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The Right Track (Kathy)

Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

The people on the other end of the radio listened patiently to Tab, the only interuption being a surprised snort when she mentioned the infected, though before they spoke again she could hear mumbling from one to another as they seemed to always keep the transmit button held. Something about "big words", which drew a laugh from someone further away from the mic. "Don't you worry honey, there's alot of us, and we've got all the weapons we need, though if you think you got something better go ahead and bring it. We're a few blocks away in the old cheese factory's warehouse. I dunno the address but you can't miss it. We'll be on the lookout for a woman and a zombie walkin' together." While not from around here, Tab recognized from the earlier log she'd found that the "Cheese Factory" was where the police raid was going to take place, chances are some, if not all of these people were criminals.

The infected seemed to soak up the attention she was getting while the conversation was going on. She slowly and slowly moved closer to Tab untill the two were practically touching. Her face was now in a very clear smile, even if the expression was somewhat creepily distorted from her infected.

(I've marked the inventory down as having "the appropreate weapons", for allies, so even though you may technically already be carrying them, you can still be more or less specific next post if you so desire)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab was... Not reassured by the words of the man on the other end of the radio.

Nor by the other voices she overheard behind the main one.

Tab quietly moved back through the empty offices towards the offices with information about the gang and the raid that was planned... she wanted to know what kind of criminal misconduct this group was known for, as she continued to talk with them at a bit more casual pace, "Better make that a half naked woman and her companion... do you guys happen to have any clothes there I could get? I had a few problems fighting some of these things and all my stuff is torn up." She said, as casual toned as everything else, giving an almost naive tone to how she spoke, while listening, not so intently to the direct reply of the man, but very carefully to the low mumblings of everyone nearby. She hoped she was wrong about her guess, but she somehow suspected the comment about 'all the weapons they need' being a double entendre, and wanted to see how those overexcited whispers in the background reacted to her blatant taunt under the guise of being a clueless scientist.

If her suspicions were accurate, Tab gloomily thought to herself that her choices would be between rape by various infected creatures, or rape by a gang of thugs. Not a very pleasant choice, even worse knowing that if she went to the cheese warehouse, she wouldn't even be able to defend herself against it, not without needing to injure or kill some of the few humans remaining in the area, and weakening one of the final holdouts against the monstrous animals that were quickly taking over the city.

(Tab heads back to the stairs and starts down them while talking with the group. If she overhears any ill intentions on the radio, she won't need to check their crimes in the paperwork and skips straight to her next objective: An outside line at the communications room.

If they don't let anything ill-intending slip, she heads back to the captain's room where the logbook and other related paperwork was to check up on the gang. (Which will be immediately followed by going for the communications room anyhow.))
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

There was a very long pause after Tab's baiting comment. Most of the background noise even died down a bit too, though one comment stood out. An almost high pitched "Is she serious?!?" It was quickly shushed as the man doing most of the talking came back on. "Uhhh, lady, do you know how dangerous it is out there? I think you'd be better off finding something to wear before you come over." While the excited whispher could be taken as someone getting aroused by the prospect of Tab being half-naked, there was a good deal of concern when they offically replied. Despite whatever these people were like, they probably were just as horrified by the actions of these monsters as most people were. Inspection of the log book would be in order.

Returning to her previous find, Tab looked up all information on the planned raid. Unfortunately, besides the name, "The Brood" and "drug gang", as well as the exact address, not much was to be gained from the log book. Most of the informtation would be in the computer. There was a chance the filing cabinet would hold some paper records, however. With the gang name, searching would be much easier.

Fortunately, despite the mess, Tab found just the file she needed right on top of one of the cabinets in the far corner, perhaps it was out for someone clerk to update after the raid had taken place. It seems in addition drug dealing drugs this group had some serious firepower, they had a side bussiness running guns across the border, something ususaly reserved for the foreign cartels. The rest of the file were mainly specific incidents, both with the police and suspected criminal dealings with locals or other groups.

