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The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

It would take some time for Astra to fully recover, yet so deep in the woods the fresh air, radiant sun and even the chirping of birds quickly seemed to recoup the girl. With a gentle smile the girl would stand up from her resting spot, dust herself off and take her blade... it was time for round two!

Surely her near-defeat was but a fluke! Astra assured herself, as the thought of losing to some lust-crazed wolves just seemed silly! She took a quest to clear three hives of the beasts and she'd see it through... on her knights honor!

The girl giggled to herself at the thought...--- before just as the girl neared the area suddenly she'd hear a howling from nearby as the bushes around the girl came to life! From the tall grass and dense flora FOUR wolves jumped out all of them instantly starting to circle the girl!

Seemed it was showtime again! Though as the sun struck the wolves, two of the group seemed different, the first wolf seemed to have a strange green tinge over his teeth, where the second wolf seemed to have a... scaled tail?! A tail that seemed far longer than normal! Had the corruption mutated the beasts in some way?

Combat start!

Turn order:
Wolves 1-4
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

It seemed like her giggling was the perfect announcer of battle. As she finished, four wolves jumped out this time! And 2 of them seemed even more dangerous compared to the other 2! They were mutants! indeed they needed to be stopped! It worked last time, so lets do it again! Astra brings her sword up, ready to smash the wolves as they got closer, channeling her frustration from last battle to hopefully help end this one soon!

Astra hopes to begin the battle similar to last time, but without the part where she got beat up! Building Rage!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

(Priority) Astra gains Building Rage.

Wolves too dumb not to attack....
Wolf #1 uses Poison bite dealing 3 damage! (Unparried! Astra is poisoned!)
Wolf #2 uses Headbutt dealing 2 damage! (Unparried)
Wolf #3 uses Bite dealing 4 damage! (parried)
Wolf #4 uses Bite dealing 6 damage! (parried)

Astra unleashes Building Rage dealing 11 damage to all wolves!

Astra HP: 27/42 [poison deals 2 dmg at the start of each turn, 3 turn duration]

Wolf #1-4: Injured, Cullable

And indeed it did! Astra prepared her counter attack, as the wolves came blindly rushing at her! Still even if the number of attackers grew and each one seemed to jump from every other direction, the girl still managed to parry the final two blows! Each of the bitting lunges seemingly empowered by the groups created rhythm! Yet the same rhythm that brought them close together to attack... would get them all attacked!

With the enemies upon her, once again Astra would let loose a massive swing smashing all four wolves to the sides! Each one falling over, before quickly rushing to its feet and growling darkly at the girl! It worked!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Suffering an onslaught of attacks, Astra manages to block a few of them, but enough hits that it hurts! When the one with the green looking teeth bites into her, a bad feeling starts to spread. Oh no, that doesn't feel all that good... Astra thinks right as she is head butted! Oof! Luckily the girl come back and focuses, allowing her to block the rest!

With the same red glint, Astra swings her sword when they all bunch up together! Aim for the sky, and you'll have some amount of success! They wolves go flying, and they all look beat up abit! No time to give them a chance, lets finish this! Astra thinks as she continues her stance, ready to bash them all again!

Astra uses Building rage once again!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Astra suffers 2 poison damage.
(Priority) Astra gains Building rage.

Wolf #1... waits?
Wolf #2 waits as well.
Wolf #3 uses Bite dealing 3 (unparried)
Wolf #4 uses Bite dealing 3 (parried)

Astra unleashes Building rage Knocking out Wolf #3 and Wolf #4!

Wolf #1 uses Bite dealing 5 critical damage! (parried)
Bite special ability activates!
If parried on critical, disables enemy parry until they or the wolf is hit.
Wolf #2 uses Bite dealing 9!

Astra HP: 3/25 (poisoned,2 turns)

It had worked twice already, third time's the charm! Astra took on a defensive stance bracing herself for the incoming attacks! As soon the attacks came! The first lunger far too fast to react barely grazed the girl as soon enough the second echoed off her blade!

2 more attacks to go!... Astra blinked as she'd see the two mutated wolves seemingly keep their distance?! Still with the two attackers keen to rush off out of range, the girl had to strike now! As once again she'd let loose her counter-attack and send the duo wolves flying! This time they'd not be able to shake it off...

