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The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Laughing Hyena

Mystic Girl
Jan 13, 2010
Reputation score
~The Siege of Krisalis Castle~

Dungeon Level: 3

(OOC Info: Recommended Level is Two to Three. Combat and Naughty is heavy within the dungeon and to a lesser extent Spirit. Explore is not emphasized. Expect Demons (Humanoids and Abominations), Heavy Bondage, Gangbang, Bukkake and Rape.)

Desired Posting Speed: Three Posts a Day is fine, but at the slowest Once a Day.
Desired Posting Length: Detailed Paragraphs. (Two to Three will Do. The more details in the paragraphs you give me the more I can give back to you.)


Within the last generation, the Kingdom of Krisalis was a kingdom of plenty, opportunity, a bastion of hope for the surrounding nations that wished for nothing but peace and prosperity. That hope was shattered within the few months when the Free City of Dullahar rose to prosperity thanks to the successful excavation of the Crystal Spire and its wonderous treasures. A great evil had descended onto the kingdom, as citizens began to tear each other apart in the streets over trivial things. Men and Woman killed, raped and stole from one another. Within three months, the kingdom had become a place of decadence, vice and violence. This new empire lasted for twenty years, pillaging, stealing and sealing itself off from the outside world. No one can get in or out of the kingdom. As such few know what really happened to the kingdom to cause this. However all know it was a supernatural unholy force that influences the kingdom and subtly changed the city's rulers to an ideals that would decimate and destroy a kingdom.

The Empire of Sseth'rahs has called out to the neighboring kingdoms to summon heroes and heroines brave enough, bold enough and lucky enough to feel capable of undertaking the task of infiltrating the kingdom and the castle, find out the source of the corruption of the Kingdom of Krisalis and destroy it. New champions must rise to the task and save a kingdom from itself. The Fate of the Kingdom of Krisalis is in your hands now.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Advanced her to level 3
Name: Fabris DeViln

Back-story: Ever since she was a little girl Fabris has dreamed of being a hero. Her elder brother Anton got to live her wish, he trained hard for many years and eventually became a talented knight. Being slight of stature and weak physically her dream seemed impossible. That would all change on February of her 14th year. One night, out of the blue she called a massive storm into her bedroom. The house shook to it's foundation and her parents, not wanting to deal with more random outbursts, sent her off to the nearest magical academy. Five years later she managed to graduate, with a bit more control over her explosive powers.

Level - 3
Willpower - 36/36
Combat and HP - 10 40/40
Explore and Stamina - 7 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 12 60/60
Naughty and Lewd - 6 60/60
A very powerful mage Fabris has a great deal of magical reserves and due to the explosive nature of her magic she tends to win most fights she can land the first blow in. However, she is still quite frail. In the academy her lack of control caused a lot of resentment and as a result she was the butt of many pranks. Thought relatively inexperienced sexually she can ignore a great deal of harassment as a result.

"Finally," Fabris actually screams out loud as she reads the message, "All these years of zapping goblins and putting out fires have payed off." Quickly grabbing her belongings, scant few at that, she vaults out the window of the inn she's staying at. She summons a small tornado at road level to slow her fall, blowing her skirt straight up. Fabris ignores the fact that she just flashed everyone looking and starts off towards her destination.

"I finally get to fight evil and save people," she giggles as she runs, "Krisalis watch out!"
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

As she literally glided atop of a small tornado her skirt flapping about wildly making a few nose bleeds as she zipped over the horizon she smiled to herself knowing that adventure and opportunity were at the ready and she couldn't wait to show up the other mages, especially that one that managed to become queen of the Sseth'rahs Empire. That always irritated her how Lisa of all people managed to quell a full blown war using nothing but supposedly words. And that just highly ticked Fabris off because how can a mage live with not using her full potential like that. Meanwhile she could see the castle-city upon the horizon and what a sight it was.

