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The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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The Sea of Grass is a region not far from the feasting fall, a large valley surrounded by small hillocks on every side, forming a sort of natural bowl. In its midst the grass is waist high or deeper on a human of average height, making maneuver just a little bit more difficult. More troublesome, however, are the species of sawgrass intermingled throughout the more common grasses, its blades tall and thin and covered in wicked little spines that inject various poisons into those unlucky enough to be pricked, a defense mechanism against grazers of all kinds.

Any time a character moves, roll an attack at 9d10 to-hit, 10d10 + 10 if the character is naked. On a hit the grass does 1d4 damage and roll 1d3. If a 1 is rolled the character makes a reflex save against a stack of Weakened. If a 2 the character makes a reflex save against a stack of Paralyzed. If a 3 the character makes a reflex save against aphrodisiacs to move them one rung up the arousal level. DC is 20, increasing by 5 with each hit. 1s autofail.
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

strode confidently across the grassy plane, her armor shielding her legs from the bite of the venomous strands as she sought an opponent.
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Krav'a stood atop a grassy knoll, calmly glaring at the men and women who had gathered around on the hills to watch and participate in the day's fighting. She had yet to engage anyone today, and her blades were itching for the taste of blood... This particular spot she didn't find well-suited to combat, but it would do all the same.

One of the first fights had just wrapped up, a pair of humans dueling amidst the tall grass, the victor leaving the crumpled and bleeding body of the vanquished where it lay and heading back to the hills to recover for a bit. That was all the encouragement Krav'a needed. She walked confidently down into the grassy valley, the tight leather uniform that covered her body from feet to neck protecting her from the vicious spines of the sawgrasses native to this place, and unsheathed her twin swords; a longsword in her left hand, a scimitar in her right. "Who among you dares to face me now!?" she bellowed, raising her longsword to the sky as her beady little black eyes peered at her potential opponents. There had to be at least a dozen assembled around... perhaps one of them would bite.
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

"I will!" Chocolat declared, drawing her lance from her back as she strode towards the ring of fighters as well, albeit from a different direction. She looked upon her opponent to be, an orc wielding a pair of blades, and smiled as she took up a position in the center, dropping to a half crouch and leveling her long, bladed spear at Krav'a with a stance that had the weapon hanging over her head and pointed downwards.

"I am Chocolat," she announced, "champion of the free peoples of Anudor, daughter of the great warrior Tochek, and knight of the lost city of Shry-Kuth-Lus! I have heard that your kind are ferocious warriors... And look forward to putting that reputation to the test!"
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

"Very well" the orc replied, sizing up her opponent quickly. A su-ku-ta of some kind or other, seemingly a knight at that. Heavily armored, though it appeared that she could move fairly freely despite it. She would probably be a difficult foe, which suited Krav'a just fine. "I am Krav'a, daughter of Kagash. I don't believe I've ever had the pleasure of fighting one of your kind before. I look forward to crossing blades!" she shouted, extending the sword in her left hand towards the catgirl, the one in her right kept loosely at her side. She wasn't sure what exactly this stance her opponent had taken up meant, hadn't fought many who used spears on foot, but she was looking forward to figuring it out.
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Beginning of Round 1:
Chocolat: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = Fine.
Krav'a: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 42, Status = Fine.

Initiative: Chocolat (54), Krav'a (44)

Public Actions:
Chocolat uses Falcon Guard and Heavy Metal.
Krav'a uses Whirling Death and Shed Guard.

Krav'a feints: 109 vs 69. Success.
Krav'a goes for the follow up attack but Chocolat attempts to parry: 46 vs 58, is parried. (Did account for feint penalty to parry DC, for the record)

Chocolat counterattacks: 44 vs 95. Nada.

Special Effects:

Upkeep costs:
Krav'a upkeeps 5 HP for Whirling Death.

End of Round 1:
Chocolat: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = Fine.
Krav'a: HP = 87/92, PP = 44, EP = 42, Status = Fine.
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Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Chocolat held herself ready until Krav'a stepped into reach, her lance held high and ready like the stinging tail of a scorpion, and when the orc stepped up she shifted back, awaiting an attack that came... Only to prove to be a feint. Her lance' tip flicked to bat off the oncoming strike only to hit nothing but air, and she leaped back and then forward again to recover as the second came forth. Her upraised lance, returned to its earlier position, picked off the strike and delivered a swift riposte, but her forced movement had left the angle off and she hit nothing but air.

