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The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Thiopia's bullet spray strikes the Red Eye center mass. It stumbles backward from the impact, flailing its distended arms as the bullets bury themselves in its chest cavity. It silently looks down at the leaking bullet wounds, with vile black ichorous blood sludging slowly out of them. It looks as though it seems immune to what must be massive pain, and its flesh still writhes beneath.

Lili takes the opportunity to rush by Thiopia, keeping her head low, and ducking under Zieg as she skitters round the corner of the room, resting in the hallway, her face pale, but her senses alert. She knows she is no combatant, but at the very least she is keeping a calmer head about her. She eyes Mordeci, seeing the crack shot in a state of mild shock as he instinctively backs up until he's practically leaning against the far wall.

From down the hallway, heavy footsteps indicate that the tech priest, Gallus, is on his way out of his room.

The red eye charges Thiopia, flailing its metal-tipped hand wildly enough for her to anticipate where the blow will land. She ducks under it in time, allowing it to sail past her and into the bedroom wall with a loud smash. The impact hole it leaves indicates an immense, augmented strength.

Zieg is up.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg halted upon seeing the monster, his weapon having instinctively raised towards the latest commotion. "What in the Throne's name is..." he barely got out before combat once again broke out.

With the beast rushing towards Thio, Zieg's previous bout of recklessness shooting towards Mordeci's combatant was forgotten, causing him to rapidly sling his revolver away and sliding his combat knife out, leading him to rush at the strange beast to relieve it of a few extremities of he could.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

The Arbitor pulls his knife and dauntlessly charges into close combat with the silent monster with the bulging mass. His first slash misses its mark, as he has to contend with the strong, flailing limbs that look as though they are swung with all the force of a mechanized power loader. Facing such an opponent with naught but a knife was a grim prospect indeed, but it would allow the diminutive Thiopia a chance to swiftly retreat while the brute was now occupied with the lawman.

Gallus exits his room and enters the hallway, carrying his lascarbine in both hands, his red robes swirling as he rounds the corner with his heavy, steel-booted steps. He pauses as the sounds of another crashing window are heard and spins to face the room. The tech priest's human eyes widen for a moment, and he mutters under his breath "What heresy is this?!"

He pulls the trigger on his lascarbine, firing two shots back into his room. What he fires at is out of sight of the rest of his acolyte followers, but as his room is closest to the flight of stairs, if something should overwhelm him, it would cut off the group's only exit to the lower or higher levels.

Mordeci is up.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci stands staring at the creature, his face full of terror as he raises his revolver and fires a round at the creature, for once gripping the revolver with both hands to steady his shaking aim.

Half Action to aim and get +10 to BS roll, shoot shot at the Red Eye.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Though he is shaking from the sight of this monstrous mockery of a human, Mordeci's practiced combat discipline gives him sense of mind to take his time and aim. The bullet whizzes past Zieg's head and bites into the extended, bulging arm of the monster. As always, the sewn mouthed creature offers no sound, no howl or reaction that it might have experienced pain. It seems beyond such concerns. After a slight stutter backwards simply from absorbing the kinetic force of the bullet, the creature lumbers forward back into combat.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Thiopia, taking a guess, started to dance and sidestep around the creature, so she and Zieg were on opposite sides, hoping that it would expose it self to attack to either one of them as she did so.

"Go for the head or spine!" She called out - from the sound of things, that Mechanicus was facing down one as well. Very bad news for him - she hoped his dog would help some. She took the next opportunity she got - aiming for it's head or it's spine, depending which it presented her with first, firing her weapon in a short burst this time, instead of the haphazard spray she had been going for so far.

Not full auto, but a burst shot (3 bullets) against head or spine. I'm pretty sure there were rules for them there called shots, right.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

The diminutive noble keeps her finger squeezed on the trigger as her autopistol rattles in her hand, spraying bullets everywhere. The room is looking crappier than it did when they first saw it, which is saying something. Unfortunately, her weakening arm does her no favors in terms of accuracy, and she does not hit her target, though thankfully the wild spray also avoids plunking Zieg in his back as he faces down the creature.

Lunging straight at the arbite, the red-eyed, sewn-mouthed man swings and clips Zieg painfully on the leg where he is unarmored save for the hiver long coat, which helps only a very little against the heavy, metal-augmented arms that might as well be heavy flails, for the impact is potentially bone crunching.

Fortunately for Zieg, it seemed to be a lighter blow than it could have been, and he managed to roll with it for a bit. Still, it's an alarming warning that standing within arm's reach of this silent killer was just about the worst place anyone could be.

Zieg's turn. Sorry it took so long, I forgot that I still hadn't posted in the main thread. Zieg takes 3 wounds, remember to mark it off on your sheet.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg grunts at the strike against him, sliding back a bit after the blow. He was not liking the look of this abomination, and a quick glance at the mechanical limb that grazed him quickly told him he was out of his depth.

Keeping back enough feet to avoid any backswings for now, he once again reached for his belt, a simple club quickly finding it's way to his grip and once again he moved back into the fray, the club swinging to strike down at the monster in an attempt to both keep it distracted and remove it from it's miserable existence.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg flipped his combat knife to his off hand, and then backed up a pace to withdraw his trooper riot baton from his belt. It was a weapon modeled in the shape of the more iconic shock mauls that the proven troopers were known to carry, but without the electric shock field to back it up. It amounted to the same thing as a club, but it was nevertheless a symbol of his duty as an officer of Imperial Law.