She would note that there were a number of humans all riding quickly in covered wagons and atop horses towards the city. And it was breathtaking to see these once white walls that was referred to as a bastion of virtue now have a filthy moat littered with rubbish and the walls were crumbling slightly from lack of upkeep.

Rats scurried about the main roads until she saw the gates to the city up ahead under heavy guard. Each of these guards were tall, well muscled and well armed. As each one of the wagons came to a stop they checked the cargo occasionally blatantly stealing food and drink from the wagons and occasionally fondling the young or maturely young ladies. Their hands running over breasts and legs and though some fought the guards clearly took what they want when they wanted. Occasionally they held the men at spear point and forced them to watch as mothers, daughters, wives and siblings were raped before their eyes.

She notes another wagon full of people was on the way so perhaps she could hide so as to get past the check, but who knows what would be done if they found her. Alternatively she could see how these men dealt with someone with actual teeth instead of hapless villagers who couldn't fight back. Whatever she wanted to do she would have to do it fast for as she recalled nighttime was very hostile, with monsters snatching anyone unfortunate to be caught outside the city walls to whatever cruel fate awaited them. And the sun was setting over the horizon...

(Break Through the Checkpoint (Combat/Naughty); Sneak Past the Checkpoint (Explore/Spirit)

Fabris' Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 36/36
Combat and HP - 10 40/40
Explore and Stamina - 7 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 12 60/60
Naughty and Lewd - 6 60/60
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

"This is..." She is taken by surprise at how far the city had fallen. "Terrible."

Looking at the gate itself, she sees a young woman being harassed by the guards. The poor girl's top had been ripped off and she was being roughly fondled by two of the men. Gritting her teeth Fabris knew what she had to do. She glanced backward, and looked at the setting sun.


In one motion Fabris lept off the road. She landed on the highest point of a mostly ruined wall on the side of the street. Flipping her pony tail over her shoulder she pointed at the group.

"You there!" Her voice rang out, getting the attention of the entire check point, but they could only see a silhouette in front of the sun. "Your sins have grown far too many, your.... perversions... too great! and now you shall know the.... the... might?" She paused momentarily trying to find the proper words.

"Damnit, I ruined my entrance!" Fabris swore at the top of her lungs. She shook her head at the ground. "Such an amateur mistake, what was I doing?"

Upon hearing the clink of metal heading toward her Fabris looked up again. She had indeed gotten the attention of all the guards, who had been too shocked to respond.

"Fine, no heroic entrance for me." She said quietly pouting. "But this still cannot go on, Arc Thunder!" She shouted the final words, pointing at the nearest guard. At first nothing happened, then a flash of lightning burst from her outstretched finger striking the man in the chest.

Break Through the Checkpoint
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

First Roll:

(Break Through the Checkpoint, Combat = 21. Naughty = x1.5)
(Fabris Combat is 10. Roll of 9. = 19. Fabris fails by 2)
(Fabris suffers 2 HP Loss and 3 Lewd Loss)

Fabris would find her lightning striking down at the guards feet falling short however whom promptly start seeking crossbows. They suddenly fire upon her and she ducks down behind the ruined wall as the bolts fly and miss her and she knew they were coming towards her. She whispered to herself summoning flames into her hands as she flings it forward as the first one ducks and the bolt of flame strikes one in the chest who falls backwards rolling on the ground completely on fire.

The other guard soon got close enough to her, his sword drawn now as he takes a swing at her striking the wall as she managed to duck down. She backed up quickly pulling a small fallen stick of wood and swings at the back of the guard whom staggers back and as a reprisal the guard hits her in the stomach and she keels over slightly grabbing the wall. Soon enough the guard would grab hold of Fabris arms and holds them in one hand by the wrist with the sword held in the other hand with the tip of the sword right at her neck as he then says "Oh I am going to enjoy this.."

