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Apr 21, 2019
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@KitsuneKinomi hope you are ready for this.
This post will be the world page for this game. That means it will be edited. (I'll try to let you know in the post that the edit happened.)

World Name: The Space Between (worlds)
Setting: You have died and now your ghost is being asked to help keep the other threads from dissolution.
Scale: Inter-dimensional - universe changing.

World Issues:
Current, Cult of the Seven Sisters: the seven female leaders of this cult have been working for eons to bring about Utopia for every thread.
Impending, Dissolution: the threads have started to fall apart and without aid everything will return to the chaos from which everything was made.

Faces and Places:
Earth 6347: Victoria's Home-world, a slightly futuristic magitech world where science is well known but magic hasn't been understood yet. Issue: Experiment caused time warp.
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe: Pretty much the only thing here in the space between worlds. Aspect: Just about anyone or anything can be found here.
Praeca: the face-woman of The Seven. Aspect: Words are my weapons for the sisterhood.
Skills: Great: Good: Fair: Average:
Auguste: bartender at The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. High Aspect: Information Broker, Trouble: Everything has its Cost
Skills: Great: Good: Fair: Will, Average:
Alstromeria: an old friend of Victoria but died first when the device went haywire. Aspect: Cautious Scientist, fearing destruction.
Skills: Great: Good: Fair: Average:


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High Concept: Endlessly curious scientist 23535
Trouble: Hedonist, she has problems planning for the future, and seeks pleasure when ever possible.
Name: Victoria Mason
Adventure: Never one to let a set back stop her, Victoria has a drive to makes sure the drive gets done. This is no more repesented then when months of her research notes where destroyed in a tragic accident involving a paper shredder and a jar of grape marmalade. When she was informed by her assistants rather then getting frustraited she sat down, and began writing. She had to piece back together her work from old notes, memories, and even repeated experiments. Well this was going on, she worked nearly all hours of the day, sleeping at her desk and taking minimal breaks. "The longer I wait the harder it will be." was her reasoning. She was able to replace the notes and get back to her research proper.
Aspect: Nothing can distract me from my passions!
Crossing Paths: When Alexis was getting ready to siege the hackers bunker. Victoria had stopped her first handing her a small devise which she said was a 'prototype computer entry device' that she wanted Alexis to test. It was a device she had cooked up in her free time which used a form or transition based on an alternative to radio wave. It supposedly would be able to remotely access the computer, but the prototype needed to be within 5 feet. The device worked! It was able to login to the hackers computer, letting Alexis do everything she needed from a convinate 5 feet away... however as she used it, it got unnaturally hot, eventually causing Alexis to drop it, before both the devise and the computer caught on fire! When this was reported to Victoria she only said, 'I see... I suppose I'll need to find an alternative to the coolant system...' before wondering off.
Aspect: Alternative mechanist.
Crossing Paths Again:
Great (+4): Investigate
Good (+3): Notice, Stealth
Fair (+2): , Lore, Resources, Craft
Average (+1): Physique, Shoot, Will,
The Power of Deduction: Once per scene you can spend a fate point (and a few minutes of observation) to make a special Investigate roll representing your potent deductive faculties. For each shift you make on this roll you discover or create an aspect, on either the scene or the target of your observations, though you may only invoke one of them for free.
The MacGuyver: +2 when juryrigging
Smoke Bomb/Flash Bang: reroll or +2
Physical: 3
Mental: 3
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High Concept: Scientific Security Guard
Trouble: Blindly in love with Victoria
Name: Alexis Vanabay


Phase One:
Adventure: After managing to pass the training as a security guard, and then placed in service of one Victoria Mason, a threat to Victoria's data was noticed one day. A hacker had attempted to steal her data, and had actually managed to get some bits and pieces. This was not going to be allowed at all. Alexis was sent in with a squad to capture and stop this Hacker, deleting what was stolen while at it. When they arrived Alexis lead the charge, kicking down the door to the hacker's base. The hacker had his own security in the form of some low level drones and turrets. After shooting her way through them, she once again kicked in the last door to capture the hacker and finally deal with him! Once captured Alexis went through his data and wiped what was stolen, and took the rest as proof.
Aspect: Coldly Focused

Phase 2
When Victoria lost months of research, Alexis sat down with her to work on recreating them. She had read them multiple times as she worked for Victoria as her assistant, and she was able to piece together some of the lost information on the marmalade hard disk, saving weeks of time redoing it
Aspect: Do what ever it takes to help a friend

Gained Aspects:
Vampire: Vampire Lex becomes Nocturnal and has weaknesses to a few specific weapons.

