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The Quest of Light (SomCr)

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Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(You can't get the cart outside because of the doors is my point)

The dock area had very few cars. Most of the dock workers lived close by, and therefore walked to work. Most of those who lived elsewhere took a bus or carpooled. The parking lot did have a smattering of cars to choose from, nevertheless.

However, as Daniel got closer, she noticed most of them were damaged. Some were clearly banged up by the exposion, but other had looked like they had been hit by artillery fire. However, there were a few that were mostly intact. Enough so, infact, that Daniel would have to make two trips if she wanted all of them, six in total. Two at a time was safe to carry, three uncomfortably, though it was a bad idea, though perhaps a risk worth taking.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Ahh, I thought that was just the fork lift. Before I decide what she does what time is it?)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(About 5:30 PM)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"I should have enough time before it's night." she spoke to no one in particular. Daniel would start taking the batteries back two at a time, placing them inside the warehouse near the truck door.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Stealth Check

18+14+18 = 50 vs 41 = 1+40 PASS
6+14+18 = 38 vs 45 = 5+40 FAIL

Daniel had no trouble with the first two. Nothing in sight, no movement, nothing. However, as Daniel was walking back to the parking lot, her luck ran out.

Two strange creatures were climbing around the cars. They were like bugs, but like humans at the same time. They walked on all fours and had a massive rear end, almost like a gun barrel. Daniel noticed them just as the second of the pair saw her, and alerted the other one. It hopped off the car and walked towards her slightly on open ground.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Ahh, shit." The young woman yelled when the creatures noticed her. "I really don't have time for this." She placed the batteries down on a flat surface as quickly and gently as she could and pulled out the pistol, aiming at the nearest creature.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Prepare action, I assume, you'll need it, as they're pretty far off. If not, just say so and I'll revise this post)

Daniel drew the pistol and prepared to fire. The things were atleast 30m away. As she did this, the first creature turned around, though it didn't seem to be running, it pointed its tail in her direction. Its companion hopped down off the car it was on and ran it the first's side as it had a stand off with Daniel.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(That'd be right. Do multiple prepares stack?)

They were pretty far away, while they waited Daniel moved next to car car, trying to use it as cover.

(Prepare again)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Yes, they do)

Daniel was still preparing for battle when the monsters made the first move.

Hit Chance

24+22-25+5 = 26 vs 53 = 9+44

The monster fired what can only be described as a large ball of plasma out of its anus, heading in Daniel's general direction. The monsters were clearly not used to firing at small targets, let alone ones that moved. The ball of plasma sailed roughly a meter above where Daniel's head had been moments before she ducked behind the car.

The other monster, seeing how badly its friend missed, decided to close the distance.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Shit, what the crap is that?" Daniel yelled dumbfounded by the spider thing. Popping back up she noticed the other seemed ot be moving towards her. "Grah, dammit stupid monsters I just wanted to get some batteries!" She yelled firing at the creature.

(3 shots at the nearer one)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Hit Chances (recoil 13, range 15, +10 prepare)

1: 37 + 24 - 18 = 43 // 14 + 20 = 34 ... success
2: 31 + 19 - 18 = 32 // 1 + 20 = 21 ... success
3: 49 + 2 - 18 = 33 // 20 + 20 = 40 ... failure


1: 1 + 3 = 4
2: 1 + 6 = 7

Daniel is lucky, two shots hit the monster. It's injured, but not seriously, and continues its charge. The monster that fired starts closing in too.

The monster takes 11 Damage, leaving it at 29 HP.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Ahh, no stay away." She yelled firing wildly at both of the creatures.

(6 shots, 4 at the closer one, 2 at the other.)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Aim One

1: 15 + 40 - 18 = 37 // 4 + 20 = 24 ... success
2: 45 + 45 - 18 = 72 // 9 + 20 = 29 ... success
3: 17 + 38 - 18 = 37 // 6 + 20 = 26 ... success
4: 48 + 5 - 18 = 35 // 19 + 20 = 39 ... failure

Damage One

1: 6 + 1 = 7
2: 3 + 4 = 7
3: 4 + 3 = 7

Daniel fires at the injured, but still charging beast. Three shots strike, causing massive damage. The beast can't support itself, and trips and falls. It takes 21 damage, leaving it with 8 HP.

