pupils shrank from the experience as she felt a hot gusher of his seed start to fill her the tip peeking slightly into her core as drool past her open mouth. She felt a healthy load shoot upon her stomach and breasts marking her in his scent as he pulled away. She felt limp in the throne as cum slowly leaked out of her and the serpent king backed away to reclaim his axe drinking from his skull cup once more. Idly her hands rolled over her breasts and inside her cunt to try and get the rest of his spunk out of her. She needed to recover her strength and fast or perhaps hope to try another approach with him to help him come around.

Lisa's Stats
Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 3/20
Explore and Stam - 8 17/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 25/40
Naughty and Lewd -7 8/40
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Lisa grimaced noting that he had valid concerns as she was backed up onto the throne, before she could begin speaking again she felt her hands tail bound and squirmed beneath his gaze. She bit her lip before letting out a low lustful moan as he drove into her, the next few minutes blurred in her mind as she was ravaged and loved every minute of it. As she was awash in pleasure she spoke in different languages she had learned, elvish, celestial, even some draconic before going limp as his cum flowed into and over her.

Even after the thorough fucking she cleared her head and pushed herself to her feet. "It is true I hold no sway over the nobles but I have seen much. Let me help you, I can speak to the rest of the world for you and convince them to recognize these lands as your own. You have proven that united the Ssen'Thial are a formidable enemy, you have shown your teeth. Two futures lie ahead. A long almost never ending war with the other races along with in fighting as your influence is spread thin, your entire empire dangling by a thread and possibly collapsing disasterously with your passing. Or a kingdom that has proven a valuable ally against the multitude of dangers out in the world, women traveling here of their own free will hoping to be chosen as one of the wives of one of your legendary warriors."

"I want to help -you- too, you have incredible potential but it's unfocused. I can teach you how to properly harness the mana inside you as well as your successors bringing stability to your rule. You can rise to your full potential, or you can break me and have just another mindless slave and always wonder how strong you, your offspring, and your people could have been." She works her way behind him and drapes his tail across her shoulders, "I know it is hard to believe and even I do not understand it but I have come to care for your people. Few get the chance to do something as important as assisst the birth of a new kingdom and civilization. I would tear my soul apart if you were never allowed to truly blossom as a people."

(If there is one thing I'm good at it is being so nice it might tear reality apart)
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Warlord Ssen'Thial, Spirit = 11 ; Spirit (1 Time Only) = 20 ; Naughty x2)
(Lisa's Spirit is 8. Roll of 19. = 27. Lisa succeeds by 16)
(Lisa's Spirit is 8 Roll of 6 = 14 Lisa fails by 6)
(Lisa suffers 6 MP loss and 12 Lewd loss)

Ssen'Thial would hiss slowly as he felt Lisa place her tail upon her shoulders as he would place his armor and cloths aside for now. The domination effects whilst there had faded incredibly from her now and she could easily control it. Ssen'Thial was however impressively stubborn and distrusting for such words even though they were incredibly tempting. Still she felt she was making progress for the moment as his mind seemed to be shifting towards her views "Be that as it may... We are not done making our point. So tell me mage.. what name have you and if war is not the answer to our needs the what would you want to see my empire to do to make their example known?"

They were not yet done their talks yet however the lizard folks notions of peace talks was continuing and as Lisa was feeling the tail rub at her sensitive breasts she gave a soft coo as Ssen'Thial turned about and from a suddenly change of pace she kissed him firmly upon the muzzle her arms coiling about his shoulders as her thighs could feel the intense heat of his erections pressing to her moist opening. His fingers rubbed at her clit and she shuddered like a swaying tree wracked in the winds. Her eyes were becoming slightly glassy with lusts as she knelt down kissing her way down his form and to his twin erections kissing the tips as she felt the tail wrap around her neck like a makeshift collar over the incubus' old one and she found it more pleasant then that demons... She gave a soft giggle as she began to lavish her attentions to his erections quite willingly and she didn't seem to mind doing this of her own free will. Or was it.

She couldn't... or wouldn't struggle. Not this time. She wanted her plan to work, and she wanted to show his compassion and to do this she had to best him with words and withstand his assault. Tempting as it was to simply let go she finds herself using her force of will to press on even has her body seems to reach it limits of pleasure.

(I'm gonna give you a chance to fill in the rest of the lewd act for a change. After all why should I have all the fun? ^_~)

Lisa's Stats
Level - 1
Willpower - 8/12
Combat and HP - 2 3/20
Explore and Stam - 8 17/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 19/40
Naughty and Lewd -7 0/40
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

She smiled and began stroking his two members as skillful as someone playing a harp. "There are plenty of opportunities for battle if you look, the world outside this jungle is far more dangerous than you can imagine. Send your warriors out and they will find plenty of fierce beasts and other less worthy violent warlords to battle. Each one they strike down will increase the prestige of your people showing that they are formidable warriors and claiming riches for them to bring back. A single dragon's horde would bring your kingdom more wealth than sacking a dozen towns in a fraction of the time and effort. And trust me they will find -plenty- of women to sire children."