Before Tab could continue, or even fully digest this information, the infected woman became restless. She held onto her belly and moaned softly in pain, not wanting to interupt the obviously important work the scientist was doing, but still trying to attract her attention somehow.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Reviewing the paperwork for criminal activity, Tab seemed to quickly content herself with the fact the group genuinely seemed to be in it for the money, and perhaps the drugs, casually talking to them on the radio. "Relax, I'm not going to rush out to the streets like this. I just wanted to know if you had something decent to wear. All of the clothes in here are either cop uniforms that don't fit, or prison outfits." she reassured the people on the other side of the radio, a bit more content with their answers. "Don't wait up for me, I'm still checking some things at the station. I'll see if I can get there sometime soon. I'm well armed, so I shouldn't be in too much danger... just be sure you stay safe there as well. Turning my radio off to conserve power. Will touch base with you in half hour to an hour." She waited for the reply, but tried to make it brief as she realized her companion was having trouble.

Setting the records aside, she turned to tend to the woman, stroking her hair softly and whispering gently as she tried to get her companion to sit down for a moment so she could give the infected woman a more thorough examination. In the bustle of everything happening, she'd completely neglected considering what other injuries the woman might've had... but something about the way the female clutched herself told Tab that the animals... or perhaps other infected... may have succeeded on this woman where they'd failed to have her.

"Shh... relax... let me help you..." she tried to coax the woman, a reluctant groan coming as she checked the woman's belly and looked for other injuries before she'd give in to her dark suspicions and search a little lower... if the woman allowed it, at least.

(actions: finish dealing with group on radio, quickly. Then attend to the infected woman. Full body exam briskly, starting with her stomach where the pain seems to be. Have medical supplies ready and expect the worst.)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

"Uhhh, okay." The man on the other end quick replied, slightly confused by Tab's terminology at the end of the call, but gathering that she'd call back. Obviously not a very bright one. The woman was glad Tab was done with her work and could now help her. She let the scientist move and position her however was needed with no complaint.

The woman was not harboring many wounds, and none as serious as her arm, which could perhaps use a bit more wiping down, but was still pretty clean. Nothing external to indicate why the infected would be in pain. As Tab begin to investigate on her hunch the woman moved her arms up and rubbed her head as if she had a headache too. She did not mind Tab's inspection of her more private areas.

Tab found a problem, though perhaps not the cause of the pain. The woman's mucus was discolored and looked a bit thicker then it should be. Looking past that, it seemed that she had indeed been violated by a monster recently, there was some damage deeper in, but not too much, as if she hadn't struggled long. However, beyond these signs there was nothing else wrong. It was impossible to tell if the oddities were a sign of general infection or some other problem. A more invasive search would have to be done to figure it out, seeing as the woman wasn't in much state to communicate some vital information that would ususaly be used to great effect right now.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Figuring out the woman had a headache and some other symptoms, Tab began to try to rule certain things out. The cause of her pain seemed to be something internal rather than anything external, and while the woman was injured in many ways, nothing Tab found showed more than casual injury.

"hmm... it's not your wound... though it is seeping again... you just ate some casually with me not more than an hour ago... you may be rejecting the food due to your transformation... but I wouldn't know what to give you for that..." Tab spoke softly, reassuringly as she could, trying to calm and soothe the woman as she broke out the first aid kit, touching the woman's head gently to check if she had a fever or anything else to note... unfortunately with the limited information she had, and lack of ability to communicate, she was guess working to a large degree, as she gave her companion a few pills against the pain. "I know it's not much... just over the counter rubbish. But take what you can..." she handed the woman a few more antibiotics, annoyed with herself at how freely she gave it, but knowing that if it was something bad, the woman would need all the help she could get.

"I'm afraid I can guess what's happening... You're probably going through the next step of your change... I know you can't understand me... but I want to help you. ... But if you start attacking me, I won't be able to." Tab whispered in a slightly worried voice. The best she could think of was those other infected in the holding cells. If she could get this woman into one of the cells, she could monitor her from a safe distance and deal with what happened as it came, while ensuring her own safety.

