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The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Lilian smiled to the girl "Well~ The bad news is that the letter I sent you may have been a little optimistic. Evans is either hidden away or does not want to be found." the girl relaxed in her chair "The good news is that he's alive and he can be tracked down."

She'd wave a piece of paper before throwing it to slide along the tables surface right infront of Astra "Consider this my gift to you, a few names of people you may have met before." indeed the piece of paper seemed to report two distict sightings... one of a red-haired girl in a dark dress and one of a new leader among some sort of bandit group "Melyssa and Kanna, either can be reached within a days worth of travel. They should know more where Evan was taken and why."

"I want you to go find them and see what they know, in whatever way you can." Lilian smiled to Astra "Melyssa is to the east in some sort of mansion. Kanna can be found to the west, towards the mountains in her camp."
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

The girls own smile kept on going, even if it did dim down a little at Lilian's words. Well, we can still call all of that good news in my opinion! There's still hope of finding him, and we got a trail to follow! Astra said as if to chear up Lilian, or more accurately, herself.

Astra listend to Lilian as she grabbed the piece of paper handed to her, skiming it while Lilian talked. So are these two apart of the organization that attacked me and Evan? Astra asked once Lilian was done talking. While she was reading the paper, she couldn't help but think of the girl who attacked her on the club when the paper described a red headed girl.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Lilian smiled wrylyl "To put it bluntly, yes." she'd snicker as she allowed Astra a greater inspection of each piece of paper. While they didn't go into detail, Melyssa, who seemed to bear the title 'The Dark Bride', seemed to have taken residence in the Tristran Manor just west of Riversdein village. Local people believe the manor to be haunted thus all stay away.

Kanna, Ex-Captain of the Reavers bandit guild seems to have began to gather forces anew. She was spotted north of Hyrale city, not to mention seemed there was a bounty of 500g for bringing the woman in! Dead or alive!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Hmmm, I wonder what these two's purposes are here. One of them is trying to build up a bandit group, and the other lives inside of a haunted house... Astra smiles. Well I guess that's part of my job to do when I go looking for them. Astra says while she read over the rest of the papers in depth. The information was quite interesting to Astra. It could help her find Evan so Astra hung on every word on the page.

After doing her best to memorize the approximate locations of the two, Astra says to Lilian, I think I'll go and hunt Melyssa down first. She should still be there when I get to that house. If Lilian didn't have any other intelligence or advice to give, Astra would try to hug her goodbye before saying thanks and leaving! This was high priority for Astra, so she gathers all of her things, and started out for the "haunted" house.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

It would be several days, before Astra finally approached the rickety looking gate. The villagers of Riversdein certainly seemed absolutely petrified just by telling Astra any details regarding the old manor, seemed both beast and man kept a fair distance away from the ruin... Though that hardly ever stopped any Aspiring heroine!

The gate seemed absolutely bent out of shape, providing a just big enough hole for Astra to slip inside and take a proper look around. No birds chirped from the forest behind her, no lights illuminated the windows of the dark and rickety looking mansion. As Astra stood on the shifted from the overgrowth stone road to the Trisdan manor only silent breezes of wind would keep her company.

The manor stood before her. It seemed to be a building consisting of atleast 2 floors, whatever windows it still had left seemed to absolutely veil what lied inside. Looking from the front Astra could clearly see the main entrance, though the unstable cut stone path the girl followed seemed to also lead around the manors back.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Several days of traveling ensue as Astra makes her way towards this "haunted manor" of Riversdein. Facing no real opposition nor danger on her journey, Astra makes it to the gate of the town! Truth be told the town looked very poor compared to the city she had just come from, but aside from that the people were nice enough. When Astra finally asked for directions to the haunted manor and to gain more information about it, all the people she talked to seemed terrified by the idea of the manor!

She was given directions after talking with a few of the villagers, and started on her way to the manor. Hmmm, I do hope this gate was bent just by time, else there could be something bad in there. Astra thought to herself when she arrived at the bent form of the gate. Standing on the path that lead up to the manor, Astra couldent help but be a little creeped out by all the errieness. It was to quite and there was no signs of life at all from where she could see.