"Suck on it or you're a dead girl." He slips his trousers slightly down exposing his erection to her and her eyes widened and she turns her face away from it, blushing wildly. Her eyes cast down suddenly fearful when the sword tip touched her necks side and then she swallowed her pride to save her own life as she began to press her lips to this unwashed filthy tip and she began to suckle upon the firm tip rolling her tongue along the head of the guards cock. Her mouth would slide down onto the erection and began sucking softly upon it trying to get this over with as quickly as possible. Her mouth detested the taste of it and the stench was horrid. She could find it hard to breathe from this but she pressed on knowing well that if she faltered her life might be snuffed out. Her eyes glanced up in scorn at the guard how had a pleased look upon his face and suddenly without warning he began to pump his cock in and out of her mouth, face fucking her. In a way she was glad because that meant at least he had low stamina and meant it might be over quickly. "Ohhh don't worry mage, we're not going to be done for a while."

She was noticing from her eyes that the sun had set and the people that were outside the gates were going in quickly and for good reason as she could hear the sudden shrill cries of some kind of unearthly beings within the air as black feathered wings beat within the air. Cackling was heard as a hideous creature with a hyenas head and front, the wings of a giant crow, a reptilian back end with a long tail with a barbed tip was soon seen. Dozens of them in fact were approaching and suddenly before the guard could reach climax he was tackled and snatched up by one of those horrible things. Two others joined in quickly as they began to literally tear the guard apart and eat him alive. She ducked low behind the wall rubbing the spit from her lips as she quickly ran for the gates of the city before they close noticing the guard she had blasted was gone now but a large blood trail was left behind so he must have been snatched up as well. She saw one of the creatures give chase to her and she out of instinct ducked low to avoid being grabbed and she rose to her feet scrambling away. One more came after her though she summoned a spire of solid rock to fling itself at the hideous creature and drive it off and she dived and rolled under the portcullis just before it closed and she darted into the city now safe from the creatures.

Tall buildings of wood and straw higher then any tree could manage, towers of stone seemingly able to touch the skies. Rats feast upon garbage and beggars pick through the scraps trying to forage for something to eat from another's disgusting leftovers. People moved through the streets pleading to shady men for a needed "fix". Women offering themselves to passing strangers for meager coins. She saw all walks of life from the wealthy, to the merchants, to the mercenaries to the harlots to the paupers.

Soon she stopped dead in her tracks stopping at a very busy and loud tavern that had a sign depicting a beautiful woman in manacles with a text that is called "The Shackled Whore" She saw it lived up to its namesake as women were shackled to the walls and in stocks naked as the day they were born. Some were other heroines that had tried and failed to destroy the incubus it seems and this was their fate, to be reduced to sexual prisoners used by the populace as they saw fit. Men fought over one another for their picks and drink and sang like this was all perfectly normal to them now.

Peeking out the windows she saw a sign over which reads the Jasper Districts. Unlike much of the town this looked rather pleasantly well kept and organized though it did have its shares of vice it looked more prominent and regal about it rather then be seedy and corrupt. It was clear this was the wealthier side of town where bored nobles went for a fix out of sheer boredom to make their lackluster lives sound more spectacular then they really were. She knew she could easily get lost in a town like this and she needed information on how to get close enough to her target and defeat him. So what was the best way to do it... Well it was a matter of opinion and pride mostly. She could try posing as a harlot and coaxing secrets and gossip out of pompous nobles or she could try the Shackled Whore and break a few heads in and draw information out of them as such seedy places usually have the best dirt.

(Seek Information at the Shackled Whore Inn (Combat/Explore); Pose as a Prostitute in the Jasper Districts (Naughty/Combat)

Fabris' Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 36/36
Combat and HP - 10 38/40
Explore and Stamina - 7 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 12 60/60
Naughty and Lewd - 6 57/60
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Finding her ways inside Fabris leaned over, resting. She shuddered at the thought of being forced again, but it was over.

"That was disgusting," She spat at the ground ,trying to get the taste out of her mouth. looking around for a tavern she spied the Shackled Whore and her mouth grew agape.