Tab tried to coax the woman into coming along with a soft stroking, trying to lead the woman back towards the cells, hoping to find a few unoccupied and fairly far away from the ones that had infected in them, someplace the woman could be alone at, undisturbed. Safe from those outside, while also keeping others safe from her if she did turn.

Trying to estimate the woman's pain as they traveled briskly, Tab would retrieve one of her tranq darts. Though hitting the woman with a full dose would put her out cold, Tab began to consider the kind of measurement that would act as a painkiller and leave the woman able to walk, cautiously judging it so if the pain was too much, a quick, short jab would help the situation, and she could give the woman some much needed rest once they reached the cell.

(Actions: Treat woman again briskly with common medicines. Try to get her to come to the cell. Administer small dosage of tranq (to act as a light sedative and pain killer) if the woman seems in too much pain. Administer slightly larger dose once at the cell, and help woman lay down in private bed.

If no cells are available/fairly private, Tab will do the same, but leaving the woman in the double-doored area that she fled to before, giving a slightly larger tranq dosage before coming into contact with the large dead infected, just in case it may upset the woman (put her out and carry her as necessary the last leg of the trip). Then Tab will begin searching for other cells in the station, until she can find something private for her friend.)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

The woman gladly took the medicine from Tab. While she might not remember the concept, she seemed to remember that taking pills and liquids from these types of containers made her feel better. She also seemed to enjoy the attention Tab was giving her. She gladly followed the scientist when Tab decided to move the diagnosis to a more secure location. Whatever was afflicting the woman did not seem to impair her ability to walk.

After a few moments the pair arrived back in the cell block. Tab noticed something wierd about the confined zombies. Some that had been "fine" when she first passed were now motionless on the ground, whereas the only one awake was one that she clearly remembered identifying as "dead". It now stood at the bars, moaning at the two as they looked for a cell for the woman. The loud noise and occasional arm reaching at her frightened the infected girl, who stuck close to a wall and all but refused to move past him unless Tab held on to her tight.

There were a few cells that would work for Tab's purposes. The gates were open, but could be slid shut, though Tab would have to find some way to keep them shut if something went wrong, the mechanical locks weren't in very good shape. While the scientist could probably jam them, it might not be the best idea if she wanted to quickly open the cell again.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab had no hesitation holding the woman, moving to the furthest cell back and gently opening it before she led the woman in, making sure none of the other infected were nearby before she even considered this option.

While not ideal, Tab used a bit of cleverness to fashion a makeshift locking mechanism. Instead of using the actual mechanism, she used a pair of handcuffs, going so far as to show her companion how to open and close them so that she would be able to let herself in and out... assuming she didn't fall under the full weight of the change and lose even more of her intelligence like the other creatures all had done. Tab smiled and began to set the cell up like a small room, a safe, secure place where the two could stay together for a while, giving the woman ample amounts of food and drink to last her for days if necessary, even making sure she had weapons, and the keys available nearby.

Then, laying the woman down softly as if ready for another diagnosis, she gently poked the tranq dart into her ailing companion, coddling and hugging the woman afterwards as she let the drugs take over. "Shh... it's for the best if you're in pain. I'll go check if I can find a pharmacy nearby and get something better suited to your condition. I just don't think there's anything else I can do for you right now though..."

Tab would feel bad for putting the woman under, but without better communication, better drugs, and better equipment to check her out, this was the safest, for both of them, and the best option she had.

The decision grew harder and harder as she setup various things to entertain the woman, half drawing in a picture or two quickly, and leaving a few colored pens out for her. Tab could've given the woman directions to the druglord's warehouse, but she doubted they would take the woman in if not with Tab... Tab could've simply put to stay here, but somehow that too seemed cruel... ultimately, she decided to leave the radio at the location, drawing simple instructions for how to use it. A doodle of how to turn it on, then what to push to start talking. It wasn't the best plan, and she knew it, but she took a moment to contact the warehouse again before she left.