The two story manor's windows revealed nothing of what was on the inside to Astra, only seemingly adding more mystery to the place. With the path leading to the front entrance or the back, Astra had a choice to make. After some thought, Astra decided on trying the front entrance and trying to exploring before going to the back if the front was locked.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Astra approached the manner as now far more upclose subtle creaks of the aged wood joined the grim wind sounds, accentuating the looming feeling of solitude in the run-down place.

The main entrance appeared to be a once elegant double door, its steel edges hinting at fair reinforcement. Yet thankfully as Astra turned the door knob the door clicked loose! With the most agonizing and drawn out creeek Astra had heard in her life accompanying her, the girl would be able to step inside and look around.

Astra had found herself in the main entrance! The floor seemed to be covered by a old duty red carpet hinting at its age-old luxury and much to the girls surprise along the edges of the room she could see small display cases showing off marble statues, gold weapons and even hunting trophies on the wall?! All of these would no doubt be a looters dream score... yet none appeared to be touched?

The entrance seemed to have two doors on the right, two doors on the left and the main grand stairway here as well, which lead to the second floor.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Astra started towards the manor's doors, reminded once again of the eerie atmosphere by all the creaking and wind whistling! If Astra hasn't received the Intel that there should be someone in here, she would have agreed this 0lace seemed haunted!

The double doors seemed to be a glimpse of the Manor's former glory. They seemed expensive with how they were possible reinforced from break ins, though thankfully this didn't stop the door from swinging open after turning the knob! Astra quickly steped inside, somewhat on edge and on guard.

Inside of the main entrance, Astra found herself surrounded by many different and valuable items, Gold swords, hunting trophies, marbel statues! Why are these still here? Astra asks herself quietly. While looking around, she also spotted about 5 different paths she could take right now. Hmm might as well explore this floor before heading to the next one. Astra decides, heading for the doors on her right to explore there rooms.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

With a creak soon enough the door opened up to reveal... a relatively small bedroom? Stepping inside the wooden floors announced the girls visit, yet thankfully to little to no audience to hear it.

Surprisingly this room did not appear ransacked as well, yet it clearly had not seen any use for a very long time. The place consisted of a single bed, a relatively large dresser, a fireplace, a horrendously dusty carpet and ironically dusty feather dusters of a wide variety. The place also seemed to have a vacant writting table, a double full-body mirror and two doors leading out of the room on each side of the north wall.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

With a creak, Astra opens the first door and steps inside. The old floor groaning at her weight, loud enough to fill the room with its creak. Inside of the room was just a simple bedroom. It had the needed furnishings, but that was about it, giving it a reserved feeling. Hmmm I wonder if this was a maid's quarters with all these feather dusters. Astra guessed whole walking through the room.

Just like the previous room, this one looked untouched by anyone for a long time. Astra was starting to grow even more curious about this house, a mystery to solve! I wonder what caused everyone to just abandon this place? Astra wonders to herself, looking at the next two doors in the room. Astra had nothing to guide her in a direction, and so the girl just picked the right door to enter!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

The moment Astra pushed the door open, she'd instantly feel a complete shift from the stale plain air inside the room, as the girl felt a subtle breeze of wind and the kiss of sunlight upon her once again.

Stepping through the door would lead Astra to the manors courtyard? It was a square design with most of the edges having the likely previously well-kept hedges grow out and block most of the view. Stepping along the cracked by blades of grass cut stone path, Astra could spot the centerpiece of the garden - an artificial waterfall gently trickling a wide stream of sparkling water and a few large tables with upturned and overgrown by moss and vines chairs. Besides that the courtyard certainly had a lost luxury to it, as Astra could spot several beautiful feminine stone statues, yet they too seemed to be mostly masked by the overgrowth.

Looking around the garden had an exit in each direction: A duo of doors behind her to the south and one exit in north, east and west sides of the courtyard. As Astra made her decision, the girl could notice the bright sunlight was turning crimson as daylight was running out.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Pushing open the next door, Astra could feel wind and sunlight wash over her from outside. The feeling helping to evaporate some of the tension that had built up as she explored the Manor. The door surprisingly lead to a courtyard?

