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Alexis Vanabay; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Victoria; Mood: Troubled;
Aspect: Scientific Security Guard; Stress: Physical: [1234] Mental: [123]

Alex starts in surprise at the sight of the bartender's cock! Alexis had been expecting a more normal looking cock, like those from her previous world and life, yet this one was an angry red, throbbing dog like cock, complete with a knot at the base and a sheath! Alexis felt like she should be weirded out by the sight, yet... it was like her own dog ancestry was calling to her. Something in the air smelled amazing. Alexis's nose twitched a couple of times as she breathed in the smell, and with each breath Alexis unconsciously pushed her face closer and closer to the dog like cock in front of her until Alexis was literally pressing her face against the cock in front of her, breathing the thick pheromones. The moment she had started to smell the pheromones in the air, Alexis's more beastly instincts fought for control over her!

With the bar tender now holding her cheek and petting her, as well with the pheromones wrecking havoc, Alexis was panting up against Auguste's cock, her tail wagging rapidly behind her! Very tentatively, Alexis licked at the shaft of the cock in front of her. The angry red shaft in front of her tasted amazing, and so Alexis's attentions very quickly turned into her kissing and licking the large shaft in front of her, slowly making her way up till he planted a kiss on the tip! Finally she wrapped her mouth around the large member, sucking on it while her tongue ran up and down the under side of the cock!
Narrator Universal aspects: Cult of the Seven Sisters, Dissolution. World Aspects: ???. Place Aspects: Just about anyone or anything can be found here Situation Aspects: Defined Power Source. Advantages: None. Notes: 1 fate point
Auguste: High Aspect: Information Broker, Trouble: Everything has its Cost | Stress: Mental [1,2,3]

As Alexis starts, the barkeep just keeps a warm smile on his face, a twinkle of amusement shining out. The red flesh releases a strong musky scent that quickly fills Alexis' head. Twitching slightly as her breaths grow near to it. She thinks she hears a repressed snort from the barkeep, watching her adorable nose fill with that delicious dog scent. Rubbing her cheek against the silky flesh towering above the velveteen balls is heavenly, that scent only stronger as a little drip of pre collects at the top.

The scratching is precise and quickly works toward short-circuiting Alexis' higher brain functions, leaving a furry ball of lust slipping her lovely lips along the knotted shaft. That same hand gently guides the girl toward the dribbling pre that has muskily been collecting as she took in the hansom member. A spicy flavor bursts into her mouth as she laps up the generous rivulet. Auguste's moans above her just work to accent the pleasure he is feeling from the wolf girl's attention. The scratching moving slightly up behind the ear, and his thumb running along the inside to stimulate the sensitive flesh further. It was clear Auguste was very familiar with sensitive ears like this by how just a little ear play was putting the wolfess on edge. The large tip fills the small girl's mouth, and that delicious spicy pre continues to dribble in. With a quiet groan, the barkeep thrusts gently into the welcoming mouth tapping her Uvula before giving her full control again. "Atta gurl", he says quietly. "You love a big juicy wolf cock in your mouth don't you?" He pronounces each word in the last sentence carefully making sure it sinks in as the girl softly bobs on his turgid length.

