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The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

"You sure aren't reserved about being mounted by someone. Isn't it a matter of honor as to who you let ride on your back as they please?" Lola inquired. "That's only what I heard, but I thought it was pretty stressed that trying to ride on a centaur's back was a huge trespass on their honor." she figured.

"Well, that's the glory of adventure! We don't know where the road will take us. All we have is the road ahead!" Lola said with excitement.
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

Rene sighed somewhat at the elfs explanation of a rather annoying aspect of her race. It was almost like listening to her mother all over again as a child. All these dang rules and honor business. "I know, I know. I've heard all that before a thousand times. I'm just saying we could do that in the event of an emergency or something. Not an every day thing. I don't think anyone would begrudge me for helping out a friend. There's more honor in helping a comrade in need if you ask me. But lets not worry about that now. We need a destination and soon, especially if there are more of those little pests out there looking to harass us."
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Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

Lola looked a bit nervous following Rene's words. "Wow... Never heard a centaur talk like that... Normally a centaur would die before allowing her honor to be shamed... If you don't mind me asking... Is there any reason you think differently from your kin?" Lola inquired with curiosity. Indeed, honor is no joke to a centaur, usually.
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

"It's not that I don't worry about it. I'll be the first to tell you that given my family I have a good deal of personal honor at stake. But I just happen to think that there are worse ways ways to lose it then having someone sit on our back, especially if it's a trusted friend and companion. Not like I'm about to let anyone take a ride. Especially a human. Ma always told me to be weary of them." Rene wasn't normally in such a position, so having to explain her views was quite difficult for her.

"Look...you've seen how I act. Hell, you saved me from my own hardheadedness when we first met. I just think a little differently from my sisters. Doesn't mean I'm any less of a centaur though! I'm a proud warrior and no one is going to tell me I'm not." Come hell or high water, she'd defend that stance, no matter what people told her. "Can we just go? I already feel like I've made myself look like enough of an idiot in front of you."
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

"Right... Well, I'll just take your word for it. Not everyone is the same after all." Lola said, before they continued down their path.

"Halt!" They were interrupted almost immediately as a Dark Elf made an athletic fall from a nearby tree to stand in their way. "This road is my territory. Pay tribute if you wish to pass." she announced.

"It's just one problem after another..." Lola sighed. "Get out of the way, chocolate elf! We've had a long day of people like you causing us trouble!" Lola demanded.

The accused chocolate elf looked offended at her new title. "Arrogance. Typical of the supposed fairer of our race. You're just a snob who doesn't know how to get their hands dirty, so hand over the crowns, I'm sure you've got plenty to spare from your rich heritage." the chocolate elf announced.

"Nothing for your kind! Nothing still even if I wanted to! Step aside before I put you in your place!" Lola declared.

"Your move, thousand-year-old cherry." The chocolate elf accused Lola of never having sex for hundreds of years.

"We restrain ourselves for a reason, go to hell!" Lola retorted, the two elves seeming to have hated each other from the very moment they encountered one another.
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

"True enough! Ma always said I was a little off and this is the proof!"She sounded almost proud of that fact, but didn't say much else on the matter. Would be sorta beating the point into the ground if she said any more. They went back to their trip, Rene quite eager to continue and see more of this world.

But the team wouldn't get much chance to rest or enjoy themselves as they were stopped by a Dark Elf, kin to Lola and her people. Though that was where the similarities ended. Seemed the elf wanted a toll of some kind, claiming this land as her territory, the very prospect making the centaurs eyes roll. "Seems a little desperate and silly to claim a patch of dirt and call it yours. Can't you just let us through without this headache?"But that was all the words she could get in edgewise before the elves began going at each other verbally, slinging words back and forth like archers exchanging arrows.

"L...Ladies, ladies. Please take it easy! Crying out loud this is just getting childish!" Rene tried to but in but the elves would continue trading barbs. Rene was growing quite tired of it and would stamp her hoof into the dirt a rather frustrated expression on her face. "Would you two stow it?! Swear it's like listen to children throwing mud at each other. Thought you were adults." Rene would grip her lance and grab her shield. "Dark elf, perhaps there is another arrangement that we can make? Perhaps a duel of some kind to avoid the fee. We're just travelers."
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

Rene's addition to the conflict between the two elves earned her getting scornful stares from both of them in her direction. The dark elf was particularly angry. "A child, am I?" The elf inquired, before pulling forth a whip and snapping it loudly. "Open your mouth to utter those words again, simple minded equine, and I'll split your tongue in half with my whip." she challenged Rene.
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

"For goodness sake would you calm down and look at yourself? You're only proving my point by lashing out like this. Now please, lets be smart about this. I will ask you one more time if there is something other than money that can be used for tribute. I don't think you're in a position to make demands, Lady Dark Elf. You're outnumbered and if you hadn't noticed, at least one of us is better armed." Rene tapped her armor and raised her lance, as if showing the elf what she meant. "Now please. Can we all just calm down and think?"
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

"You get the privilege of thinking of how you will pay my toll. So think hard and think well." the elf replied. "We're wasting our time with this wretched thing, Rene. Let's just get rid of her and be done with it, she's obviously planning to be difficult." Lola said with anger.
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

"Lets at least show some decorum here. We can't fly off the handle every time we meet someone we don't like. Lady Dark Elf...."Rene called to the elf. "I have a deal to propose. A test of arms. Should I win, you'll let us pass without further trouble. But if you win, I'll pay the due fee. And a little extra for wasting your time. That's not asking for too much I hope? Unless your afraid to match wits with me."Rene gave a sly grin, almost trying to goad the dark elf into accepting. Get her off guard early and she might make a mistake.
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

