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The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

Laughing Hyena

Mystic Girl
Jan 13, 2010
Reputation score
~The Siege of Krisalis Castle~

Dungeon Level: 3

(OOC Info: Recommended Level is Two to Three. Combat and Naughty is heavy within the dungeon and to a lesser extent Spirit. Explore is not emphasized. Expect Demons (Humanoids and Abominations), Heavy Bondage, Gangbang, Bukkake and Rape.)

Desired Posting Speed: Three Posts a Day is fine, but at the slowest Once a Day.
Desired Posting Length: Detailed Paragraphs. (Two to Three will Do. The more details in the paragraphs you give me the more I can give back to you.)


Within the last generation, the Kingdom of Krisalis was a kingdom of plenty, opportunity, a bastion of hope for the surrounding nations that wished for nothing but peace and prosperity. That hope was shattered within the few months when the Free City of Dullahar rose to prosperity thanks to the successful excavation of the Crystal Spire and its wonderous treasures. A great evil had descended onto the kingdom, as citizens began to tear each other apart in the streets over trivial things. Men and Woman killed, raped and stole from one another. Within three months, the kingdom had become a place of decadence, vice and violence. This new empire lasted for twenty years, pillaging, stealing and sealing itself off from the outside world. No one can get in or out of the kingdom. As such few know what really happened to the kingdom to cause this. However all know it was a supernatural unholy force that influences the kingdom and subtly changed the city's rulers to an ideals that would decimate and destroy a kingdom.

The Empire of Sseth'rahs has called out to the neighboring kingdoms to summon heroes and heroines brave enough, bold enough and lucky enough to feel capable of undertaking the task of infiltrating the kingdom and the castle, find out the source of the corruption of the Kingdom of Krisalis and destroy it. New champions must rise to the task and save a kingdom from itself. The Fate of the Kingdom of Krisalis is in your hands now.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

(Bumped to level 3.)

Name: Lycoris Nifalim
Description and Basic Backstory:
A young, albino, woman Lycoris has never really managed to fit in. With a near flat chest and only the faintest hints of a womanly figure, both normally concealed by armour or heavy clothing, many may mistake her for a young man from a distance. Though her white hair, which held in a loose pony tail that reaches her waist, goes some way to show her femininity. She stands 5'6'' with a slim, lean build. Her eyes are a cherry blossom pink.

Cocky and arrogant to a fault, Lycoris has always believed that she can do whatever she wishes as long as she has the determination to back up her desires. She is quick to speak her mind, even if it might land her in trouble, and assures herself that her position is always the right one. However she is prone to being anything from headstrong to outright stupid at times thanks to her belief in herself.

She was born into a poor family and quickly passed on to a retired knight's care, her family fearing her an ill omen. Her adoptive father's obsession with crafting her into a dangerous warrior certainly didn't lead to Lycoris developing a 'normal' view of the world.

Desired Posting Speed: Once a day at least, more if possible though my workload fluctuates.
Desired Posting Length: Will match what is given as much as possible but at least a good paragraph is nice.


Level - 3
Willpower - 96
Combat and HP - 14 and 30/30
Explore and Stam - 9 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 12 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 0 and 10/10
While Lycoris has been well trained in the arts of combat, magic and survival by her father and those he could pay to train her, she has always been something of a glass cannon. She is quickly worn down when someone matches or exceeds her skill level, so she relies on her near never ending determination to win through. She hasn't had any time to devote to finding out about her sexuality, which may leave her at a nasty disadvantage against some foes.

Skills - Cleaving things with a hefty axe, blowing things up with magic and getting on everyone's bad side.
Fetishes - None yet.

Lycoris had eagerly made her way to the kingdom of Krisalis after hearing the call for heroes to destroy the corruption that had infested the once proud kingdom. Now she couldn't really care less about the kingdom itself but it'd be no small feat to overcome this challenge, and challenge was something she always strived to meet head on. Sure it'd be great to purge the evil from the land and what not as well. That'd be an added bonus.

She was prepared as much as she felt the need to be. She wore a simple suit of leather armour with a light shirt chain mail covering her torso, which fanned out like a short skirt around her thighs. Her trusty large axe was strapped to her back, the only weapon she'd ever found herself needing apart from the studded knuckles on her gloves. Choosing to walk along one of the roads leading to the city she found herself with ample time to run over how things were going to work out in her mind. Needless to say she was confident this would be over quickly and end in her favour despite her optimistic approach to freeing a city that had been driven to depravity by an unknown force. How hard could it be right?

"Why is it always in some far off kingdom." She muttered to herself, running a hand back to adjust her ponytail some as she walked, making sure her long hair wasn't going everywhere as it often did. Having a lot of hair wasn't ideal for fighting, though she'd found if you weren't running away it wasn't too hard to break the hand of anyone who grabbed it. She was tired of walking, it was a waste of time that she could better spend practising her skills or sorting messes like this out. The sooner she got to the city and started the better, else she might just forget about the whole thing and find something closer to deal with.

( I hope that's all okay. >_> )
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

As she went onwards towards the city she would note that there were a number of humans all riding quickly in covered wagons and atop horses towards the city. And it was breathtaking in a sense to see these once white walls that was referred to as a bastion of virtue now have a filthy moat littered with rubbish and the walls were crumbling slightly from lack of upkeep.

Rats scurried about the main roads until she saw the gates to the city up ahead under heavy guard. Each of these guards were tall, well muscled and well armed. As each one of the wagons came to a stop they checked the cargo occasionally blatantly stealing food and drink from the wagons and occasionally fondling the young or maturely young ladies. Their hands running over breasts and legs and though some fought the guards clearly took what they want when they wanted. Occasionally they held the men at spear point and forced them to watch as mothers, daughters, wives and siblings were raped before their eyes.

She notes another wagon full of people was on the way so perhaps she could hide so as to get past the check, but who knows what would be done if they found her. Alternatively she could see how these men dealt with someone with actual teeth instead of hapless villagers who couldn't fight back. Whatever she wanted to do she would have to do it fast for as she recalled nighttime was very hostile, with monsters snatching anyone unfortunate to be caught outside the city walls to whatever cruel fate awaited them. And the sun was setting over the horizon...