Pretty Waitress: No information currently available.
A soft giggle escapes the full lips before she says breathily, "It might be a lover's initial. If your name starts with V, but it is mostly there to show the boys where to put their mouths." Assisting with Vic's undressing just as the latter had assisted previously, gently tugging at the cute nipples and rubbing the nub gently between two fingers. The playful hands only keep exploring the newly exposed scientific body. Gently caressing and squeezing the lith ass before her and moaning with equal throaty gusto as her soft pink box is invaded by invited fingers, her thighs rubbing back and forth along the hand that remains outside, as she grips flutteringly on the fingers. Whispering into the scientist's ear and gently tugging her down the waitress encourages you to lay on the bed with her. The sweet wet blotch spreading across a white heart showing exactly how much she is loving this.
25301 Victoria Mason; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Alexis; Mood: Curious;
"Fiesty, I like that," Vic laughed at the waitress's joke. Pressing her fingers a little more firmly against her labia. "I can imagine you leave them stunned, 'nough to need direction anyways," She giggles, grinding her index and middle finger just a bit harder, breaking into the girl's vagina just a bit. Letting out a soft, "Meep," Vic started rubbing her bare body against the waitress as the later started getting more hands-on. With very little encouragement Vic lays down on the bed, pulling the waitress into a soft kiss. There lips meeting, Vic starting to suckle a little on the girl's lip as the soft smell of her perfume filled Vic's nose. Her hands slid down the waitress's back, grabbing the girls plush bottom and giving it a firm squeeze as well, helping to line the duo's vulva's up, warm, hot and ready, Vic slid thrust her hips into the waitress!

Alexis Vanabay; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Victoria; Mood: Troubled;
Aspect: Scientific Security Guard; Stress: Physical: [1234] Mental: [123]

As Alexis looses control to her beast kin instincts, she cant stop herself from rubbing her face against the velvety shaft of the beastly dog cock in front of her. It just smelled so good, too good to stop. She needed to do this... that was what the fog in her mind was commanding her to do. Without the willpower to stop it and with the barkeep's hands itching her ears, the last of that willpower was eroded away. Alexis's fell until she was this cock's bitch!

The taste of the precum was amazing. Alexis needed to taste even more! It was like it was itching a need she didn't even know she had needed before! Her lips wrapped around the tip, sucking and lapping away at it, scooping up any and all precum that she could coax from the dog cock! The barkeep's experienced hands ran along her sensitive ears sending shocks of pleasure through her addled mind, enough to actually start pushing her down the road to a climax! She moaned around the tip of the doggy dick, her tail thumping loudly against the bed in excitement!

Alexis gagged slightly as the barkeep thrusts to the back of her mouth stimulating the barkeep even more. Alexis's previous experiments had only given her so much experience and so her technique was only so good! Taking the cue from the bar keep, Alexis started to bob her head up and down the red cock, taking only as much cock into her mouth as she dared. Yet even with her inexperience, Alexis was trying her hardest to suck out even more of this delicious precum! What would the cream taste like if the precum was already this delicious? As that thought passed through the fog, Alexis's efforts only increased! She needed to serve this cock till it released its reward for her!
Narrator Universal aspects: Cult of the Seven Sisters, Dissolution. World Aspects: ???. Place Aspects: Just about anyone or anything can be found here Situation Aspects: Defined Power Source. Advantages: None. Notes: 1 fate pointAuguste.jpg
Auguste: High Aspect: Information Broker, Trouble: Everything has its Cost | Stress: Mental [1,2,3]
The barkeep seems quite pleased by the enthusiasm which Alexis takes down his angry red cock, if his grunts and groans are anything to go by at least. Between the crazed sucking and her adept tongue it seemed she was having nearly equal effect to him as he was on her for pushing each other to orgasm. The grip of his free hand tightening around the sheets as the grunts continue to be ripped from his throat by the expert pleasure giver between his knees.

As Alexis gagged the strong arm pulled her off the throbbing dick giving her the chance to breathe. Seeing her take the initiative the hand continued its maddening quest to make the wolf-girl loose her mind to scritches. His member grew thicker in her mouth as she fought to take in more, and the bulb at the end began to fill her vision. Just as she needed the cum it seemed he was ready to give it. He pulled the girl once more as deep as he could before the cum-vein along the underside of his cock throbbed and the first savory delicious burst of cum was shot down the waiting gullet. Slowly he pulls back giving her a chance to breathe again between bursts of cum that paint her insides white and ignite her taste buds. The hand on her head doesn't stop rubbing until Alexis herself cums as well, though it does move once or twice to stimulate other sensitive spots along her neck, keeping her cumming as long as the dexterous fingers can. When Alexis' mind clears she will realize the man before her managed to get her to cum without getting her out of her clothes first and without ever touching lower than her neck. Quite the feat for someone with a human penis... Wait? Auguste pulls his pants over the average sized human penis and as she looks up into the slitted eyes he winks at her. "Now don't ye be tellin anyone that ol' Auguste is a shapechanger alright? Now fer yer map and best o' luck to ya." He hands the confused wolf a piece of paper that looks like a napkin with a rather detailed map drawn on it before leaving her in the room, her nose still filled with the wonderful musky smell of his dog-cum.