Though the real issue soon enough showed itself as with Astras attack finished the other two rushed forward! Her stance broken the heroine quickly returned to her default, as she'd see the wolf lunge forward full speed and widely its poison teeth trapped around the blades edge!

Yet unlike usually Astra, where the attack would just bounce off... the wolf did not let go of her blade?! Clenched in its teeth tightly it tugged towards itself furiously disabling Astras ability to defend herself!

With the girl open the other wolf wasted little time to exploit the chance for a massive hit on the girl spurring a subtly cry and a furious shake off the wolf that had disabled her defenses!

Breathing deeply Astra quickly realised she was in deep danger now, as the duo of wolves circled around the girl looking for an opening to finally defeat their pray! While Astra herself, exhausted, bruised and her armor in tatters stood on defense... she had to make this count!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Astra was concentrating on gathering her strength for a blow, so she didn't even notice that two wolves stayed back from her strike until the other two were almost upon her! Damn it, those two are actually intelligent! Astra panics slightly at the sight, but she couldn't wait for them to get close, the other two were attacking! Forced to attack, Astra swings dealing with the two wolves that attacked. The momentum of her swing left her off balance, allowing the two left to attack!

One of the wolves managed to bite her really bad while she was parrying the other! Very weak and vulnerable, Astra knows she may have fucked up abit. With the poison still sapping her strength, Astra knows she has to end it now! Astra charges one of them, and with practiced fluid movements knocks it with her blade, before trying to use one strike to finish it!

Astra culls one before using cleave!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Wolf #1 uses Bite dealing 11 damage! (unparried...)
Wolf #2 uses Kick.

Astra is defeated!

Astra quickly formed a desperate plan as she knew she could take both wolves... so long as she managed to keep standing after their rushes! Steadying her breath the girl kept her eyes sharp for movement, before seeing the first attack come!

The wolf seemed to run along the side and turned towards Astra, before rushing right past her?! The girl gaze quickly followed the creatures move in shock as she'd not even see the other one strike!

'CLANG!' the blade echoed out as Astras blade seemed to be caught by the wolf and torn from her hands! Yet just as the girl attempted to reach out for it, she'd suddenly feel the other wolf jump and let loose a massive kick to the girl toppling her off balance!!! Disarmed, exhausted and injured Astra would hit the ground - defeated!

Her clothing in tatters and body exhausted Astra would feel herself dizzy, before she finally got her vision to focus... and saw herself surrounded by the two wolves! Though just as the realisation of defeat hit her, so did the girls eyes quickly noticed the slick cocks that each beast had already prepared for her.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Looks like lady luck just wanted to see Astra fall this day! Weak, Astra fell into their trap, her eyes followed one wolf while the other attacked! Her blade was grabbed and thrown away, off into the bushes and away from her vision! No! Astra unarmed, suddenly was kicked from behind, throwing her onto her hands and knees before the wolves! Looking up, Astra's vision almost instantly went to the two lewdly large and slimy cocks that were starting to grow beneath the wolves!

Although Astra would never admit it, she got slightly wet at the sight, she knew what was coming. On her hands and knees before the two and too weak to stand or fight, Astra was at their mercy!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Astras gaze seemingly locked to beastial lewd tools, as the girls body seemingly froze up in place! Without her blade and exhausted from the battle, the girl knew that at this moment she was helpless, which meant... The Hunters warning echoed through the girls mind, as the wolves were not only affected by a lust wave, but hunted down whatever females they could. With a jolt of shock and a flush of embarassment Astras eyes widened as she realized she was going to be fucked by the wolves!!!

RIIIP the girls panties echoed out as with a one fierce tug one of the wolves tore them off! The act in turn revealing Astras plump petals for both beastial rapists to see and exploit! Yet embarassingly for the heroine a subtle sparkle of excitement shimmer between her luscious lips, as perhaps the girls demonic heritage actually spurred a subtle thrill at the primal fuck!

If the girl did not shift her position, Astra would soon enough see one of her 'lovers' approach and leap up its heavy warm body quickly pressing against the heroines round tush as she'd all too clearly feel burning hot tool brush past her buzzer just below her cunny!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Starring at the wolves 'tools', Astra suddenly remembered the Hunters warning. The Wolves hunted down females only just to release their lust upon them, they hunted for bitches. At the realization of what was going to happen to her, her feelings went into chaos! Perhaps it was because of her demon side, or the girl just had an unrealized kink, but feelings of excitement and pleasure rushed through the girl!

