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The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg certainly isn't going to stop now, as he quickly levels out the revolver again, giving another blast down the hall at the fleeing beast.

Aim for half-turn, followed by attacking the critter with Stub Revolver
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

The acolytes all turn their various ranged weapons on the fleeing red eyed creature, but their shots mainly hit the cracking plaster of the chipped walls and the doorframe through which this creature disappears, barreling at full speed towards the already broken window.

A tinkling of glass is the only sound that follows as it throws itself headlong into the darkness of the alleyway and a vicious three story drop. It's as though it has no fear of personal harm or the consequences of its actions, save for its apparent need to get away.

The acolytes look at one another, stunned into momentary silence. Lili creeps back up the stairs, looking behind her anxiously and wrinkling her nose.

"I don't think we should stay here. Those things... by the Emperor." She visibly pales and points to the body of the fallen man-beast. Before their very eyes, the corpse begins to twitch and shake, and then begins to decompose.

If any of the acolytes want to investigate it, they will have to be quick. The flesh of the dead thing starts to liquidize in a disgusting and aweful-smelling manner.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"You're a slippery girl, eh, Lili? Good job. Hand me my knife again, would you please? Ziggy, check on our good Tech-priest and his dog, would you? Mordeci, come with me - let's check our dead beasty before it rots completely away. I need you to flip him over so I can get at it's back."

While she spoke, Thiopia shuffled her clothing around. The noblesse divulged herself of her hive jacket, worn as an outer layer as it was, and wrapped it several times around her nose and mouth, to shield her some from the smell... and in case anything jumped from it when she jammed her knife in it cut it open and take a look at it's spinal cord, and if there was a certain something that didn't belong wrapped around it.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Lili numbly hands over the knife to Thiopia, her nose wrinkling and her eyes watering as she gets a whiff of whatever chemical fume discharge was causing the creature to rapidly decompose.

"Don't forget the bio-tubes that Interrogator Sand gave us," the tech priest grunts as he lurches to one side to try and get more comfortable, adjusting his red robes to look at where the escaped foe had crashed into him most painfully. He also emitted a binary cant into a receiver on his wrist, and several moments later, the steel pattering of the cyber mastiff's paws could be heard making their way up the stairs.

With Mordeci's help, Thio's impromptu dissection along the spinal cord strikes paydirt. Had she not known to look for it, she might not have found it, but the heretical piece of bio-augmentation, similar to the one found on Saul Arbest, is there, feeding its tendrils directly into the spinal column. This one however is corroding quickly, already covered with a noxious green-brown, bubbling acid. It might require some delicate maneuvers to coax the thing into the bio tube without damaging its integrity.

Ideally, this would be a job for an expert chirugeon with micro tools and all the time in the world to excavate. Instead, it was Thiopia with a combat knife, mucking about in a dead corpse that was bubbling with extremely corrosive acid coming from saints-know-where. It would be a potentially dangerous operation if she chose to go through with it.

On the other hand, she could simply try hacking at it to get as much of it into the tube as possible, disregarding possible damage to the spinal feeder. It would reduce the difficulty of removal, but who could say if what she'd be left with would be worth anything?
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Thank you, Lili. Go help Zieg now, so you don't have to be around this stink. Please stay clear of the room while I work, being watched makes me nervous." She hoped that lie and the smell would be enough to keep her out of her hair while she looked for that freakish little parasite. It was very convenient that this thing was so hideously noxious; Lili wasn't cleared to know about such heresy, after all.

Reminded by the Tech-priest about the tubes they were given, Thiopia also remembered she had been given a scalpel. Digging through the bag, she put out two tubes next to her where she knelt beside the corpse, ready to be used, and made an incision up along one side of the monster's spine with the scalpel.

Thiopia then cut perpendicular at each end of her first cut, and then angled her scalpel to nick away at the oozing flesh at the bottom. Using her knife to manipulate the disintegrating meat while maintaining as little contact with her gloves as possible, she peeled back the skin and gore until she could get at its spine to remove that thing.

She also remembered that Saul had had a lung taken out to use for carrying stuff. If she had time, Thiopia would check that as well.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg pants as the nightmare flees, his weapon twitching in his hand as he glares at the broken window. "Remind me to bring up how terrible room service is around here," he manages to quip, the revolver sliding to his holster.