Totally unperturbed by the failure to land a blow, Chocolat reset her position. The confident su-ku-ta knight's grin had only widened after the exchange, an eagerness surging through her now that it was clear that her opponent would provide a real fight.
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Krav'a charged forward, swinging her scimitar at the su-ku-ta... though it was only a distraction, and one that her opponent fell for at that. With the catgirl's spear out of position she jabbed forward with her longsword, aiming for a gap in the knight's armor. Unfortunately she just wasn't swift enough, and not only was her stab swatted out of the way she found herself having to dodge quickly, just managing to avoid the tip of the spear as it lashed out at her. She couldn't help but grin as well... With her previous opponents that trick had been enough to run them through and end the fight right there. This was going to be interesting... Interesting indeed. The orc could only hope that this fight wouldn't end quickly.
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Beginning of Round 2:
Chocolat: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = Fine.
Krav'a: HP = 87/92, PP = 44, EP = 42, Status = Fine, Whirling Death.

Initiative: Krav'a, Chocolat
Notes: Went to the auto-switch initiative.

Public Actions:
Krav'a uses Shed Guard, Flurry, Rend, and Aggressive Fighting.
Chocolat uses the exact same thing she did last time.

Krav'a's feint: 76 vs 72. Success.
Chocolat attempts to parry Krav'a's first attack: 57 vs 46, Krav'a slips the parry.
Krav'a's first attack (piercing): 68 vs 52. Hit.
Damage: 22 - 35 (ignored worn AV) = 1 damage.
Chocolat also attempts to parry Krav'a's second attack: 44 vs 35. Krav'a wins.
Krav'a's second attack (slashing): 74 vs 52. Hit.
Damage: 30 + 18 (Rend) - 28 (did not ignore worn AV) = 20 damage.
Chocolat also attempts to parry Krav'a's third attack: 31 vs 39. Chocolat finally parries one.

Chocolat counterattacks: 84 vs 86. Miss.

Special Effects:
Grass roll vs Chocolat because she's still twirling around or something in order to get her skirmishing bonuses: 52 vs 52. Rule wording says it has to exceed dodge to hit so lucky catgirl.

Upkeep costs:
Krav'a pays 5 HP upkeep on Whirling Death.

End of Round 2:
Chocolat: HP = 41/62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = Fine, Not the Parry Queen.
Krav'a: HP = 82/92, PP = 44, EP = 42, Status = Fine, Whirling Death.
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Again Krav'a feinted with her scimitar, twirling it at the Su-ku-ta in as distracting a fashion as she could, and again the catgirl bit the decoy. It allowed her to thrust her longsword, trying to find a seam in the armor to get through... The blade found its mark, but only just barely, just enough that the other woman would feel the sting of the tip prodding her. The orc didn't let up, swinging her curved blade at the woman's right arm and this time finding a bit more purchase, cutting in at a joint. She got a bit greedy, though, trying to stab the knight again and finding her blade turned aside by the long spear, necessitating another quick dodge. Mere inches separated her and a rather painful wound, and Krav'a found her heart racing in a way it normally didn't, the adrenaline flowing through her as the danger built and she got to put her skills to use!
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Chocolat stiffened only slightly as her opponent's blade found its mark, her attempts to drive her off with the lance just a bit too quick after yet another successful feint, but she still smiled even if it was a bit pained now that her blood was upon her opponents' weapon. "Not bad.... I am glad to finally fight someone who really knows how to fight!"
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Beginning of Round 3:
Chocolat: HP = 41/62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = Fine, Not the Parry Queen.
Krav'a: HP = 82/92, PP = 44, EP = 42, Status = Fine, Whirling Death.

Initiative: Chocolat, Krav'a

Public Actions:
Chocolat draws her bastard sword and uses lightning strikes.
Krav'a uses shed guard, flurry, and rend again.

Chocolat's first attack: 121 vs 86. Hit.
Damage: 32 - 24 = 8.
Chocolat's second attack: 122, auto-hit as well.
Damage: 36 - 24 = 12.

Krav'a uses shed guard: Feint check is 77 vs 115. Failure.
Krav'a attempts to swing at a catgirl, but the catgirl uses intercepting strike: 82 vs 114. Chocolat wins, and as such Krav'a loses all other attacks this round.

Special Effects:

Upkeep costs:
Krav'a upkeeps 5 HP for whirling death.