Great -Shoot
Good - Empathy, Physique
Fair - Fight, Will, Notice
Average - Rapport, Resources, Investigate,

Quick on the Draw. You can use Shoot instead of Notice to determine turn order in any physical conflict where shooting quickly would be useful.
"Mesmerizing Love: You can make a Rapport check at +2 to create an advantage using someone who is currently aroused by you and can see your eyes."

Physical: 4
Mental: 3
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Narrator Universal aspects: Cult of the Seven Sisters, Dissolution. World Aspects: ???. Situation Aspects: None. Advantages: None. Notes: Welcome to session 1, gain your fate points for a refresh.

The project is almost complete and the anticipation is killing everyone in the room. Every test has come out positive so far, and with the from overhead, you have built and are all standing in front of the large scale prototype. All that is left is to turn it on. Victoria, head researcher on this project was given the chance to pull the switch and let the device be infused with power. As she turns she sees Alstromeria standing just outside the safety line taking notes as the count-down commences. Your other colleagues are situated behind you, some with cameras, to memorialize this momentous event. Alexis is near as well, over Vic's shoulder relaxed as nothing could go wrong on a day like this. The count-down finishes and the scientist pulls the switch, only for the lights to all go out. Screams and chaos erupt when everyone realizes something has gone terribly wrong, some organization must have cut the power. Alexis runs the list in her head as she reaches for her charge the lights flicker and the device crackles to life. You both hear a soft pop, Victoria's stunned hand still on the switch, Alexis' almost reaching around her love's waist in a protective move. Everything goes white.

Victoria.. you are floating, the feeling of weightlessness has settled on you. You felt this before when you were skydiving and it feels so freeing. Eventually you open your eyes and are met by the sight of the lab as it was before. Utter chaos has befallen it, but yet it seems so peaceful. It takes you a moment to realize that it is frozen, falling things have stopped, people don't blink, even the shock-wave from the device is visible and frozen in the air. You take in the scene before you and the disarray that most people only see on TV, papers, office supplies, people, and bullets fill the still air. As you look to the door you see the source of said bullets, a single gunner that must have entered the room during the final moments before everything went white. They are dressed head to toe in black military issue gear, probably some private organization trying to steal the research here. Not that it matters considering the state of things. As you keep turning you see the perfectly spherical hole surrounding the untouched device Meria is gone, and your eyes are drawn to where you stood. Yes where you stood, you see your body and Alexis' still entangled, but both cleanly cut down the middle where the sphere of the shock-wave ends. Wait, if Alexis is there who looks just like her standing, no floating, a couple feet from you.
You have been dead for about 10 minutes now, you know because the watch on your wrist came with you when you died, you have slowly been acquainting yourself with the fact when you saw Victoria float out of her bisected body. Even in death she retains her beauty, seeming just as solid as she was before, she took some moments to look around then locked eyes with you. Time seemed to stop in that moment, then you are both interrupted by a gentle cough from nearby.
Alostromeria Aspect: Cautious Scientist, fearing destruction. Tag: Victoria, Alexis Alstromeria.jpg
"Guess I get to welcome the two of you to the afterlife then, hu. Well congratulations on finally dying, and I'd love to chat but here isn't exactly the nicest of locales, follow me." She leads the two you to a wall, and as you pass through you realize that you haven't just left the compound, but find yourselves somewhere new entirely. The emptiness surrounding each of you reminds you of the vastness of space, there are even little pin-pricks of light scattered about as if you really found yourselves among the stars. Meria calls from behind you, "Well are you just going to float there gawking or will you sit down and have a drink with me?" From where she was calling there is a small outdoor extension to a restaurant that seems to be named (according to the neon sign) The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. The grass rustles as each of the two ghosts touch down and seat themselves listening as Al fills them in on what has happened since the device went haywire. Including the fact that it has been a century in the rest of the universe's time since she herself died! She also fills you in on the fact that the universe is coming apart at the seams, but that she thinks she knows a way to fix it. Someone needs to enter individual worlds and push strategically to keep entropy from doing its thing. She even has designed and tested a device to help her find which worlds need the help the most, but she cannot possess people to push them one way or another. "That is why I need your help, I think the two of you will be able to push events in these worlds. It won't be easy, but I think the two of you are up for it. Please I don't want to see the universe end so soon after dying early myself!"
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23656 Victoria Mason; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Alexis; Mood: Troubled;
Aspect: Endlessly curious scientist; Stress: Physical: [---] Menal: [----]
This was goint to be day for the history books. Victoria Mason, famed researcher, hobbiest inventor, and lead scientist on possibly the most important discovery for mankind since the discovery of electricity. The news casters where here, hungery for the scope as ever. That didn't matter to Victoria though, all that stood between her and confirmation was a single switch. She had tested, theorized, and modeled for years, and it ws all leading up to this one simple moment. She pulls down, and the lights go off. "What? Did we blow the breaker again..." Victoria ponders as the screams of the crowd around her echo off the walls. As the machine crackles back to life Victoria only gets out a, "Wonder~" before the pop cuts her off.

