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The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

Laughing Hyena

Mystic Girl
Jan 13, 2010
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~The Siege of Krisalis Castle~

Dungeon Level: 3

(OOC Info: Recommended Level is Two to Three. Combat and Naughty is heavy within the dungeon and to a lesser extent Spirit. Explore is not emphasized. Expect Demons (Humanoids and Abominations), Heavy Bondage, Gangbang, Bukkake and Rape.)

Desired Posting Speed: Three Posts a Day is fine, but at the slowest Once a Day.
Desired Posting Length: Detailed Paragraphs. (Two to Three will Do. The more details in the paragraphs you give me the more I can give back to you.)


Within the last generation, the Kingdom of Krisalis was a kingdom of plenty, opportunity, a bastion of hope for the surrounding nations that wished for nothing but peace and prosperity. That hope was shattered within the few months when the Free City of Dullahar rose to prosperity thanks to the successful excavation of the Crystal Spire and its wonderous treasures. A great evil had descended onto the kingdom, as citizens began to tear each other apart in the streets over trivial things. Men and Woman killed, raped and stole from one another. Within three months, the kingdom had become a place of decadence, vice and violence. This new empire lasted for twenty years, pillaging, stealing and sealing itself off from the outside world. No one can get in or out of the kingdom. As such few know what really happened to the kingdom to cause this. However all know it was a supernatural unholy force that influences the kingdom and subtly changed the city's rulers to an ideals that would decimate and destroy a kingdom.

The Empire of Sseth'rahs has called out to the neighboring kingdoms to summon heroes and heroines brave enough, bold enough and lucky enough to feel capable of undertaking the task of infiltrating the kingdom and the castle, find out the source of the corruption of the Kingdom of Krisalis and destroy it. New champions must rise to the task and save a kingdom from itself. The Fate of the Kingdom of Krisalis is in your hands now.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

Ok then. As most have done, I've bumped her up to a lv3 version for this.

Name:Celeste Everset
Description and Basic Backstory:
See image for description. Compassionate, wilful and intelligent. Down to earth but overly idealistic. Always ready to help those in need and put others before herself. Insistent on their beliefs and goals, and doesn't give up easily.

Celeste holds a highly unusual position as a ruling princess of a tiny kingdom. The "kingdom" consists of little more than a castle town, a few villages and the small span of countryside surrounding them. It is the remnants of the old lands her family lost through political issues and family tragedy. The miniature nation rests between the borders of its neighbours, largely ignored and left to its own affairs. Celeste is the last living heir to her once proud family name and the kingdom after her father recently passed away in sickness. Rather than relinquish the country to others, the young Celeste shocked all by stepping up and taking on full responsibilities herself. She cares deeply for the people of her country, and has proved a surprisingly able and popular leader, though tends to push herself in struggling to manage everything she has taken on. It is only through charisma and force of will that she has been able to hold the troubled kingdom together.


When yet another disturbance concerned her diminutive kingdom, despite her servants and peoples well voiced concern for her safety, as always she sets off personally to resolve the issue whatever it may be.

Desired Posting Speed: Plenty of time at the moment. Able to check several times a day, but I'm perfectly fine playing at a more relaxed pace.
Desired Posting Length: Whatever's appropriate. Happy to write/read good descriptive posts.

Level - 3
Willpower - 60
Combat and HP - 16 & [30/30]
Explore and Stam - 9 & [50/50]
Spirit and Magic - 7 & [50/50]
Naughty and Lewd - 3 & [20/20]

Despite her carers finding it a inappropriate activity for a princess, Celeste always enjoyed practising in sword play and other forms of combat, and spent a lot of time training in martial skills. Despite her exceptional skills, her physique still limits her heavily, being unable to withstand much in the way of punishment. Celeste is in no way a mage, but possesses a strong spirit, and has even managed to master a few basic spells. While she copes exceedingly well with the general hardships of the world, she remains incredibly naive and inexperienced concerning anything sexual. Any such treatment will test her resolve very quickly.

Skills - Sword play and combat, foundation level magic, politics, planning for flood prevention, optimism (?)
Fetishes - Innocent/None yet...

Though few cartographers bothered to properly mark the tiny kingdom of Arven on their maps any more, those looking closely on any more detailed map would spot it, dangerously close to the now notorious nation of Krisalis. Since it's downfall, the rogue kingdom had been a constant source of uneasiness to the people of Arven, living a hairs breadth from the chaos. When the call went out, the young ruler of Arven wholly agreed. Something had to be done. She had no army. So she would enter Krisalis, and put things right personally. If a country like this required her sword to do most of the negotiation then so be it.

Celeste had rode by horseback as far as possible, eventually having to leave her steed as she knew the animal would likely not be safe with any establishment over the border. Travelling by foot did not bother her though. She was far more accustomed to carrying her own weight than any other princess in the lands. She wore her typical favourite armour, beautifully crafted, sturdy, and easy to move in. And carried her fine light sabre, her speed with which, had convinced many would be aggressors that they'd rather not fight after all. Perhaps once over the border she would be able to acquire another form of temporary transport.

Either way, she'd be there soon. Nothing would sway her from her goal.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

As she rode onwards towards the city she would note that there were a number of humans all riding quickly in covered wagons and atop horses towards the city. And it was breathtaking in a sense to see these once white walls that was referred to as a bastion of virtue now have a filthy moat littered with rubbish and the walls were crumbling slightly from lack of upkeep. She dismounted letting her prized steed head on home or wait for her outside. She wouldn't need it where she was going.