Her panties suddenly torn from her, this realization only became more of a reality for Astra. Her folds were bare before the wolves, ready for them to take and dominate! Her nethers only got more aroused at the forceful actions of the wolves, her primal submissive side was being awakened! I...I can't stop this, can I~ Another forbidden rush went through the girl, causing her folds to start to become wet before the wolves!

Although Astra knew she shouldn't just give in to the wolves, apart of her wanted to just let it happen at this point! Not to mention her instincts were scrambling her resistance! In the end, one of the wolves quickly approached her and mounted her from behind. His hot body covers Astra's big butt, while her clit was teased by his especially hot red cock! The wolf's dark fur contrasted against Astra's nude pale form!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

As the mix of thrill and horror intertwined withing the girl, the wolf wasted little time to make use of its seemingly willing bitch! It would be barely a moment later as Astra felt the beast pull back and align to the girls embarassigly wet folds, before pushing the burning cock between them to spread them wide!

A lewd moan escaped Astra at the penetration as the beasts rapid thrusts began to rock the heroines luscious body! Her fair skin clashing with the beasts fur at it pulled her ass even closer, each thrust ringing out with an utter rush of embarassment, shame... as well as a forbideen thrill!

Like it or not, Astras own body seemed to respond to the involuntary breeding! As the girls attempted muffled cries grew more and more prominent, her cunny accepting the beasts with ever increasing welcoming tightness! The thrill seemed all the accentuated as beasts knot continiously spread Astras cunny with each thrust into it! Like it or not, slowly but surely the knot seemed to burry deeper and deeper as it borderlined trapping the girl for the fuck entirely! Even the beasts subtle musk seemed to envelop the girl almost entrancing her into the sex and acceptance of the breeding!
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Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

An addicting felling of excitement and horror at what was about to happen went through Astra. She felt like she was looking forward to this too much, it was like she had always been this wolf's bitch! With her mind occupied with this humiliating revelation, the wolf took his chance to position his cock to Astra's wet folds! With no time to waste, the wolf starts to push his burning hot cock into Astra, spreading her around the canine cock!

Letting out quite the perverted and lewd moan, Astra's body starts shaking as the wolf rapidly thrusts into her! Mmhhh, naahhhhh! Ahhhhh! D-dont! Astra moaned out loud as she was fucked hard and fast, her well filled out body lewdly moving beneath the wolf! The beast pulls her closer to its cock, trying to impale Astra's song into its cock, and Astra an only lewdly moan more! It was embarrassing, shameful even but it felt to good! Like a forbiden fruit!

Astra's body felt really warm and it kept on getting hotter as she started to sweat and pant under the wolf, her body seemed to want to be bred by these wolves! Her moans only grew louder and more often as the primal fucking went on, her folds even started to tighten for the beast! Astra was starting to get fully into the fucking! As she tightened up, Astra could feel every movement of the beast inside of her, especially the wolf's knot! It kept on getting bigger and bigger as they fucked, it was almost the size to knot Astra, forcing her to take all of the wolf in her! As the wolf fucked her, Astra's mind started to go blank, the wolf's musk invading her and fogging her mind up! It was reading Astra for the breeding that was coming!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Astra felt her cunny spread more than ever before as the knot pushed against it, only for the beast thrust the final time to slip it inside!! The sensation of the knotting shredding any resilience or shame the girl had as she'd cry out with lewd pleasure!

Every rapid thrust from the beast rushed a sensual thrill across the girls body, as each one seemed to subtly move her forward more and more, up to the girls hands collapsing to maker her head fall down to the soft moss below and angle herself entirely for the beast to fuck silly!

The girl had lost track of time, as much as count of how many times the wolf had bred her, though by the time it finally managed to unknot itself the beastial spunk would utterly leak from the well-fucked girls cunny. With a howl soon enough the wolves would leave their bitch in the forest, soaked in spunk and breathing all too hotly.


When next Astra woke, she'd find herself back in her Guild aparment the sun shinning into her window. Her blade as well as the tatters of her clothes appeared to be here as well, the incribed rune on the pile of torn clothing glowing all too brightly.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Astra could feel the knot inside of her growing larger with every thrust of the wolf. Finally, the wolf forced Astra's folds around the knot one final time before it grew to large to move much! Astra had been knotted by the wolf! It was like the final straw, as Astra couldn't help but start to enjoy the mating with the wolf! Nhgg...Ahhhh! Astra cried out under the wolf.