"Those..." A slight crackle of electricity shot between her hands as she looked at the woman bound outside. Looking around at the men abusing them, it would be so simple to just blast all of them. Just three little words. And then she remembered the guards at the check point. They were tough and... randomly hurting people wouldn't fix any of the problems.

Fabris looked over at the Jasper district. The nobles they were the ones at fault here. And they would know how to find the incubus. She headed over to the gates and looked closer.

"I'm going to need to look... sexier to attract one of them." She mused when looking at the people walking around. Fabris looked down at herself, mage robes were not the type of clothing she needed here.

She ducked into a nearby alley. "I can't believe I'm doing this." Fabris removed her outer robes and carefully concealed them in the alley. She looked at herself one more time.

The young mage blushed as she walked out, trying to get this over with. Fabris's perky breasts now fell free, nipples hardening in the night wind. A small mini-skirt barely concealed her womanhood, she also left her under garments behind. Glancing back, Fabris was concerned that her robes would no longer be here when she returned, but that was something to deal with when and if it happened.

Pose as a Prostitute in the Jasper District.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Pose as a Prostitute, Naughty = 23. Combat = 25)
(Fabris Naughty is 6. Roll of 9. = 15. Fabris fails by 8)
(Fabris Combat is 10 Roll of 7 = 17 Fabris fails by 8)
(Fabris suffers 8 Lewd Loss and 8 HP Loss)

Fabris felt exposed being out in the open streets with nothing but her magic and her wits to see her through whilst wearing only a skirt with no panties. Already she could feel eyes of perverts upon her and as much as shed like to simply try and cover up and give up on the plan she didn't wish to take her chances within the Shackled Whore Inn. Figuring she might as well try and enjoy herself during this charade she walked about within the noble streets her breasts bouncing ever so slightly giving the perfect kind of eye candy for any popular clients.

Unfortunately this was a bad idea for Fabris as stripping down like this and leaving herself so exposed would lead her to get chills in the cold night air for one thing, and also it would attract the wrong kind of attention. There was a difference between being a hooker and being an easy mark for abuse and she was very much the latter. After an hour or so walking about the streets and alleys of the Jasper District just when she was about to give up from being chilled by stray winds, she soon was approached by a nobleman in his mid thirties with a pair of green eyes and greying hair. "My goodness you must be terribly chilled. Care to warm up dear? And how much do you charge?" Scrambling for an answer she said that for the whole deal was worth fifty Golden Crowns. The man nods and would quickly leads her away towards a nearby home which was another warning sign to be sure as she was supposed to be the one dictating the location but she was too cold to care she just wanted to warm up.

Entering she would notice the lighting had barely been illuminated by candle lights which set a decent mood to be sure but she still couldn't help but feel something was off and it made her feel vulnerable. Her body was warming up however and she turned around now seeing that the man that brought her in had been lighting a lantern and soon she realized what was wrong. There was more then one person here. Five other noblemen of various ages but no older then thirty five were around the living quarters she was in. The furnishings had been swept to the side and all were naked... all were erect and all were seeking attentions of the lovely woman. "You did say it was fifty crowns... We'll make sure you earn every copper sword here."

(We'll bounce back and forth for a bit to give you an opportunity to play this out.)

Fabris' Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 36/36
Combat and HP - 10 30/40
Explore and Stamina - 7 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 12 60/60
Naughty and Lewd - 6 49/60
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

(Alrighty ,and ouch on the rolls.)

As she walked toward the mansion Fabris curled her arms around her chest, it had the desired effect of keeping her warm, but also made her breasts a bit more pronounced. <Well this guy seems ok, they might not all be bad.> she thought to herself as she walked up the steps. <At least I'll be able to get out of the cold air.> As the door opened and warm air rushed over her Fabris closed her eyes and briefly shivered over the feeling of being warm again.

Then she opened her eyes and noticed how many people were standing around her. <Ut-oh, this isn't good.> She gave a not so convincing smile as her eyes wandered around the room, briefly stopping to notice the size of each of the men. At this point a faint blush came across her face. <Don't worry you can do this Fabris.... it's no different than junior year when...> Her face grew redder when remembering the third worst thing that happened at the academy.