Pretty Waitress: No information currently available.
Clearly enthralled by each other's body, both women are quickly lost in their lusts. The soft scent of the sea floats between the two as they thrust and mash the soft pussies together. Lubrication dripping from both makes the tribbing all the more pleasureable. Neither girl knows who reaches climax first, but that doesn't matter as they push one another over the edge again and again. Finally both are lying on the hard matress uncarring with the warm fuzzy afterglow slowly fading from within, and the warm embrace of a lover from without. Victoria knows she needs to leave, but the thought of staying here forever with this woman is very tempting. Especially smelling like the sea after sex, making it all the more arrousing she could walk around without anyone batting an eye at her scent. Her lover was fast asleep, so leaving seemed only a matter of pulling out of the warm, soft embrace and pulling on her clothes before going back to the bar and waiting on Alexis.
25624 Victoria Mason; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Alexis; Mood: Curious;
Leaving the girl seemed like a bit of a waste, the scientist slightly enchanted by the beauty and pleasant salty smell of the girl. Tastling a little bit with her hair Vic toyed with the idea of staying here, working at the bar and making passionate loud love with this girl every night. Tempting... but Alexis would be sad...Vic kissed the waitress on the forehead, whispering, "Sorry, got to go. Thanks for the good time..." with that she quietly got up, panties on first, coat on last she dressed herself and returned to the dinning area, smelling faintly of the sea, but with no other obvious signs of her passion.

Alexis Vanabay; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Victoria; Mood: Troubled;
Aspect: Scientific Security Guard; Stress: Physical: [1234] Mental: [123]

Having already lost her rationality to the pheromones and lust Alexis couldn't stop from pleasuring the cock in front of her even when she was low on air, making the barkeep pull her off of his cock when she was running out air. At the same time her tail was wagging furiously even as this happened. The bar keep's ear scritches were just too much for Alexis! As she neared her own orgasm from just the bar keep's touch, her tail wagging was somehow reach speeds that it was slightly blurred, her body shuddering in pleasure as she continued on with her sucking!

She loudly moaned as the first spurts of delicious cum was shot down into her eager and slutty throat. The heat was slightly hotter than Alexis's own body, so as the thick and creamy cum settled in her tummy, she could feel it gradually filling her stomach. The thought that she was being filled with seed was releasing a waterfall of juices down her thighs! Some juices actually sprayed out in orgasmic shivers everyone in a while as the bar keep brought her to climax and then kept her in that blissful state for such a long time that it was easily one of her longest orgasms! "Y-yessss~~..." Alexis only managed to mutter, absentmindedly licking up some cum drooling from the corner of her mouth, once the barkeep told her to keep his secret.

Alexis was still somewhat out of it as she was brought back to the cafe and then wandered over to a waiting Victoria... Was she glowing? She looked prettier, fulfilled...? Her thoughts started to clear up, her cheeks starting to burn in a mix of shame, arrousal and a tiny sadness, feeling like she had somehow betrayed Vic even though they werent in a relationship! ...Yet! "V-vic, heres a map!"
Narrator Universal aspects: Cult of the Seven Sisters, Dissolution. World Aspects: ???. Place Aspects: Just about anyone or anything can be found here Situation Aspects: Defined Power Source. Advantages: None. Notes: 1 fate point
Tag: Victoria
Though she did not stir while Victoria played with her hair, the waitress' breath caught as she was kissed on her forehead. Her breathing returned to its even tempo quickly after, the scent of sex and sea still clinging to her hair. The scientist was not disturbed as she clothed and exited the back room. Though, she did feel as if she were watched moving back into the main room of the restaurant. She waited not a minute until Alexis joined her. A wet, white speck still on her cheek.

