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The Quest of Light (SomCr)

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Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Futa wears off = 2 turns

Daniel falls into a deep sleep, the hard work and many orgasms wearing her out. The hard floor of the warehouse doesn't even disturb her, she's just too tired to care.

Around five hours later, Daniel is woken up with a sharp pain in her nether regions. Her new cock hurts! The pain isn't all that bad, but it is worse then when the organ first appeared. There's no way she can sleep through it.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Urgh, ow ow ow ow ow" She mutters, trying to get a better look at it.

(If there's not enough light here she'll head outside.)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

It was dark, the sun had yet to come up. Daniel heads outside to try and get a better look, unsecuring the door.

Stealth Check

17+14+18 = 49 vs 32 = 12+20

There's a bit more light out here. Daniel checks her sensitive areas. The cock is smaller, a bit purpleish. It feels like it's retreating back into her body. The internal changes are reversing.

Futa wears off = 1 turns
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Well..." She began saying between pants. "Atleast... this isn't..... permanent..." Daniel couldn't help, but think of what everyone else at the lab would say about this, her face getting redder and redder as she thought. Looking up at the moon she tried to distract herself from the pain by figuring out how late it was.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

With something of a "pop" of pain, the organ was gone. Daniel felt much better, her insides all ordered the way nature intended. Now that the wierd feelings were gone, the cool night air even stimulated her pussy a bit.

Looking at the horizon, Daniel couldn't tell what time it was. The sun would come up on the other side of the city, so looking for it over the ocean didn't help. The city was on fire, too, so looking that way offered no help whatsoever in finding the time.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"OK.." She sighed, that was an experience she wouldn't forgot anytime soon. As she looked at the other warehouses Daniel could only shake her head, those would have to wait for tomorrow. She went back into this one and curled up again.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

The morning came suddenly. Daniel woke up to bird chirps. Or something that sounded like them, atleast, there was something not quite right. They were way off in the distance, though, and no threat to her right now.

The light streamed down from the warehouse windows, disturbing Daniel's slumber. It seemed she slept just a bit longer then needed, it was plenty light outside.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Awww, overslept." Daniel woke up yawning and looked around her. "Well I need a shower, but it's not really the time." She got dressed quickly, this would likely be a long day.

Taking all of her gear, Daniel headed towards the last warehouse, the one that looked odd. On the way she'd look in a few cars that looked fine for another gun or some ammo.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

On the way to the warehouse, Daniel noticed there were more squid in the water. How? One tried to jump and get her. Fortunately, they couldn't jump high enough to get onto the platform. Still, it was a bit unexpected to suddenly have a squid jump out of the water and almost catch you.

Despite the interruption, Daniel makes it to the last warehouse. It had recently burned down a few weeks ago, partially atleast. The walls were there, but the roof was gone. The power had been obviously disconected, a power truck was still parked next to the main line. The building would be a wealth of uncorrupted electronics.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

The squid thing jumping out did surprise her. "Gotta stay away from the edges form now on." And for the most part she made good to that statement. Looking over the ruined building she couldn't help, but grin. This place should have what she needs to finish fixing that door, it's all a matter of finding it.

Making her way into the factory Daniel looked for anything that'd help her fix that door, along with any sort of portable generator.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Right near the door were motors identical to the nonfunctioning ones of Daniel's warehouse. If the power hadn't been running, there was a good chance she'd find the correct part in it.

However, there was something more defining about this warehouse, a large hole in the ground near the other end. It seemed, despite being this close to the ocean, there was a lower level to this warehouse.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Alright, well I'll grab that after finishing up here." Taking note of the motors Daniel looked at the hole for a few seconds. The lower level might be a bit of a fall so, she'd need to find something to help her.

(Search for something she can climb(rope, cables, ladder) attach it to something up here, go into the hole.)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

There are stairs under the far office that lead down. It's dark, but not too dark just yet. Daniel gets to a door, but before she can even think about opening it, she sees something wrong. Water is leaking out from under the door. Perhaps a lower level this close to the ocean was a bad idea after all.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Water under the door. Daniel bit her lip, this was so tempting. The door was practically screaming to be opened. But she needed to do something else first. going back up to the top level she looked around for anything resembling a circuit breaker, she'd turn off the power, get her parts out of the ruins, and then deal with that door.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel couldn't find the breaker, but did find the main trunk. It lead to a hole in the ground which went into the basement, the other ending going back outside to the power truck. Clearly this problem would need more thought at a later time, when Daniel was in a better position.

The parts were easy to get out of the motors, and soon the intern was on her way back to her first warehouse. The salty sea air felt refreshingly good as she walked along. Just as the feeling got good enough to relax, a squid jumped up and grabbed a seagull, pulling it into the water flailing madly. Besides this sudden jolt of animal violence, the walk back was uneventful, and Daniel entered the warehouse, in much the same state as she left.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel grumbled, the bottom of this warehouse was causing all sorts of problems, though she had managed to get her parts. Taking them all back she began the fun operation of fixing the gate.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Stealth Check

7+14+18 = 39 vs 24 = 4+20

Daniel gets the door working with minimal effort. The light flickers on, showing that it can now be opened and the transport from the crate can be brought out.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel smiled as the motors hummed ot life and she took a cart out. "It took some time, but it's good." She took the cart outside and prepped to leave.

Between the squid and the spiders this area was far too dangerous for her to preform the tests she wanted to, so with the crate secure on the cart Daniel headed toward the city proper, looking for a safer location.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel made her way towards the city. The sun was nice and bright for her walk towards hell. The city was still on fire, though not as much as yesterday. Daniel had to avoid many more cars out here on the roads, considering the box on the rollers wasn't exactly easy to fit through narrow gaps. It took twice as long to get someplace as it should have. The easiest route was through the dirt on one side of the road into the city, not as many cars there to get in the way, though it was much harder to push the set up thought it. Loose rocks constantly got in the way, sometimes having to be moved by hand instead of rolled over.

After thirty minutes, Daniel was in the last big open area before she reached the build up of the city proper. Soon she'd reach streets which may or may not have an open path for her to continue her trek with. She could always go around the city, instead of in to it, pushing the car hard as she was currently doing, but if she wanted to go straight in she'd need to ditch the box soon.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Though the path was long and quite hard the scientist had nearly succeeded. She was nearly there, but Daniel could tell that her luck with the path was about to run out. She pressed onward to the city proper, looking for any building nearby by, however if it came time that she couldn't go forward any more she'd take the rifle out and carry it the rest of the way.
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