Whoa, this place is a lot bigger than it looks from the front... Astra thinks to herself as she looks around the courtyard. Her view of some of the courtyard was blocked by some overgrown hedges. Deciding to walk through the courtyard, Astra takes her first steps down the neglected path.

Down the path was this amazing artificial waterfall, which only looked more natural with all the overgrown vegetation around it. Other than that, Astra noticed some furniture that had also been claimed by the vegetation. Faced with a choice of direction and with little time till night, Astra made a decision. If she found nothing soon, she was going to find a place to set up in the mansion. If she couldent see anything in the day, perhaps there really was something here that was like ghosts, something she could see later. It was a silly notion to Astra that there might really be ghosts but she was willing to look for them if it helped with her search. She picked the doors to her north to continue her search!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Heading north Astra would leave the courtyard behind her and open the door further. The fresh breeze behind her the girl was back in the manor, in a room with numerous drawers along the walls and a 2 large long tables near the north and south of the room.

Closer to her, the south end of the room seemed to have numerous mixing and stirring instruments, not one from an alchemy, but more akin to a bakery? The table here seemed devoid of any cuts,with little more than some odd coloring of various colors on its surface.

On the northen side ooking around, Astra would quickly find numerous ornate looking kitchen knives, all of which seemed to be of a basic smooth form. Infact, looking at the large table here, revealed that it beared signs of substantial use and abuse from said knives. There an out of place fresh head of lettuce on one of the side stands here as well. Odd as it seemed, a closer inspection would indeed show it was just that - an oddly out of place lettuce.

There were 2 new exits for the girl to explore, one to the west and one to the east.

[Night descends after 2 more major rooms
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Opening the doors to her north, Astra resumes her exploration inside of the house, away from the courtyards fresh air! Inside she finds a room filled with cabinets and a couple of tables. Sadly it seemed devoid of life like the previous rooms.

Astra noticed that around her seemed to be a lot of utensils for bakeing? At least that's what's Astra thought they were used for, she didn't do a lot of cooking other than being a campfire cook. The table that was by all the utensils was covers with what Astra assumed to be stains. Well, this has got to the kitchen. Astra speculated outloud as she moved to the other end of the room. Might as well and look it over for any clues. She reasoned.

As she moved closer, a head of cabbage stuck out like a sore thumb! It was way to fresh for it to have been left over from the previous time of the Manor! Astra grinned, she finally found something that pointed to actual life in here! Ha I knew it couldn't be ghosts! I just wished this place wasn't so large. After making her big find, Astra does a brief search of this side of the room, looking for anything else. All around this area were ornate knives, scattered about the room, with the table showing signs of heavy cutting happening on it.

Astra just took a quick note of all the knives before moving on. They would make some good weapons if she needed some in a jiffy. Without any direction, Astra randomly picks the door to the east. It was getting dark soon!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Taking the eastern exit,Astra pushed the door open and cautiously or perhaps just flatout hopefully peeked inside. Whatever suspicions the girl had about someone living here were quickly and heartily confirmed!

As this room seemed to be the kitchen storage area! Complete with a cooling crystal in the middle making the whole room far colder than the others. Vegetables, fruits, meats, wheat - everything seemed to be neatly placed around and fresh!

This room seemed to have have yet another eastern exit, though this one was partly open. Out of sheer curiousity, Astra could peek further on to note it lead to a very long hallway, one that extended far to the girls right.

Looking through it Astra noted this hallways had 7 other doors along its length! One exit one every end and 3 doors along each right and left door. While the choice was immense.... Astra did note the door on the very end of the hallway to her right was partly open.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Astra opened up the door, hoping she would find something that would lead her to a living person! What appeared in front of her was a storage room full of all sorts of fresh ingredients and foods, it even had a cooling crystal inside! It was cool enough for Astra to see her warm breath as she breathed.

Seems I found a trail to follow! Astra thought to herself, keeping her mouth shut now as she believed whoever was living here, had to be near by! The nervous energy she had from having no knowledge of where to search, and not knowing if she was alone or not was dissipating.