Tag: Alexis
Retracing her steps Alexis found her way back to the main room as well. Her mouth still tasted of the musky cum which she had swallowed. As she laid eyes on her companion she saw that the scientist was a little disheveled. Her hair untidy and coat seemed somewhat hastily arranged. Though looking at her face it was clear just how relaxed the companion felt. Her stutter came from the realization that she could not continue her speech because of the dryness in her throat, but it was soon cleared.

Tag: Both
It seemed that both of you have had an interesting experience, and you are stronger by it. The map would lead the two of you truly. You both knew this, but this was a moment to reconnect. Especially after the activities you have participated in.

Alexis Vanabay; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Victoria; Mood: Troubled;
Aspect: Scientific Security Guard; Stress: Physical: [1234] Mental: [123]

As Alexis returned to Vic, showing off the map she had earned, she stopped as she got a better look at Vic. Alexis's eyes traced over her messy hair and her more sensitive nose picked up an arousing musk around Vic. Vic's already natural musk was mixed with what was undeniably the heavy, lingering smell of sex! "V-Vic? W-what have you been doing since I went off to talk to the bar keep?" Alexis's voice trembled slightly as she asked, hoping Vic wouldn't answer how Alexis thought she would. She knew it could be hypocritical of her to get upset, but... It hurt. Her chest was hurting slightly.
26229 Victoria Mason; Location: Space between spaces; Tag: Alexis; Mood: Curious;
Seeing the cute little wolf girl get possessive of her brought a smile to Victoria's face. She knew that the girl meant well, and wouldn't be upset long term with her. So confidently, she stroked the girl's hair. Saying, "Just getting to know the locals a bit Lex. You know you'll always be my number one pup," She leaned in to plant a kiss on the girl's cheek, stroking her soft tail. "No one will take that away, ok?" With a genuine smile, a rare sight from the often distracted scientist, She lightly nudged Lex. "Let's go get this battery, we can have some fun, just the two of us later."
Tag: Players
With the cultists defeated, twice, and the battery room now silent the two ghosts have a moment to recover before heading back to Al. The journey back to her rooms is uneventful and you find no one as you follow the map back to the bar. The bar itself is roudey as you left it, Auguste is back behind the counter and gives Alexis a wink as she passes. Making your way upstairs you knock and wait for Alstromeria. Of course the elven scientist doesn't leave you waiting long.

Alostromeria Aspect: Cautious Scientist, fearing destruction. Tag: Victoria, AlexisAlstromeria.jpg
As she opens the door a look of surprise registers for a second before melting into relief, "Oh, you two are back, and so soon. I'm so glad!" She hugs each of you before ushering you in and sitting the two of you down with a cup of tea for each of you. Sitting on the end of her bed she sips from her own glass before asking, "So how did you manage to find it? And so quickly, please Victoria, Alexis, tell me everything!" She hangs off your every word as if the two of you are master storytellers, gasping as it gets dangerous and waiting with bated breath for the next dazzling feat to clap to. As you reach the end of your story you find that your cups are empty and setting them aside Meria pulls closer to the two of you than is professionally necessary, "So are you going to show me? I'm so excited to see it, I've always dreamed of a Black Hole Core, and now I'm going to have one power my masterpiece!" She nearly pulls the two of you over to the machine, encouraging you to insert the core into the battery port. Perhaps wiggle it around a little. As soon as you do lights start to flash over the enormous machine and a quiet hum starts from deep within. A loud, incessant beeping starts to bother your ears, Alexis' more due to her sensitivity. Meria rushes over to a console, her eyebrows meeting in confusion as she looks over the readouts. "Fucking shit, well we don't have much time. Earth 24671 is about to be voided. If that one falls we'll probably loose about 10 other worlds with it. I'm going to send you through to there. I hope you can stop it, just stay still. I'll be here to help from the Restaurant."