Less then a second later, Victoria is floating weightlessly a foot or so off the ground, able to survey the carnage of the machines malfunction. "This was... unexpected" She sighs taking in the whole gruesome sight. She found herself strangly detached from what was obvioutly the end of her life, seeing bodies of both her and Alexis, was strangly unconcerning. "Lex? You around here." She called out, figuring that since Alexis was claerly dead, and also so close to the machine she might have joined her in the afterlife.

In addition to Lex, it seems that another girl is here. Seeing no reason not to, Victoria follows her to a quait little dinher, the logistics of a reserant in this world are not something Victoria finds herself dwelling on. Rather she listens closly to the girl, Alostromaria, explain a bit about the unverse and it's undiscovered troubl. "That's quite a lot to take in," she leaned back in her chair, taking deep breath, "I'm not sure how much I can believe of that, but what's the worst that could happen? Sure." She smiled at Alostromaria.
Alexis Vanabay; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Victoria; Mood: Troubled;
Aspect: Scientific Security Guard; Stress: Physical: [---] Menal: [----]

Today was a very important and special day, for both history and her charge, the lovely Victoria. Victoria had finally done it, all of her hard work was paying off this day as she proved her genius and Alexis couldn't be prouder of her friend. She stood over her shoulder as she flipped the switch, yet instead of the machine powering up, everything went dark! This had never happened before in previous tests of smaller machines, so Alexis instantly went on guard reaching for Victoria to pull her close so she could protect her, yet just as she made contact with her, everything went white!

When she next came to, it was like everything was frozen! The blinding white light had emitted from the experiment, with a following shock wave that was also frozen in the air! While she looked around, she saw a sight that took a minute to even process what she was looking at, and then another few just to shake herself out of a shock born of grief! She could see herself, her lifeless body hanging in the air, but more importantly, Victoria's lifeless body was right next to her own! The tears came cascading down her face as she cried seeing the women she loved now dead before her eyes. She was quietly sobbing when she hear a familiar voice call out to her! "V-victoria? Victoria!" Alexis instinctively knew how to move and she flung herself into Victoria, hugging her and crying into her shoulder. "Y-Your alive, w-well not alive, but you here! With me!" All that grief had been blown away, instead her chest heated up as the Victoria she knew, the women she loved was here with her once again!

Alexis would stick next to Victoria as Al showed up and explained that it had actually been 100 years since the incident. They had been stuck in a little pocket of time it seemed. Or something like that. Maybe. As long as Victoria didnt seem to mind it, Alexis would link her arm with Victoria's as they floated through the wall and into a...restaurant? Alexis is a little too confused to reply right away to Al's explanations, but when she does, she says "You managed to make a device that can affect or like scan the universe? That does seem a little far fetched, but if Victoria thinks its even remotely possible, then I cant help but believe you as well. After all this" She gesters to...everything, the ghosts, the random restaurant, etc... "Shouldn't be possible but it is." This time she turns to Victoria. "Ill follow you Victoria, where ever you go, and Ill make sure to protect you properly this time!"
Narrator Universal aspects: Cult of the Seven Sisters, Dissolution. World Aspects: ???. Place Aspects: Just about anyone or anything can be found here Situation Aspects: None. Advantages: None. Notes: Alstromeria.jpg
Alostromeria Aspect: Cautious Scientist, fearing destruction. Tag: Victoria, Alexis

Meria seemed to shift uncomfortably when Alexis mentioned the possibility of the device, "Well, you're right it shouldn't be possible and even after testing and finding that it works it continues to baffle me, though there is a slight problem with it. Very slight you see." She continued to nervously fidget like she had in life as you two prompt her to go on, "Well, I tested it and it works, but it doesn't have a power source." She then goes on the explain that the test had depleted the power source she had been using and since then she hasn't found a better one. She tried asking Auguste (the bartender) but all he had told her is that it is in the restaurant somewhere, which wasn't helpful considering how large the restaurant was. She even mentioned it might be infinitely big. She hugs each of you if you accept then tells you how to find her room, saying she's been up for hours and glad she saw you when she did. Then leaves you on the patio of the restaurant with the universe twinkling around you.
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23708 Victoria Mason; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Alexis, Al; Mood: Curious;
Aspect: Endlessly curious scientist; Stress: Physical: [---] Menal: [----] Fate Points: ?? Refresh: 3/3
When Lex reached for Victoria's arm she let the wolf girl link it. The two had a history together, that was certain, and for Victoria's part she enjoyed Lex's company a great deal. If she was going to be facing the afterlife she couldn't think of a better partner to take with her. There talent where perfect compliments to each other on top of that!