Death quips aside, Zieg moves to the fallen techpriest, giving the best examination of his wounds as he could manage. Sadly he never took up learning medicine in the force, so it wouldn't help much beyond exterior examination, especially with the alien anatomy of most techpriests.

"I may not be a medic, but I can hopefully stem any leaks ya got," he mutters during his examination, asking questions as needbe to try and surmise the extent of his injuries- and if they could tend to them on the move.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci slumps against the nearby wall, holstering his revolver and pulling the brim of his hat down, before Thio calls for his aid, which he lends to her before finding his way out of the room and searching for one of his Lho-sticks on his person, shakily putting it between his lips and lighting it up.

Those in the hallway might see how badly he was shaking as he fell to a sitting posture with his knees pointed at the ceiling, his arms resting on them as he smoked.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Gallus looks up at Zieg and winces.

"The flesh is weak," he grunts as the torn bit of his red robe and hiver jacket is brushed aside to reveal a nasty bruising and slight tearing in his side, however it appears to have missed his vitals.

Zieg cannot see much else of what lies beneath the tech priest's robes, but it appears to him that what he is looking at now seems normal and human. Evidence, perhaps, that Gallus is only on the beginnings of his steps toward becoming more in harmony with his Omnisiah.

"There's not much you can do. I will tend to my own wounds as best I can, but available options are slim in this district. I do not think that we shall find a quality, practicing churgeon in a hole like this. I was not careful enough."

Lili Arbest steps away from Thio's work and with a last quizzical look at Thiopia turns to put her hands on Zieg's shoulder.

"Thank you, sir, for fighting these nightmares off. I only wish now that I could have left this all behind today. It was as though they were coming here to take me away, and if not for you and the others, it surely would have happened. Yet, I'm at a loss. I have no idea why such things would want me, but if it had anything to do with my brother... if he was caught up in something like this... oh sweet saints."

Lili begins to tear up, and she places her shaking hands in the sign of the aquila over her eyes and leans against the trooper, clearly trying to take some sort of comfort in having someone prop her up in a moment of vulnerability.

As for the noble scholar, she was quickly realizing that for all her bravado and educational know how, she had yet to complete her training in basic medicae. All that she knew about the human body at this point was guesswork and textbook theory. She would be in the dark about techniques when working with a normal human, let alone a mutated byproduct of heresy that seemed to be having some sort of strange chymical reaction unlike anything that had befallen Saul Arbest.

She worked quickly, cutting away sloughs of foul meat, exposing the spinal column until she had found what appeared to be her quarry. She worked and worked at it, neatly anticipating a foaming spray of acid near her hands and stopping her work just in time to avoid a nasty contact experience. She then resumed her cutting as the spinal column began to collapse as though it were suddenly made of gelatin.

She did her best to work competently and with haste, but a lack of practice showed. What she ended up putting into the bio tube was a signficant portion of the parasite, but she knew that there had been some damage due to exposure to the acid. Structural integrity had been compromised. However, it was a damned site better than having nothing at all, she reasoned. Maybe better - no - more specialized researchers than her could make something of it.

Gallus looked around, then muttered to Mordeci. "We had better see what all this was about. Those dregs from before weren't with those monsters, and they seemed to have a pretty easy time figuring out where we were tonight. I've a feeling we were sold out... maybe multiple times by the sound of it. Could be Argus... but I don't know that I'd trust that one to be smart enough to be involved in a heresy that could make something like... that."

He indicated the decayed body.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg grits his teeth as he sees the damage done to the priest. "Alas, this is something beyond my abilities. Perhaps we could retreat back with our findings, if possible..."

Lili's weight on his side instantly stole his attention, and when she teared up he puts a arm around her in an attempt to comfort. "If I had more answers, especially on what these... hellspawn are, then by the Emperor I would use them to end this."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Thiopia pumped a fist into the air when she got... well, some of her prey into the glassy tube they'd been provided. Who needs medicae school! Well, except that her sample was mangled and probably melting into acidic slurry. So, not total victory in the slightest. But a good effort on her part, and no one - that she cared about, at least - had died or anything. Not bad. Mayhap if someone better had been here, maybe they'd have been able to...