She presses a couple of buttons and your stomachs lurch forward, like you were in a car that suddenly stopped. Your eyesight went black for the moment, then returned showing a very different scene. You are in a wooden building with a swinging pair of doors behind you that lead into a rather dusty street. The room before you is rather busy with simply dressed folk playing cards, drinking, or chatting. One person plays a merry tune on the piano, and a couple of men stand up from their table to approach you, ten gallon hats replaced on their heads and the spurs of their boots jingling. It seems like you found yourselves in an old west town. Looking at each other you see yourselves for a moment before it changes. Now you look like you each belong, though perhaps you are prostitutes judging by the style of dress. Yep, looking at other women and even a couple of men dressed like you, and they way they act they are most certainly prostitutes. A pair of prostitutes in an old west bar with a couple of customers approaching you, this job will be interesting at least. A woman intercepts the two of you first caressing Lex's face, "Why don't you come up to my room deary, I'm sure it will be worth your while." She winks and giggles before spinning away leaving you with a view of how much her hips move in the enormous dress.
[End of Session, you regain your fate points, and stress boxes]
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26466 Victoria Mason; Location: Earth 2467: A bar; Tag: Alexis, patron; Mood: Curious;
Carefully Vic pockets the battery. Smiling to Alex, "Good job out there" She gently pets the ghosty dog a few times, rustling her hair up good. "Now we need to head back up and find Al." She gives a curt nod before strolling off, assuming that her companion would follow close behind. Vic's pace is casual, taking in the sights and sounds of the bar once more, the calming chatter of the patrons, the smell of the various foods being cooked. Really it was kind of homey for a place that was both a dining establishment and not of her world to begin with... She looked around to see if the waitress she'd fooled around with was out yet, though it seemed she wasn't. Vic did notice the wink Lex got from the bartender though.
Up in the room, Vic greets Al, holding out the battery, "Bit of a pain, I can see why it too so long," She smiled, letting Alex fill in most of the story bits as Vic poked around the room a bit more.
It wasn't until things got hasty that Vic looked over the console, "Any idea what we need to do?" She asked, still a little unsure of how a dead scientist and her body-guard could really save a planet.

She was sucked down, and down and down. Finding herself surrounded by an old-time western setting. Looking down she seemed nothing at all like she once had. She'd long blond hair, stood a few inches taller, her face was absolutely covered in make-up, and her breasts had gone up several sizes... Adding to all that she was wearing a low cut dress, exposing her cleavage to the patrons. "Can't say I've been a prostitute before," She reasoned. Looking at all the patrons of the bar, a really cutie coming up and petting Lex's face and soliciting her. "We come as a pair," Vic quickly added, with her best vacant giggle. Her new voice made it surprisingly convincing.
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Alexis Vanabay; Location: Earth 2467: A bar Tag: Victoria; Mood: Troubled;
Aspect: Scientific Security Guard; Stress: Physical: [1234] Mental: [123]

There were a mix of blaze of emotions going through Alexis as her nose could still pick up on the lingering smell of sex coming from Vic. Some sadness and then some guilt from what she had done as well. Some happiness that only increased each time Vic patted her head and touched her tail. There was even some elation that her more negative emotions couldn't put down as Vic said that Alexis would always be her number one and kissed her cheek.... Their reality had literally exploded, so maybe their relationship needed to change a little as well to cope with this brand new universe... As Victoria gave Alexis one last head pat before turning around to walk back towards Alostromeria, Alexis makes a rash decision! She grabs Vic's arm as she turns away, pulling her back to face her and suddenly Alexis locks lips with her! Eyes squeezed shut and furiously blushing, Alexis holds Vic close as she passionately yet still somewhat innocently kisses the beautiful scientist! By the time she pulls away shes gasping for air and still blushing furiously. In fact it looked like her blush had somehow deepened and Alexis was having a hard time meeting Vic's eyes. "Y-you better m-mean it when you s-said I'm your number o-one." She embarrassingly stuttered out. After that Alexis would follow closely behind Vic as they walked back to Alostromeria, only absentmindedly nodding back to Auguste as they passed as she replayed the kiss over and over.