(Break Through the Checkpoint (Combat/Naughty); Sneak Past the Checkpoint (Explore/Spirit)

~Lycoris' Stats~

Level - 3
Willpower - 96
Combat and HP - 14 and 30/30
Explore and Stam - 9 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 12 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 0 and 10/10
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

Lycoris was quite surprised to see so many people heading into the city on wagons and horseback. For the epitome of sin and vice it seemed the kingdom had no shortage of willing participants. The sight of the place was about what she had expected, though seeing it for herself still made her screw up her nose. She was used to some element of class thanks to her upbringing so walking into what for all right looked like a slum to her was not exactly her idea of fun. Of course it couldn't be helped, she had to find her way in one way or another.

"Disgusting," she commented to herself, half in reference to the city itself and half into the acts the guards were freely committing. The guards seemed more than happy to take what didn't belong to them, but then picking on peasants was hardly a challenge for a group of armed men. Perhaps avoiding conflict at this early stage would have been the best idea, the element of surprise was a powerful tool after all. If there was one thing Lycoris could stand less than the smell of this city though, it was watching the guards revel in their power over defenceless people. There was no honour in abusing those who couldn't fight back, so she would just have to see how they dealt with one better equipped to defend herself.

She stopped for a moment to reach around behind her, unbuckling her axe from it's binding on her back. Holding the sharp weapon loosely at her side she continued on her way down the road, not even slowing in pace as she approached the checkpoint. Either the guards would use their common sense and see that their pathetic excuse for strength would not stop her progress or... well she'd cut off anything that so much as brushed her armour. She wasn't going to stop walking until she was inside the city, with or without the guards permission.

(Break Through the Checkpoint)
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

First Roll:

(Break Through the Checkpoint, Combat = 21. Naughty = x1.5)
(Lycoris' Combat is 14. Roll of 18. = 32. Lycoris succeeds by 12)

The men look between them at the tiny looking girl and chuckle a bit when she approaches with that axe though the smile didn't last long and the laughs were cut short when she swats one like a fly away with the flat side of the axe making him fly straight across and make a literal dent in the gate walls just over the rubbish before tumbling down into the ground below. The remaining guards look absolutely shocked and a picture says a thousand words and only two words could possibly sum up their faces "OH..... SHIT..." They run like hell for the castle gates trying to lower the portcullis but what happens next is nothing short of scary. The portcullis does indeed lower however she hefts the axe up and then with one hand swing it and the axe carves a giant hole into the iron gate itself without any problems whatsoever. With that display the guards literally faint from the sight and she walks into the city like nothing had happened.

Entering the city, it seemed much more bigger then it looks. People moved through the streets pleading to shady men for a needed "fix". Women offering themselves to passing strangers for meager coins. She saw all walks of life from the wealthy, to the merchants, to the mercenaries to the harlots to the paupers. She walked along through one of the markets and snatched an apple leaving a single Silver Crow on the counter. Biting into it and savoring the juices she made her way through the crowds of folk who seemed to make way for the small but insanely mighty girl who just took it all in strides.

Soon she stopped dead in her tracks stopping at a very busy and loud tavern that had a sign depicting a beautiful woman in manacles with a text that is called "The Shackled Whore" She saw it lived up to its namesake as women were shackled to the walls and in stocks naked as the day they were born. Each they were all being idolized and fucked by several men and Misha could see a few familiar faces from her mothers texts. some were other heroines that had tried and failed to destroy the incubus it seems and this was their fate, to be reduced to sexual prisoners used by the populace as they saw fit. Men fought over one another for their picks and drink and sang like this was all perfectly normal to them now.

Peeking out the windows she saw a sign over which reads the Jasper Districts. Unlike much of the town this looked rather pleasantly well kept and organized though it did have its shares of vice it looked more prominent and regal about it rather then be seedy and corrupt. It was clear this was the wealthier side of town where bored nobles went for a fix out of sheer boredom to make their lackluster lives sound more spectacular then they really were. She knew she could easily get lost in a town like this and she needed information on how to get close enough to her target and defeat him. So what was the best way to do it... Well it was a matter of opinion and pride mostly. She could try posing as a harlot and coaxing secrets and gossip out of pompous nobles or she could try the Shackled Whore and break a few heads in and draw information out of them as such seedy places usually have the best dirt.

(Seek Information at the Shackled Whore Inn (Combat/Explore); Pose as a Prostitute in the Jasper Districts (Naughty/Combat)

~Lycoris' Stats~

Level - 3
Willpower - 96
Combat and HP - 14 and 30/30
Explore and Stam - 9 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 12 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 0 and 10/10
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

Hoping to get through the gate without incident seemed to have been too much top hope for, her size never really doing her any favours when it came to being underestimated. She clenched her fist around the wooden handle of her axe, throwing a harsh glare to the guard that had the nerve to obstruct her path into the city. Killing him would cause her more problems than she needed but if he touched her then she would kill him. Shifting the angle of her weapon she quickly lunged forward while the guard was gloating over his position or something, she wasn't listening. Whacking him in the side with the flat edge of her axe yielded the desired effect, sending the man out of her sight which was all she cared for before resuming her stride.

"Weakling." She muttered, carrying on to the gate, only half caring for the commotion her action caused. Killing the guards would be pointless, they'd be replaced soon enough and the idiots would keep coming to the city for whatever reason they were here to begin with. She didn't even break stride as the iron portcullis slammed down in front of her, as dilapidated as the rest of the city through neglect. With another swing of her arm the obstacle was cleared and she could press on with finding her way to her target.