The noblesse put her sample off to the side, away from the growing puddle that had been the creature that had attacked them, where she observed it in case it looked like it was starting to melt through her glass. Hadn't Sand said that the thing had to have been implanted by an expert? Surely finding an expert in a run down slum like Corscala couldn't be too hard.

Provided that it didn't seem to be eating through the glass container, Thiopia took her prize gingerly and stowed it in the bag, and then jabbed her scalpel into one of the conventionally dead bodies, to clean the scalpel of acid. The blood was then wiped off on the dead man's skin, or clothes, if he had any. Her knife was similarly tended to.

Returning to Zieg, Lili and Gaius, Thiopia stood to the side for a moment, reloading her spent magazines and such, before she spoke up.

"He looks like he could use a doctor. Lili, who's the best in the district? Would Luntz and his goons perhaps have a good pet one they keep to themselves?"
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

If there were any acid pooled in with the specimen that Thiopia had collected, the glass container seemed able to withstand its effects. The noblewoman slipped it inside her satchel pack for safekeeping and then proceeded to do a field cleaning of her sharp objects, though it would be a tremendously good idea to sterilize that scalpel if she ever intended to use it for medical purposes in the future.

Lili seemed to find some comfort in Zieg's words and the presence of his arm on her shoulder. Her brown locks hid the puffing of her eyes as she struggled in the aftermath to deal with the concept that monsters were there in the dark of the twilight city, looking yes to sweep her and others away into the night for who knew what purposes.

For Thiopia, Zieg, Mordeci, and Gallus, a part of that purpose was already known. A biological tech heresy of some sort, performed by a sinister yet powerful intellect whose identity remained a mystery.

Gallus shrugged his shoulders and struggled upright. "The damaged tissue can and will be replaced with blessed metal, but I do not think our investigation can afford a delay simply to tend to my wounds. I will manage."

Lili pulled slightly away from Zieg in order to answer Thiopia's question about a local healer.

"Any practitioner with an official medicae schooling has either left this district or - as you say - perhaps stuck around to act as a servant to the underworld. Luntz is a ganglord, but he's one of many in the underhive, and I'm sure he answers to someone who answers to someone else in the depths. If you end up needing medical attention, it's safe to say that he's your best bet, but it would cost you, and the sort of doctor you'd get... I don't imagine their first choice would be to live in the underhive unless there were particularly bad reasons."

Lili sighs and rubs her shoulder where the creature had tried to grip her minutes before.

"No one can really afford Luntz' rates for amenities, but he loves keeping people in his debt, so he always ends up trying to be magnanimous with a 'pay me later' deal. If you refuse that, he takes it as if you spat in the face of his generosity, and he'll make an example out of you. It's a vicious cycle. I've seen good families torn apart by it. I suppose the only other option one might have is to go to the alms house, which is what a lot of people do, but they really don't have a doctor there... just people who'll give you a warm meal and a bedroll for free. Maybe some medical supplies are there for charity, but I've heard that even those are dwindling with the lack of new relief shipments coming in."

She bites her lip and then continues.

"Maybe if we can find him in the morning, Sikes the Reclaimator might have scrounged something useful. It'll cost us cash, but at least it's an honest transaction."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Much as I hate to admit it, we're runnin' low on options, folks." Mordeci speaks up as he takes a drag from the Lho-stick. "It's borderline pants-on-head, but I vote we go and cozy up to Luntz. Better to get care for the dog whisperer than to let him bleed to death." he says, having slumped down to sit with his knees elevated and his arms resting on them, staring off at the floorboards ahead of him as he waits for everyone else to weigh in.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Pff. I doubt any pissant apothecary Luntz has will help the tech-priest without also putting a bomb or trying to harvest his mechanicae or whatever. Let's send him and Lili to the almshouse - hopefully those two freaks were all the night had in store for you, Lili, but otherwise the Techpriest and his dog can provide some measure of protection. That way, since you won't be with us, he won't just shoot us all and drag you off for whatever foul designs he has in mind."

Thiopia started refilling her spent magazine from the box in her bag she carried spare bullets in, while also snapping one of the smaller 18-round magazines in her gun - quicker to draw and use than the bigger 30-round ones.