"Things have changed. The woman's condition is worsening. If you hear the radio come on and strange sounds start coming, talk to it anyhow. I know it won't make sense, but she's on the borderline between human and infected, and she needs a friendly voice to speak with... for the moment, she's sleeping off some drugs I gave her. If you don't hear from me again soon... well, I don't know anymore. This whole mess just keeps getting more and more complicated." Tab sighed softly, "Just keep the line open as long as it's not a drain on your resources. I'll either meet you shortly, or contact you via radio again... unless you have someone insane enough to risk their life for a partially infected, and someplace safe to keep her, that's secure enough that if she turns fully, she won't be a danger to anyone..." Tab muttered through that last part a bit briskly, already assuming the answers were going to be negative.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

There were a few seconds of incoherent sound from the other side, someone calling another over to the radio to speak, as well as some more expresions of disbelief. Tab barely made out something about "this lady's crazy" before the main speaker returned to the radio. "Ummm, okay. We'll just be hanging around the warehouse. You sure you can handle yourself out there? If you just came here safely we could guard you while you do whatever it is you do, ya know?"
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

"My patient is in pain and I cannot in good conscious leave her like that while we finish up our tasks here. But by the same token there is important stuff here to be done. If you're really this eager to assist, come to the station, I'll meet you at the entrance with additional firearms and ammunition. There's enough stuff here it'd be worth your time, if you can do it quickly and quietly to avoid any major disturbances... that way I can get a message off to the outside about supplies we need and trying to find a cure, and you can assist my in bringing my patient back, as well as carrying some of the extra supplies I found here."

Tab doubted they would actually send anyone, but her challenge to them would either shut them up, or surprise her if they did send a group. Either way, it would let her continue her objectives. Either in peace from the scared group hiding away, or in safety with a brave group that was willing to help out.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

"Alright, just do what you have to do lady, but don't say we didn't warn you about the dangers out there. We'll talk to the... thing if it starts yakking at us, but if you don't make it we're not going to keep up the effort." With that the man cut off his transmission. It didn't seem like he was being insensitive with the last part, more like he was trying to say they'd talking to the woman as a favor then anything else. They didn't seem to have much interest in what Tab was doing, only that she join up with them soon. With the woman nice and secure in the cell, she could finish up whatever bussiness she deemed nessisary before either heading to the warehouse or another destination, if she so desired.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab shook her head slowly, "I understand your reluctance to want to assist in this regard... but if this woman can be kept from transforming, she could help cure a lot of people... I don't know if you have lost anyone to this infection yet... but ask around for a minute if anyone else there has... and if they want that person back. I'm sure someone there will gladly support my cause."

Setting the radio down in the cell and leaving a final note for the infected woman, Tab hoped to return before she woke, but felt the need to anyhow... "I return soon." she wrote in large words as clearly as possible. "Draw on paper." she added next to the pages she left, with a big arrow pointing down at them and a large smiley face, complete with a bit of hair.

Tab took the woman's keys and set them on the paper that told how to get out of the cell, the reminder just in case the woman forgot, then left the cell herself, using her own handcuff keys to slide out and then re-locked the cuffs after.

"She should be out for a few hours... with any luck, whatever pain she's in will be gone by then... or at least I'll have better medicine by then." the scientist whispered quietly to herself.

Turning back towards that large hole in the wall leading into the garage, Tab quietly wondered, if everything else in this building was partially working, then would one of the cars perhaps still be able to run... was it worth even trying though, knowing she'd waste a lot of time on each car that didn't start, and with the various obstructions in the city, she could easily be forced to abandon her efforts anyhow. Worse still, the sound of a running car was likely to bring all kinds of trouble her way.

Ultimately, she decided it wasn't worth the efforts, unless car keys became actively presented to her, especially one with one of those remote alarm systems... Tab grinned... yes, one of those would let her check right away if the car was functional or not, as well as lead her straight to whichever car the keys would work in...

Knowing the odds of her finding a centralized location for the keys was unlikely, Tab contented herself to start into the garage as stealthily as possible, keeping low to the ground and behind the cars as she traveled, two guns at the ready in case something attacked her, but a taser and several tranq darts ready as well, in case she got the drop on her foes, for once, instead of the other way around.