After strapping her axe to her back once more, Lycoris grabbed an apple from a stool as she passed, leaving a crown behind for what little it was worth in this cesspool. She couldn't begin to believe this place had once been a beacon of hope for a better life, maybe that was as much of a myth as the rumours of the entrance to the city being well guarded. Either way the sooner she was done here and back to some hint of true civilisation the better. At least everyone had the sense to stay out of her way

Coming to a stop outside a particularly noisy inn she could see full well why this city had the reputation it did. It was a disgusting situation for the girls and one she resolved never to end up in. There was little she could do for now though, she had a mission to accomplish and should she be successful then the girls might well be rescued from their own ineptitude. Inns always were a good source of information though, this would likely be her best bet for finding some way to her target. She might even try to be nice and stick to asking questions. If things got out of hand she wasn't above seeing if a knuckle sandwich or two would loosen a few tongues. She had no idea if the more powerful members of this city hung out in dumps like this, but she might strike lucky, even if it was a gang leader and not some fancy noble.

Already getting quite sick of the display outside the inn, she made her way inside to start her search for anyone useful inside.

(Seek Information at the Shackled Whore Inn (Combat/Explore))
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

First Roll:

(Gather Information from the Shackled Whore, Combat = 21. Explore = 24)
(Lycoris' Combat is 14. Roll of 8. = 22. Lycoris succeeds by 1)

Lycoris would enter the Shackled Whore once more taking a deep breath and immediately ducked casually to avoid a flying chair thrown by an unruly patron as the place was pretty chaotic as people smashed into one another with bottles and fists and chair legs as lively music played around the place filling her ears. The bartender would be wiping down dusty tankards as a few people had keeled over in booze. As she approached she stopped short watching someone crash into one of the tables before she looked to the people responsible for it and then allows them to carry on since they had a second man ready to be thrown.

She would take a seat and then gets right to the point asking the bartender on the current events surrounding the town and looked surprised to see a woman in this place and wielding such an enormous axe. He gave a slight smirk as he then says "Well missy the deal is this. Handle the head of this lot thats trashing my place and I'll get you exactly what yer looking for. Not that it matters but truth be told I need to bring in fresh meat anyway." She sighed for a moment as she asked to merely point out the person in question and she turned following the finger. She saw that the man was seven feet tall in height and thickly muscled with several scars lining his face.

She made her way over towards him and then says simply to clear out at which point the man and his cohorts quickly begin laughing. Quick to anger as always she winds up and punches the closest one of the goons in the mouth flooring him. The leader waves them over to teach her a lesson and she started to backpedal a bit not out of fear but because she wanted some room to play in and upon the first goon taking a swing for her she ducks and gives a kidney punch when suddenly one grabs her from behind. She reprises with a head butt to make the grip loosen and then kicks the first one in the face to keel him over the leaders table who strikes a match on his goons armor and smokes a pipe. She flips over the goon who has grabbed her and he lands on top of the other goon breaking the table.

The leader mutters about that being utter bullshit that a girl beat some of his gang and gets up before he suddenly snaps a kick and she barely gets up a block to stop it as now both she and the gang leader start swinging at each other. The first punch she delivers smashes a few bottles and she ducks low and swiftly to avoid a high kick to the head which snuffs out a lanterns nearby light. She tried for a blow to the happy spot but he blocks that and head butts her in the temple dazing her for a moment before she's floored by a kick right to the chest. She rolls backwards to avoid a stomp and snaps a punch right to the jaw in reprisal. She leaps up onto a table swinging for his shoulders which land and then she braces herself before using her feet to snatch his head and with a swing of her hips spins him about like a top and onto his back landing over a chair. The man gets up groggy and she then pulls back slowly and lands a haymaker right on the cheek to make him see stars before she grabs him by the collar of his tunic and chucks him right out the window into an alley filled with rubbish. The gang leader was out of the tavern and out cold. The rest of the tavern goers pour out since the fun it seems was over for now. Apparently the ones that leave had lost best on if she would win out or not.

"Well that was a fun show. As promised heres the word on things. That castle is playing house to a big party and most parties at that castle usually need a steady supply of young women and is a hit with many noble men and women if you take my meaning. So if you are going to get in I'd be careful cuz you might get in over your head if you don't be careful. Happy Hunting." With that information she heads right to the castle.

Eventually she made her way towards he palace itself where the place was seemingly bustling with activity as she could hear the music and festive talk and laughter from outside the castle gates. Indeed she could see from the well guarded servants entrance that many cooks and servants were brining in many many items of luxury and foods fit for royalty. She looked about and saw that the guests heading into the castle were in some kind of masquerade or similar attire so this was a party of ambiguity and she had to wonder if she could slip past the guards in such a fashion. A cold grimace found her lips once again seeing how there were a good number of guards about however all were easily distracted by their more perverted selves and even allowing comely looking commoners, particularly women into the castle so it wasn't about being noble all the time, it was about being lovely as well. She could probably woo her way past the guards or she could try to disguise herself as a noble.

(Disguise Yourself as a Noble Guest (Spirit); "Persuade" the Guards to get into the Party (Naughty)

~Lycoris' Stats~

Level - 3
Willpower - 96
Combat and HP - 14 and 30/30
Explore and Stam - 9 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 12 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 0 and 10/10
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

Ducking under the chair that threatened to hit her as she entered the inn, Lycoris quickly lost any faith in this being any more civil than her entrance to the city itself. With any luck the bartender might be able to clue her in without her needing to go around bashing heads in for information. While she was perfectly happy to smack a few people around if needs be she'd rather not waste her time on talentless dredges.

"Hey, how about you let be know how I can get into the castle today so I can enjoy what this city has to offer eh?" She asked in a simple, matter of fact tone, not so much as batting an eyelid at the chaos around her. The answer she received was a little less direct than she was hoping for but since the racket was giving her a headache anyway she didn't see the harm in quieting the place down. The guy she was directed to might well have looked tough to most people, he certainly dwarfed her petite frame. As she had learned though, any guy with a tonne of scars must have been a terrible fighter to have gotten them in the first place.

Needless to say they didn't respond well to being told to leave, though the smirk on the leaders face was quickly wiped from his face when she made short work of his thugs.

"You as bad as these guys? I was hoping for a..." She starts to gloat as the leader starts to stand, though she is quickly silenced as she barely blocks the sudden kick. She hadn't expected such a large guy to move quite so quickly.