"... earn every copper sword here." The man's words drew her attention back to the present. Fabris stood up straight and pushed her chest out. <OK, gotta make this good.> she sauntered into the room, hips swaying and breasts bouncing with each step. "Well.... of course." She smiles as she stops walking. "I'd expect nothing less..." She paused, resting one hand on her hip and letting the other arm fall to her side. "Though I need to know.... Ummmm.... what exactly you all would like to do." Her left hand absentmindedly playing with the strands holding her skirt together Fabris gave a brief nod of her head. "So then, who's first." She gave a quick smile, then noticed that she'd untied the left side of her skirt, which was slowly inching down revealing a small tuft of pubic hair.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

The grey haired man would speak up when she asked the questions as he then says "I was thinking a marathon. You take hold of each of us bring them to their easy release and relish in each of our deposits and then the real fun begins when you have to pleasure us at the same time. It'll be worth the trouble I assure you. But for now I am first." The man states walking towards her his cock fully erect and beading slightly with excitement. She would note every vein in the lantern light and in this moment she began to slightly hesitate once again but spurred herself onwards.

Kneeling down she was now eye to eye with his full erection right in front of her face. It smelled faintly of orchids as at least unlike the guard had the sense of good baths at the very least. Shyly she began to kiss the very tip trying to over come her apprehension. Her tongue slowly came out rolling gently over the head before she took it into her mouth bobbing slightly of the head of his erection. Her right hand gripped it and she felt how heated it was. Working this slowly her hand began to piston slowly over it pumping it for that seed with the left hand gently kneading his balls. She shut her eyes and tried to make the most of a bad situation.

She kept herself collected as she heard the man moan his approval lapping at the tiny hole with her tongue's tip. She knew that if she did well and complied it might not turn into a violent gang rape and she knew with so many men it would surely turn out that way. At least if she managed to coax them she might learn something from them. Her eyes glanced over seeing the other men stroking their cocks at the sight of her. In a way it was flattering to be so desired but she knew this wasn't her nature and if she wasn't so desperate she probably would never have done this again.
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Fabris blushed briefly at the sight of the other men stroking themselves. she closed her eyes again, trying to put the thought of what she'd be doing for the next few hours out of her mind. <I'll... I'll finish him up quickly.> She thought as she licked the top of his dick. <If I can get each of them tired, they might start talking... provided I can even ask them anything...>

Fabris gulped, realizing that she wouldn't be able to finish him without giving him something more. Licking her lips she gave his cock a few more strokes before leaving her hand at the base, softly massaging it. Taking a deep breath, she began to let it enter her mouth more. Fabris ran her tongue along the man's dick the entire time, but she couldn't bring herself to let him get more than halfway in. Blushing again she pulled off slowly, tongue teasing the head, before putting it back in. She continued this motion slowly gaining speed, right hand slowly stroking the the remaining part of the shaft.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Fabris heard the middle aged man moan sharply eager to release his essence into her however it wasn't about ready yet. However there was one slight flaw in her plan in that her rear was exposed and one of the men wasn't willing to wait any longer as he walked up behind her rubbing at her clitoris and labia his cock just inches away from penetrating her. The others quickly surrounded her eager for a hand or a mouth or a tit to indulge in as she felt cocks rubbing softly over her skin as she was nurturing the manhood of the first one with her lips mouth and tongue. She could taste the salty pre excitement upon her tongue knowing he was close. She felt hands groping her chest squeezing and pulling on her nipples whilst two hands were rubbing over her pussy. She squirmed in physical pleasure though she felt more and more nervous. She needed to take control of the situation somehow.