(Tab's goals: Find central key location if one becomes known. Follow wires leading out from building. Find remote communication equipment.)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab got into the garage with no trouble. The station had really cleared out, though these new areas were of course unexplored, and may contain some surprises. Nevertheless, the part of the garage right around the hole was clear. To one side Tab could see a big door leading to the outside, it had alot of debris pushed up against it, in a pattern that suggested it had been moved there on purpose to jam the door. There were a few police cars parked here, but most of the parking spaces were empty. The cables led around the corner to Tab's right, deeper into the garage.

As Tab moved deeper and deeper in, more signs of struggle were present, but also more encouraging signs. While the next major chamber had a few bloodstains on the ground, there were also three police cars lined up with their hoods up and a tool kit nearby. Next to them was a SWAT van with the keys resting on its hood. No remote, but the driver side door was open, letting Tab in to test it if she decided to. The wires from the station snaked past this area to a small fenced in portion containing a generator that was currently running. Past that were two tunnels, one marked "loading/unloading" and the other markeked "ECC - Authorized Personel Only".
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

The running generator explained a lot of things, if the entire power grid was down, this was how the station was still able to function, at least in some regards.

Tab looked over the area and tried to decide which path was the best one to take. The loading zone seemed like it may have some supplies there, but it didn't sound like a very defensive position, and her supplies were topped off several times over by now. Tab quickly decided she could check that area later, but for now, she wanted to review the area that seemed like it would be blocked off from the public. If anyone in this section was trying to make a last stand, that seemed the most likely place. And, of course, it was where the communications center would be, if the information she read previously was correct. In the back of the garage.

With so few cars around, Tab found it fairly easy to look around and ensure she was the only one there. No surprises, no hidden dangers. She took advantage of this by ducking behind support pillars or corners whenever she saw something moving or heard something that may have been coming, using the cover to verify that she was safely alone before continuing onward again. She was sure to be cautious, but swift in her approach, not wanting to delay for too long, knowing she had a lot to do before her companion awoke.

(Actions: ECC path. Tab decides against trying the van yet, worried starting it (assuming it will start) would cause more noise than she needs right now.)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

As Tab followed the path to the ECC the noise of the generator lessened, replaced by the sound of the scientist's footsteps echoing. While a concern, nothing seemed to be alerted by the sound, and there were no ambush positions along the smooth walls either. The only other sound was the occasional drip of water from some overhead pipes.

Around a bend a ways down the tunnel was a small area with about six parking spots, only one filled. A standard police car was parked at at an angle next to a sealed metal security door with window like the ones found earlier. The hood of the car was covered with a massive bloodstain, almost too much to believe. Tab could see a pair of legs sticking out from behind the car, the rest of the body out of view on the other side. The owner seemed to be a police officer from the tattered brown pantlegs. The rest of the area was oddly clean and unremarkable, save the door pannel which seemed slightly damaged, but continued to flash red on the status indicator.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Making sure nothing else was around a final time, Tab approached the window and began to wave, unsure if whoever, if anyone, was inside, could see her. Moving towards the door, Tab began to try to get it opened, hoping that either through assistance from inside, or merely from it being damaged (or better yet, unlocked) this task would be fairly easy.

Barring all else, Tab would attempt the keys from the car and check if any of them worked in the door.

Blood didn't bother her that much, not when she often dealt with savage animals. Tab was far more concerned about the openness of the area she was working at, trying to keep ducked behind the car and away from being spotted by anything that may have wandered past while she tried briskly to get inside.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab's quick search turned up a dead infected next to the officer on the ground, previously out of her line of sight. Both's blood dripped down into a small flood drain that was under the car. There were a few signs of struggle, showing there had been a larger group here, but not having seen them on the way in meant that Tab was probably in the clear for now.

