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The Right Track (Kathy)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Tabatha Strossen didn't like how today was going. Not like anyone would like a giant creature destorying a major city. But no, this was a bad day for science as well.

Tab had been flown in to a makeshift research/military camp North of the Clover Grove, on the rocky hills that overlooked the city. Perfect view of the monster and its spawn, but nothing really of use to scientists. Sure, they enjoyed ooing and aahing at it just as much as the grunts, for a little while, but it wasn't like they could get any hard data on the creature just by looking at it.

Now of course no one suggested anyone go right up to the thing and get a sample, not even scientific over-enthusiasm could be that crazy, but samples from the little monsters seemed to be beyond the ability of the military as well. At first they thought the scis needed LIVE samples, that ended well... one person dead and two seriously hurt, not just broken bones but some unknown toxin, though it didn't seem to be fatal. They did get a partial DNA reading on it before the equipment got destroyed in the brawl, but the part that was done being sequenced looked like standard squid DNA.

By the time that mess was over, the military agreed to bring a corpse next time, but their time was up. As Tabatha went behind the camp for some quiet and a drink, she just happened to look up in time to see a cruise missile headed for the monster. She knew that this hadn't worked before, so something must be up. On instinct she dove into a small cave, about 15 m deep, that was in the hill. As such, she was saved from the utter destruction the camp took only a few seconds later.

The nuke fizzled, but the North side got alot more damage then the rest of the city. Still, the people in the camp could have survived, if they'd noticed. As it was, the vast majority of them were killed when a truck overturned on them from the shockwave. The other four were killed by various other means.

Tab hid well in the cave, though she took a few minor cuts when some rocks fell. After the shaking stopped, she cautiously ventured out. She wasn't prepared for the sight that awaited. The tents were blown over and flattened, all the equipment gone, and worst of all, everyone dead. No good news at all.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

(Taking a few minor liberties based on your background for her start.)

As Tab climbed out of her hole in the ground, the team was her first concern, rushing from person to person to check if they were alive, if there was any hope, scrambling to grab a first aid kit in between her wild attempts to find anyone who wasn't killed by the blast, the shock of her having nearly been one of the dead was almost mind numbing.

After she realized all hope was lost for the others, all she could do to keep going was talk to herself in a bemused, joking tone as she started to salvage what was left of the ruined camp. "wrecked... destroyed... ruined... aw fuck, all my porn was on that computer." Tab muttered as she kicked at the damaged things laying around, mostly pieces that were slammed into the ground from the blast after the majority of the gear seemed to simply be blown away off into who knew where. Picking up the battered pieces and staring at the electronics, she tried to get anything running again, but after just a couple minutes, she soon realized that whatever they'd launched that time, it was worse than the last few.

"Fucking idiots." she added angrily, staring off at where the enormous creature had been moments before, the thing seeming to have moved on, but in her still shaken state, she had no idea where it had gone to this time.

Tab ran her hands through her hair as she looked over the ruins of her site, starting to consider what was salvagable, and what wasn't, whatever hit had left very little behind, she would attempt to search the truck (assuming it was still there, since it was specifically said the truck killed some people), and dig into the remains of all of the tents one by one, disgustingly pleased with herself that she hadn't made any friends here yet since she'd only arrived a day before THIS happened, and everyone was so busy, she didn't even catch anyone's name other than the site supervisor.

She would occasionally prodding at one electronic device or another, but knowing the shockwave of the blast alone would've likely cracked every motherboard there, her search instead was more isolated on collecting any tranquilizers, restraint devices, first aid materials, and weapons, along with the remains of her travel pack from her knocked over tent. Her tent was ruined, obviously, but a sleeping bag and a couple changes of clothes wouldn't hurt if she was going to hike out of here on her own, thanks to the truck being flipped, not to mention she was fairly sure she could scrape together some things from the other tents before she moved to leave.

... The bodies would need to wait. She'd send the military back in to clean up their mess. She just regretted not having a working camera for being able to document this for her website.

(Pre-actions: Check for injured/dead, discover tech is ruined, everything you already said in your post more or less.)
(Actions: Search flipped truck and damaged tents for supplies, and prepare to leave the area.)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tabatha's searches did not yield much, but was not totally fruitless. One of the first tents was where the military personel tended to gather. Most of them had been out trying to capture another monster when the explosion happened, but one of the officers had still been here. She pocketed his service pistol and two clips for it she found on his body. While one of the more intact bodies, sometimes it was a little thing that killed you. The man had clearly been hit in the head by a flying brick. Hardly any gore, but still not something Tab wanted to remember.