Rats scurried about the main roads until she saw the gates to the city up ahead under heavy guard. Each of these guards were tall, well muscled and well armed. As each one of the wagons came to a stop they checked the cargo occasionally blatantly stealing food and drink from the wagons and occasionally fondling the young or maturely young ladies. Their hands running over breasts and legs and though some fought the guards clearly took what they want when they wanted. Occasionally they held the men at spear point and forced them to watch as mothers, daughters, wives and siblings were raped before their eyes.

She notes another wagon full of people was on the way so perhaps she could hide so as to get past the check, but who knows what would be done if they found her. Alternatively she could see how these men dealt with someone with actual teeth instead of hapless villagers who couldn't fight back. Whatever she wanted to do she would have to do it fast for as she recalled nighttime was very hostile, with monsters snatching anyone unfortunate to be caught outside the city walls to whatever cruel fate awaited them. And the sun was setting over the horizon...

(Break Through the Checkpoint (Combat/Naughty); Sneak Past the Checkpoint (Explore/Spirit)

Celeste's Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 60
Combat and HP - 16 & [30/30]
Explore and Stam - 9 & [50/50]
Spirit and Magic - 7 & [50/50]
Naughty and Lewd - 3 & [20/20]
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

Celeste glares with revulsion as she witnesses the deeds of the foul excuse for guardsmen by the gates. "Who in their right mind would place and equip these men as guards?" She asks herself as walks forward. She hadn't even got into the city yet and she was seeing proof of the wrongs she had came to right. She watched as the men dragged a girl from one of the wagons, and was horrified when she realised their intention. She knew making a scene so early would only make her mission harder, ideally entering the city quietly had been her plan, but she couldn't stand by and allow this.

She quickens her pace, striding forwards towards the gate in plain view. The mix of her unimposing figure, unusual attire, and forceful expression would make her a strange sight to the men. "Release her! Now!" She demands as she nears the men, one hand outstretched to indicate the girl, her voice not exactly the kind to make men quake in their boots, but utterly fearless and full of authority.

She somewhat doubted that they were going to listen to her, but was ready for that. She kept her sword sheathed for now, but those who underestimated her would feel its blade before they saw her draw it. A decisive first strike was more powerful than any amount of muscle. Like wise, if they simply choose to ignore her, she could make them regret it.

(Break through)
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

First Roll:

(Break Through the Checkpoint, Combat = 21. Naughty = x1.5)
(Celeste's Combat is 16, Roll of 5 = 21, Celeste succeeds by 0)

Celeste found that the men immediately pushed aside their plaything for now as they focused on the rather well armored woman with the commanding voice and their eyes narrowed "Beat it or you're next bitch." That sprung her into action almost immediately as she drew her weapon causing the two guards waiting their turn with their captive to ready their spears. They were at an advantage due to their numbers and their superior reach of their weapons. She just needed a calm head and she'd prevail.

She taps the spear heads to coax them into stabbing at her and they take the bait however they were not incompetent guards and when she tried to go for the spear heads and sever them they dropped back to keep their spear heads on as they suddenly divide up so one was at her front and another trying for her back. As they did she noticed out of the corner of her eye that the last guard holding the girl hostage had readied his crossbow and fired. She ducked and the bolt hits one of his friends in the chest critically wounding him. The remaining spearman seized an opportunity and strikes for her chest however she dodged but it grazed over her chest scraping over the breast place. She rushed forwards and swings her blade cutting into the guards chest who keels over injured. The remaining guard bolts however the female he had tried to attack picks up the dropped crossbow and fires once into his back killing him. The sudden shrill cry signaled the monsters were coming out to hunt and that meant they needed to get into town now. Leaving the guards to their fate, the men working the gate began to close it and Celeste and the other caravans got into the city just in the nick of time.

Tall buildings of wood and straw higher then any tree seemingly could manage, towers of stone seemingly able to touch the skies. However it was more filthy then the place she called home, the one she was here to protect. Rats feast upon garbage and beggars pick through the scraps trying to forage for something to eat from another's disgusting leftovers. It seemed much more bigger then it looks, making her own kingdom look incredibly small in comparison. People moved through the streets pleading to shady men for a needed "fix". Women offering themselves to passing strangers for meager coins. She saw all walks of life from the wealthy, to the merchants, to the mercenaries to the harlots to the paupers.

Soon she stopped dead in her tracks stopping at a very busy and loud tavern that had a sign depicting a beautiful woman in manacles with a text that is called "The Shackled Whore" She saw it lived up to its namesake as women were shackled to the walls and in stocks naked as the day they were born. Each they were all being idolized and fucked by several men and Celeste could see a few familiar faces from the annals and records of exploits she liked to read about in her spare time. Some were other heroines that had tried and failed to destroy the incubus it seems and this was their fate, to be reduced to sexual prisoners used by the populace as they saw fit. Men fought over one another for their picks and drink and sang like this was all perfectly normal to them now.

Peeking out the windows she saw a sign over which reads the Jasper Districts. Unlike much of the town this looked rather pleasantly well kept and organized though it did have its shares of vice it looked more prominent and regal about it rather then be seedy and corrupt. It was clear this was the wealthier side of town where bored nobles went for a fix out of sheer boredom to make their lackluster lives sound more spectacular then they really were. She knew she could easily get lost in a town like this and she needed information on how to get close enough to her target and defeat him. So what was the best way to do it... Well it was a matter of opinion and pride mostly. She could try posing as a harlot and coaxing secrets and gossip out of pompous nobles or she could try the Shackled Whore and break a few heads in and draw information out of them as such seedy places usually have the best dirt.

(Seek Information at the Shackled Whore Inn (Combat/Explore); Pose as a Prostitute in the Jasper Districts (Naughty/Combat)

Celeste's Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 60
Combat and HP - 16 & [30/30]
Explore and Stam - 9 & [50/50]
Spirit and Magic - 7 & [50/50]
Naughty and Lewd - 3 & [20/20]
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

(Heh, close roll...)