"I guess you might be." She smirked, launching into an offensive of her own, not about to give the guy a moment to get a good shot it again. The fight was short though by the time she was heading back to the barkeep she was rubbing one temple, still a little peeved that she'd taken a blow to the head at all. The last thing she needed was to end up like mister scarsalot who was sleeping in the trash outside now.

She was glad to be out of the inn, it was worse than having to deal with the streets of the wretched city itself. Now armed with the information she needed she wasted little time in getting herself to the castle. It was still weird seeing the level of sophistication in the nobles heading into the castle compared to the filth that otherwise seemed to comprise the city. Given how well guarded the place seemed to be she doubted she'd just be walking through this one dressed how she was either. Or at least not without hurting her pride like some of the commoner girls seemed to be doing to get in. That to her was just as bad as being tied up outside that inn, maybe worse since she'd be actively participating in the act.

It seemed she was going to have to try to sneak in with the other nobles, an act that would be far from easy with her current attire, not to mention her axe. She briefly entertained the idea of pretending to be a bodyguard but that didn't sound like it was going to work out either. She sighed to herself before ducking into a side alleyway. She unstrapped her axe from her back and removed her chain shirt, wrapping both in some discarded clothes and hiding both in one of the readily available piles of rubbish. With that done she tried to dig out the cleanest cloth scraps she could find, fashioning a makeshift skirt and mask.

"This better be worth it," she sighed, closing her eyes to concentrate once she began to mutter a spell in the magical tongue. The makeshift cloth and her leather armour started to shift, changing to look more like a dress some noble woman at a masquerade might wear. Though it looked like she was wearing a dress now the simple magic was far from perfect. With any luck done of the guards would pay close attention or go out of their way to feel her up, she couldn't hope they were thick enough to not notice that her dress didn't feel like it looked. If she had her way she wouldn't be heading into the enemy stronghold nearly unarmed but trying to smuggle her axe in would only make this glamour harder for her to pull off, especially if she had to hang around the party for a while. Though she was perfectly capable of fighting with magic she felt safer with a weapon in hand, magic was far too fickle to use as a weapon itself. It was far easier to boost her own strength and fight with an axe than throw a ball of fire as far as she was concerned.

Stepping back out onto the road, Lycoris let herself blend in with the other nobles, hoping her trick would be enough to get her in at the very least.

(Disguise Yourself as a Noble Guest (Spirit))
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

First Roll:

(Disguise Yourself as a Noble Guest, Spirit = 25.)
(+2 to Roll for Clever and Descriptive Idea)
(Lycoris' Spirit is 14. Roll of 18. = 32. Lycoris succeeds by 7)

Lycoris did get a great deal of attention from the guards as her magic had worked exceptionally well making her look like a stunningly young beauty that was in part an icy princess that could perhaps be melted and turned sweet by the slightest touch. As the men just stared at her looking her over the women seemed shocked and impressed with how formal and royal she truly was. She turned her chin up as she shuts her eyes and treats the guards like the servants that they were. She walked onward past the portcullis with absolutely no problems what so ever and made it through without so much as a dare to be touched. She looked as though she had friends in high places and could make a fools life miserable... which she could.

Entering the castle she saw that many nobles were about consuming drinks and food. Lavish curtains and intricate decor lined everything within the great halls. Though she did see a ton of pillows and spreads as well as pedestals she saw no one using them. Long tables had luxurious foods suitable for kings upon them of all kinds of fare. Exotic foods from across the various seas. Many many lovely ladies were about indulging in their socializing alongside men eager to see what was to come of the events.

Eventually a breathtakingly handsome man with reddish horns over his brow with a long serpentine tail turns about slowly as he wore a long coat of black trimmed with gold. "Welcome great citizens of Krisalis to the Ravish of Flesh, A party where all inhibitions and taboos are broken and nothing is beyond your wishes! All can shed their clothes and indulge in every dark fantasy they wish! The ladies and captives of our sworn enemies are lined up and waiting for all your beloved attentions" As he spoke nude women and men were being escorted each one looking freshly cleaned and each one was shackled to the pedestals with collars upon their necks. "All the lovely slaves are here and waiting for them... gentlemen, ladies... Enjoy them to your hearts content"

Soon a sudden shedding of clothes flew across the ground as the sudden symphony of moans and groaning flood the room as men and women began to ravage the slaves with impunity. Women were riding men and grinding clit to clit against fellow women and a few men were trading a sixty nine position with one another. She saw a mature looking woman with a young adolescent budding man tutoring him in the world of sex. Some women were surrounded by men being bathed in hot seed. She would soon notice she was one of the few that has not joined in and realized if she wanted to sneak away now she could make an attempt but if she was caught things may go bad to worse. Another idea was to perhaps join in the orgy and try to sneak out in the confusion later on. She might get a bit messy but it might work better then taking her chances with the guards.

(Participate in the Orgy (Naughty); Use Magic to Sneak Away (Spirit/Combat)
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

At least for once it seemed that Lycoris would be able to walk past these guards without a fight, her glamour must have been more impressive than she had thought. Acting like she was superior to the guards wasn't a hard thing to add to the illusion, she knew she was anyway noble or not. The interior of the castle was much more to her liking than what she had seen of the city thus far, though perhaps a little too fine for her tastes all the same.

She milled around, careful to do her best to keep out of reach of others as much as possible. She might be inside but that didn't mean she could let her guard down. She did her best to appear to belong, taking the time to sample some of the exotic foods that were present. So long as she wasn't paying for anything she might as well kill the time making sure she kept her energy up.

When the announcement started she watched on with interest to begin with, though she quickly lost that when the slaves were brought out. It was hard to keep a straight face when she felt like gagging at the sight of the forming orgy, if this really had been the great city she'd heard about it's people were certainly not giving her reasons to save them beyond her desire for a reputation. Soon enough she was one of the few that hadn't joined in with the night's festivities, choosing the time to make her exit from the room to find her target.

Everyone seemed to be quite busy playing with the slaves or each other so she didn't imagine it'd be hard to slip out. All the same she concentrated for moment to adjust her glamour spell, hopefully making her blend in with the scenery so she could sneak off somewhere less offensive to most of her senses.