He brought the club down against the creature's massive thigh, glancing off of it, but still connecting enough to at least give the creature a moment's pause. Sadly, the red eyed fiend remained stoically silent, giving no indicator as to its current level of pain - if such a thing was even a consideration for it.

Down the hallway, another couple lascarbine blasts could be heard, followed by a shuddering *thud thud thud THUD.* There is a sickening crunch, and followed by Gallus stumbling back into the hallway, visible to Mordeci. His backward momentum is only halted by his back cracking into the opposite doorway, where he is pinned as a second red eyed abomination stalks through the techpriest's doorway...

New round, Mordeci is up and an see both enemies, which are both in melee. Gallus has taken 8 wounds.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci turns, seeing the creature barrel out of Gallus' room, his stub revolver clutched in both of his hands, though it was still shaking rather badly. "You.....Big shit! Pick on someone who can actually fight!" he says, his voice showing just how scared he was, before he takes aim and cracks a shot at the new Red Eye.

Half action to aim for +10, then shoot the new Red Eye.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Growling and fed up, Thiopia went on the offensive, presenting herself to get it to swing at her. She planned to duck under it and press her gun against the beast and spray it then - if she couldn't aim, she'd have to just get her gun pressed against it before shooting.


If it fails, I'll spend fate to reroll.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Fate just didn't seem to be conspiring with the gunslinger or the adept. The former nearly took his techpriest ally's head off with a stray shot, while the latter was spraying and praying all over the room, but still unable to paint her target red with her trusty autopistol, whose extended clip was nearing its end.

In the wild melee scuffle, Thiopia was pushed against the wall, her gun arm whacked aside to prevent her from drawing a bead on the creature. The red eyed fiend, in turn, swept a wild blow that missed Zieg by a good foot, and opened itself up to an attack if the Arbitrator had it in him to try and end this.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg certainly was still working on trying to strike this abomination down as this devastating beast. This bastard was really not helping his nerves, and if there's something you know is heresy, you stamp it out dammit.

Growling in anger, he gripped his club with both hands and swung it as hard as he could at the fleshy bits of the creature's cranium. If this thing was alive somewhere, he'll have to use this oppertunity to snuff it out before it can cause any more damage!

Trying a Aimed attack for some extra hitchance. Maybe smacking it over the head will solve this issue!
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Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg will end up connecting his club with the thing's jaw. There's the definite sound of bone being broken by the hit, and the red eyed figure will stumble back, again, without sound. But now it looks like it will be turning to head for the window.

Gallus drops his las carbine and takes out a knife as well, but while he's doing this, the other creature notices Lili Arbest on the floor in the hallway and charges at her. She screams, but instead of being struck, the creature's bulging arm wraps around her and plucks her up in its grasp.

Mordeci's turn is next.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci turns when he hears Lili's scream, leveling his revolver and aiming with his one good eye, his hands still shaking as he fires off a shot at the monster, hoping to hit something that might make him let go of Lili

Half action to aim at the one holding Lili, then shoot it.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

The fear of facing something abhuman still messes with the gunslinger's nerves. In the hive districts of the Infernis, he is used to lawless savage gangers who live by the law of the gun - that is a fear that he has learned to master - but the sight of these monstrosities is like something out of a nightmare hitherto undreamed of. His shot strays wide of its mark, and the hulking beast turns to leave with its prize...

Only the diminutive Lili Arbest is apparently not so easily taken. Though the creature is easily stronger than her in every aspect, she shows some physical smarts, as she wriggles feistily and slips out of her hiver coat, dropping down between the would-be body snatcher's legs.

As she is doing this, Thiopia continues on with her action...
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Alarm shot through Thiopia's mind as she saw another thing appear and grab Lili. Reflexively she reached for one of the grenades hanging hidden in her coat, but swiftly realized that it was probably a bad idea to set one off in such tight quarters, and she shifted, to grab her spare 30-round magazine. With it in-hand, she awkwardly fumbled with the catch to release her now-empty one from her gun and slipped the fresh one in.

I would like to
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg had went to finish clubbing the beast over again when it tried to snag the charge he self-inserted himself to protect. Naturally, this wouldn't do at all.

Growling in fury, he quickly slides the baton to one side and redraws his trusty revolver, still relatively loaded from before. Quickly moving to the hallway, he quickly lobs off a shot at the fleeing monster!

Free Action - Swap Weapon, Stub Revolver
Move to Line of Sight. If already in LOS, Aim for half-turn.
Attack fleeing enemy with Stub Revolver
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Thiopia reloads her weapon without difficulty while Zieg quicksteps around the corner to the hallway, following the fleeing 'Red Eye.' His shot hits it squarely in its shoulder blade, causing the thing to pitch forward and lie still not a meter away from where the other beast stands, swiping with its terrible arms at Lili, who is fleeing for the stairway exit.

Just as its massive writhing hand is about to clamp down on her she nimbly turns herself sideways in an impressive dodge, and she dives clear through the frameway of the door.

Gallus stands up awkwardly and fires a short burst of las carbine fire at the pursuer. The shots hit center mass, but do not seem to slow the beast down - likely hitting some sort of internal reflective armor that these clearly augmented beings were likely to have. Finding itself outnumbered, the creature turns to run into Gallus' room, allowing the acolytes in the hallway one last round of fire before it takes a running leap at the shattered window within.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci once more levels his revolver at the monster, trying to steady his hand as he takes aim, and lets fly with one final, shaking shot at the creature.

Same thing as last time. Half to aim, half to shoot.