Celeste scolds herself a little over a risky fight, and making a few slight mistakes during it, even if most onlookers wouldn't know where. Her training and reflexes had pulled her through. Deciding it would be better not to stand out so much while roaming the streets, she unbundles her brown travellers cloak and wraps it round, keeping the hood down still but tucking her hair in. As she ventures further into the city, it dawns on her that despite her good intentions, her valiant efforts at the gate were sadly insignificant. No amount of petty heroics would stem the tide of the depravity in this city. The girl she had rescued was hardly free to live a normal life in a place like this. No, the only thing she could do here was to find the source and deal with this at it's core. Information then, should be her first objective. Even if her target became clear, she had to understand as much as possible about the challenge she was facing.

Coming across the Shackled Whore, while presenting the perfect place to gather the information she needed, made her suddenly feel sick. She tried to fool herself, pretending that she didn't recognise one of the bound women, but it was no good. The vile indignity of it all was too much for her. She stopped by the doorway and was forced to back away outside momentarily due to the scene inside. While far more knowledgeable and experienced in life than most others her age, she had never been subjected to a sight like this in her homeland. The fact that she associated herself with the women held inside scared her. And upset her. In her mind, no one deserved that fate, but yet it was happening right now with only a wall between them. She felt violated just having seen it.

Once again she had to remind herself of her real goal here, and that attempting any more heroics here would do no one any good. She catches her thoughts and recomposes. There was no room for weakness now. She would save those women, but to do that she had to stay focused and continue with her greater mission. She wipes the look off her face, readies herself, and heads back inside the tavern with a business like attitude.

'You can do this. Remain vigilant. Kill this cancer at the source.' She thought to herself.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

First Roll:

(Break Through the Checkpoint, Combat = 21. Explore = 24)
(Celeste's Combat is 16, Roll of 15 = 31, Celeste succeeds by 10)

Celeste storms in with a rather disciplined but deep rooted womanly rage within her chest as she was more then eager to beat a few heads in order to get the information she wanted. Heading towards the bar where the bartender was wiping clean dusty glasses and pouring drinks he would ask her. "So what will it be stranger? Ya seem like your walking with a strong purpose also" Celeste quickly cuts to the point as polite as she can be in the circumstances. The bartender would consider things for a moment as he wanted something in turn obviously and if he asked for a sexual favor.. "See that batch of men over there by the large table? I see them roughing a few folks up and blatantly cheating at cards. Teach them a lesson in manners and I'll tell you everything you want." Celeste seemed to faintly smile at that notion.

She turns about to immediately see to the task and takes up a few cards from the deck taking a look at them to form a hand before looking to the others. She wanted to make sure they were cheating before she trounced them. These men were about six feet in height and dwarfed the princess easily in build and height however they probably didn't have her technique and pure skill. Placing ten golden crowns upon the table for a bet they play the hand through. Sure enough she wins the hand but they weren't honoring the bet she made and trying to keep the pot for themselves. When she protests the head at the table would chortle as he then says "And if I don't feel like it? What are you gonna-" She didn't even let him finish the sentence as her metal encased fist smashes right into the jaw with crushing force knocking their leader out cold in one punch. In fact the punch was so hard he went right off the chair and hit the sawdusted floor. On that note the entire tavern stops and the remnants of the gang looked suddenly hesitant to do anything before they run. Calmly taking her just rewards she noticed the leader start to slowly get up from his knockout and she kicks him in the gut to make him stay down before she grabs him by the collar and tosses him outside with the rest of the gang.

A sudden whistle was heard by the bartender and he had to laugh at that "Ohhoho... Ohhh he's not gonna be able to live that one down for a while. I'd say you earned this information. There's a party going on up at the palace where it is said that nobles and any kind of attractive maiden of any class can enter. Personally I wouldn't go there if I were you. When the men and ladies come back out... They're... different." Celeste nods her thanks for the information before she heads on out of the room.

Eventually she made her way towards he palace itself where the place was seemingly bustling with activity as she could hear the music and festive talk and laughter from outside the castle gates. Indeed she could see from the well guarded servants entrance that many cooks and servants were brining in many many items of luxury and foods fit for royalty. She looked about and saw that the guests heading into the castle were in some kind of masquerade or similar attire so this was a party of ambiguity and she had to wonder if she could slip past the guards in such a fashion. A concerned frown found her lips seeing how there were a good number of guards about however all were easily distracted by their more perverted selves and even allowing comely looking commoners, particularly women into the castle so it wasn't about being noble all the time, it was about being lovely as well. She could probably woo her way past the guards or she could try to disguise herself as a noble.

(Disguise Yourself as a Noble Guest (Spirit); "Persuade" the Guards to get into the Party (Naughty)

Celeste's Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 60
Combat and HP - 16 & [30/30]
Explore and Stam - 9 & [50/50]
Spirit and Magic - 7 & [50/50]
Naughty and Lewd - 3 & [20/20]
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

'That, was strangely statisfying...' Celeste thought as she left the tavern. They always underestimated her. She checked over her guantlet to make sure there wasn't any of the thugs chin left on it, and makes her way to the palace.