By the time they made it back, Alexis's embarrassment had died down a bit. She takes over telling the majority of the story as Vic poked around the machine, emphasizing that there had been some cultists who had tried to stop them and that she didn't know if they could strike again. She nodded along with Vic's question. "Yeah, how do we know what to do in order to fix the place?" They were ghosts right now, it seemed hard to fix something in the material world right now. As Alostromeria was talking about Earth 2467, Alexis was also about to ask how they were going to get there as well, when Alostromeria hit a final button and the world seemed to lurch forward!
The next thing she knew she was somewhere else entirely! Immediately she could feel something was off. She could feel her ears and tail still, but it wasn't the same, something had changed! She tried touching her ears and then she pulled her tail in front of her. "Vic, am I... Am I a cat kin now?" She was starting to grow numb to the weirdness and was able to swiftly accept the change of her race, not to mention that they were suddenly prostitutes as well. With her new body came a sizable increase in her breasts, and with an identical clothing to Vic, they were practically spilling out of her dress! She had a good amount of makeup on as well, a light pink blush applied to her cheeks and an eye catching red applied to her lips. As this cute girl suddenly approached and lightly stroked her cheek, Alexis could feel a shiver of pleasure come from her neathers at the contact. She added her own nervous giggles to Vic's more airy ones. "S-shall we go?" Alexis grabs Vic's hands, strangely ready to go up to a strangers room to perform their sudden duties. Even with how weird it was, Alexis felt like she was slowly acclimating to the roller coaster that was her new life.
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Tag: Players
Note: I will not be preventing further exploration of this first scene, but I have nothing to add to it currently.

Alostromeria Aspect: Cautious Scientist, fearing destruction. Tag: Victoria, AlexisAlstromeria.jpg
Just before the button was pressed both girls asked the elfin inventor if she knew what they needed to do. "I-I don't know, not yet but I can pull you out if it gets too dangerous and the device should send you to the right time and place. Good luck!" With that she hit the button sending you off into whatever awaited you on the other side of the machine.

Looking at each other it was uncanny seeing the person you love shifting into that whore. The extra boobage held high in the dresses and some fun extra behind to worry about. Those heels would c 1576699809946.png ertainly help in strutting and showing how the ample hips moved. A perfect disguise. Lex was cat-kin just as she'd feared. It would be strange to smell the scent of cat everywhere and need to resist the urge to chase herself.

The dark skinned patron seemed completely unfazed by the request calling over her shoulder, "Ah! That sounds like a group discount, purrfect! I'll see you both then." With that it is easy to follow her progress into the room, the other folks parting before her blue dress like she's royalty. She climbs the stairs and takes the first door once up them, letting it close with a snick. The boys who'd been approaching seem deflated as they watch their prey stolen out from under their noses but perhaps they'll regain their courage if the two girls don't hurry. They seem rather like buff types who could handle their own if needed...
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oldWestVic.jpg Victoria Mason; Location: Earth 2467: A bar; Tag: Alexis, patron; Mood: Curious;
Aspect: Endlessly curious scientist; Stress: Physical: [123] Mental: [1234] Fate Points: 2 Refresh: 3/3

Looking over lex Vic cracked a bit of a smile. She reached out and began scratching the kitty lex behind the ears. "Ya," She agreed softly, "You're a pretty kitty now." Though seeing the change in lex was enough to convince her of her new surroundings, she still felt an odd sense of detachment from her physical body. She was after all a spirit inhabiting some other being now, so was that normal... maybe? "You might be a cat for now, and it seems I'm a flat-chested blond..." Seemed she was more of an adventurous type... though maybe that was just Vic gut feeling. "But you're still the lex I adore," She cooed softly kissing the feline on the cheek.