(Use Magic to Sneak Away (Spirit/Combat))
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

First Roll:

Use Magic to Sneak Away, Spirit = 23, Combat = x1)
(Lycoris' Spirit is 12. Roll of 2. = 14. Lycoris fails by 9)
(Lycoris suffers 9 MP Loss and 9 HP Loss)

As Lycoris began to sneak away her magic was slightly clashed against by an unseen force as the man that was making the announcement. Due to her expertise in the field she realized something was aware of her magic and attempting to break it so as to make her life much more difficult. She traced the faint patterns of mana and go back towards the man with the serpent like tail and horns. Of course.. it was the incubus. She would also note that there was heavy magic over the orgy. So that probably would explain why people are acting this way. Its due to the incubus' powers over lust and corruption that is tearing this city apart.

As she made her way towards the steps of the side door she felt the enchantment break and in that same instance she saw some of the males and females start to change into nightmarish demons. Some horrible masses of genitals, breasts and beautiful faces. Other with elongated jaws filled with teeth as thick and as long as stiletto daggers covered in sickly bone white fur with tails similar to scorpions. Others were succubi and tentacle demons. Suddenly she was exposed and guards were approaching her swords drawn. She made a bolt into the side rooms now in the trophy room which was filled with trophies of famed monster heads, broken weapons and armor and what appeared to be a human skull carved into a drinking cup. She needed a weapon and quick and picks up a broken long sword. It was reduced to the size of a short sword but it was all she had to work with.

The three guards that noticed her soon would begin entering pooling in as she took the initiative making for a swift stab which was blocked by the guards swords as now she was defending herself from the three men. As she ducked away before leaping over a lounge she circled slightly with one whilst the two remaining split up trying to box her in. Soon enough one charges and she moves towards him clashing sword against sword before the other behind her tries to take a swing at her. She barely dodged out of the way getting a light cut upon her left shoulder and now backed up to one of the windows over looking the filthy moat. One leaped forwards with a wild swing and she ducked low and lifts and the man goes out the window with a loud crash and with a large splash into the water below. The other would make a thrust for her belly and fortunately she parries the blow and then grabs hold of the sword arm and head butts the man. The remaining guard leaps over the lounge and gets a cut on her leg making her yelp in pain and give a light limp before she stabs at him scoring a hard hit in the shoulder and he falls to the ground in agony when she twisted it but now she was unarmed. The last guard took a swing for her since she and he were both unarmed and she gets a solid blow to the jaw a bit of blood spilling from her lips and she was being overpowered surprisingly due to the pain inflicted. However there was still one more line of defense and she knees him in the kidney before grabbing the skull goblet and smashes it over his head knocking him out. She didn't have much time to waste so she steals his longsword and takes off. The quickly she got away from the orgy and deeper into the castle, the better...

A short time later she was in the inner sanctums of the palace and she was careful not to be spotted by the guards as she didn't wish to draw unwanted attention to herself. After a moment she heard a slight commotion from a corridor with a pair doors. One was an black iron door with steel hinges but peeking through the keyhole she saw an incredible find as this was the castles treasury so she could perhaps get a considerably find here if she was capable of figuring out how to open the door.

However the sudden sharp sounds of moaning could be heard as a mans voice was happily speaking up "Oh gods thank you for this moment of heaven!!!" Peering through the opposing and ajar oak door she could see that there was a private party going on. It was some kind of knight how had been shackled down to a large bed with a pair of nearly soulless eyes and she saw three succubi. One with blonde hair who was now started to straddle his mouth to silence him. A raven haired beauty who was currently riding a large erection which from the mess at the hips of the man had been torturously used many many times over. The third succubus, a short haired redhead, was grinding her ripe peach over the manse curved muscles putting on a show for him by kneading and massaging the blonde girls ample bosom and pulling on her nipples. The tail was currently plunging into the perfect blonds rear end as their choir of moans filled the room. As they had their way with the knight Lycoris would note that the mans mana was being drained and so was his physique as he was progressively becoming more and more withered and then suddenly after an intense climax the females finished off their meal as they had literally drained him of his life force. All that was left of the knight was a mummified corpse. "Pity. I was starting to like him. Ah well... our master will no doubt bring more healthy specimens for us to indulge in"

Lycoris couldn't waste anymore time here. She had to make a path and quickly. And hopefully she would be able to not wind up like that blasted knight.

(Break into the Treasury (Explore/Combat); Deal with the Succubi (Combat/Naughty)

~Lycoris' Stats~

Level - 3
Willpower - 96
Combat and HP - 14 and 21/30
Explore and Stam - 9 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 12 and 21/30
Naughty and Lewd - 0 and 10/10
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

Lycoris swore under her breath as she felt her magic waning, this was why she hated to rely on it in the first place. Tracing the flows of mana in the room she quickly came to the conclusion the incubus was to blame. She needed to get out of there, her haste to leave only made more urgent as she felt her disguise wane and finally shatter entirely. She cursed again, tearing off the remnants of cloth she'd tied around her waist as she darted from the room, trying to find a weapon to use against the guards that had spotted her.

Finding the side room was at least a brief respite, away from the demon filled orgy and the foul magics which threatened to turn her into a slave to the desires of the incubus. That moment was all she had to savour though, the sounds of the guards still chasing her quickly making her hands grab the nearest weapon. As she turned back to the guards wielding a broken sword she couldn't help but wish she was holding her axe instead.

Her body took over, moving her on instinct as she clashed with the guards, quickly being pushed back into a corner. It was clear this was a bad situation if not only for the sensation of her warm blood running running from her shoulder. She had little room to manoeuvre and a terrible weapon. The next blow came fast and was blocked but she wasn't fast enough to completely dodge the second attack from her side. Evening the odds was a little easier, one went out of the window after an eager attack and she quickly disarmed another. A sharp pain from her leg which caused her to yelp out made it clear that she hadn't been fast enough though, the cause of the wound quickly felt her anger as her sword found itself embedded deep into his shoulder. She didn't recover quickly enough though as she was staggered by a blow to the jaw quickly finding herself locked arm to arm with the man.