The castle made her own modest home look like a toy. But who owned it now? It made her wonder again, what could have had happened to sink this once proud nation so low. Seeing the guests and nobility flowing into the palace she thought she might have an easy way to get in after all. Despite her pasttimes, she was technically royalty after all right? She didn't know if there was a guest list, or whether it was open to any high class society, but it seemed a good way to gain free access if possible. She didn't fancy trying the other method some women were employing, so hoped that this would work. For this her finely made atire should actually help. While armoured, it certainly said upper class, and she'd noticed a few less typical costumes so maybe the armour wouldn't be a problem. She'd find a masquerade mask first if posible and try to access the party the straight forward way. She makes her way toward the main entrance, folding her cloak back and checking her clothes were neat and in order. She takes a brief moment to buff the slight scratch on her breast plate with her cloak a little, wanting to hide any evidence of the fights earlier. Also loosely tieing the guard string around her sword so not to apear ready to use it. Most people seemed to assume she carried it for show anyway, why would this be any different. Once satified she slides up behind a group of guests and acts natural. She had never herself taken to the typical lofty and sometimes arrgogant attitude of arristocracy, but had grown up around it and was quite confident she could pull off some superior mannerisms. These crowd were always fickle. Simply a case of following suit, laughing at their bad jokes and bullying the servants.

(Disguise as a guest)
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

First Roll:

(Disguise Yourself as a Noble Guest, Spirit = 25.)
(Celeste's Combat is 7, Roll of 18 = 25, Celeste succeeds by 0)

Celeste seemed quite capable of looking the part at least however something unexpected happened to throw a significant wrench in the plan as less fortunate people were begging for a few coins near the castle from another young noble being escorted by two younger women. A few children had managed to break away from their mother and approached the man for a few coins trying to put on a pretty act. The man was quick to turn cruel as he gave a laugh. "A few rats like to play in the mud and pretend to be puppies? Well have all the mud you want." With that said he kicks mud onto the two children with the mother trying to quickly recover her children. Celeste's conscience got the better of her and she stormed over and started immediately telling him off which drew more attention to her as it wasn't like most nobles to do such things. The man scoffed at her "uncivil" attitude and walked off. She seethed before she sighed and placed a small pouch of golden crowns in the mothers hands and suggested it's best they leave now. That was quickly taken to heart as she took her children back to the slums. She quickly heads into the palace before giving a "what are you looking at?" stare to the people still gazing at her.

Entering the castle she saw that many nobles were about consuming drinks and food. Lavish curtains and intricate decor lined everything within the great halls. Though she did see a ton of pillows and spreads as well as pedestals she saw no one using them. Long tables had luxurious foods suitable for kings upon them of all kinds of fare. Exotic foods from across the various seas. Many many lovely ladies were about indulging in their socializing alongside men eager to see what was to come of the events.

Eventually a breathtakingly handsome man with reddish horns over his brow with a long serpentine tail turns about slowly as he wore a long coat of black trimmed with gold. "Welcome great citizens of Krisalis to the Ravish of Flesh, A party where all inhibitions and taboos are broken and nothing is beyond your wishes! All can shed their clothes and indulge in every dark fantasy they wish! The ladies and captives of our sworn enemies are lined up and waiting for all your beloved attentions" As he spoke nude women and men were being escorted each one looking freshly cleaned and each one was shackled to the pedestals with collars upon their necks. "All the lovely slaves are here and waiting for them... gentlemen, ladies... Enjoy them to your hearts content"

Soon a sudden shedding of clothes flew across the ground as the sudden symphony of moans and groaning flood the room as men and women began to ravage the slaves with impunity. Women were riding men and grinding clit to clit against fellow women and a few men were trading a sixty nine position with one another. She saw a mature looking woman with a young adolescent budding man tutoring him in the world of sex. Some women were surrounded by men being bathed in hot seed. She would soon notice she was one of the few that has not joined in and realized if she wanted to sneak away now she could make an attempt but if she was caught things may go bad to worse. Another idea was to perhaps join in the orgy and try to sneak out in the confusion later on. She might get a bit messy but it might work better then taking her chances with the guards.

(Participate in the Orgy (Naughty); Use Magic to Sneak Away (Spirit/Combat)

Celeste's Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 60
Combat and HP - 16 & [30/30]
Explore and Stam - 9 & [50/50]
Spirit and Magic - 7 & [50/50]
Naughty and Lewd - 3 & [20/20]
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

(Holy crap. There's no way this luck is going to last her... ^_^' )

Despite her competent acting, it seemed Celeste's better nature just couldn't step aside, not even for a moment. The cruelty those in power could sometimes display had always confounded her. Even outside this land, she'd seen it before. This "nobleman" didn't deserve the title. Even stopping to kick mud at children. It was as heartless as it was pointless.

In any case, despite her risk taking she had gained access to the castle and the party. She looked around to make sure people weren't still watching her strangely, and tried to blend in and hide a short way into the crowd. She began immediately scaning her gaze across the room, looking for any figure that stood out as in charge or particularly unusual. She did so whilst keeping up the appearance of admiring the party arrangements, a fake relaxed smile on her face. Behind the ruse she was somewhat uncomfotable with the scene. It all seemed comparably normal to what she'd seen already, but somehow she had a bad feeling about this party, and it wasn't just the snooty aristocracy. Suddenly she knew why. As the Incubus revealed himself she knew what her next and ultimate goal would be. 'A demon. Of course. What else could inspire such corruption...'

Her thoughts on her next course of action were cut off as the parade of slaves was brought to the floor and the people surrounding her started discarding their clothing. She quickly found herself looking for a way out of the situation, before things got out of hand. 'I can't act my way through this!' She thought to herself trying not to seem panicked. She couldn't bring herself to ignore a few needy children on the street, and there was no way she was going to attend an orgy. She didn't even know what an orgy was before now, but she didn't intend on sticking around. Time to get out before it was too late then.

There were a lot of eyes to evade though. She needed something to get her out unseen. She had never gotten the hang of those invisibility magics, far too precise, and at her level any attempts of throwing an illusion over herself would likely only gather more attention than they would hide her. Actually that was it! Get their attention. A distraction was in order. She kind of wished she could cast a more complex illusion that would be more likely to keep their attention, but she would have to make do with what she knew. "I sure hope this is the right way to do this..."