The dark elf folded her arms. "If you're challenging me, what's stopping me from taking everything from you once you're on the ground?" she inquired. "Bah, I don't care. Defend yourself or die." the chocolate elf declared to Rene, unleashing her whip at the centaur unless she picked up arms to defend.
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

As Rene prepared herself, she had a minute to ponder just what the elf was saying. "Because I believe everyone has some level of honesty and honor. Think of it what you will. But you won't beat me so easily." She didn't have much chance to respond before the dark elf lashed out with her whip. Rene would quickly raise her shield, knowing the steel shield would be more then enough against the whip. She'd bring her lance to bear and strike, aiming to finish the elf fast."
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

The dark elf grinned as her whip snapped off of Rene's shield, the ends going around and snapping at her wrist, causing intense pain and some bleeding. It didn't defeat her guard, but it did cause her shield arm to begin trembling with pain.

None of this stopped her charge though. Rushing at the dark elf, the demonic favored elf dodged to the side, whipping again, but not at Rene. Her whip was instead aimed at her weapon, the whip wrapping around her lance. The control the elf had over the weapon was used to direct the lance to the ground, forcing Rene to come to a halt lest she slam the lance hilt into her own rib cage.

"You centaur are as simple as the lesser creatures you represent." She mocked Rene. "What's wrong? Having difficulty doing anything other than moving in predictable straight lines? You're no predator~" she cooed, pulling her whip from Rene's weapon before Rene could use it to fight against the dark elf. "You are prey! And your only defense is to run away! You lost on a genetic level, beast woman!"
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

Despite the whip snapping off her shield, the ends were somehow able to snap at her wrist and boy did it hurt like a bitch! She even saw a bit of blood dripping. But now was hardly the time to show pain or weakness. Rene just gritted her teeth and held her shield tight, despite the trembling. No way in hell was she going to show this dark elf any sort of weakness. But thing would only get more complicated as the elf dodged her charge and whipped her again, latching on to her weapon and wrapping around it. "L...Let go you bitch! You aren't getting my lance!"

But before she could say more, the elf 'guided' the weapon into the ground, the weapon digging in at an odd angle and forcing her to let go in order to prevent a broken rib or two. But to add insult to injury, the dark elf began mocking her! No one goes and calls Centaurs simple beasts! Sure Rene just spoke about how she wanted to be different from her sisters, but she could not let a stain on her entire race stand!"We never run away, you contemptuous swine! All you can do is sling insults and taunts to cover up your own weakness!" With her lance finally free from the elfs grip, she'd wretch it from the ground and retreat back slightly. No straight lines this time. Zig zags, curves and diagonal cuts. Confuse the uppity bitch and use the momentum to smash her with her shield. Should do enough damage to her to send her flying. "For the pride of me people!" She yelled and launched herself at the dark elf again, following an erratic pattern to confuse the elf.
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

"No matter what, your so heavy that your momentum cannot be erratic. Despite having those grossly powerful legs, you're just wasting your time." The elf announced, before jumping back as Rene charged, and standing in a tree over Rene. "Your spear cannot reach me. Feeling inferior yet?" she mocked Rene further. "A land with many trees means you stand in an elf's playground. This is far from your open plains, horse." she announced, her arms folded and grinning down at Rene.

Indeed, she stood out of reach of attack from Rene. Though it seemed she was about to do something with her vantage point.
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

"Damn cowardly bitch! Get out of that tree and fight!"Rene yelled up at the elf, even going so far as to bang her hooves against the trees. Of course the elf would flee like a massive coward and hide in her damn trees! Stupid things were always an eyesore. "Are you that scared of me that you have to run up a tree like a scared rodent, cause I've seen goblins with more courage then you! If anyone should feel inferior it's you! Now get down here and fight me with some honor!"
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

As Rene positioned herself right beneath the tree, the elf chuckled down at her. "My, how angry!" she mocked her, before jumping from the tree, landing behind Rene. While Rene could turn around quickly, the elf was already mid swing in her attack. Though thankfully Rene's lance would act as a good shield for getting the whip to wrap harmlessly around it. Though while Rene would be blocking with her lance, she couldn't be holding it forward in order to strike the elf. Though the elf was taunting, they were more at an impasse, one unable to harm the other as their attacks canceled each other out.
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

This was one of the reasons she hated fighting opponents with any sort of ranged or indirect weapons. There was only so much she could do and her options were limited in regards to fighting back. In this case, the opponent was much faster and there was little room for her to move. The elf was just dancing around her and it was making her mad as all hell. Turning around to face the cocky elf, Rene's lance would once again catch the elfs oncoming attack as the whip wrapped harmlessly around it. But now neither party was able to attack and leaving them at an impasse. "Well, seems like we're in an interesting position. I can't close the distance to strike you and you can't get through my defenses. Lets call this a draw and you let us go on our way. I'll even forgive the insults and slander you threw at me."
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

The dark elf grit her teeth. "Or you can pay the toll!" The dark elf declared angrily, yanking on the lance which Rene would be able to hold steady if she wished.
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

Holding the lance steady, she was a little beside herself that the elf insisted they still pay despite the draw. "Only half. I proved I can stand toe to toe with you. That has to be worth something." That should satisfy her at least. The dark elfs greed was starting to get to Rene and this offer should be enough, unless she wanted to continue fighting.