Ugh... shit... these guys are strong... She thought as she felt him gaining the advantage on her. She needed to end this, if more guards came now she wouldn't be able to take them on. In a gamble she let herself fall backwards a way, giving her the room to knee the guy in the side. While he was stunned she smashed the closest object to her reach around his head, thankfully knocking him out cold. Wiping the blood from her face with a scowl she took the time to spit on the guard before grabbing his sword and delving deeper into the castle.

When she finally felt safe enough to take a moment to regain her breath, she took the cloth mask from her face, and inspected her wounds. She was slipping or the guards inside the palace were competent, either way she had to be careful from now on. Tearing the makeshift mask, she made a quick bandage for her leg, hoping that it wasn't deep enough to impede her ability to fight. She also ran a finger around her mouth, more than thankful that she hadn't lost any teeth thanks to that blow to the jaw. Pride in her abilities extended to a pride in her appearance as well, she really wouldn't want to be the person who marked her face in any way.

Moving on again she stopped to inspect a corridor that seemed to have something happening in it, examining the doors. The first door seemed to lead to a treasury of sorts, filled with riches she could only dream of possessing even with a reasonably lavish upbringing. It was tempting to try to gain access if only for the hope that some weapon had been stored in there which would aid her more than this sword, even with the risk of it being trapped or otherwise guarded. Her thoughts on entry were quickly cut short when the commotion picked up again though. Needless to say the sight she was greeted with peering through the other keyhole wasn't one she found any taste in at all.

Enough is enough. The treasury would still be there when she was done with this place. Right now, especially after suffering injuries, she was looking for a way to let off some steam. The quickest way to get to the incubus would likely be through his subordinates. Even if they didn't give her any direct answers cutting her way through some demon filth would be the best practice she could get for their master. She stood up, taking a deep breath as she adjusted her ponytail, looping it back through her hair tie to shorten it some. With that done she gripped her sword tightly, kicking the door open with her good leg with a nearly sadistic grin on her face.

"Aww, why wait for your master when you have a healthy specimen," she started quietly before raising her sword arm and charging the demons with a loud cry, "right here!!!"

(Deal with the Succubi (Combat/Naughty))
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

First Roll:

(Deal with the Succubi, Combat = 23, Naughty = x1.5)
(Lycoris' Combat is 14. Roll of 18. = 32. Lycoris succeeds by 9)

The succubi were utterly surprised by the petite woman barging in and quickly underestimated her due to size and lack of a growth spurt since she looked more like a child then a full grown adult. They licked their lips at the new plaything however that was quickly dashed right through to hell when Lycoris sighs and bitch slaps the short haired redhead out cold on the bed her perky ass up in the air. The succubi looked completely shocked by this turn of events and began to scramble about using their nails and teeth to try and win in a cat fight.

Even with their numbers they were more lovers then fighters and within a small handful of second Lycoris stepped backwards letting them collide with one another head first and picked up a pair of manacles and binds the first one before she grabs the second one by the throat. And those cold eyes and that chilling voice of her made the blonde succubus cave in pretty damn quickly as she whimpers "U-up the steps. There's a secret passage from here behind the fireplace." Lycoris thanked her for the handy information by striking her in the head with the swords hilt to knock her out before she heads up the steps behind the fireplace.

Heading up the steps she came out from behind a sliding wall now in some kind of modified throne room. It looked ravishing and beautiful to say the least as there was gold and silver decor riddled about with four large cushy chairs fit for royalty to relax upon. She soon realized why as the large chair was occupied by the incubus himself who had a coy smile upon his face knowing he was going to fully enjoy this situation as he loved seeing heroines with such fire before it was snuffed out. And this beastly pervert had a good collection so to speak as Lycoris recognized the queen and her two daughters shackled together atop a bunch of pillows utterly lost in lust as they were so intoxicated with magic and enslavement they passed the time by indulging in one another with strap ons, fingers lips and tongue. On the right hand side she saw several pillars with none of them currently occupied within the shackles. "Well my dear, do you enjoy what I have done to such a glorious bastion of hope? I must say that it was my greatest achievement yet. But Im sure you didn't come her for socializing. You're here for my head. Shall we begin?"

(Defeat the Incubus)

~Lycoris' Stats~

Level - 3
Willpower - 96
Combat and HP - 14 and 21/30
Explore and Stam - 9 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 12 and 21/30
Naughty and Lewd - 0 and 10/10
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

By this point Lycoris wasn't in the mood for playing games. Slapping the nearest demon was enough to prove to them that she wasn't some weak child. The other two weren't much harder to deal with, apparently they weren't going to be putting up a challenge. Moments later in fact she had sorted all three of them out and even had the information she needed to find the incubus and put an end to this day.

Moving up the staircase and finally into the throne room she had to sigh at the sight that greeted her. More helpless girls and the smug little ringleader of the filth in the city. She shook her head a little at his words, having to smile some.

"This place is a tip, you've offended near every sense I possess as I've found my way here. Believe you me I'm here for all of you, though yes you are right. I'd much rather talk after I've wiped that smug little smile off your face." She levelled her sword in the incubus' direction twisting it a little in her hand.

"I owe you a good few cuts for what your goons managed as well after you broke my disguise. I think I'll have time to see you're properly punished though." With that she lowered her sword, starting to walk towards the demon calmly. She kept herself alert, knowing that it wasn't likely that he'd fight fair by any means.

(Defeat the Incubus)
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Incubus, Spirit = 23, Naughty = x1.5 ; Naughty: 28)
(Lycoris' Spirit is 12. Roll of 4. = 16. Lycoris fails by 7)
(Lycoris' Naughty is 0, Roll of 12 = 12. Lycoris fails by 16)
(Lycoris suffers 7 MP Loss, 10 Lewd Loss, and 17 Willpower Loss)

The Incubus would stand up slowly looking at her quietly as she began to come closer and closer to him until she had the sword right at his throat. Lycoris didn't understand the reason why he wasn't doing anything until she realized he was not blinking. His eyes were utterly locked onto her own with a smile forming upon her lips. "Drop the sword" he said and suddenly she found her hand shaking. She didn't wish to do it but her body was obeying him and soon the sword lowered and dropped with a clatter and he grins more broadly. He walked about her as she stood there unable to move due to his enthrallment he had her under and he walked back in front of her after disposing of the sword. "Strip. Dance for me and entice me." Even under the effects of such enslavement Lycoris was blushing ear to ear at the idea of such an indignant act. As much as she wanted to slap him for that or worse she suddenly found herself doing just that and her mind was absolutely worried now as she was utterly unused to such a display and the fact that it was happening to her upset her, embarrassed her and damaged her ego more then she would ever dare mention.