Backing up just enough to not be casting in plain sight, she fires a small volley of magical illusory fireworks into the air above the guests. The fire works were subtle up until the point they exploded, sending showers of colour and light across the ceiling of the room. They would continue to explode for a few seconds longer, hopefully long enough and distracting enough to keep peoples eyes off of her whilst she slipped out.

(use magic to sneak away)
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

First Roll:

(Use Magic to Sneak Away, Spirit = 23, Combat = x1)
(Celeste's Combat is 7, Roll of 11 = 18, Celeste fails by 5)
(Celeste suffers 5 MP Loss and 8 HP Loss)

Celeste uses her magic to her best knowhow to make her body invisible however she felt the magic being suppressed and dispelled. Someone was aware of her from perhaps being not in the orgy and from her attire. Her eyes immediately fix upon the man with horns and a serpent tail as she realized it was an incubus and more then likely the cause for the sudden degeneration of this once proud kingdom over the past twenty years. She saw the threads of magic over the orgy realizing he was causing all these people to give into the sins of flesh. She also noticed a horrifying change within some of the male and female participants. She saw some of the males and females start to change into nightmarish demons. Some horrible masses of genitals, breasts and beautiful faces. Other with elongated jaws filled with teeth as thick and as long as stiletto daggers covered in sickly bone white fur with tails similar to scorpions. Others were succubi and tentacle demons.

It soon dawned upon her that she was exposed and guards were approaching her swords drawn. She had to make a break for it and she crashes through one of the doors into another room moving through an arcane looking library shutting and barricading the door behind her to buy herself some time. She saw a balcony window and decided upon it over other exits. She saw a stairway of marble and began climbing up onto the second floor of the archives and bursts in only to find three guards were waiting upon her having cut her off.

She drew her saber in defense and the guards all had hand axes bared before them. Swiftly the battle was joined as Celeste crashes her sword into two of the weapons as a third tries to strike her arm. She leaps backwards to avoid it and then climbs onto a long table. Another series of strikes were expertly blocked by her due to her superior height advantage. The axes were swift but her techniques and training made the difference. Unfortunately she made a slight mistake and didn't check her footing. Her right foot slips off the table and she falls flat on her back ringing her head. Celeste's vision quickly blurred a bit as one of the guards tries to behead her but out of instinct she blocks and stabs impaling him through the chest before the other guards catch up. Two remained as she rolled backwards rising to her feet against one of the giant bookshelves. One makes a critical mistake in a wild leap and she ducks and pushes him over onto the bookshelf which then crashes down onto him pinning him under it. The remaining guard tries for a swing at her arm and barely makes contact giving a slight trickle of blood but it was a scratch in comparison to the headache she had now. She performs a riptose on the next strike, blocks an overhead swing and kicks a nearby chair over at the guard tripping him up and his jaw cracks the table as a result rendering him out cold. She didn't have time to finish them off as she bolts deeper into the castle to lose the guards and continue her mission.

A short time later she was in the inner sanctums of the palace and she was careful not to be spotted by the guards as she didn't wish to draw unwanted attention to herself. After a moment she heard a slight commotion from a corridor with a pair doors. One was an black iron door with steel hinges but peeking through the keyhole she saw an incredible find as this was the castles treasury so she could perhaps get a considerably find here if she was capable of figuring out how to open the door.

However the sudden sharp sounds of moaning could be heard as a mans voice was happily speaking up "Oh gods thank you for this moment of heaven!!!" Peering through the opposing and ajar oak door she could see that there was a private party going on. It was some kind of knight how had been shackled down to a large bed with a pair of nearly soulless eyes and she saw three succubi. One with blonde hair who was now started to straddle his mouth to silence him. A raven haired beauty who was currently riding a large erection which from the mess at the hips of the man had been torturously used many many times over. The third succubus, a short haired redhead, was grinding her ripe peach over the manse curved muscles putting on a show for him by kneading and massaging the blonde girls ample bosom and pulling on her nipples. The tail was currently plunging into the perfect blonds rear end as their choir of moans filled the room. As they had their way with the knight Celeste would note that the mans mana was being drained and so was his physique as he was progressively becoming more and more withered and then suddenly after an intense climax the females finished off their meal as they had literally drained him of his life force. All that was left of the knight was a mummified corpse. "Pity. I was starting to like him. Ah well... our master will no doubt bring more healthy specimens for us to indulge in"

Celeste couldn't waste anymore time here. She had to make a path and quickly. And hopefully she would be able to not wind up like that poor knight.

(Break into the Treasury (Explore/Combat); Deal with the Succubi (Combat/Naughty)

Celeste's Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 60
Combat and HP - 16 & [22/30]
Explore and Stam - 9 & [50/50]
Spirit and Magic - 7 & [45/50]
Naughty and Lewd - 3 & [20/20]
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

The bits of magic studied in her free time just weren't enough it would seem. Not surprising really. 'He knows I'm here!' Celeste exclaimed in her mind. Though as she saw the guests begin to warp and mutate right before her eyes, she didn't know what to think. Only that she had to get out of here right now. She bolts out of the crowd, bursting through a side door, and quickly managing to secure it before the guards could pursue her. She knew more would be coming, but if she just had to evade them long enough to deal with the fiend responsible for all this. Climbing to the second floor, she found that the guards were well organised, already waiting for her. Only one way through now. She had to deal with them as quickly as possible and move on to avoid getting tracked down and surrounded.