Nearby was a large pile of electronics. Their flight had been stopped by a large rock that sat in the middle of the camp, as something of a center point. It was at this moment Tab noticed something. She turned back to the city for an instant. Most of the buildings were still standing. Why was the damage so bad this far out? Did the lack of windblocks on these hills really make that much of a difference? Didn't really matter now, she decided, and continued to work.

At the end of her search, with only the truck left, Tabatha had a few electronics she hoped still worked. Just tiny pieces, but they might be able to fix some better sheilded electronics later, if Tab found any. Closer inspection proved that an EMP had happened. Tab wasn't surprised. The explosion had been a nuke in all likelihood.

Tabatha eyed up the truck. It was its side, on top of a few dead bodies. They'd died quickly... hopefully. Tab climbed in. The only things inside were large animal containers and boxes of tranquilizer darts, though no dart gun. The label on the boxes said "National Bioworks", a company Tab knew was closely tied with the military, and had a not so good record on ethics.

Climbing back out, Tab sat down on a nearby rock and pondered what to do next.

(If you choose to leave, just specify a destination, or even be vauge with what you want, and I have write out her rationalizing where best to find said resource, or whatever, and head off in that direction. I keep a map with all known locations and all player's positions on it btw)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

(>.> just a note: Don't assume things like the character stops and sits down someplace. It's a little thing, but when you start making assumptions like that, it can lead to bigger assumptions, and my chatRP from 2 days ago went madly off track because of these GM assumptions clashing with taken actions by the player.)

Salvaging a few small bags that were used around the area, Tab stuck the few intact components of the electronics into it. "Fucking bastards... they wouldn't nuke the city, at least I hope not... if they did, we're all screwed anyhow, fallout at this range... no... Even our military can't be that stupid. They probably used some experimental weapon." she tried to reason with herself, nodding slowly. If it was, indeed an EMP wave that wiped out the electronics here, then most of the components would still function, it was just a few vital parts that would be wrecked beyond repair.

Having taken what she could, she laid it all out on the ground and reviewed one final time. "Electronics.. mostly functional, except wrecked core components... Pistol... shocked I only found one, but I guess the rest of that group was off at the time... two clips... Extended mag, standard issue for military. Not that I'm the best shot... Tons of tranqs. This much could probably take out even that big sucker if we could actually inject them into him all at once. Way more than I can carry... But no gun to stick them in... Best case, I could jab one of those things with it if they got close to me. But I'd rather avoid needing to do that... A bit of food, a couple bottles of water that didn't burst... my sleeping bag, just in case. Camos... hm. "

She glanced around for a moment, looking at the rather hostile land, then to her own somehow 'cheery' light blue outfit. It didn't feel at all appropriate to wear it right now, as she slipped her dress off, sighing as she began bundling it up and stuffing it in a bag, before she pulled on some fairly plain civilian camo-print pants and a top. It wasn't much, but at least she felt like she stood out less.

Better dressed, armed, having taken the gunbelt and slipped it on over her clothes, supplies in her bag, and a box or two of those tranqs, just enough that she had an abundance (in her opinion), while not so much that it would be a pain to haul it around, she'd made extra sure none of the canisters was damaged before settling on taking them with her... and it was time to go.

"This entire area is wrecked. It took a two hour drive to get here from our dropoff point nearby... and that's even if I remembered the way back, and I don't get attacked by those smaller monsters, or that the dropoff point is still there at all... I'd be an idiot to go that way... but the city seems fairly intact... maybe... there's some other military bases nearby, or a working car in there." she paused her conversation for a moment, grabbing around at nothing as if she was talking into a tape recorder, a disappointed look on her face, "Note to self... stop monologuing... I'm so used to doing it for my reports... it just... ... ... nevermind... City it is." She remained quiet for a moment, thinking the rest of the conversation to herself. If she could find a car, she'd be able to get out of here, at very least to another city on a full tank of gas, or she'd hopefully find some other military. She never blamed the grunts, they were as clueless as the population. It was the higher ups who always did things like this.

Packed, on her feet, and already walking, she'd finished her entire conversation with herself before she knew it, already a good distance away from the site, mentally noting where it was in case she had to come back for anything. She'd hoped not... but just in case. After all, at the very least, she had a large supply of tranqs that she stashed away before leaving.

