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The Realm of Forsaken Dreams (Tassadar)

Pheonix Alugere

New member
Former Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Dreams, a realm of endless joy, oddities, and, occasionally, horrors. Inside this dream, however, there is something different. Having spent a day making her way into the tower of the sorceress Vela, Ashley has finally fallen into the throws of sleep. Unfortunately for her, the sorceress had one final line of defense beyond the Restrictor Beast which guarded her mirror. A small trap which Ashley has unwittingly fallen for. For it happens that the black pearl Vela had used as the core of the focus holding the beast to the mortal realms had a second set of spells attached to it. The pearl was set to manipulate the adventurer's subconscious into keeping the pearl on their person until they went to sleep, at which point the peal's main purpose would begin its work. Now, as Ashley sleeps, the pearl sends small tendrils of magic into the woman's dreams, manipulating her dream and pushing her into a realm of dreaming magic controlled by the sorceress Vela.

For Ashley, though, during the course of a normal dream, be it of pleasure, treasure, adventure, or simple odd dreams, a large, onyx door appears, silently urging the adventurer to come and inspect it. Eventually, no matter how much or how little the woman resists, she is draw in. Once at the doors, Ashley may stop and realize something isn't right, but, by then, it is already too late. The gate opens and long black tendrils shoot out to drag the woman into the gate before it shuts once more.

Eventually, Ashley will feel as though they are waking up only to find them self on a small island made of a purple stone, all around them, the stone seems to be stuck, half melted as though it were a sandcastle made by a child which has gotten wet and is starting to fall apart. Past the edges of the island, a blanket of impenetrable black fog blocks all view including that of the sky. Even feeling at the edge shows that there seems to be nothing past the edges of the island. Here Ashley will find that they seem to be in a perfect, dreamlike health unhurt by any real life wounds. Also, though, she will notice that this world seems just as real as real life... as though it might not be a dream...
Re: The Realm of Forsaken Dreams (Tassadar)

Looking around at the strange scenery in this odd dream world, Ashley mutters; "What in the hell kind of dream is this....." After a moment of standing still on the stone island, staring into the black fog, Ashley begins examining her own body. She looks herself over, trying to find the bruises left by the ordeal left by the machines, but all of them were missing. Her body was without a scratch, and even the dirt from the road was gone. She gives herself a pinch, trying to see if she still felt pain in this strange dream world.
Re: The Realm of Forsaken Dreams (Tassadar)

Yelping a bit as she feels the pinch, Ashley finds that this dream is quite real, presuming it is a dream at all. Giving a few moments thought about who she had stolen the mirror from, Ashley realizes it could be possible that the sorceress captured her while she slept and then put her in this place as some sort of punishment for her theft. Also, to her surprise, Ashley finds herself wearing clothing similar to that which she wore when she originally snuck into the sea cave, except that the cloth seems a bit finer and, unless she is imagining things, a bit more translucent as well. Of course, the next thing Ashley notices is that her pack, where she had stored her few things of value including the mirror, is missing. Likely the sorceress removed it while she was sleeping if this is real or she hadn't dreamt of it if she is still asleep. Fortunately, though, for whatever reason, Ashley can still feel the comforting weight of the sword on her back and can feel the hilt when she reaches back to it with one hand.

After spending a period of time thinking on this, Ashley glances about the island again to notice two pathways slinking off into the fog. Oddly, though, the fog doesn't seem to touch the unsupported archways of stone, but rather outlines them, only cutting off her view when the pathways turn and go behind some of the fog. A glance down the left path reveals that it quickly begins to slope downward not far from the island Ashley is currently on, and she can also pick up the tell tale sounds of water trickling across rocks somewhere along the path. Likely, wherever the path leads, she will have to cross a few sections of water slicked rock, and, given how smooth the rock already is, there will probably be a significant risk of slipping off of the path if she messes up. Conversely, the other path seems to remain fairly level, not seeming to go up or down, although it might later on past the section she can see. Down that passage, however, Ashley can hear wet sounds bringing to mind the images of seedy bars or brothels where the sounds of sex permeate those buildings. Still, despite both passages not seeming to be the most pleasant, Ashley does realize that she doesn't have anywhere else to go and will have to take one of them if she wants to leave.