After the hectic fight she finds herself deeper into the castle, coming to stop for a moment by a pair of doors. She catches her breath and continues to peer back down the corridor to check that no one had saw her come this way. It seemed safe, for a brief moment at least. She inspects her arm, and groans a little from the bump to her head. She seemed to be ok, and while the minor wound stung, it fortunately wasn't deep. She could still move her arm fully. None the less as a precaution against infection she unbuckled the plate on her upper arm and looked for a way to bandage it. A shame she had needed to stash her pack outside the castle to gain access to the party. Improvising, she carefully cuts away one of the frills on her petticoat, wrapping it round, and using the ribbon from her collar to tighten it. She puts the armour piece back into place and starts thinking about her next move. She would be able to treat the injury better when she had more time.

For now, she inspects the doors. A treasury, many many times the size of the one back home, and much fuller too. People here were starving on the streets, whilst this hoard just sat here. Whilst she would like to see this wealth put to better use, she had a mission to do, and it would get harder the longer she lingered here. She checked the next door. 'More demons?' She silently mouthed to herself. It seemed like she would have to go through these first if she wanted to reach the incubus. She didn't understand these creatures. What had they done to that man? In fact she didn't understand most of what she had seen today. It made her feel strange inside.

No time to think about that right now. There was no turning back, and she was so close to accomplishing her mission. Celeste pushes open the door, striding up to the three fiendish women without introduction and draws her sword once more. "Murderous infernal creatures, leave this world or I will drive you from it!"
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

First Roll:

(Deal with the Succubi, Combat = 23, Combat = x1.5)
(Celeste's Combat is 16. Roll of 11. = 27. Celeste succeeds by 4)

Celeste was in no mood to even begin to humor the succubi even as they tried to coax her into joining them in their lewd actions as her sword did the talking for them indicating that if they were looking to be penetrated they would get it but not in the way they wanted. The black haired one she had at sword point would smile sheepishly "Temper temper sexy girl, if you're in such a rush to see the incubus then why didn't you say so? Go to the fireplace and there's a secret passage there. Follow the steps and you'll be in the throne room" She had managed to quell them without much need for a fight since they were sexually high and also more lovers then fighters by far even three against one. Celeste kept her eyes upon them as she triggered the secret passage and heads up the steps leaving the succubi frightened and alone once more.

Heading up the steps she came out from behind a sliding wall now in some kind of modified throne room. It looked ravishing and beautiful to say the least as there was gold and silver decor riddled about with four large cushy chairs fit for royalty to relax upon. She soon realized why as the large chair was occupied by the incubus himself who had a coy smile upon his face knowing he was going to fully enjoy this situation as he loved seeing heroines with such fire before it was snuffed out. And this beastly pervert had a good collection so to speak as Fabris recognized the queen and her two daughters shackled together atop a bunch of pillows utterly lost in lust as they were so intoxicated with magic and enslavement they passed the time by indulging in one another with strap ons, fingers lips and tongue. On the right hand side she saw several pillars with none of them currently occupied within the shackles. "Well my dear, do you enjoy what I have done to such a glorious bastion of hope? I must say that it was my greatest achievement yet. But Im sure you didn't come her for socializing. You're here for my head. Shall we begin?"

Celeste's Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 60
Combat and HP - 16 & [22/30]
Explore and Stam - 9 & [50/50]
Spirit and Magic - 7 & [45/50]
Naughty and Lewd - 3 & [20/20]
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

It was almost suspicious how quickly the succubi yielded. A few lewd suggestions, silenced by a flick of the sword and a glare, and they directed her straight to where she needed to go. She made certain to watch them closely as she tested the secret passage way, but they seemed to be telling the truth. She made one last glance from inside the passage way as she closed it, one of them blowing a kiss at her, and ignoring it quickly continues up the steps.

This was it, she thought. She had pushed into the depths of this rotten city, and the evil core was just up these steps. All she had to do was vanquish it. She had gotten in so far with relative ease. One or two close calls, but overall she was no worse for wear, and ready to face this. She could do it. She would be the one to achieve what an army could not. Her heroic thoughts did a good job of covering up the tiny voice in the back of her mind, begging her to go back and escape before it was too late. The moans of the fallen heroine back at the Shackled Whore still echoing in her mind. She didn't even realise it, drowning it out with her thoughts of honour and justice, but she'd been quietly terrified ever since entering the city. Her willpower and focus on her goal was the only thing keeping her head away from these thoughts.

Celeste reaches the end of the passage, and steps out into the throne room. She immediately spots the Incubus and starts pacing towards him sword drawn, listening with a distasteful expression as he gloats over his achievement. "Then it shall be your last. You have defiled this land with your presence long enough." She does not speak long, only as long as the time it takes to reach the fiend. As soon as she is within range to attack she bursts forward and thrusts her sword to his throat.

(She's done well, but I have to assume the poor girl won't be coming away from this quite so pure. ^_^
She didn't even know the word incubus til the Succubi mentioned it... )
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Incubus, Spirit = 23, Naughty = x1.5, Naughty = 28)
(Celeste's Spirit is 7. Roll of 6. = 13. Celeste fails by 10)
(Celeste's Naughty is 3. Roll of 12 = 15 Celeste fails by 16)
(Celeste suffers 10 MP Loss, 20 Lewd Loss and 11 Willpower Loss)

Celeste never made it to the Throne as the Incubus smirked before he waved his hand about and throws her backwards against one of the columns with a smile upon his face as he decided to have a little fun with the princess as he then adds "Tsk... Im unarmed and you would strike someone down like that? Clearly that sword is just for show. And in all honesty I prefer to wrestle then to simply engage in bloodshed. And I have a fine taste for princesses." He gave a grin as the sword was dropped from the violent throw she suffered. After the sword was recovered by him, he placed it out of reach with a good throw near the hearth. He smiled lightly before he snaps his fingers and she felt her armor start to come apart, the straps unweaving leaving her body in nothing but her clothes. What the hell was he doing?