(Destination uncertain. Tab is walking towards the city, trying to stay low key and locate either another military team, or a functioning vehicle. If anything I listed her taking is inappropriate or wrong, just state otherwise. I'm assuming the tranq darts are either fairly small and weak (so she has many) or fairly large and potent (so she has relatively fewer).)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

(Ah, reading my reply again, I noticed myself doing it. If it keeps up just call me on it. Your character is kind of hard for me to write for, for some reason, so I feel I'm not doing as good a job as I should be :eek:

Though at the end, I always feel akward just having a character standing around pondering, so that happens quite frequently, and I apologize :eek:

On a lighter note, the tranq will knock out anything you'll find for awhile, though there is a time delay. That's one of the things I'm using to make this RP stand out, not everything happens right away. The number of turns the Tranq will take will depend on what monster you face, and how much HP is has left)

In the end, Tab ended up walking South, towards the city. Up the hills to the North would have been too tiring, West was a dead end at the ocean, and East, towards the helopads, had been ruled out. One good thing about this path, Tab could see right up to the edge of the city, and as far as she could tell, it was clear, though monsters weren't exactly known to hang out in the most visible areas.

As Tabatha walked, she had to be careful. Loose rocks littered the dusty hills, and many small holes in the ground that could break her ankle if she missed them. One or two caves were nearby, as well, much like the one Tab hid in earlier.

As she got closer to the city, one thing became clear. There were survivors, maybe not human survivors, but survivors still. Tabatha couldn't make out what was moving, but there were several areas that had activity.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

A bit... concerned. Was a good way to describe Tab's feelings on the 'survivors'. She viewed the area carefully and didn't seem to notice any humans amongst the group. As unsettling as it was, she resorted to the same tactics she often used to ambush her test subjects, only this time to avoid encounters entirely. She hated this loose rock and debris, but there was little she could do about it.

As she neared the city, Tab began to try to reason out what the best approach was, avoiding any obvious clusters of the animals, she would attempt to stealthily close in on the city fast enough that she could duck into buildings if she was spotted, thinking to herself that even if the things were persistent enough to go through a wall to get at her, at least it would delay them and give her ample time to get away, or worst case, retaliate.

The scientist just hoped she could get to the buildings that still stood before the monsters noticed her...

If she did reach the city unnoticed.. (or after any encounters, she's going to try this anyhow, so already typed it out either way XD)
She'd feel far more secure and begin her search by checking for any still working small vehicles nearby, while perhaps hotwiring a car was out of the question for the moment, a bike would certainly be beneficial in this situation.

As to what she was searching for... she was, sadly, a bit at a loss. With the city abandoned, and that explosion having knocked out most of the vital communication lines... Her train of thought froze. "The phones." she thought silently to herself. Phone services often had emergency backups of all kinds just for these situations. The problem was that everyday home and small business lines weren't likely to be monitored to any degree. She'd need to find something important... something like a government building. "The courthouse maybe... or city hall. no... They'd have been the first places abandoned, no reason to keep them open... what about... The Police Station." she smiled and nodded, "That's a great idea... now I just have to track it down... oh. Right. Duh. How ironic. In looking to find a good phone, I turn to... a phonebook, so I can look up it's address." she almost laughed softly to herself, grinning as she moved into the city, any old payphone with a phonebook attached would do, letting her check the address of the police station so she could head straight there without delay.

(p.s. Don't worry about it, it was minor, I just had this moment of 'meh' leftover from the last kerfuffle that such actions caused. Your RP is going very smoothly so far <3)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

(I'll treat the spoiler section as thoughts happening as what I'm writing here is going on, that way it won't derail any encounters.

Stealth Check

5+15+18 = 38 vs 23 = 3+20 PASS

Tabatha reached the outskirts of the city. On the North side, there wasn't really any suburbs. It was mostly warehouses and other such buildings that serviced the docks. In other words, medium to large, one story non-descript offices and industrial type buildings. Oddly enough, in the aftermath of today's events, the setting almost looked like one of the war torn countries that the nation sometimes got involved in, dusty streets with a wrecked car here or there, papers strewn everywhere.

Tab was quite successful in her efforts not to be seen. An outside observer might have said she was a military professional. Though, to her advantage, very few monsters were in this area, the few that were to start with had been injured or killed in the blast, and the region was far enough from the central monster that more were just now arriving.