(Paths: Left path, Explore(Combat); Right path, Naughty(Naughty))
Re: The Realm of Forsaken Dreams (Tassadar)

Ashley grunts in annoyance at the loss of her pack, which had contained the valuable mirror. However, she knew that if she wanted it back, she'd have to get her bearings first. Looking between her two options for continuing on through this strange dream world, Ashley mutters; "Risk bashing my head open on a rock, or risk getting laid. Tough choice...." And then, mentally preparing herself, she proceeds down right path. She tried to remain quiet and stealthy, though she had no idea of what might be waiting for her.

(Short post is short.)
Re: The Realm of Forsaken Dreams (Tassadar)

(The right path. Naughty = 19. Naught =21)
(Ashley's Naughty is 7. Roll of 9 = 16. Ashley fails by 3)
(Ashley's Naughty is 7. Roll of 17 = 24. Ashley Passes

Finally having decided a course of action, Ashley moves over to the right path. Seeing nothing down the path, at first, Ashley simply tries to quiet her steps on general principle given that, unless whatever is making the noise either has no eyes or isn't looking up the path in the direction she would be coming from, the most advantage she will be able to get is to cut down some of the time whatever is there has to react. With that in mind, she quickly starts down the passageway, occasionally glancing left and right into the fog, just in case, despite the fact that, no matter how far she goes down the path, the fog remains an opaque wall blocking her sight. Unfortunately, while the fog never seems to fade away, it doesn't stay constant either.

After a few minutes of walking, Ashley begins to make out small ripples in the mist as something moves just beyond the barrier of the impenetrable fog. Each time as well, whenever she tries to focus on the ripples, they vanish, their source moving back into the fog. It continues this way for a while, slowly working Ashley's nerves as the unseen movements continue, slowly growing larger over time, but never revealing themselves to her. However, it isn't until Ashley makes a slightly nervous glance back to see if any of the things are behind her that she begins to panic. Behind her, the fog has silently covered the path and blocked the way back, and even as she hesitates in a moment of shock and fear, the fog continues to move closer in behind her. Resuming her movement, Ashley begins to move faster as she tries to keep ahead of the fog, but each time she glances back, the fog seems to have gotten even closer. Less than ten minutes later, Ashley begins to feel the fog licking at her ankles as it starts to overtake the young woman. Even worse, Ashley has noticed that the walls of fog on either side of the path seem to have gotten closer together, slowly closing in such that they may simply take her even if she manages to escape the fog behind her. Still, Ashley manages to keep herself under control for a little while longer until she feels something brush up against her ankles where mist has engulfed her.

Spurred into an all out sprint, Ashley quickly abandons all pretense of stealth and begins rushing down the passage way, counting on reflexes and luck to keep her from falling off. For almost half an hour, Ashley continues like this, pushing ahead and trying to stay as much out of the fog as she can, only to have it gain further on her, covering her legs and then reaching her waist even as the walls of mist on her sides begin to brush up against her arms and shoulders. Occasionally, she can even feel something splatter against her pants as she runs, leaving a warm fluid to soak into the cloth. Finally, after a few more minutes of running, Ashley comes across her salvation: Up ahead, the fog opens up onto another small island like before. As she runs, though, Ashly can't make out any distinguishing features or other pathways from the island until she is almost onto the island. At which point, several things happen in a matter of seconds.