"Let's go. We'll provide escort to the almshouse - Gallus, keep your comm handy, in case anything happens. After that, we'll head to that bastard's bar. I'd very much like to have a chat with that Argus fellow."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg's face remained grim for a little as the conversation continued around him, sighing a little as he takes another swig of the flask in his pocket. As he took a few moments to reload, he got a few words edgewise as well.

"I'd rather a honest day's pay to a scounger than trust someone under the vulture's break. Talking to Luntz is definitely on the agenda, but I not gonna let the bastard dangle us over a pit for favors when we know what crazy... things we're dealing with now. Whatever we do now, we need to evacuate the current situation. The scum before those things came were given our room key, so someone definitely has it in for us, and sitting here asking questions is setting us up for another ambush. To the alm's house before we make any long-term plans, I say."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Gallus grunts and rises to his feet, his wound hidden beneath the robes. The way he moves gives the other acolytes some hope that his wound is not as bad as it first seemed. Perhaps the Omnisiah is with him.

Lili Arbest grabs her hiver jacket and slips it back on. Then, sticking close to Zieg, she follows the group down the stairs. The common room and reception area on the first floor are in shambles. There's some blood on the ground, streaking away from the lower landing and trailing to the front door, out into the night.

Mordeci and Thiopia hear a faint whimpering coming from behind the desk.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Do your doors not have locks?" Thiopia asked, moving over to investigate the whimpering behind the desk. That sick-looking owner of this place, she'd bet - though she drew her pistol anyway. "What in Emperor's name happened? When I rented a room from you I assumed it came with protection from cannibal troglodytes."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

The trembling form of Maxus Drayelok, proprieter of the Corscala Hostel rises slowly out from his hiding place beneath the counter.

"Ever so sorry, miss. Ever so sorry indeed!" Maxus says wringing his hands and licking his tarred lips nervously in the flickering low light.

"Emperor plough me though, I can't be defending myself when a gang o' that sort come through looking for something to gnaw on. These are dark times in Corscala, as you can no doubt see! First, I thought to hide, but they know me, miss! I figured the only way for me to not end up as a meal myself would be to let them take the key. But seeing as how I knew a troop like yourselves were armed and likely to be awake, I said to myself - Maxus I says - that mob'll get what's coming to them, I says, going on up there and looking to bring a knife to a gun fight. Too right I was! Except... then there were them red eyes... the fiends from the night. Oh but now those I had prayed to pass me by as they've done on nights before! But not tonight, plough me! I thought for sure they would hear me behind the counter just as you've done, but it just stood there at the bottom of the stairs waiting. And as those few dregs barreled down the way to escape, pow pow! Two smacks and it knocked em' cold and limp! Then dragged them away back to the streets... just like the dozens of poor habproles that've gone missing over the past weeks. Even Luntz and his men are scared shitless by 'em. Heard that Argus fella complaining about it a few nights ago - the underboss devil doesn't let his men go out at these hours of the night if he can help it!"
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"I applaud your talent, sir. You are very good at making excuses," Thiopia says coldly. "Were excuses one of the duties of the Arbites you might be in charge of all lawkeeping in the Hive."

Turning away, Thiopia let her pistol-arm fall to her side. "Come along now," she said, leading them out the door, her other hand grasping for her chem-lamp.

She turned it on outside, and asked Lili to lead the way to the almshouse. Once they were some distance away from the door, Thio spoke up. "If these things wander the night as that craven says, I am questioning our planned destination even more than I used to. Lili, do they maintain guards there? None of them as runs the place might be cozy with Luntz, might they? And don't say where we're going, if you please, never know who's listening."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Maxus peers after the acolytes as they disappear into the night, setting their course back towards the plaza on the trek that will take them through the market and past Luntz' worker's union, on the way to the alms house.

The group huddles close to the chem-lamp, for it provides a very small halo of light in an otherwise pitch black that threatens to engulf them.

"Guards at the alms house? I've never seen any. But I've never been that way at night. Had no reason to go. It's primarily a canteen during the day and closed during the night hours. If you're looking to stash me somewhere, the Templum is much closer, just around the corner here. It won't have any guards either."

Lili's words are hushed and quick. Thio can see the other woman's eyes darting to and fro. She thinks the same thought as you all do. Are there more red eyes watching you from the darkness?
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Huh. And the Templum will take care of Gallus?" Thiopia asked, just as quiet. "Very well, as you say then. Lead on."