------(Your spoiler section goes here, basically)-----

Eventually, Tabatha reached a street that clearly seperated the warehouses from the city proper. Better maintained roads, higher rise buildings, the works. Tab set about finding a pay phone. Unfortunately, there was no clear way of telling where one might be. Any street being as good as the next, Tab wandered untill she found a subway station. Didn't those generally have payphones? But the station was pitch black, no power. Going down there would be risky.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Not seeing too many options, Tab dug into her bag and pulled out a couple of the tranq darts, then drew her pistol. If she was to get out of here instead of roaming around the city stupidly for days, she needed to find a payphone, or a phone book of some kind. And barging into stray houses until she found one could've taken forever, not to mention the racket of burst down door after door.

She ducked into the stairways quickly to avoid being spotted by anything that may have roamed the streets, and moved in slow, trying to let her eyes adjust to the dimmed light below a bit before continuing.

'this place should have a payphone right near the entrance somewhere...' she thought to herself, 'if I avoid going in too far, I should have plenty of light from the outside here.'

Every footfall in this area sounded too loud, she knew in the dead silence here, if anything was down there, it would know someone had arrived. She begrudgingly took her socks and shoes off before continuing, especially cautious to be walking around barefoot, but knowing that it would mean she could sneak in and out unheard.

Shoes tucked into the top of her pack, a few tranq darts in one hand, and pistol in the other hand, Tab just hoped nothing down here would see her as she briskly moved in, rushing forward along an inner wall and looking into the various stores and vendors that existed down here, mentally creating a 'shopping list' of sorts, for things to snatch... A pocket knife... a bunch of lighters... maybe a sandwich or two that was still left behind. And, of course, a flashlight if one was to be found. A wicked grin gave her the notion to check for one of those laser pointers too, wondering if she could tape one onto her gun to give it a laser sight.

Tabatha only stopped briefly in her search to consider how sidetracked she was getting from her objective here... but she approvingly nodded to herself, realizing that a bit of preparation now would serve better than a horrible, gruesome death later.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Stealth Check

(Enemy is getting +10 for being in the dark, and infact will get +10 on most rolls while in low light)

19+15+18 = 42 vs 59 = 19+30+10 FAIL

As Tabatha was slowly moving through the station, she suddenly heard a frantic skittering sound. A giant man sized spider was heading for her full tilt. It could clearly see Tab just fine, despite the low light level.

However, despite Tabatha's failure to detect the spider before it detected her, it had only closed to about 20m when she noticed it, giving her some time to react. However, by the time she was ready, it was only 10m away.

(Combat, you go first)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Instincts took over ahead of common sense, seeing the spider there, she didn't fire her gun at the thing, but wildly threw one of the tranq darts at it, already grabbing for another without thinking about it. She'd dealt with big spiders before, but never this big, and she'd dealt with animals before, but not quite like this one.

Having hurled the tranq at the spider, she began to take several brisk leaps backwards, hoping to get into more light by moving towards the entrance, so she could make sure the thing was alone down here, or at least, alone for now, knowing there could be any number of the things left in the darkness.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Hit Chance

3+48 = 51 vs 63 = 20+33+10

The darts aren't ment for throwing, and despite a really lucky throw from Tabatha, the dart misses by a good half meter. To add to an already bad situation, Tab can't make it out of the station just yet, the exit still being aways off, but she does back up far enough to get in another strike before the spider reachers her.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab held out the gun and groaned inwardly... if there were more spiders, they would certainly hear her shot. She tried to keep running back towards the entrance as she avoided shooting yet, the next dart held at the ready, she timed it and waited for the attack, thrusting the dart down at the spider-thing's body just as it moved towards her again to attack, not wanting to draw more of the things forward, as she only saw the one so far. She just hoped that it hit this time, knowing that if she'd successfully stabbed it, the thing would be asleep within moments, hopefully quick enough that she could evade until it went down... hopefully...

(Melee: Stab tranq dart into spider.)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Hit Chance

7+48 = 55 vs 49 = 6+33+10 HIT

*Spider Passes out: 4 turn*

Tabatha sticks the spider good, right in the mass of the creature. It lets out and angry howl as the two fight.

Grapple Attempt

8+43+10 = 61 vs 51 = 3+48

The spider grabs on to the now close Tabatha. Its anger burns with the passion of a thousand suns.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tabatha whimpers a bit after she felt the thrust jab the thing. She knew it would fall to the tranq soon enough, but how soon was hard to say. She grabbed at the thing's body to try to push it off, but struggling with an eight legged foe was a... difficult task, to say the least.

With the thing easily snatching her and holding her tight like this, the most she could do was try to keep it from biting her, as she strained to hold the thing off. With the thing stabbed at by that dart, she knew she'd be okay, as long as she didn't get bitten.