On the other side of the window was a medium-small room filled with computer banks and a large screen on the far wall. One of the monitors was knocked over, as if a small struggle had taken place. However, there was no sign of another exit, and no humans, monsters, or even bodies on the other side in view, though anyone laying on the other side of some of the desks would be hidden. Pounding on the door did not bring movement or noise from within, but when Tab had given up and turned her attention to the panel for just a second, a loud thud resounded from within. The window filled with a face of an infected jawing in the scientists, general direction, as if trying to bite through the window. Blood dripped down her face and across the screen.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

"Great." Tab muttered under her breath, abandoning her hopes of getting inside this way. She had no idea what the codes were and nothing from those papers had said anything about the codes. Worse still, there was a chance the system was scrambled, or even in the best of cases, she might have ended up needing keycards or other things that weren't around out here... if the last of the cards was brought inside, that would've been just the perfect end to a waste of time.

"...Wait a moment... This can work actually." Tab whispered to herself, grinning at the infected that was now wildly attacking the window. She approached it with a slow grin and began to rub her breasts playfully and stick her tongue out at the creature, while motioning suggestively and casually trying to lead it back towards the door, hoping the thing would be smart enough to try opening the door from the inside. With the ancient state of the building, she was pretty sure even the most state of the art system installed over the older stuff, would have more than a few loopholes in it... and being able to simply push open a secure door from the inside, seemed like exactly the kind of issue that this dump would have.

(Actions: Tease infected and try to lure them to the door to get them to open it from the inside.)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

The infected continued to pound up against the door, increasing its efforts as Tab teased. The banging was making alot of noise, if this kept up a few monsters from the main part of the station would probably be drawn over. Even if the door was opened soon, no doubt something heard the racket.

Fortunately, Tab soon had her way in. The infected backed up and rammed the door, a small snapping sound was heard from above the frame, as if a mechanical part had broken. The panel next to the door made a small beeping noise, and a new light flashed. "Jam detected - Override enabled" Too much of a coincidance, someone must have been working on this before Tab arrived for events to unfold that way. Nevertheless, unless the designers failed basic logic, pressing the flashing button would unlock the door and allow Tab to slide it to the side, granting her entrance. Though she'd still have to content with the furious infected on the other side, who would no doubt not be patient enough to allow the scientist time to fully open the door.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

"not... what... I had in mind..." Tab whispered for a moment at the door's unusual way of showing she could get in now. Fortunately they were far enough out into the garage that Tab doubted the infected from the station would even be sure which way to go after the echoing sounds.

Tab moved back to the window and teased the infected again, trying to get it to come away from the door long enough that she could open it safely, without being run down the instant she hit the button, pressing her bare breasts against the glass and sticking her tongue out at the thing. The more she dealt with these fully infected, the more certain she was that they were too far gone to have any hope of recovery. This one, even when coaxed into trying to be smarter about it's actions, still simply pounded on the door uselessly, it's only effect caused by someone else's work.

If the infected moved from the doorway again, Tab would hit the button and let it out, rushing away from the door several steps ahead of the thing so she wouldn't be ambushed by the excessively angry thing...

If anything else happened to show up outside of that doorway, or the thing broke through the door while she was trying to lure it away, she would deal with it accordingly, of course.

Tab opted to continue using her guns, knowing that if this thing was already biting at the glass, it would be far more dangerous than even that rapist infected's giant cock, as disgusting and degrading as it would've been, she was fairly sure after the thing was finished, she would've been safe. This one though seemed eager to injure her more than anything else, and as much as she hated the idea of needing to cause more death, she also knew that merely tranq-darting it here would've been a temporary fix, at best. If all of the equipment to contact the outside world was here, she would likely be returning here on a fairly regular basis, and having an infected that woke up everytime she was passing through would be unacceptable to deal with, especially one this violent.

Her gunfire would be brief and distinct, keeping only enough distance between her and her enemy that she was sure she wouldn't be grabbed unexpectedly while killing it.

(Actions: Tease/lure infected away from door (attempt). If infected is lured, hit button to open door. Once infected is out, wait until close-range and fire both guns.)