Celeste didn't realize it but she was being controlled as well her body behaving strangely as she didn't even struggle against this despite her mind screaming at her to do something. "Stand up." She obeyed immediately rising to her feet as she barely had the strength to speak up about what he did to her. "Domination magic. I could order you to literally jump into a bonfire or out this castle window and you would not even hesitate. But don't worry.. I never waste such opportunities." He smiled walking over to her as he then walked back over to the throne and says. "Strip. Strip for me like you are the most sinful minx in the Jasper Districts" She found her body slowly dancing in a rather hypnotic fashion her hands exploring her figure and... Heavens her hands were removing the remaining clothes she had on! her face was flushed almost immediately though that was the extent of her shyness. Little by little she was revealing more and more of her naked figure to this vile and exceptionally cruel demon and she felt his eyes lewdly explore every inch of her figure. When she had finished A brief moment of control flooded her mind and she cried out covering up down on her knees. "Looks like you have some control left.. Id be disappointed if you broke this easily but Im not done yet."

(Feel free to elaborate if you want on the striptease or any other reaction listed here)

Celeste's Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 49/60
Combat and HP - 16 & [22/30]
Explore and Stam - 9 & [50/50]
Spirit and Magic - 7 & [40/50]
Naughty and Lewd - 3 & [0/20]
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

(I don't have a fully detailed grasp of the rules yet, so I'm sure there's a reason but how did a fail of 16 end up equalling 31 damage?)

Celeste cries out in surprise as the Incubus's magic tosses her aside so easily. Hitting the floor she tries roll and catch her fall, but is forced to release her weapon to avoid harming herself and watches as it slides away. The sound of clanging of metal snaps her out of the daze from the shock landing, and she looks down to see her leg guards falling from her. "Huh, what!?" she exclaims in confusion as the rest of her armour loosens itself and slides from her, tumbling all around. Despite her hurried struggles to hold it on the armour seems determined to abandon her. Before she knew it she next found herself raising to stand. As she did so her blue skirt and corset, originally held in place by the same straps as the armour fell around her ankles. Leaving her standing stunned in her blouse, underwear and tights. "No..." she whispered in realisation and growing panic. 'How can this be happening!?' she thought. No! She wouldn't let it! She would break out from this spell and...

Start unbuttoning her blouse! ... !?

What? No, this was all wrong! Why couldn't she fight back? Her face flushes full crimson, as she can only watch her own body betray her. Her dainty hands exploring in ways they never had before, and slowly sliding away what was left of her clothes and revealing more of her tender self. She lets out a sudden surprised whimper as her fingers brush over one of her now erect nipples. She continues to sensually slide down her silken panties, letting out a cry of embarrassment as she lowers to her knees and leans back spreading her legs to display her pristine womanhood. Constantly fighting in her mind, something snaps for a second and she manages to break free, quickly leaning forward and trying to cover herself. "You monster!" she yells indignantly at the incubus, unable to find any better words under her muddled emotions. She knew she should take this chance to attack or flee. To do something. But domination or no domination, she couldn't bring herself to move. Seeing the predatory stare of the incubus sent shivers down her spine. At the same time a strange heat that she didn't understand flushed through her. The defensive hand cupped between her legs felt... wet...

(Well she's screwed. :p
Her mental state is less from what he's done so far, and more what she realises is coming.)
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

((Boss battles can have potentially more primary and secondary challenges then normal. Since you failed both challenges you suffer more damage.))

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Incubus, Spirit = 21, Naughty = x1.5, Naughty = 26)
(Celeste's Spirit is 7. Roll of 15. = 22. Celeste passes by 1)
(Celeste's Naughty is 3. Roll of 12 = 15 Celeste fails by 14)
(Celeste suffers 14 Willpower Loss)

Celeste found herself fending off the mind control as before due to the sheer outrage she felt over being made to strip before the damn incubus as he gave a chuckle. She was struggling however to keep it that way however from the sheer strength of the spell and because of her predicament as she didn't want to reveal herself to this demon again. "Well now that you have shown me yours.. perhaps I should show you mine..." He smirked wickedly as he began to unclasp the broad coat that hides his chest from view. Well sculpted and articulate his muscles were, like an acrobat that works upon the streets. As he began to clasp his belt and unbuckle it she found herself staring at him with a heavy blush her body holding itself more tightly. She couldn't understand why she watched but the exhilaration was unlike anything she had felt.

He smiled at her when he revealed his manhood to her fully erect and ready for her attentions. It was strange as it had small bumps along the length with a more pointed crown atop that firm stalk of his. It stood at eight inches long and two inches thick and smelled faintly of fresh soap. Stranger then any kind of drawing shown to her in any kind of study during bridal schools or what not... Hell she might not have even seen a mans penis until now. "You like what you see obviously." He said pointing it out to make her go into sudden denial as he would approach her with her eyes averted. The tail sneaked around and began to rub over her folds after slipping past her hand and rolling about the outer labia with a smirk. She seemed frozen in place and highly susceptible to his touch and he seemed not to care in the least if she was or not. He took one of his hands onto his erection and slowly stroked it before her eyes as if to teach an innocent mind what to do with it. "I sense your confusion.. you desire this and yet you cannot understand why." He claimed as he pushed his tail into her folds slightly though being careful not to break her hymen as he toyed with her physically. He wanted to see her give in to her natural urges or struggle before he had his true fun with her.

Celeste's Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 35/60
Combat and HP - 16 & [22/30]
Explore and Stam - 9 & [50/50]
Spirit and Magic - 7 & [40/50]
Naughty and Lewd - 3 & [0/20]
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

(Sorry for the delay and slightly weak post, but I'm back now.)