Aim Two

1: 44 + 38 - 28 = 54 // 12 + 20 = 32 ... success
2: 30 + 19 - 28 = 21 // 1 + 20 = 21 ... success

Damage Two

1: 2 + 1 = 3
2: 5 + 1 = 6

Daniel isn't ignoring the other enemy. After the first falls, she aims two shots its direction. However, it takes the shots in stride, not slowing down one bit. It takes 9 damage, giving it 31 HP.

Daniel has 5 shots left.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Breathing heavily Daniel has enough mind left to realize her ammo situation. Hefting her axe she moves towards the near one swinging at it.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Oh god, I'm literally almost LMAO. You just got hit point black with the ASS CANNON.

Hit Attempt

17+44 = 61 vs 27 = 7+20 HIT

Damage (Fire Axe d12)

(5+13)/3 = 6

Daniel doesn't quite manage to kill the thing, and it's still twitching.

Hit Attempt

23 + 35 = 58 // 14 + 44 = 58 ... success


23 + 11 = 34

Daniel is very, very unlucky. As she's attacking the monster with the axe, it twitches like a fly not totally smashed. One such twich brings the creatures cannon into line with Daniel's body. In one last act, the monster fires, sending Daniel flying across the parking lot and into a parked car, knocking her out cold.

(Daniel lost all her HP in one shot. Most chars would have survived, but you have really low HP)

Daniel woke up feeling soar. What she found was horrible, but it could have been worse. She still had her clothes, but they were soaked in a sticky blue substance that was without a doubt the cum of those things. It took Daniel a moment to notice how soar her jaw was, and the nasty taste around her mouth. Then she noticed that there was alot of the blue stuff on her face. The only conclusion was that one of the things had used her mouth to get off while she was out. However, the monster that shot here didn't do it, it was dead on the pavement from its wounds, must have been the other one as revenge. It wasn't in sight right now.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Lol, I was wondering what those things did. I guess she got a good taste of them.)

"Urgh," Daniel rubbed her head as she woke up before noticing the horrible taste in her mouth. It was all she could do to resist puking then and there and she nearly did it again when she realized what it meant.

"What the fuck?! what type of monster.... fucking....Ahhh." she screamed as she stood up. Looking down at herself she reacted just as poorly. "Ahh, why me?" It took her several more minutes of swearing and kicking some metal bits to get back in control.

Deciding to bring the batteries she has back to the docks Daniel cries. "Just dry, and now.. Disgusting." She sat on a crate for a bit slowly taking off her cum covered clothing. She would climb down the dock and run the cloth in the ocean until the cum came off and set them to dry. Then putting her lab coat over what ever she had left she went back for the last batteries.

(So, bring the two she had back, wash clothes, go back for the last ones.)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Lol, good taste of them, I am the pun master good sir :p)

Fate was kind to Daniel. She was able to finish her work with no more interuptions. The corpse the artillery beast a reminder of what just happened, though, was still sitting in the parking lot the whole time, standing silent watch as the defiled girl walked to get the last batteries.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)


Daniel took another whack at the spider with her axe. It didn't really do anything besides make her feel better. Taking the last batteries back she sighed and set to work connecting them to each other and to the doors.

(Take batteries back, find tools, get to work.)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(You call that a spider, wait till you see the real spiders :))

Daniel manages to fix the switchboard, but theres another problem. The door motors arn't working. She uses a tool to determine that she's repaired the damage, and that power CAN flow up to the door, but the motor just isn't getting any juice. Some circut in that must be fried too. With a more complicated piece like that, a replacement might have to be found, instead of just using her tools.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Lol, can't wait.)

Daniel leans against the wall of the warehouse, fairly tired from all of this. "Well, I guess I'll need to look for something else..." Scratching the back of her head with a pair of pliers she, tried to commit the motor to memory before, walking back outside. "Well, I guess I need to find another one of those." Taking her axe she heads out, looking for another warehouse.
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