While it seemed the machine functioned it lacked a sufficient power source. "I would like to take a look at this device myself Al. It's possible that I might be able to find something to power the device." Victoria stood up from her chair not really expecting to be told no. If Lex quickly stoop up with her, she would pat the girl on the head well waiting for Al to lead them to the machine. The machine was quiet a monstrous affair. Victroria good long time examining it, questioning Al in short bursts about it's functionality and specific aspects of it. Once she was done she had a good idea of what to look for in a power supply but for now she let Al go, leaving her and Lex alone looking out at the vast universes.

"What do you make of all this Lex," she scratched the wolf-girl behind the ear absently before letting out a sigh. "We had better find a power source for that device, let's see if we can't get anything more out of the bar tender."
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Alexis Vanabay; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Victoria; Mood: Troubled;
Aspect: Scientific Security Guard; Stress: Physical: [---] Menal: [----]

Alexis looked over at Al, and couldn't help but ask, "What kind of power source were you using that could power such a device? Also is what we are looking for similar to what you previously used or some other source of power?" Everything was so new and baffling, and even if it wasn't, Alexis would be following Victoria around. "Yeah, if we can see the machine as well that would help. I trust in Victoria's skills."

When Victoria patted her on the head, she pushed her head slightly into Vic's hand. Her tail started to wag furiously and she closed her eyes as she smiled in happiness at the sign of affection. Once Victoria stood and Alexis followed behind her and tried to make sense of the machine in front of her, and only with Victoria's help did she even really get an understanding of it. Lex's tail wagged once again as Victoria gave her some ear scratches. "I-Its all a bit too much for me right now, but I see no reason to not help. Lets go and see the bar keep."
Narrator Universal aspects: Cult of the Seven Sisters, Dissolution. World Aspects: ???. Place Aspects: Just about anyone or anything can be found here Situation Aspects: Defined Power Source. Advantages: None. Notes: As both PC's are participating in this scene I have 2 fate points
Alostromeria Aspect: Cautious Scientist, fearing destruction. Tag: Victoria, Alexis Alstromeria.jpg
"Oh, of course that would make it easier right?" Meria leads the two girls up to her room, and opens a side door. Inside is a device that fills the room, comparable to the device Turing made to break Enigma (Christopher). Victoria gets right to work, digging through wiring until she finds the burnt out husk that used to be the power source before. While the scientist got her hands dirty her security started asking questions, questions that made Meria look guilty but she answered anyhow. "Err, Just what I could find and cobble together quickly. No I think something a little more durable would be better for this." Looking the power source over it kind of looked like a bunch of D-cell batteries taped together to Vic, not that it mattered now. The mostly cleaned compartment that held the pack was now available for examination. With a couple of questions that Meria was able to quickly answer the requirements to make this puppy work were now clearly laid out to the scientist. [gained boost on 'Defined Power Source']

Auguste.jpg Auguste: High Aspect: Information Broker, Trouble: Everything has its Cost | Stress: Mental [1,2,3]
Heading down to the main room the girls find themselves confronted by the busy main floor of the restaurant with waitresses in tight dresses that show off extra leg and cleavage. Each dress seems to be unique, though one can pick out who is staff based on the pink ribbon tied on each of their necks. Even the male waitstaff wears the ribbon, the only person that is clearly on staff not wearing the ribbon is the man behind the bar, currently pouring a drink from the stein and chatting with one of the patrons. As Lex approaches the bar he turns to the wolf and pulls out a cup. "What can I do fer you little miss? I can get ye a drink, but I aven't seen yer around dese parts. Well guess da first un's on da house." He puts a tankard in front of Alexis then waits for her decision.