Suddenly she felt the cock inside her mouth thrust deep feeling that he was close to a climax. She managed to pull herself off and groaning softly her bottom lip bitten she watched as the seed splashed all over her ample bosom. She had one down but now had four overly ready and eager men trying to get at her all at once even if they weren't being insanely rough with her she knew that might change if she did the wrong thing.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

As the man thrust into her mouth Fabris pulled back quickly, his cum shooting all over her breasts. A shiver of pleasure raced up her spine, and she didn't even need to look back to know that she messed up. In her rush to pull away form the cock in her mouth she pushed herself onto the one near her pussy. Fabris moaned softly as a few inches of the man's dick entered her surprising wet hole.

Glancing around her Fabris realized that she need to act very quickly here. "Well... my mouth is... open for someone else." She said as she reached for two of the other men. Taking one in each hand Fabris began to slowly pump each dick. another jolt of pleasure ran through her body as the man behind her started to push into her pussy further. "Eep." She shrieked softly before looking forward. The final man had positioned himself right in front of her. <This is bad... I... I only have my mouth.> Fabris thought as she moved closer, licking the tip of the man's dick for a few seconds before taking it into her mouth. Though no where near release she had to start sucking him like the previous one.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Fabris soon felt herself be lifted up slightly by one of the men as now she was straddling one of the younger mens waist his member wedged in between her soft flower ready to pierce it. Almost in reaction she felt love juices ooze onto the tip to lubricate it from how highly aroused she was getting despite herself. It was because of all the sexual attention and tension that was going on that was keeping her arousal high and the senses of taste, touch and smell overwhelming her that caused her body to instinctively lower partially onto the member. The tip had breached and soon she felt hands on her hips and knew it was inevitable. Her cunt was soon penetrated by that young nobles erection.

She gave a sharp moan that was muffled by the penis inside her mouth as her head was cupped by a pair of hands with hips thrusting slowly making that erection thrust down her mouth coaxing her tongue to roll over it. Her thumb rubbed vigorously over the sensitive heads of the two cocks in each of her hands. The palms pumping slowly along the underside giving the remaining two men a handjob each. Her breasts, cum stained as they were began to bounce slowly with each motion from the one beneath her pumping into her tight honeycomb with that thick stinger massaging her inner walls.

The first one was getting hard once more at the sight of her being gangbanged by the other nobles. And there was only one more hole that could be used or one more part of her body to be rubbed. If she wanted to save her rear end from the pounding that was to come she would have to sacrifice her breasts to do it. But it proved hard to manage this since one was already in proper position to use them but he was in her mouth. Helpless, she watched as the middle aged man knelt down before her pushing her cheeks apart with his hands giving a firm squeeze. His cock pressing to her puckered back door before she felt it begin to press harder pushing past it and into her lower body held tightly by her rear muscles. Slowly a rhythm was forming between all three men that assailed her mouth rear and vagina whilst the other two men were handled solely by her soft hands. Each cock pistons in and out of her flesh sending crashing waves of pleasure into her like a beach being ravaged by a hurricane.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

"Ohhhh." Fabris moaned despite the pain her ass was in. Her rear hole had never been used in such a harsh fashion before. Even so she found herself pushing against every thrust, body reacting without thought. As the two behind her began thrusting in, Fabris pushed herself against them. Sending their dicks further in to her than they expected. Then as they pulled away, she sucked harder on the man in front of her, tongue rolling over his dick as it penetrated further and further into her mouth. In her sttate she started pumping her hands faster, running from the base, all the way up to the tip which her fingers softly rubbed, and back down again.