First, the young woman notices an odd hole in the middle of the island where the sex like sounds seem to be coming from. However, before she can respond to that, just as she reaches the island and begins to leave the fog, she feels something impact against her foot causing her to trip. Trying to brace herself for the impact, Ashley slams into the slick rock only to start sliding. Worse, though are the combined facts that not only does the fluid that has soaked into her pants seem to stick to the rock, but she continues moving without her pants as they and her shoes are pulled from her body as she moves and they stay behind. Added on top of that, Ashley only has a few more seconds to realize what has happened before she slides headfirst into the hole in the island's center.

Sliding down and in, Ashley is quickly surrounded in a mass of wriggling black tentacles that writhe about her body as she begins to sink down the hole. Practically held paralyzed by how dense the tentacles are, the woman is quickly left unguarded as the wet tendrils slide across her skin, leaving trails of fluid behind. As she continues to sink, Ashley begins to feel some tentacles even slide under her clothing, caressing her body her lightly penetrating her holes as the work at her. Clinging on to whatever dignity she can muster, Ashley simply holds herself in check as she goes, trying to keep from showing any outward sign of pleasure to the creatures, lest that provoke an even greater response. After several minutes, Ashley starts to find the act harder as her arousal builds, the slimy caresses and light touches causing unwanted feelings of pleasure to start to run through her body as the tentacles play with her. Feeling herself on the edge of her control as well as on the verge of an orgasm, Ashley finally slides out the bottom of the tunnel in a combination of relief as well as an unbidden touch of disappointment as a small part of her mind desperately wants to finish what the tentacles started.

A quick glance around the area she is in now, though reveals her to be near the center of a large bowl of the melted, purple rock, with the only breaks being the tentacle filled tunnel behind her, a thin pathway leading back up the way she came which is likely the other path from the island she woke on, and the mouth of a large cave set into the rock. Notably, the cave is guarded by two large, troll-like beasts, that seem to have fallen into a light sleep. Also obvious, especially in Ashley's aroused state, are the massive cocks the creatures have, each looking to easily be as big as her forearm and fully erect. Most likely, if Ashley wakes the creatures as she moves past them, they will probably work out their urges with her body instead of hurting her. Of course, the thought does occur to Ashley that she could just preempt the problem and try to have sex with the beasts on her terms and hopefully get away with merely getting them off with her mouth. If she is lucky, they might decide to let her past and go back to sleep without giving her any more trouble if she tries that. Still, no matter which way she looks at it, even just one of those creatures would be a challenging fight in direct combat, so a two on one fight is out of the question.

Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 4 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 0/0
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 27/30

(Paths: Try to pleasure the trolls on your terms, Naughty; Attempt to sneak past the trolls, Explore(Naughty))

(Long post is long)
Re: The Realm of Forsaken Dreams (Tassadar)

"Shit.... The chase down the hallway again. Wonderful." Ashley mutters to herself, as she notices how the strange fog creeping up behind her. She picks up the pace, not wanting to encounter whatever might be hidden within the fog. Eventually, she is forced into a sprint, which doesn't seem to help at all. In fact, it seems a good bit more harmful than helpful, as she might have been more stable had she not been running. Giving only a grunt as she falls, has her pants torn off, and falls into the hole filled with tentacles.

Ashley immediately stops moving as she realizes what she is surrounded by, fully expecting the slimy black tentacles to grab her, ruin what was left of her clothes, and rape her until she was completely senseless. Apparently, however, they had other ideas, as they instead start caressing her, only penetrating her slightly and covering her body in their fluids. She clamps her mouth shut, ensuring that she doesn't moan, or allow any of them to slip into her mouth, but from the ones rubbing against her womanhood, she has no possible protection. By the time she gets out of the mass of tentacles, Ashley can barely contain herself, her arousal having worn away her will almost to the point where she embraces the foul appendages.