Having, 'acquired' the information from Auguste the pair makes their ways into the bowels of the restaurant. Hell this place is a maze, thankfully with the crude map the two of you manage to find your way before the shady folks you saw scoping out the bar. Though the 'Battery Cabinet' turns out to be an enormous room the size of a middling consumer aircraft hanger. Filled with crates and sources of all sizes and shapes, even a 10 ft. Energizer(TM) Bunny and appropriately sized batteries sticking halfway into it. Auguste had told you that he kept a 'Black Hole Core' here, but not where. The girls split up attempting to cover more ground. Luckily after 5 minutes of a visual scourer Victoria calls to Alexis holding the core over the piles. The same moment she sees five cloaked figures entering from behind them, holding what she would guess are pistols. Well guess this is becoming a fight.
Added Situation Aspects: 'Giant Energizer(TM) Bunny', 'Battery Crates', 'Tall Aisles'
Added 5 Nameless Cloaked Figures: Aspect: 'Insane Cult Loyalty'
Scene: There are 4 zones, Hall 1 (currently has the cultists) adjacent to Isle 1 (has battery crates as 'cover?') Vic is here. That is adjacent to Isle 2 (basically the same) Lex is here, which is adjacent to Hall 2. Both halls can exit combat.
Initiating Combat, please make your Notice Skill value obvious.
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23925 Victoria Mason; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Alexis; Mood: Curious;
Aspect: Endlessly curious scientist; Stress: Physical: [123] Mental: [1234] Fate Points: ?? Refresh: 3/3
It seemed the previous power for this unit was some form of batteries. Small wonder they shorted out so quickly. This monster probably drew quite a bit of energy, draining batteries dry in moments. However, Victoria gathered what sort of power source she would be looking for. Confidently she walked back over to Alexis, "It was running on batteries, lets keep our eyes peeled, maybe we can even find a more permanent power source." She began describing as best she could what she was looking for, waving her hands about with a stoic expression as she talked. With a rough idea pieced together, the two of them returned down stairs.

The bar was bustling now. Her eyes where drawn to the pink bows that the staff wore, finding something a bit odd about the marking that they chose to use. Rather then pressing the matter she turned to Alexa and asked, "You talk to the bar keep, see what you can get out of him. I know you can do it," Reaching out and scratching the wolf girl behind the ear she smiled softly. Well Alexa handled the bar keep, Victoria sat down and studied the staff a little bit more seeing if there was anything else that she could notice that was off about them. [Notice Mod: 2]

The way down to the inner depths of the bar was treacherous. With the insides being a winding maze of hall ways. Victoria lazily scans the walls, her mind more wrapped up in finding the power source then actually trying to make a mental map of where they were and where they were going. She quietly made her way down stairs, finding what seemed to be some sort of storage room. "This might be the best place to look," she advised, taking a few steps ahead of Alexa, her eyes narrowly locked onto each container. Given that she knows generally what she is looking for, Vic is able to weed out the possibilities with relative ease. "This is taking too long," She sighed, tossing aside a box which didn't contain the power source. Than, sitting exposed in a box on a third shelf up, was a perfect power source! Just as Vic went to grab it, men in cloaks with fire arms coming after them. "I found it Alexa, but do you see those guys, they look like bad news...." Though Vic wasn't much in a fight she prepares to defend herself.
24028 Alexis Vanabay; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Victoria; Mood: Troubled;
Aspect: Scientific Security Guard; Stress: Physical: [---] Menal: [----]

After questioning Al and listening to Victoria's descriptions of what they should be looking for, Alexis gave a nod to Victoria and said "If we can find a more permanent solution to this, than we wont have to bother searching for bateries all the time since they will be burning out constantly." Now that they were done in Al's room, Alexis followed Victoria out into the bar proper. Out there, Alexis stared in wonder at how all real it looked, still trying to get to the fact that she was dead...but not?

Alexis's expression melted under Victoria's scratches, smiling while closing her eyes and her tail started to wag behind her. "Hehe, thanks Vic! Ill do what ever it takes to get what we need from the guy!" With her tail still wagging behind her, Alexis hopped over to the bar keep, and after she was asked what she needed she asked, "Ill save that free drink for later. Rather I wanted to ask you something. Im told you have a power source for Alostromeria's machine, and was wondering what I could do to have you tell me where it is." She gave one of the bright smiles Victoria always seemed happy to receive to the bar keep.