As she danced for him her clothes slowly coming off one by one and her nudity being more and more revealed she found her heart pumping from it as if it was enjoying this depraving act. She wanted to be somewhere else entirely but her senses were completely aware of what was happening as she felt his eyes upon her chest.. her blushing face and upon her rear end and womanhood when she finally came about to revealing her full nudity. He chuckled and walked about his tail grazing over exposed skin and he walked about behind her. "I'll break you... little by little... just like this..." His voice was so soothing she could have melted into him if she was ignorant of magic but she knew well that he was trying to demoralize her. He backed away for a few moments and chuckled and then snaps his fingers a bit letting her regain full control of her own body and she immediately shrank down to her knees trying to cover up as she shouted obscenities at him. "My goodness... is that actual fear in your eyes? Come... We have barely started..."

~Lycoris' Stats~

Level - 3
Willpower - 79/96
Combat and HP - 14 and 21/30
Explore and Stam - 9 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 12 and 14/30
Naughty and Lewd - 0 and 0/10
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

Lycoris cursed mentally as she felt the sword slip from her grip, her body wasn't doing what she wanted it to. How was he this powerful? Had she really underestimated him that much? She mentally gritted her teeth, pushing out against the enthralment as best she could. He had her body, she would be damned if he was going ton conquer her mind that easily. While she had no direct control of her body it seemed she was perfectly capable of blushing heavily when the demon worded his next command, having to watch and feel everything as her body was more than happy to strip on his command.

Concentrate... concentrate... this is nothing, so long as I keep myself here the flesh is unimportant. She tried to calm herself, doing her best to blot out what was happening when she couldn't even shut her own eyes. She'd never felt this vulnerable before, both in the sense that her body was completely exposed to him now and that he'd not so much as strained to gain this control over her.

Bastard is going to die slow. She promised herself as she wanted to shiver at the feeling of the tail brushing her leg. She knew he was trying to wear her down. She wouldn't let herself end up like the others she had seen here.

When her body returned to her control she instinctively covered herself. crouching low to glare up at the incubus. A good string of curses left her lips before she calmed herself some, listening to his words. She had to play smart to win here, she couldn't let her emotions get the better of her, not when he could manipulate them so easily.

"I wouldn't mistake fear for anger." She told him bluntly, slowly uncurling herself as she stood, brushing her hair back from her face. She was still blushing, still embarrassed to be naked in front of this creature but she pushed it to the back of her mind.

"You wanted to see me naked? Get a good look. You can shame me all you want, hell savour this. When I tear your eyes out this insult to my pride will be a memory you can savour for your last moments in this world." She moved forward again, focusing on keeping her body moving. She wasn't going to stop, not this time. All she had to do was get her hands on him and then she could end this.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Incubus, Spirit = 21, Naughty = x1.5 ; Naughty: 26)
(Lycoris' Spirit is 12. Roll of 18. = 30. Lycoris succeeds by 9)
(Lycoris' Naughty is 0, Roll of 6 = 6. Lycoris fails by 20)
(Lycoris suffers 20 Willpower Loss)

Lycoris was about to give him a second chance and runs right at him her hands clenched into a fist as she began to swing hard at the incubus who whilst dodging and such couldn't possibly cast a spell like this or dominate her like before. His smile was wiped quickly off replaced by a cold grimace of resolve as he avoids one of her power punches that breaks a nearby table. Her anger however would cost her much as he grabs hold of her right hand and pushes her up against the pillars shackling one arm in her dazed state before grabbing the other and doing the same. She was locked in place now at her upper body with the lower body soon being anchored by her feet from a pair of chains. Tugging on them she found her escape difficult for the moment as the incubus smiled viciously. "I wonder if you have ever even been intimately touched..."

His right hand touches her barely developed breast rubbing over it with soft smoothed well groomed hands pulling upon her nipple twisting slowly upon it. His eyes were gleefully watching her reactions as the tail coiled around her legs with the tip brushing over her nether regions. "Mmm.. you have a very honest body. I can tell. You're not used to pleasure... only pain. I wonder what would happen..." His voice drifts off as he used his other hand to lower his breeches slightly and exposes his thick length to her. It was strange as it had small bumps along the length with a more pointed crown atop that firm stalk of his. It stood at eight inches long and two inches thick and smelled faintly of fresh soap. He chuckled as his tail rubbed at her core with glee making her feel such strange sensations of overload and confuse her mind. "Oh yes... we are going to have some good fun my dear."

~Lycoris' Stats~

Level - 3
Willpower - 59/96
Combat and HP - 14 and 21/30
Explore and Stam - 9 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 12 and 14/30
Naughty and Lewd - 0 and 0/10
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

While she had hoped to deal with the incubus quickly, it seemed that resisting his magic was only going to be half the battle. The demon was quick on his feet and she somehow managed to get herself into a very undesirable situation. She was hardly able to concentrate on resisting his spells that she'd failed to pay attention to where they were fighting, something she would soon regret as she fought desperately against the chains now binding her.

"None of your business!" She practically growls at the demon before gasping as he touched her. She couldn't help but squirm at the touches to her breast and nipple along with the feeling of his tail sliding up between her legs. She had always dealt well with pain, always being able to push the issues of her body from her mind to continue on regardless. These sensations though, they terrified her even as had to bite back a soft gasp as his started to rub against her. She would never admit that he as right, however physical pleasure was never something that she had the time for. Perhaps the one urge of her body that she'd not gotten used to suppressing.