Vic followed after the woman, squeezing Lex's hand tightly. She wasn't sure if she should let Lex lead since she was the on approached, but she was pretty sure it wouldn't be a good idea for the two of them to split up so soon after arriving. The boys could wait, right now she wanted to see what was up with this woman and spend some more time with lex. "Ya," She giggled, "Two for one is our specialty." The two entered the room, Vic's eyes watching the patron to makes sure she wanted them for there services.
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Alexis Vanabay; Location: Earth 2467: A bar Tag: Victoria; Mood: Troubled;
Aspect: Scientific Security Guard; Stress: Physical: [1234] Mental: [123]

Lex only had time to shrug as she heard that even Meria didn't really know what they were supposed to do on this new Earth to fix it. Well, she had Vic with her, she was sure they would be able to figure something out.


It felt wrong yet perfectly normal at the same time to be a catkin. She could feel her ears twitching constantly as she continuously smelled herself, but thankfully it was slowly fading into the background. Vic's attentions also helped as she found herself somehow lightly purring at the scritching behind her new ears. A blush spread at the complement and as she realized what she was doing. "A-ah thanks Vic! Your quite beautiful as well, no matter how you look." Lex gave a shy smile back.

Already holding onto Vic's hand, blushing, Lex nodded and agreed. "Y-yah, two for one is what we are." She couldn't help but wonder if that could be taken as an innuendo for them being a couple, which only made her flush red more! Lex ignored the males, as they followed the patron with such a commanding presence. As they entered what she assumed was the patron's room, she asked, "So w-what did you exactly want us to do?"
patron.png Narrator Universal aspects: Cult of the Seven Sisters, Dissolution. World Aspects: ???. Situation Aspects: Hookah Smoke, ???. Advantages: None. Notes: Nothing Special.

Entering the room immediately both of you are assaulted by a sickly sweet scent. It twitst into your brains digging in deeply trying to reach your core. It felt so good to just stand there a moment on the doorstep, even knowing that you were being watched by this strange lady who seemed to be undressing you with her eyes. Yes, undressing seems a good idea right about now... Make a will check
roll the fate dice command (see our rolling chat) and add your modifier
if you roll very low you can try to explain why your aspects give you a benefit to this and either reroll or gain +2 to the roll
Taking in the rest of the dimly lit, smoke filled room shows just how fine this woman's tastes are. She could probably be the head of this brothel with some of the dresses she has on display though. She currently is seated, ankles crossed on the edge of the simple bed, her bed table piled with five books and a huge hookah which the smoke currently billows from. There is a dresser to one side and a powder station beside it, the large mirror perfect for seeing one's figure from the waist up. A couple of candles provide the only light in the room because of the heavy curtains drawn across the single window. The table to the side of the bed seems set for a meal only partly eaten and three wooden chairs are placed haphazardly about it.

The dark skinned woman smiles, drawling, "Good, you came. Now if you wouldn't mind." She uncrosses her legs and beckons for the two to come closer with a wide smile. Something seems off though, perhaps only the light or the smoke... Looking at Lex in particular she adds, "If you want little girl I could teach you some new ways to care for your tail should you do particularly well, though you might be surprised at what you find." Her smile seems not to waver as the sweet scent entices you to enter the room.
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oldWestVic.jpg Victoria Mason; Location: Earth 2467: A bar; Tag: Alexis, patron; Mood: Curious;
Aspect: Endlessly curious scientist; Stress: Physical: [123] Mental: [1234] Fate Points: 2 Refresh: 3/3