[Notice Mod = 2] Alexis goes with Victoria after having gotten an approximate location for where this black hole core could be, Alexis lead Vic through an absolute maze of hallways. At one point she even had to back track cause she missed a turn, but they eventually arrived at the storage room. "I wonder what a black hole core even looks like. Like is it an actual core of a black hole? How would that even work." She starts to mumble to herself after going to search a different area of the room from Vic, yet even as Vic calls out that shes found something, a group of armed individuals enter the room! Training kicking in, Alexis instantly grabs her gun and prepares for a fight! "Victoria! Get down and stay safe!"
Narrator Universal aspects: Cult of the Seven Sisters, Dissolution. World Aspects: ???. Place Aspects: Just about anyone or anything can be found here Situation Aspects: Defined Power Source. Advantages: None. Notes: 1 fate point
Auguste: High Aspect: Information Broker, Trouble: Everything has its Cost | Stress: Mental [1,2,3] Auguste.jpg
The gruff looking bar keep, grunts at the mention of Meria, but keeps otherwise quiet as Alexis explains her issue. He leans in so only the two of them will be privy to his answer. "MMmm, lookey here girly. I told that elf to go find it 'erself, same as 'em sisters wonder'n 'round 'ere. I don't care why you want it, I don't want ter be involved in yer squabbles, see. Now unless ye want to show me why 'dis is worth me time, I suggest you pick a drink or piss off." Auguste steps back, an almost sad expression on his face, waiting for the girl's decision as he picks up a glass and begins to clean it with a rag. His hands keep themselves busy and his shoulders don't have the same casual confidence anymore, but his eyes watch cautiously, flicking around as if acknowledging the number of eyes in the bar room.

Narrator Tag: Victoria.
The staff seem to be acting like normal people. They laugh, flirt, blush, chat, get angry, even storm off. Though as your eyes trail through the crowd you see some hooded figures keeping eyes on Auguste and Alexis. The seem more active since the quiet conversation between the two began. Sadly there isn't much more you can do at the moment as a slim, red-headed waitress approaches you and in a smooth southern accent asks if you would like 'anything'. Was she flirting with you?

Tag: Players | Situation Aspects: 'Giant Energizer(TM) Bunny', 'Battery Crates', 'Tall Aisles'
Cloaked Figures: Aspects; 'Insane Cult Loyalty' and 'In Death we are Stronger' | Skills: Fair (+1) Athletics, Fight | Stress: None (one shift KO's a member of the group) | Boost: Momentum
Alexis, having been in more fights than she cares to admit reacts without thinking as she sees the gun like objects. Her pistol is in her hand and through the gaps in the boxes she pops off some shots at the figures, managing to hit one as they ignore obvious cover, but having some difficulty with the view the narrow gap gives. Victoria also tries to pull off some shots from the next aisle over, but has more difficulty with the intervening boxes, and the fact the cultists seem to have picked up the pace. Victoria then decides the wise course is to take the core and get out. With how quick they are moving Alexis finds herself suddenly surrounded by the remaining hooded figures, collapsible batons now extended as they rush at her and some of their strikes manage to hit solid, but she seems to shrug much of it off. Bruises cannot shake the battle focus that the wolf girl seems to always get, and after the first cultist struck she managed to grip his wrist and use him as a shield, preventing some blows as well. The unfortunate hostage managed to struggle out before any further retaliation.
Alexis takes a 2 shift physical hit (mark off that box or any higher), and takes out 1/5 cloaked figure
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24028 Alexis Vanabay; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Victoria; Mood: Troubled;
Aspect: Scientific Security Guard; Stress: Physical: [1234] Menal: [123]

Victoria quickly looks around the area and at the people looking at her and the bartender before shifting closer to the barkeep. "I really need to know where it might be, so Ill defiantly make it worth your time... Do you have somewhere more private we can go real quick?" Still close to the bar keep so only he could here Alexis continues. "I would be willing to service you sexually for you to give up that information." Alexis innocently plays with her tail as she makers per proposal!
24487 Victoria Mason; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Alexis; Mood: Curious;
Aspect: Endlessly curious scientist; Stress: Physical: [123] Mental: [1234] Fate Points: 2 Refresh: 3/3
As the woman approaches Victoria she gives a small smile, her eyes staying fixed in place. "I don't suppose you have any coffee?" She asks, glancing over to Alexis, who by now was courting the bar tender. She it was with her being left alone for the time being she wondered if she might be able to get more information out of this red head, it seemed the woman had taken some sort of interest in her. "One second thought, no coffee. I'll take you. Would you mind chatting with me for a little bit?" She smirked, rising to the woman's flirt. Brushing hair off her shoulder she waited for the woman's reply, wondering if she would chat here or if they might go somewhere a touch more, intimate.
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Narrator Universal aspects: Cult of the Seven Sisters, Dissolution. World Aspects: ???. Place Aspects: Just about anyone or anything can be found here Situation Aspects: Defined Power Source. Advantages: None. Notes: 1 fate point
Auguste: High Aspect: Information Broker, Trouble: Everything has its Cost | Stress: Mental [1,2,3]
Auguste's eyes widen in shock. He was clearly not expecting this approach and he takes a moment before calling one of the ribbon wearing employees over to handle the bar, stepping out from behind it a nearly murderous look in his eyes as he approaches. Gripping the wolf girl's arm tight and pulling her close the minty breath of the surprisingly clean bartender is easily smelt, "Now let me make meself clear here li'le missy. You will not be usin' me bar for turnin' tricks. Am I understood?" With the acknowledgment, the two simply turn invisible to the rest of the bar. He winks at his companion before leading her off to a simple room with a bed and dresser. Though the pillows on the bed and the matress look exceptionally plush. Offering one of the pillows to Alexis he goes on to speak, "Awright, whas yer name miss? I don't do nofin' without knowin' a girl's name." A smile spreads, warm and welcoming, perhaps even more so than when he first welcomed her to the bar. "Ye get to choose how ye want to service me Miss Alexis. Your payment for the infermatin' 'll be getting me to cum."