End of Round 3:
Chocolat: HP = 41/62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = Fine, Trying for the comeback.
Krav'a: HP = 57/92, PP = 44, EP = 42, Status = Fine, Whirling Death.
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Shifting stance to put her main foot behind her, Chocolat spun back as she dropped her lance for the next exchange, drawing her long bronze blade as part of the motion and raising it over her head in a readied stance as she bent her knees. The armored su-ku-ta didn't wait to strike this time, however, instead suddenly making a horizontal slash across the orc's midsection that was caught by the orc's blade but powered through it, drawing a shallow cut but finally spilling some of the orc's blood as well. Grinning, she spun the blade for a second swing from the opposite direction, hacking at the other shoulder as she switched leading feet, making another strike before spinning her blade once more.

When the orc made to counter attack, however, Chocolat whirred and caught the oncoming swing, trapping the blade between wrist and the edge of her own sword. She twisted with all of her weight, and after suddenly yanking her opponent wide off balance such that she was forced to turn almost ninety degrees Chocolat stepped back with a grin. "Too slow... You'll have to do better than that!"
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Krav'a grinned wordlessly, also quite glad to be fighting someone of merit finally. Now that she had successfully tricked the other woman a couple of times by waving her scimitar around she changed things up a bit, hoping to create an opening to exploit... She intended to make a feint with her longsword this time, but the catgirl didn't cooperate, instead lashing out quickly with her spear. It threw the orc off balance, and she just barely managed to keep the first slice from gutting her right then and there, instead keeping the cut shallow enough that it only just managed to draw blood through her tight leather armor. She wasn't quite as lucky when her opponent spun around and brought the blade down across her shoulder; she was unable to get out from under it in time, the spear's tip slashing through her shoulder and causing her to grunt in pain. Her attempt at a counter was hasty, and the catgirl wasn't fooled by her feint... It allowed her to trap the inbound scimitar between her spear and armor, wrenching it around and making Krav'a stumble and twirl a bit. "Bah! I suppose I will!" she grumped as she regained her balance, quickly launching at her foe...
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Beginning of Round 4:
Chocolat: HP = 41/62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = Fine, Trying for the comeback.
Krav'a: HP = 57/92, PP = 44, EP = 42, Status = Fine, Whirling Death.

Initiative: Krav'a, Chocolat

Public Actions:
Everybody does the same thing, but this time Chocolat also moves for Skirmisher.

Krav'a Shed Guard: 89 vs 152. Fail.
Chocolat uses Intercepting Strike against Krav'a's first attack: 119 vs 123. Failure.

Krav'a's first attack: 108 vs 119. Miss.
Krav'a's second attack: 81 vs 119. Miss.
Krav'a's third attack: 115 vs 119. Miss.

Chocolat's first attack: 122 vs 63.
Damage: 35 - 24 = 11.
Chocolat's second attack: 126 vs 63.
Damage: 39 - 24 = 15.

Special Effects:
Sawgrass attack vs Chocolat: 57 (almost auto-hit, actually) vs 109. Miss.

Upkeep costs:
Krav'a upkeeps 5 HP.

End of Round 4:
Chocolat: HP = 41/62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = Fine, Achieving the Comeback.
Krav'a: HP = 26/92, PP = 44, EP = 42, Status = Not Fine, Whirling Death.
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

With another exchange going in her favor, Chocolat pressed her advantage and once more made to pick off Krav'a's attempted assault and thus leave her open to the su-ku-ta's merciless assault. The orc's sword slipped by her this time, however, leaving Chocolat suddenly on the retreat as she took two leaping steps back and flicked her sword in the other direction. The barrage of swings just kept coming, however, and she had to backpedal and dart aside without launching any counterattack for several moments... Until her opponent's momentum was played out, and suddenly she lunged back and jabbed the edge of her blade under the orc's arm. She spun the blade, hacking into Krav'a's shoulder before retreating, grinning with after having won the exchange not only without further injury on her part, but after delivering another fresh batch of wounds to her opponent.
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Krav'a pressed the assault, keeping the Su-Ku-Ta knight on the back foot for some time as her blades whirled at the catgirl, slashing here and there... none of them finding their mark. The other woman was surprisingly quick on her feet given the armor she was wearing, almost supernaturally so. The orc couldn't help but think that she would make a mistake eventually, that she would miss a step... But not before Chocolat thrust her blade in just under Krav'a's armpit, slicing upward and just barely missing vital tendons and ligaments, only a couple of inches away from making the orc's arm useless. She let out a roar of pain but simply advanced through it, unable to think of anything else to do. Her heart was pounding in her chest, blood rushing in her ears even as it ran from her various wounds. If this woman could turn aside the best she had to offer, well... There was little she could do besides try harder.
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Beginning of Round 5:
Chocolat: HP = 41/62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = Fine, Achieving the Comeback.
Krav'a: HP = 26/92, PP = 44, EP = 42, Status = Not Fine, Whirling Death.