(Skip grapple break check and focus on preventing spider bite, if possible.)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

(Heh, someone's been reading lurker's story

As for your action, I'll count it as prepare action and give you +5 on the rolls, though its more like -5 to the spiders +10)

Spider KO - 3 turns

The spider wants Tabatha to feel pain. It tried to tightly bind her limbs together with its own.

Submission Hold

20+43+5 = 68 vs 35 = 10+25

The spider has a limb advantage. Eight limbs are too many for Tab to fight off, and she gets pinned.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

(Actually I haven't. I just know spider venom is nasty.)

Tab whined out as she felt herself squeezed and pinned, her body unable to cope with the beast's superior strength. She managed to squirm her hands up to try to guard against a bite, but her entire body was twisted and pained as it slowly felt like she was being crushed, her eyes clamping shut against the pain, but there was little she could do other than try to keep breathing and hope she could stop it's bites... and hope the tranq would kick in sooner rather than later...

(Same action, prevent bite if possible.)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

(When in a hold, only escape the hold is possible, as you have not given in, I'll have you do one of those)

Spider KO - 2 turns

Escape Hold

7+25 = 32 vs 62 = 20+32+10

Tab's struggles don't get her anywhere, though for a moment it feels as if the spider gets weaker, a leg or two giving out here and there, but quickly recovering. The dart is starting to have an effect, but the spider can still keep going strong for a little while longer.

Clothes Rip

16+32+10 = 58 vs 40 = 15+25

The spider continues its assault on Tabatha. Its legs are sharp at the end, and it stabs one through the front of her clothes, though not hitting her, not even trying, infact. With one swift tug, Tab's left with only her bra above the waist, everything else split right below breast level. Not stopping just just yet, the spider hooks a leg down her pants and rips them right down the middle. Tab still had her panties, but there is a small cut in them.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab groaned sharply, pushing against the spider as best she could to stop it from biting her, right until her clothes were torn almost clean off.

Shocked, Tab could only blink in confusion, her studies told her how spiders eat, and as much as she didn't want to be a meal, what the thing did now didn't seem at all like it had that intention.

Realizing that even her best struggles had little hope to stop the beast, she quietly gave up, her muscles too sore from struggling futily to resist, and knowing that her only hope was that dart she hit the thing with as she lay back weakly in it's grasp, merely hoping that it wouldn't decide to try to make a meal of her before it passed out.

Though she had to admit...she was a bit curious just what the thing was doing.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Clothes Rip

2+32+10 = 44 vs 27 = 2+25

As Tabatha lay there, the spider went for her remaining coverings. Off went her bra with a snap, its sharp leg cutting right between the cups, even leaving a tiny pencil scratch between Tab's breasts.

Next, it slowly moved down to her panties. It was a big contrast between only a few seconds before, the dart must have been kicking in! The spider was unsteady, and its aim imprecise. However, the spider couldn't tell anything was wrong, the toxin was affecting its mental state as well, not just its physical coordination. It managed to get Tab's panties off, but mainly by jabbing the area untill there were enough small holes. Tabatha would have tiny little welts there later.

As the spider discarded the panties, it finally had enough, its four right legs, going, it rolled over on its back, dropping Tab and letting her roll away.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab groaned as the last of her clothes were torn apart, laying there and shivering as the creature finally fell to the effects of the dart, an angry glare in her eyes as she kicked the thing off of her, muttering under her breath. "Figures. Just like a guy. You get your fun and leave me wanting."

She picked up the torn-open bits of clothes and pulled what she could back on. A single tear down the center meant she was as good as bare breasted, but it would at least keep the elements away, keep her warm. And at a distance, make her seem at least partly clothed... not to mention if she held the front shut, she could remain totally covered... just in case of meeting other people, as she hoped to do.

Her injuries from the spider were minimal, but it never hurt to play it safe, she thought, pulling out the small first aid kit and applying a bit of disinfecting solution to her tiny spider-marks, then stashed it away again and prepared to go, the entire act scarcely taking more than a few extra seconds thanks to her familiarity with kits like this one.

With the spider down, she knew it'd be out for many hours, and she took the extra opportunity to kick it a few times for it's interruption, before she started to move again, stalking back to continue her objectives... flashlights, matches, lighters, laser pointers, food, a pocket knife or two, a phone book... and she added to check for one of those small outlet clothing stores that sometimes sprang up, noting to take some fresh clothes if she could...