Not wasting anytime, the wolf started to rapidly thrust into Astra, quick and hard, knocking right into Astra's womb! The force transferred into Astra, and after a little, it was enough to knock Astra off her hands! Her head was now resting on the soft moss that covered the floor, raising her ass for the beast to take.

The beast just kept on fucking Astra, not stopping no matter how much it came or how much it fucked Astra silly! When it finally managed to remove its self from Astra, all the bestial cum that flooded Astra's womb and folds started to flow out! Astra was left by the wolves, covered in their spunk, both inside and out.

When Astra next awoke, she was actually in her room in the Guild! I-I lost... sigh. Upset and embarrassed from her defeat and the fact she was probably seen naked once again, Astra sat on her bed watching her clo5hing repair itself. She wouldn't leave until she had her clothing all repaired, and once it was repaired, if no one had come to see her, Astra went downstairs to inquire about the mission.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

The moment Astra touched the rune, it light as right before the girls eyes the pure white silks formed up! It took but a few seconds as soon enough the magical glow disappeared and the girls clothes were back to appearing as if new!

With the sting of defeat adding just a little bit of bitterness to the wonderful morning, soon enough the girl would head downstairs where Charles would greet her from his usual spot "Had a small incident eh?" he'd smile to the girl in a kind and understanding fashion "Most adventurers eventually happen upon a blunder, there's no shame in it." he'd push a small bag of coins towards the girl.

"The Hunters lodge counted six wolves eliminated and they've sent the appropriate sum for you to claim." as with a brief count Astra counted a total of 16 denarii! "Twenty denarii has been sent to the tailor. Leaving your debt only at 30." Charles quickly added explaining the relatively low reward.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Thankfully Astra didn't have to wait for very long, as as she touched her ripped clothing, the rune seemed to activate in full! It started to glow and she could see all the lines going through the ripped pieces as they rapidly regenerated and wove back together! After a minute or two of this, he clothing looked as good as new!

Astra had a little bitter feeling festering in her chest as she did her morning routine. Once done with her exercise and clothed properly, Astra heads down stairs to find Charles in his same spot as always. As he greeted her, Astra smiled in embarrassment, sure that details of what happened had gotten around at least a little. Heh, ya. Had a little incident. Astra says as she walked up to Charles. His reasurment helped the embarrassed girl as knowing others usually faced things like she was calmed her embarrassment a little. Lucky she was soon distracted as Charles pulled put a bag of coins for her! I-I thought I wouldn't get a reward because I failed to finish the job. Astra stutters in surprise, though she suddenly seemed more happy. She haddent totally failed her mission!

Accepting the money, Astra listens as Charles explained where the money came from and her current debt. Her glum mood gone now, Astra has to decide on what to do for the day. Thinking it through, Astra decides she needed to find a way to fix these losing streaks she has been going through. Hey Charles, is there an Alchemist in town? Astra asked, wanting to head there to buy some potions if there was one.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Charles raised his eyebrows in subtle surprise "I do believe the contract was for every wolf taken out. So you've not failed the task at all." he'd chuckle kindly, before sitting down allowing the girl her counting.

"Alchemist? Indeed. Northern district, you cannot miss." he'd answer with a smile and a nod as soon enough Astra was free to head out and remedy her minor mishap streak!... even if technically it had been her first actual loss.

Just as Charles said, the Alchemist was all too easy to find as soon enough Astra could enter inside and look through the lines and shelves all covered with variably colored potions! "Good day, can I help you?" a rather pleasant male voice echoed out, as Astra would turn to the owner of the shop.

Seemed the local alchemist was an elven male with medium length blonde hair, stylish clothing and of a rather thin body build, yet his movements certainly had a certain grace that was almost hard to match "Looking for something specific?" he'd ask as he seemed busy mixing up some sort of potion with precise instruments and clear focus, before turning to the girl fully.