Initiative: Chocolat, Krav'a

Public Actions:
Chocolat uses Break Guard and Slay.
Krav'a does the exact same thing as before.

Chocolat's Break Guard: 148 vs 110. Success.
Chocolat's Slay: 147 vs 14.
Damage: 90 - 24 = Way more HP than Krav'a actually has. Fight's over.

Special Effects:

Upkeep costs:

End of Round 5:
Chocolat: HP = 41/62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = Fine, May Victory Dance Now.
Krav'a: HP = -40/92, PP = 44, EP = 42, Status = Not Fine, Whirling Ded.
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Dancing back suddenly, Chocolat raised her blade over her head and clutched the hilt in both hands, dropping nearly into a crouch before suddenly lunging just as Krav'a recovered from the last barrage of strikes. She leaped forward and brought the blade down in a diagonal arc from above, as if aiming to deliver yet another blow to the orc's torso... But it was a feint. As her opponent moved to defend Chocolat lowered herself again, retracting the strike as she dropped into another half crouch with her curved sword's back edge resting against her shoulder.

With a turn and a fresh burst of momentum she swung for Krav'a's midsection with all the force that her body could bring to bear. Her strike dug through armor and flesh, nearly gutting her opponent and showering her in blood, and as she withdrew Chocolat felt herself be showered in gore, a sensation that she took no particular enjoyment from even though it had clearly ended the bout in her favor. She straightened as Krav'a fell, the blow mortal were it not for the restorative nature of the goddess' realm, and let out a deep sigh as the adrenaline of combat began to ebb and her own wounds began to knit together.

"That was... Quite a bout!" She said between indrawn breaths, watching Krav'a heal and letting the orcess recover at her own pace.
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Krav'a didn't have time to recover from the knight's last slash, didn't have time to prepare herself for what came next. The catgirl nimbly got down into a crouching position and then leaped forward, slicing diagonally with her blade, but when the orc moved to parry the blow her opponent crouched down again, not following through. Too fast, the orc couldn't keep up, and though she tried to hop back out of the way it only left her off balance as the catgirl spun herself, her blade hitting Krav'a at the side of her stomach and powering right through. She let out a sharp grunt, a grimace crossing her face as the sword tore through her armor and the vulnerable flesh below, the bit of protection the leather offered the only thing that prevented her from spilling her entrails onto her opponent. Instead she unleashed a spray of blood, fairly coating the knight's armor. It was quite the painful sensation... much moreso than anything she had felt thus far, and as she tumbled helplessly into the tall grass she dropped her swords, the strength leaving her hands. She hit the ground with a thud, drawing a sharp cry from the wounded orc as it jostled her wound. She clutched at it, felt how it gaped beneath her armor, blood pouring out of her more rapidly than her body could bear.

"Fuck" she growled with a ragged breath, laying flat and holding her belly as her body began to go into shock, her green skin starting to pale... And then, just as quickly as the blade had struck her she felt the damage stabilize and then start to reverse thanks to the magic of the realm. "Fuck!" she groaned again, knowing full well that if she had been back in the "real" world the best case scenario for her would be one last quick swing of her opponent's sword, and that more likely she would have been left to bleed out in the grass. Here, however... As the wound in her stomach finally closed, leaving behind only torn and bloodstained armor as proof it had ever existed, she swore to herself to learn from this and every other such experience in this realm, to use the unique opportunity to fail without lasting consequence to better herself as much as possible.

Krav'a's strength returned only in a slow trickle, and she let out one more "fuck!" as she slowly pushed herself up onto her knees, her legs quivering with the effort. "It was... quite a fight" she replied, getting her hands under her and lifting herself to all fours, panting as the adrenaline slowly drained out of her, lifting her head to look at the assembled crowd up on the ridge that had watched the fight. With one last bout of effort she pushed herself into a kneeling position and held there, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. It was a testament to her strength of body and will that she was able to move to such an extent so soon, though she was taxing herself to her limits. "So, what now?" she asked plainly, her eyes still closed as she rested herself as much as she was allowed. Many fucked their fallen opponents when circumstances of sexuality allowed for it, and the orc had to wonder what the catgirl's preferences were...