After only a few repetitions Fabris felt a fire welling up within her. she started to push harder and the walls of her pussy contracted, trying to pull more pleasure out of the man within. She also felt her ass closing, squeezing the older man's dick as hard as she could. The only thing Fabris did not think of was the man in front of her. On one particularly strong push she managed to take in his entire dick. Her eyes grew wide as her lips pushed against the base of it. Unfortunately for the poor girl, the man's dick was long enough to reach her throat. Slamming back down into the others only caused the fire to grow and the man in front of her would accept nothing less than what he received, he thrust hard pushing his dick all the way down Fabris's throat again. Only this time she didn't care, two more thrusts from behind were all it took to make her reach a climax. Her pussy, anus, and mouth squeezed, or sucked as it were, as hard as they could sending waves of pleasure through the girl, trying to milk out as much semen as they could form the men in her.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Fabris didn't need much to give the men incentive to shower her with their spunk. As she bumped hard against the two plugging her rear and cunt a sudden though came into her lust filled mind. What if they came inside of her? She started to worry a bit but it was swiftly snuffed out when she felt an orgasm hit her and she gushed over the one in her pussy. As the mean groaned loudly of their approval she shut her eyes knowing that whatever fate came her way she at the very least enjoyed it.

She blushed heavily as the men began to pull out of her mouth and her hips which she was thankful for as she didn't wish a child out of this. She rubbed vigorously at her clitoris to entice the five men into erupting over her supple form. The first few gushers of hot seed splashed over her right cheek and over her lips and chin. She felt the second cock gush abundantly over her ample breasts showering her with liquid lusts. The third and fourth ones made their home upon her ass and the abdomen which trickled down into the nooks of her sensual figure. The final one belonging to the one that had been inside her mouth shot deep into her mouth and pulled out slightly splashing over her neck and down her back.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Fabris coughed a few times, forcing the sperm in her mouth and throat out. <That....> "Well, how was that?" She asked the men beaming. Fabris stood up slowly, her knees still weak form the orgasm. "Easily worth 50 crowns, right?" She tried to keep a straight face through this, pretending not to notice that she was covered in semen

<OK, it's almost over. I just need to find where the incubus is.> Fabris thought as she awaited an answer. Realizing that the men were silent she decided to hint a bit. "Umm, the night is still young. I'm certain such.. fine men know somewhere else a girl like me can find someone." She gave them her best smile, hoping that this would be the end of it.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Soon enough after Fabris had enough energy to stand back up after the numbing orgasm she had from that incredible sexual experience... even if it had been unplanned for. The men were lounging about now before the grey haired man would speak up "Easily worth Fifty Crowns. If you were at the upcoming ball for tonight in the Palace, you would make a fortune there if you don't mind being the spectacle of attentions." There was a party this night in the palace? That could be interesting and it definitely would be where the incubus would have ample prey so she might find it there. Each of the men paid her fifty crowns so she now had a nice ample sum of money to her name even if her dignity felt unclean. Taking the time to get a bath and her clothes once again she was soon off to the palace.

Eventually she made her way towards he palace itself where the place was seemingly bustling with activity as she could hear the music and festive talk and laughter from outside the castle gates. Indeed she could see from the well guarded servants entrance that many cooks and servants were brining in many many items of luxury and foods fit for royalty. She looked about and saw that the guests heading into the castle were in some kind of masquerade or similar attire so this was a party of ambiguity and she had to wonder if she could slip past the guards in such a fashion. A concerned frown found her lips seeing how there were a good number of guards about however all were easily distracted by their more perverted selves and even allowing comely looking commoners, particularly women into the castle so it wasn't about being noble all the time, it was about being lovely as well. She could probably woo her way past the guards or she could try to disguise herself as a noble.

(Disguise Yourself as a Noble Guest (Spirit); "Persuade" the Guards to get into the Party (Naughty)
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Fabris smiled though finding the palace had been difficult it seemed that getting in would not be. she looked around briefly, observing the mannerisms and dress of the noble women.

"A masquerade, hmmm." Fabris pondered the problem briefly. Though she was dressed appropriately she lacked any sort of mask. Then the solution popped into her head. Muttering a few mystic words a silver flash was emitted from her eyes. A light mist began to surround the young mage's face. The mists slowly shifted, and solidified revealing a mask. The mask appeared to be made of feathers, it primarily covered her eyes, but many of the women here wore such things. confident in her disguise Fabris strode past the guards, giving them a polite, but curt nod.