[Alchemists shop:
- Minor healing potion [Heals for 1d6+4] (8g)
- Medium healing potion [Heals for 1d6+6] (14g)
- Large healing potion [Heals for 1d6+10] (20g)
- Water breathing potion [Allows breathing underwater for a limited time] (15g)
- Slow-fall potion [Slow falling speed, preventing fall damage] (12g)
- Radiance flask [Provides a temporal and potent light source] (8g)
- Arousal potion [Affected character becomes horny] (15g)
- Fire flask [Highly flamable liquid, deals 4d6 damage upon detonation] 12g
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

That's good news! I must not have been listening well enough. Astra admits with a slight grin. There is an Alchemist! Awesome, I'm going to pay him a visit before I accept any other job! Ill see ya later today! Astra says as she finishes counting and then heads out the doors. Walking out, Astra reflected on some of previous fights. She only really 'lost' one fight, all the others she was saved in some way before something happened.

Lost in thought, Astra travels through town, and arrives at the Alchemists shop. Steping inside, Astra stares in wonder at all the different potions, each a different shape and color! Before Astra could call out for anyone, a voice suddenly came from behind her! Turning around, Astra came face to face with the owner of the shop.

The pleasant looking Elf was working on another option as he spoke out to her. Ah, yes. I was looking for some health potions that you might have around here. Astra says as she was looking at the different potions that were on sale around the shop.

(I assume when Astra looks around there's labeling and prices so she can just point one put and but it.)
As she looks around, her eyes light up seeing the health potions that were on sale. Pointing to the Minor healing potions, Astra says. I'll buy four of those potions. Need something to help keep me standing in fights. Astra happily says to the shop keeper. If the Elf said nothing else and just sold the potions, Astra would hand over the gold and leaves with four new potions!

That was done fast. What to do now? Astra wonders to herself as she walks out. She was lost on what to do that day, she could go any do some quests or go and visit someone she knew. Though a thought suddenly came to her, she needed to meet with Lilian! With a goal for the day, Astra instantly heads to the inn to find Lilian!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

The alchemist would put away his work to settle up with Astra "They're not particulary potent, but the Silentbloom extract should indeed help you out in a pinch." he'd nod sagely and take the girls coins, letting her stash away the potions as she will "Mind you don't drink more than one in a short span of time, they go off quality not quantity consumed. Drinking more than one dose per battle won't have any effect."

Astra loses 32 denarii.

Astra gains 5x Minor healing potions!

Now armed with a small safety net, Astra would head back out to the city and muse about what to do next. The world all around certainly seemed all too open and free for exploration, perhaps the sheer number of choices making a single one all the harder to spot!

Though just as she thought over her options, the letter from the previous day instantly ignited the girls lively gaze! 'Lilian!' The thought barely had time to echo out at the back of the girls mind, as she'd already be stepping up the stairs to the inn!

The Blooming Oak seemed as busy as ever, as mumbles and echoes of glasses rung sounded off all around. Whether Astra headed to their previous spot or the innkeep the girl would quickly be redirected "Private quarter number 2, Astra." by the barkeep who seemed busy fixing up the bottle displays behind him.

Just as Astra thought, the letter had indeed been from Lilian who as it turned out was expecting her! Moving the private quarter curtain aside she'd indeed find the marvelously dressed elven beauty, the table before her covered in some sort of papers some of which seemed like maps?

"Well~ Want the good news or the bad news first?" Lilian glanced to Astra and placed her papers aside, quickly adding "Come inside and close the curtain." the crescent shaped sofa offering plenty of room for the girl.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Thanks for the advice! Astra said as she started to leave the Alchemist's shop.


Back at the square in which Astra is thinking about what yo do next, she suddenly remembers Lilian's letter! It seemed like a mere moment before she was at the steps to the Inn where she last met Lilian!

Inside, the place was as busy as it was when she last came! Glasses clunking together, voices raising in celebration and general conversation filling the entire space! The lively atmosphere reflected Astra's own emotions at hearing some news that might lead to Evan! Astra started to head to the upkeep to ask about Lilian, but before she got there, the Bar keep told her where to find her! A brief thanks and then Astra was at the privacy curtain!

Opening it up, Astra was greeted with the aight if the always beautiful Lilian! Before Astra sat down, she noticed that the table was covered with all sorts of papers. It was easy to see the excitement in Astra as she sat down and closed the curtain behind her at the beckoning of Lilian.

Astra's excitement was a little doused at hearing there was bad news, but she sorta expected it. Nothing went as planed it seemed. Ahhh, give me the bad news first, get it over with. Astra requested from Lilian. Sitting eagerly in her seat waiting