After finishing that statement Lisa began to deep throat each erection in turn while continuing to stroke them. "And my name is Lisa, I am flattered that you're willing to ask, I must be doing something right." She glanced up and grinned. "Along with wealth and honor they'll also bring back knowledge. You are very skilled at architecture already but there are other things that you could develop that would make a great difference. You are formidable from sheer brute strength but by mastering martial combat techniques, the art of crafting weapons and armor, and even in time learning how to use magic, your entire civilization will be thousands of times stronger than if you relied on sheer overwhelming numbers alone." She picked up her speed as she felt the members twitching and throbbing to relieve themselves. "You have my solemn word that I speak the truth and will do all I can to make your kingdom and people the next great land to arise.....and to show my commitment..." Lisa pulls herself up and impales her folds on both of his cocks just before he releases his seed again causing her to moan lustfully, she remains there milking him for all she can until she's swollen with his essence before pulling away and leaning up against his throne making sure that not a drop spills out of her. "I am willing to give you a powerful line if you are willing to trust my words and give them a chance." She strokes the tail around her neck appearing to have accepted that her fate lies in what happens in the next few moments and closes her eyes with a sigh awaiting to see if she along with the Ssen'Thial would get a second chance.
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Warlord Ssen'Thial, Spirit = 9 ; Spirit (1 Time Only) = 18 ; Naughty x2)
(Lisa's Spirit is 8. Roll of 7. = 15. Lisa succeeds by 8)
(Lisa's Spirit is 8 Roll of 12 = 20 Lisa succeeds by 2)

Ssen'Thial was completely silent and for a moment she had to wonder if she didn't get through to him that his distrust of mages was too strong within him and that she would be subjected to his will and forced to be nothing more then a breeding pet. He would run his hand along her cheek as he then says the tips of his cocks running over her soft rear end as she leaned against the throne "Then I believe we shall have an accord then" The tail uncoils around her neck as he then says turning her face towards him "Though you'd best deliver on your word or no mere amount of magic will spare you from the wrath that I would surely bring."

He said with a chuckle as he figured she wouldn't let him down on that regard as he would head over to his skull cap slowly drinking of the nectar within it and he sits down slowly into the throne pulling her upon his lap with a solemn look as he then says. "You know of the terms I would set no doubt. Yet I know not of any other terms you wish to set. I assume you want me to pull my troops back and hold a cease fire as well as to surrender the ladies we have captured that are unwilling to stay."

He would our a small bit of wine and offer her the skull cap and then says "Drink to seal our alliance Lisa. And the deed shall be done and I will keep my word to you completely." His hand runs along her shapely rear as she held in his seed inside of her and knew well how quickly this might come about... though he might not know how well that could be the case since she had that fertility aphrodisiac within her womb mixing with his seed as a catalyst. His eyes were set upon her and his hand rubs slowly along her breasts. All Lisa' had to do was seal their alliance and the diplomacy would succeed.

(This has given me new ideas for adventures. :) So I thank you for this opportunity to go off the beaten path.)

Lisa's Stats
Level - 1
Willpower - 8/12
Combat and HP - 2 3/20
Explore and Stam - 8 17/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 19/40
Naughty and Lewd -7 0/40
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

(Well looks like Lisa's adventures are over but I can think of worse endings :) )

Lisa nods, "If you wish I'll will even approach the defenders of Vertigo and speak on your behalf, they will probably be much more at ease with me as a messenger." She tips the cup back taking a long drink shivering a bit at the strong wine. "I am now tied to the fate of your people, and I'll be damned if the history texts say anything other than how spectacular the Ssen'Thial's rise was. I hope your people accept me, I'm certain the goblins will have issues, be wary." She gave a passionate kiss before settling down into the warlord's lap, this was far from what she expected when she began, and definatly not the retirement she had planned for but a part of her couldn't help but feel content at finding a place where she was needed and she could do more good than any traveling of the world could amount to. "I call naming the first girl I bear by the way." Lisa smirks as she closes her eyes to take what felt like the first truely peaceful rest she had gotten in ages.

(Glad I could throw something new your way, I never assume CHA and diplomacy are the dump stats :D )
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Lisa would find herself indeed becoming the diplomat and ambassador of the Warlord Ssen'Thial now dressed in robes of sky blue silks with jade trim. At first Vertigo was horrified by this sudden turn of event figuring her to be a traitor or worse brainwashed by the Warlord for such a proposal. However her calm talks with the Warlord had proven herself to be more then suitable for dealing with harsh situations and even with arrows poised upon her she managed to talk her way down from such harsh reports.

She explained why the attacks were happening and what Ssen'Thial was truly after which made him seem less like a Tyrant and more like a concerned ruler. The most difficult tasks were the Bonegnashers who were upset over the lack of bloodshed during the last few days however the Warlord managed to subdue them with a firm hand and rather deadly examples showing he still had his ruthless streak underneath his mercy. Unfortunately the hobgoblins only knew force as diplomacy and thats how it was done.

As for Lizard Folk diplomacy Lisa found that to be quite stimulating to say the least though she had to wonder if it was no different to a concubines place. Still she found herself free to do as she wished mostly and though she might have many endeavors of intimacy none seemed to compare to the warlord that had entranced her or the mistress she met within the harem. Either way her days and night were practically paradise as she had more lovers, more time and more blissful luxuries then she could ever dream of. In reality she hadn't traded one species for another, but rather compromised one lifestyle for another. With her help, a new generation of lizard folk would arise, rising up from their savage states to a more civilized nation, unified with their innate magic and their population seemed to boom very well with the help of more willing participants like Lisa into giving many many offspring.

Elsewhere however long forgotten by Lisa the incubus had indeed made good on his promises to wreak havoc within the kingdoms, turning the realm of Krisalis into is personal den of decadence and lusts. Steadily the kingdoms women and men were turning to vice, crimes of passion, greed and lusts over time and a steady incursion of demons were soon to gain notice within the other countries as the realm was no longer safe to venture into and now the borders to and from Krisalis were heavily guarded and only the brave and foolish would dare venture into the kingdoms now. But that is a tale for another time....

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