Spotting the apparently sleeping creatures, and their humongous cocks, Ashley grins mischievously, knowing that she'd found a way to work out her 'frustrations.' She pulled her remaining clothes, her panties and shirt, off and set them aside along with her equipment. Then, she casually walks over to one of the two sleeping creatures, and kneels next to it, ensuring that its cock was right in her face. She ends up on her knees, her ass in the air, as her hands slowly wrap around the base of its cock. She dragged her tongue up the underside of the massive organ, getting a taste of it, before wrapping her lips around the head. She sucked on it for a moment, rubbing the head with her tongue, before going deeper. Its cock was massive, but she managed to force it a good way down her throat, choking slightly in the process, but to the lust-addled young woman, it was certainly worth it. She started up a steady rhythm, fucking the creatures huge cock with her mouth, while her hand snaked between her legs, and started toying with her clit.

If she could get the creature off, she had every intention of swallowing as much of its cum as possible, though she doubted that she could possibly take all of it. Once the first was satisfied, Ashley would go to work on the second, hoping that the creatures would tire before her jaw gave out. Though, if the other monster woke up before the first finished, it would find itself within easy reach of Ashleys already wet pussy. If it tried to penetrate her, the beast would find her a willing participant, eager to have something large stuffed into her...
Re: The Realm of Forsaken Dreams (Tassadar)

(The right path. Naught =15)
(Ashley's Naughty is 7. Roll of 19 = 26. Ashley Passes and wastes a perfectly good 19 on a below average challenge.)

Sauntering over towards the beasts while trying to make her soaked panties rub against her body, Ashley raches the first of the two without disturbing either. Then, swiftly focusing in on her prize, she kneels forward before beginning to stimulate the first creature's massive cock with her tongue. As she does this, she is almost overwhelmed by the strong, musky smell of the creature's cock, the scent managing to arouse her even further as she begins to run her cock across its meaty length. Still, she can't hold herself back for long before she draws her mouth up to the head of the creatures cock and lets it enter her. Within seconds, Ashley can taste her saliva mixing with the sweet taste of the creature's precum as she begins to fully pleasure the cock. The taste doesn't last long, however, before she begins to push the cock down her throat. Strangely, while this would normally be unpleasant at best, Ashley only feels aroused as the cock stretches her throat with its girth as she begins to move her head forward and back, bobbing on the massive member and barely even taking long enough as it leaves her throat to take a quick breathe before going down again. It isn't long before the erotic sensation of feeling the massive cock moving through her combined with the hand pleasuring her own self before Ashley begins to feel the steady build up of pleasure within her core. Moaning through the cock steadily now, Ashley can feel the fleshy rod respond with pleasure with each vibration. Both too quickly and not quickly enough, Ashley feels a huge hand clamp down on the back of her head and start moving her head faster and faster before, with a rumbling sound of pleasure, the creature pulls her face to the base of his cock and starts to cum, filling her stomach few a few moments before letting Ashley instinctually pull back, coating first her throat and mouth with cum, before letting the cock fully pop out of her mouth to spray her face and drip down to stain the chest of her shirt.

Of course, the moan attracts the attention of the other of the other creature, bringing it to wakefulness and letting it notice Ashley. Before she even realizes what is happening, Ashley feels a huge hand grip her waist and lift her into the air. Then, in a matter of seconds, she feels her panties get ripped off and tossed to the side before she is lowered down onto a cock. Feeling herself stretching to accommodate the member, Ashley finally goes over the edge and cries out an orgasm, letting the waves of pleasure start to flow through her as the creature begins to pump her along the length of its cock. This only serves to prolong Ashley's pleasure as she finds her orgasm drawn out for seemingly several minutes as the creature continues to fuck her, allowing her body no time to cool down from its pleasurable high as the thing uses her body. Too soon, however, the creature finishes and releases a large load of seed into Ashley's body, the amount even going so far as to partially bloat her body before the creature pulls her off its cock and lets the cum drain from her. Putting Ashley back onto the ground, both creatures, not sated, sit back down onto the ground to go back to sleep, neither one really seeming to care if Ashley passes by now that they are satisfied.