Disguise Herself as a Noble
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

First Roll:

Disguise Yourself as a Noble Guest, Spirit = 25)
(Fabris Spirit is 12. Roll of 11. = 23. Fabris fails by 2)
(Fabris suffers 2 MP Loss)

Fabris felt she could at the very least remain confident in her magical aptitude with such things and she damn near got past all of the guards however one guard was looking at her rather sharply and suddenly she began to learn why this was the case. It was because that guard was one of the few that saw her outside during her suddenly heroic actions against the two guards. And he recognized her outfit for she had forgotten to change it and make it different. The guard was about to approach her and his sword was drawn when suddenly she was miraculously saved by another woman with devil like wings and tanned copper skin who was doing a seduction attempt upon one of the guards. This saved her from possibly being confronted and taking advantage of the situation she made a break inside the palace where the guards wouldn't be so familiar with her. She realized her mistake and shifted the colors and design of her robe so it wouldn't look exactly the same. A minor adjustment but at least it would complete the disguise.

Entering the castle she saw that many nobles were about consuming drinks and food. Lavish curtains and intricate decor lined everything within the great halls. Though she did see a ton of pillows and spreads as well as pedestals she saw no one using them. Long tables had luxurious foods suitable for kings upon them of all kinds of fare. Exotic foods from across the various seas. Many many lovely ladies were about indulging in their socializing alongside men eager to see what was to come of the events.

Eventually a breathtakingly handsome man with reddish horns over his brow with a long serpentine tail turns about slowly as he wore a long coat of black trimmed with gold. She knew instantly it was the incubus. "Welcome great citizens of Krisalis to the Ravish of Flesh, A party where all inhibitions and taboos are broken and nothing is beyond your wishes! All can shed their clothes and indulge in every dark fantasy they wish! The ladies and captives of our sworn enemies are lined up and waiting for all your beloved attentions" As he spoke nude women and men were being escorted each one looking freshly cleaned and each one was shackled to the pedestals with collars upon their necks. "All the lovely slaves are here and waiting for them... gentlemen, ladies... Enjoy them to your hearts content"

Soon a sudden shedding of clothes flew across the ground as the sudden symphony of moans and groaning flood the room as men and women began to ravage the slaves with impunity. Women were riding men and grinding clit to clit against fellow women and a few men were trading a sixty nine position with one another. She saw a mature looking woman with a young adolescent budding man tutoring him in the world of sex. Some women were surrounded by men being bathed in hot seed. She would soon notice she was one of the few that has not joined in and realized if she wanted to sneak away now she could make an attempt but if she was caught things may go bad to worse. Another idea was to perhaps join in the orgy and try to sneak out in the confusion later on. She might get a bit messy but it might work better then taking her chances with the guards.

(Participate in the Orgy (Naughty); Use Magic to Sneak Away (Spirit/Combat)

Fabris' Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 36/36
Combat and HP - 10 30/40
Explore and Stamina - 7 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 12 58/60
Naughty and Lewd - 6 49/60
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Fabris store at the man who walked in for several minutes, not noticing anything he was saying. She only came back to her senses when the new men and women were brought in. <This will be hard.... but I can do it.> when she noticed all of the guests disrobing a fierce blush came over the mage's face. As they began to use the people chained to the pedestals Fabris found that she could not look away, she simply store at the orgy with a strange fascination.

Something bumped her shoulder! Fabris turned around to see another woman who just finished striping walk past her. <Whew, that could have been bad.> Fabris glanced around searching for the Incubus, but coming up with nothing. <He must have gone somewhere else I should...> A cry of pleasure brought her attention back to the orgy. Fabris lowered a hand and felt under her skirt, her panties were soaked. <This is no good, I need to get out before I lose control..> She looked behind her and noticed a door with only one guard standing at it. <Perfect>

Realizing that this was her only chance Fabris started moving towards the man, he picked up on her instantly. However, when she was a short distance away she mumbled an incantation. A bright flash erupted in front of the guard's eyes and the mage ran past as quietly as she could.

Use Magic to Sneak Away