Focus... you don't want this... can't give in... focus on breaking the chains. You'll feel so much better snapping that tail off. At the same time her anger was often a source of weakness she found it easy to push fear away when she could find an outlet for hate instead. When her eyes saw what he was revealing from under his breeches she simply smiled.

"No wonder you have to use magic on girls, that's enough to make me want to run for the hills right there. I thought incubus' were supposed to embody female desire? I can't say I've ever wanted a guy that smells of soap, I think you're doing it wrong." Perhaps she was hoping rambling would distract him while she worked on getting free, focusing as much of her magic as she could spare on loosening the chains. If nothing else it was stopping her from worrying too much about what he was planning to do with that length of his.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Incubus, Spirit = 19, Naughty = x1.5 ; Naughty: 24)
(Lycoris' Spirit is 12. Roll of 2. = 14. Lycoris fails by 5)
(Lycoris' Naughty is 0, Roll of 8 = 8. Lycoris fails by 20)
(Lycoris suffers 5 MP Loss and 28 Willpower Loss)

The incubus laughed a bit as he watched her struggle and spit out such hateful words through such a pleasured voice. He stared into her eyes once more as he then says "Oh such cruel words... But I find that my actions can be even colder then that." He said as he began to let his bat like wings give him a higher position over her his erection now inches away from her mouth. Her urge to bite it however was not there as it should be however as he chuckled "Well child... lets see if we cannot make you a woman by the end of this. Open your mouth" She could smell that erection from here and it smelled faintly of fresh soaps, with a hint of jasmine upon it. It was from the luxury of being the ideal man or good personal hygeine. Even if she didn't experience it. In fact it felt like she was more vulnerable to it because she wasn't experienced.

Her mouth complied and he pushed her head down upon his erection. His eyes remained affixed upon her to keep her well under his spell. Her tongue danced upon the natural bumps along his girth and the pronounced tip. It wasn't due to disease that it was pronounced however an incubus was designed to be capable of giving pleasure no other man could do and those alterations to his member allowed for rather intense pleasure. At the moment she knew none of what that meant. It just looked disgusting. And the act of servicing this erection was horrifying to her. Never would she have wished this kind of thing upon anyone.

His member pumped inside of her mouth as she nursed upon it like a mothers teat, her tongue playing over the underside and occasionally popping out to lick along the crown of his erection. It was then she felt an intense rush of pleasure shoot through her as the tail pushed past her folds and went straight inside of her only a few inches. He would break the hymen himself with what was in her mouth. The tail rubbed along her inner walls clockwise feeling out carefully which parts would get her to scream in intense passions. His right hand would keep busy massaging and kneading her tiny barely developed breasts before he flicked his fingers over her nipples once more.

"Oh where are my manners.. I should service you. After all this is your first time." The tail quickly came out when she had gotten close to a climax denying her the orgasm she was physically yearning for. He turned upside down his tail coiling around her neck to make her continue to now deepthroat his erection. She had to breathe through her nose for her to get air. She blushed heavily knowing he was staring at her nether regions and soon felt him go down upon her. Firm fingertips rubbed over her clitoris gently whilst his thick and long pointed tongue lap at her labia, teasing her outer walls watching them quiver with delight before they spread like a flower before him after a few minutes. He pressed his mouth to her nether regions and began to lick deeply within her folds. His tongue twists and turns as he pleasured her making her well toned muscles tense and her body arch into him.

She began to feel the intense knot of pleasure begin to build within her chest as her body finally began to betray her utterly. As she did she felt his cock swell up inside of her mouth as he would pull his cock out until only the head of his dick was inside her. She heard him moan sharply and a large gusher of his thick perfectly delightful demon seed coats her mouth and shoots down her throat. She didn't have time to dwell on the humiliation long before he pulled out as she began to feel her orgasm rush out of her and her love juices flowed uncontrolled down between her legs and into his mouth.

Pulling away slowly she saw much to her surprise his cock was still incredibly hard and she had not lost consciousness but her mind was blurred from pleasure but she could once again react to him finally. His hubris makes him snap his fingers to release her from the shackles. "I think your ready for the main course. But I think it will be much more interesting if you weren't held down."

~Lycoris' Stats~

Level - 3
Willpower - 31/96
Combat and HP - 14 and 21/30
Explore and Stam - 9 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 12 and 9/30
Naughty and Lewd - 0 and 0/10
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Farren)

(Sorry for the slow reply)

Lycoris continued to struggle as best she could, though her efforts only seemed to let the incubus slip back into her mind. For the moment she tried to draw all of her power back to her attempts to resist him, though she didn't seem able to break free of his power even then. Finding herself once more trapped in her own body she could to little more than watch as he raised his shaft to her face.

While she was unable to control her body she could still sense all that was happening to her, being forced to go through the motions of servicing the demon's cock even as her mind yelled for her body to stop. It was sickening to think about doing it let alone having to watch and feel herself pleasure the demon that had been the cause of the kingdom's downfall. It was made even worse when his tail slid into her body, making her gasp and moan at the pleasurable sensations being shot through her nerves.

Resist... he can only hold you so long... outlast him... that's all you need to do. Her mind worked tirelessly to keep itself sane as the demon shifted. The pleasure she had been working so hard to keep down was suddenly ravaging her senses as she felt the incubus's tongue slide into her. She wasn't completely new to the sensations of a climax but this was so different. She had no idea if it was the demon himself or just that it was someone else pleasuring her for a change. As much as she wished not to she soon found herself moaning deeply around his cock as she came hard, her body giving into the pleasure she was being given. Being given little choice but to drink down the demon's seed only added to her humiliation.

"Oh master, please give me more..." She pleaded softly, giving him a pleading look for as long as she could manage to bare before scowling. "Is what I'm supposed to be saying now right?" While she had control of herself she made a point to spit what was left of his seed from her mouth. She had a moment to turn the tables, one she couldn't afford to waste. Focusing her magic into her arms she hoped to at least free her upper body from the chains.

"Better make it good, you're looking at a world of pain for desert." She informed him, mentally preparing herself as best she could for what was coming. If this kept up she'd... no... even if her claimed her body she wouldn't let him take her spirit too.