Seeing the slightly open door on the far end of the room, Astra started to walk towards it, following this 'trail'. Reaching it, Astra suck a look on what was on the other side of the door. The hallway it lead to was filled with many other doors to look inside of, but what peaked her interest in the hall, was at the very end was a door that was slightly open just like this one! This might actually be a trail leading to the person in here... Astra thought when she saw the door.

Braving the long walk to the end of the hallway, Astra stepped lightly as she approached the next door, her weapon in her hand!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Slowly nearing the door, Astra felt her senses stand on end as this might finally be a chance to find someone--- the girl would near the door and carefully leaned closer to listen in, hearing movement inside!

The girls heart jumped in excitement, as she'd take a proper peep inside. It was a fully furnished room, the cleanest and neatest room the girl likely ever had to pleasure to see to boot! Astras eyes continued to scan the room and soon enough noticed a man in a very clean and sharply cut black tuxedo,one accentuated by bright white gloves.

The man seemed of a mature age, he had a bald head with the exception of a brilliant curved white moustache. He did not seem to notice Astra for now, if the girl continued to look over he seemed to be riffling through a small box of cutlery picking out knives and forks.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Coming closer and closer to the door, Astra's Instincts told her something was up. She reached the door and slowly moved her ear towards the door, listening and hearing movements inside!

Astra's heart seemed to jump in surprise and excitement! She had found something again! And what ever it was, was moving! Astra once again slowly moved her head so she could see inside, scanning the room! Inside she saw what seemed to be a butler moving about and cleaning the room. To Astra, this man seemed like the exact description of a butler from children stories.

Seeing this as a chance to learn more about what was going on in the manor, and where the girl she was looking for was, Astra slowly opened the door and stepped into the room. What are you doing in this abandoned manor and where's Melyssa? Astra suddenly asked, trying to surprise the butler with her sudden questioning out of nowhere!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing to maybe shock the rather silly looking butler, Astra would silently approach the busy looking man and attempt to shock him with a brief barrage of questions!--

Only for him to continue as if nothing had happened? Astra blinked curiously yet just as the girl was about to speak up once again, the Butler seemed to take a small parcel of cutlery and turn right to Astra, even if his gaze seemed to go past her entirely... only for the man to rapidly move to the girl!

Be it drawing her sword or not even having enough time to react, the Butler sped towards the girl only for a horrible chill to run through the girl, her body turning on its end for a brief moment as the Butler would quite literally pass right through the girl on his way to rush through the door?!

The door slamming behind him, Astra would only have enough time for a brief blink of disbelief as a loud creaking of ancient wood echoed out loudly, the whole house seemingly shifting and churning! A loud echo only accentuated by dings of what seemed to be a father clock, once, twice...

Infact it was then, Astra had noted the limited daylight she had all but evaporated! Even if the girl was certain she had seen the sun mere moments ago, looking outside only the deep dark of the night greeter! The clock ticking out for the eight, ninth time, as the shifting echos of the house had ceased entirely... only for subtle whispers from the very shadows all around starting to echo out in an incomprehensible language.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Astra's triumph started to fade as she felt like she was ignored by the butler. She was ready to try and get his attention once more, when he suddenly turned around and rapidly moved towards her! Wha..! Stunned at first, Astra points her sword towards the butler to get him to stop, she didn't want to hurt him!

Then something happens that sent a chill straight through Astra, the butler just moved right onto her sword, and then passed straight through her, not even acknowledging that she was there! She was so freaked out her legs were slightly shaking! No one amount of training can prepare you for that to happen to you!

Only the sound of the door slamming shut behind the butler did Astra realize what had just happened! G-ghost! Astra stammers out as she couldn't help but slightly freak out! Th-this place is haunted. How am I going to find Melyssa!? As Astra wonders, she suddenly heard the eerie chimes of a grandfather clock, all 12 of them. With the final one, it seemed like all sunlight vanished, replaced with darkness of the Night!

This is bad... Astra thinks as she reads herself for what has changed outside her room. She reached for the door, opening it to see what was on the other side!