Pretty Waitress: No information currently available.
On the notepad, the waitress calmly writes the order without breaking eye contact with Victoria. When the order changes she scratches out the coffee, writes something and smiles at the vibrant haired scientist. "Course Sugar, right over here." She leads Victoria past the bar leaving the order pad near the bartender on duty with a meaningful look before pulling Victoria into a rather public kiss. The quick tongue wrestling would leave the scientist breathless and very aware of the groping she had just received. Though it was hard to determine which was more arousing, the kiss or the eyes of the other patrons on her as she is led to some storage room. Crates line the walls and are piled on the floor making a kind of maze that the waitress navigates easily. Quickly she brings her companion to a dirty and dusty mattress that smells strongly of sex before turning, flipping her fiery locks over her shoulder and turning the piercing green eyes on you. "So Sugar, how do ya want me?"

Tag: Players | Situation Aspects: 'Giant Energizer(TM) Bunny', 'Battery Crates', 'Tall Aisles'
Dead Cultists: Aspects; 'Insatiable Bloodthirst' and 'The Mindless Strength of Death' | Skills: Good (+2) Physique | Stress: Physical [1,2] (per, there are 5 still) Mental [Mostly Immune] | Stunt: 'Ugly Dead Mo-Fos ' (Physique to do mental damage, can only be done once per person per round)
This time Victoria is much more prepared for the assault, quickly she fires of four rounds, each making their way into the head or throat of their intended targets. She needed to make them pay for the wounds after all, and her icy eyes calmly surveyed the scene. Victoria decides to take a closer look at her opponents. Drawing nearer she finds the cultist to be wearing simple trousers, a shirt, and the cloak. In his hand, there is a collapsible baton which he was hitting Alexis with. Patting him down he also has a couple of slips of paper and some coins. When you pull the hood of the cloak back you are confronted by the bald face covered in tattoos. Realizing this and looking at the hands they too are covered. You recognize some of the magical symbols from your homeworld but don't have time to study them. You pull back as the body sits up on its own power, the hole between the eyes, and the wriggling flesh making the sight more gruesome as sightless eyes look over you. Quickly Victoria recovers but it seems so has the downed cultists.
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24564 Victoria Mason; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Alexis; Mood: Curious;
Aspect: Endlessly curious scientist; Stress: Physical: [123] Mental: [1234] Fate Points: 2 Refresh: 3/3
This could obviously have some fairly negative consequences, the possibility of the waitress meaning her harm, or even jealousy from Lex or the waitresses significant other. Really though, none of it mattered. Victoria had died so suddenly she found the very idea of taking the future as a certainty preposterous. 'We'll cross those bridges when we come to them,' She assured herself as she followed the red head to the back. Suddenly she was drawn into a kiss! Showing off there intentions right in front of the whole restaurant. For a moment Viv pushed back, but the kiss lulled her in, and within the second she was using her own tongue, lewdly wrestling with the waitress, putting on a show for the others. She liked it. Her honeypot was tingling already. Kissing and cooing the duo was lead to the mattress in the back.

Fully turned on by her partner Victoria gave a small smile at the request. She moved to unlace the woman's uniform. "Horny and affectionate," Viv replied as she fished unlacing the top part of her uniform, letting it droop out of the way. She filled one hand with the exposed breast well the other moved up under the woman's skirt to run along her butt.
Alexis Vanabay; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Victoria; Mood: Troubled;
Aspect: Scientific Security Guard; Stress: Physical: [1234] Menal: [123]

Alexis blushed as the bartender's eyes go wide in surprise at how blunt she just was. She herself was a bit surprised, not entirely meaning to be that blunt! The man's sudden turn from kind bartender to murderous beast stuns Alexis enough for the man to grab her arm, her free hand automatically resting on his hand ready to fight him off, but she mearly nods and says "Ok". With her arm free, Alexis meekly followed after the bartender. While they traveled to the private room, Alexis couldn't help but look around and wonder why no seemed to be able to see her anymore. 'How did it happen? What was the explanation for it? I bet Vic could figure it out...' Even after having offered her body up for information, her heart still belong to Vic!