As a mixture of taking advantage of this as well as simply having her mind in a slight haze from her pleasurable delirium, Ashley proceeds to stumble deeper into the cave as the creatures return to their slumber. Eventually, she is brought back to her senses as she hers a roaring eruption nearby as the tunnel begins to open into a giant cavern. A quick glance around shows that the cavern is filled by a lake of some unknown black fluid. Looking further, Ashley is suddenly startled as the reason for the roaring sound reveals itself as a geyser of white fluid jets out of the lake only a few few from shore. Following the stream of liquid up to the ceiling, Ashley finds that there, as well, things are not normal as long purple tendrils, much like longer versions of the tendrils in the first tunnel hang free, ready to grab anything flung to them by the geyser. Hearing another eruption, Ashley glances back down only to see a different geyser erupting elsewhere, possibly there are a series of geysers throughout the lake and she might risk getting caught by one when she tries to cross. And she will have to cross the lake as a further look around the chamber reveals the unfortunate fact that the lake completely fills the cavern without any place she could walk around it on the sides. The only options would be to either swim across or attempt to use magic to do so.

As she contemplates what she wants to do, Ashley also happens to take stock of her body, only to realize that, aside from the fact that her legs seem to still be slick with cum, her lower half is bare, with the only clothing she is wearing being a shirt and bra.

(Paths: Try to swim across, Naughty(Explore); Attempt to cross using magic, Spirit(Explore))
Re: The Realm of Forsaken Dreams (Tassadar)

Ashley moans in satisfaction as the first of the monsters shoots its cum down her throat, amazed at just how much semen it had released into her stomach, mouth, and all over her face and still clothed body. She began to swallow what was in her mouth, and gather what was on her face to shove into her waiting mouth, before the other creature picked her up and tore of her panties. She emits a surprised shriek that quickly becomes a pleased groan as the monster slides its massive cock into her pussy, which was soaking wet at this point, her blowing off the first one having gotten her very aroused. With only a few motions she feels herself reach her peek, her juices squirting out around the thick member in her pussy as her soft walls clamp around it. Its continued thrusts draw out her orgasm to unbelievable lengths, her primal scream of pleasure eventually turning into a whimper as her state of bliss exhausts her, and leaves her gasping for breath even as her body continues to spasm uncontrollably in the throws of her orgasm. When its load finally fills her womb, and it pulls its dick out of her still quivering pussy, it is almost a relief to Ashley, who collapses under her own weight as soon as the beast sets her down, the monsters massive amount of sperm flowing out of her until she resumes her normal size.

Getting up as soon as she is able, Ashley limps her way past the now sedentary monsters, still gasping for breath. While the sex had been incredible, she most certainly didn't want to repeat it, especially not with both of them likely going at her at once. That would probably kill her, or at least leave her comatose on the floor until they came for her again. Definitely fun, but not productive. She continues on, stumbling in a barely coherent haze for a few moments before she ends up staring at the strange lake.

Then, Ashley sits down, still slightly tired, until her mind and body once more find a degree of stability through which she could think and act clearly and effectively. Taking note of her half nudity, Ashley only shrugs, not bothered by the fact that she'd forgotten her panties in the cave with the monsters. She waits for a few moments, trying to find a pattern in the way in which the geysers erupted, or discern a path through which they never erupted. She waits for a while, patiently observing while she recovers from the sex she'd just had, until she has either found a way through or realizes that she will have to try her luck.

Not knowing any magic that might make this any easier, Ashley sighs as she stands up, taking in a deep breath and steeling herself before diving into the black fluid and starting to swim across. She moves as quickly and as steadily as she can, avoiding the geysers as much as possible, and trying to reach the opposite side as quickly as she could. She had taken note of the tendrils on the ceiling, and had no doubt in her mind at what they would do to her body if she was sent up to them by the geysers.

(Swim across.)
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