"I do not! You disgust me!" Celeste snaps back in predicted denial, averting her gaze as the demon began to approach. Her eyes flick to her sword, out of reach and so far away, then glimpsing the Incubus's "sword" now unbearably close. She turns her head away again and holds her self tighter, but can't help but watch sideways as he begins stroke it. She wanted to raise her voice and declare his claims wrong, but was terrified by the fact that he was right. As much as she hated it, her body seemed to know exactly what was going on. Her instincts didn't care for her society constructed ideals of right and wrong, and she'd suppressed them long enough. Celeste doesn't notice as the tail sneaks round and glides between her legs, letting out a loud yelp as it begins to gently invade her. Despite the conflict with her instincts there was no way she was simply going to sit here and allow this demon to do such things. She shocking contact is enough to break her out of her self induced trance and reignites a tiny bit of her heroes fire. She swats at the tail and pulls away. 'Dammit Celeste! Don't just sit there and let him toy with you. Fight him!' Her mind barks at her. She attempts to use his casual attitude and her previous inaction to launch a surprise attack, leaping up from the floor and lunging straight at him with a rising knee attack.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Incubus, Spirit = 19, Naughty = x1.5, Naughty = 26)
(Celeste's Spirit is 7. Roll of 6. = 13. Celeste fails by 6)
(Celeste's Naughty is 3. Roll of 13 = 16 Celeste fails by 10)
(Celeste suffers 6 MP Loss and 19 Willpower Loss)

Celeste would not get far as her might was running into his strong magic and unfortunately for her it wasn't working as well as she hoped. His eyes lock onto her own as he then says "Kiss me" Suddenly her attack switched to a sudden and very firm embrace as she began to kiss him passionately upon the lips her tongue coiling along his mouth in a passionate duel of intimacy. She had experienced kisses before but nothing quite like this. Her ample breasts crushed into his broad chest. She felt her resistance to this start to melt away and into nothingness. Her mind was completely aware but unable to stop her body from experiencing and indulging in such vile acts. His hands press into her rear end as her left leg had hooked itself onto his body as he whispers. "Stop. Kneel down... and worship my erection.. with your lips, tongue, mouth and hands."

She knelt down her blush intense as now she had a full view of his erection and its wonders and before she could even protest with weak words she found her mouth opening up so that the tongue could swivel around that pointed head of his whilst her right hand gently pumps the length with a gentle grip. She looked up at him her eyes gleaming with worry and fright before she felt her mouth start to kiss along the length of his penis before she took it into her mouth her tongue rolling along the head as she bobbed her head slowly upon it. The tail snaked around and rubbed at her clitoris making them beautiful eyes shrink down before she began to take him into her mouth more deeply bobbing with him half way inside her mouth. Her tongue rubbed along the bumpy underside. Her folds began to dampen with love juices feeling such strange but enjoyable sensations as it continued to tease her. Her hips slowly rocking a bit to his touch as his hands now rest upon the back of her head. Her mouth widened as she began to thrust her head forward taking him into her up to the hilt and bobbing back and forth making lewd moans as saliva runs down her mouth and tears down her cheeks.

"Mmm... I think I'm ready for the first release." She didn't know what it meant but it could not have been something good. She pumped faster however her body seeming to know what it wanted under this spell... if it was a spell anymore. Her left hand reached down rubbing at her stomach as she braced herself. Suddenly without any warning she felt him thrust deep before pulling himself nearly all the way out before an eruption of his demonic sperm began to coat her mouth and she felt herself... swallow it down as if it was some kind of sweet treat. She felt the demon pull out of her finally still very hard and giving her a soft pet to her cheeks as if she did very well. "Don't worry. By the end of this... you'll know much more.. and want even more.." She felt her heart race as he pulled away snapping his fingers to break the spell letting her feel the effects of having been so violated.

Celeste's Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 16/60
Combat and HP - 16 & [22/30]
Explore and Stam - 9 & [50/50]
Spirit and Magic - 7 & [34/50]
Naughty and Lewd - 3 & [0/20]
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Unknown Squid)

As the sound of the Incubus's snapping his fingers resounds in Celeste ears, she falls forward onto her hands, one going to grasp her throat as the feeling of the demons hot seed slid down it. Her mouth hung open, with excess cum dripping from it, which she proceeded to attempt to spit out whatever was left. The taste was inescapable, and she drew in the smell of it with every breath.

She was sweating. Despite having done very little in the way of actual physical exertion, she was flushed with heat. Whilst she felt degraded by the act of being made to service the incubus. The arousal she'd received from his tails teasing attentions at her crotch was tormenting her. In her utter sexual innocence, she'd never experienced such feelings before. Throughout her entire time in this city, up till now, she hadn't truly understood what was driving the actions she'd seen. It was all about pleasure. As much as it terrified her, and her mind was reviled by the idea, she found her body demanding more.

Opening her eyes she sees his feet right before her face, and craning her neck back looks up to see the incubus's full body towering above her once again. She couldn't see any way out. She could only curse herself for walking into this demons snare so willingly. Looking to one side she saw the queen and her daughters ravishing each other incessantly. She knew that it hadn't always been that way for them, and dreaded what her fate held for her. Anything that had been left of her proud hero spirit had been crushed by now. For the first time in a long time she felt like a helpless girl again, at the mercy of the world around her. At the same time her body seemed to be warmly anticipating her first time feeling like a woman. She knew what was coming, and there was nothing she do to stop it.

(No "fight" left, but she'll still struggle futilely against his next actions, unless the magic kicks in again. I notice she actually has a incredibly remote chance of still winning this. Provided a good roll followed by a near perfect one. Doubting it... ^_^')