Alexis catches the fluffy pillow that was tossed to her by the barkeep. "I'm Alexis, and sorry if I was a bit blunt back there..." As she speaks Alexis drops the pillow at the base of the bed, right in front of the barkeep. She gives him a slightly awkward smile as she drops he knees down onto the pillow and says "O-ok, I guess I'll do it with my hands and mouth... I-if thats ok with you?" Nervousness hit her as she realized she was going through with this. She had only tested the waters with things like this in her younger years, back when she was trying to figure out if she also liked guys as well as girls. The answer was she did prefer girls, but she could handle a guy if need be, especially if it was to help out Victoria find the power source!...

With the barkeeps acceptance, her small and agile hands reached up to his belt buckle and started to undo it, only fumbling with it shortly before she got it undone!
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Narrator Universal aspects: Cult of the Seven Sisters, Dissolution. World Aspects: ???. Place Aspects: Just about anyone or anything can be found here Situation Aspects: Defined Power Source. Advantages: None. Notes: 1 fate point
Auguste: High Aspect: Information Broker, Trouble: Everything has its Cost | Stress: Mental [1,2,3]
Easing back onto the bed, he listens closely to the name given. "Alexis, such a pre'y name. Perfect fit fer yer voice n face." Without a word, he helps with releasing his shaft from his pants. Nodding his acceptance of her methods. With his clothes acceptably out of their way, the wolf girl is confronted by a surprising turn of events. The hardening tower of meat closer resembles a dog's than a human's. The sheath under the lovely tapered knotted length rests above a plush sack with two juicy balls within. Auguste simply smiles at the girl between his knees and takes her cheek in his hand before starting to scratch lightly below her ear on the jawline.

Pretty Waitress: No information currently available.
The giggle that follows easily reaches the lively eyes of the waitress. "I was hoping you'd say that." The uniform comes off easily and is quickly discarded revealing the rest of the lieth form. The pert breasts and flat stomach pave the road to a letter written in pubic hair. 'V' It could perhaps be an arrow, but both hint this was a good idea, even if the point is still hidden beneath adorable pink panties with white hearts on them. The lusty southern accent whispers into Victoria's ear, "Your turn hon, you're a little too dressed still." The roaming hands gently guiding the restricting clothes to the floor as the lips and tongue focus on the face and ear.

Tag: Players | Situation Aspects: 'Giant Energizer(TM) Bunny', 'Battery Crates', 'Tall Aisles'
Dead Cultists: Aspects; 'Insatiable Bloodthirst' and 'The Mindless Strength of Death' | Skills: Good (+2) Physique | Stress: Physical [1,2] (per, there are 5 still) Mental [Mostly Immune] | Stunt: 'Ugly Dead Mo-Fos ' (Physique to do mental damage, can only be done once per person per round)
Seeing Vic getting up and moving towards the door while also yelling for her to get out as well, Alexis holds the butt of her rifle up against her shoulder while moving backward. She threw down some suppressive fire as she did so, sending molten lead towards the lead cultists! Two of the reanimated corpses taking bullets to the head and another getting pounded in the stomach, causing it to stumble but not fall. [Alexis gains 'Kill Streak'] Victoria meanwhile turns her attention to the Energizer(TM) bunny and pops open the rear compartment realizing the reason it isn't moving is a lack of batteries. Slotting in two from nearby and quickly swapping a couple of wires for better performance the drum beating automaton starts up. It charges down from the piles of boxes it was on and mows down the remaining cultists. With the threats removed the girls now have the chance to relax. [Combat over] The bunny does keep going however and seems to punch out through one of the walls in the room leaving everything silent finally.
24735 Victoria Mason; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Alexis; Mood: Curious;
Aspect: Endlessly curious scientist; Stress: Physical: [123] Mental: [1234] Fate Points: 2 Refresh: 3/3
She grouped the woman for a long moment after stripping her down to her panties. The firm, yet supple skin filling out her hands perfectly. She allowed a lewd smile to creed across her face before looking down noticing the V shaved. "V? Is that your initial? Or perhaps a lovers?" She panted as her own tight fitting shirt and pants where removed. Her unblemished skin was nearly fully exposed, her soft breast pressed into the exposed skin of the waitress, the tips or her nipple noticably hard. Once the woman began kissing her on the neck and ears she let out a cute moan, "Yes... just like that..." She moved her hands around, craddling the back of the womans head well her other hand started lowering the womans panties, smoothly playing with her lower lips.