Following the woman Vic starts to wonder if maybe she should have just let Lex go on her own, it seemed a bit possessive of her to butt in like that, but looking at how happy it had made Lex she was confident that it was the right thing to do. She stepped into the room and all at once she was hit with the cloyingly sweet scent... Her nose twitches a bit as it seems like her clothes suddenly shrank two sizes, as the room temperature rose twenty degrees. The thought of undressing sweetly danced across her mind, as she lowered her blouse's neckline just a bit, showing off more of her full D cup breasts. [Will save: 4!]
"P-pretty n, nice place" Vic floated on her words as the stepped further into the room, the wafting aroma growing sweeter, stronger, with each step. Her breathing was becoming labored, deep inhaling breaths through her nose, short lewd huffs from the mouth... It was just so hot in her, she should take off her jacket.
With a fluid release, Vic's coat plopped on the floor behind her. She keeps up her approach, "Huff, Ummm, ya..." She nods when beckoned. Her eyes looking over the bronzed goddess before her... Supple smooth skin, perfect legs, plump breasts. Why wearing such tight-fitting clothing in front of such a cutie? She must look so ridiculous. That was it, the top and skirt had to go too. Not breaking pace, she pulled the blouse up over her head, blond locks sent tumbling as the drops the blouse near the jacket. Finally, a few snaps and her skirt falls as well. Leaving the blond Vic with nothing but a wrap bra and cotton panties covering her... An eager lust in her eyes, as she finishes her approach. The cloying sweet smell so through riddling her mind she smiles dumbly as the woman's focus turns to Lex, "Wouldn't that b-be nice, Lex, hummm"

Alexis Vanabay; Location: Earth 2467: A bar Tag: Victoria; Mood: Troubled;
Aspect: Scientific Security Guard; Stress: Physical: [1234] Mental: [123]

Stepping into the room right behind Vic, a strong, sickly sweet scent hit her. Her sense of scent had always been really good, and so this scent was absolutely overwhelming! Her head tingled as the lady who wished to purchase both Vic and herself for some fun inspected her body from afar. Ohhh, she should let her get a better view, such tight and uncomfortable clothing...

All of this happened in a short amount of time, just a few seconds after having entered. Lex suddenly coughed, breaking that trance just long enough for a hand to wave in front of her mouth, trying to clear the air of what every was there. At the same time, her training took over. Working in a lab as chief of security for Vik had let her experience her fair share of gassings and she had a sudden feeling that something was wrong with the air. She grabbed a handkerchief from a pocket, holding it over her mouth and nose, trying to use it as a makeshift filter. It worked.... only for a few breaths. Her mind fogged up again like when she first entered the room as she breathed in what ever was in the air.

Her body started to heat up, particularly her nethers. It also didn't help that in that short period that she took in attempting to resist, Vik had entered further and started to undress. Now that really didn't help. To her foggy and increasingly horny mind, the idea that it was better to just go ahead with what was happening was looking better and better. She didn't know this was malicious, and... and Vic look gorgeous. She wanted to get naked with her. The final straw was when Vic turned back towards her and encouraged her to accept the beautiful brothel owner's offer to learn about her new body in that oddly ditsy yet erotic voice. "O-ok, sure. That d-does sound nice." Lex stumbled through her words as she also walked further into the room and right up next to Vic, her hands starting to undress herself till she was also only in her under where, a pair of black satin bra and panties,with a small pink bow on the panties right at the top of the rim.

The smoke was thicker here and only make her more willing to go along with what ever was happening. "S-so what do you want us to do?" She asked the women who they stood before.
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1580925304694.png Narrator: Universal Aspects: Cult of the Seven Sisters, Dissolution. World: Earth 24671; Aspects: ???. Situation Aspects: Hookah Smoke, ???. Advantages: Horny(on Viv and Al). Notes: None
Watching her two sluts eagerly entering her chambers and letting the door shut behind her the dark skinned beauty starts to slowly slide her dress up silken smooth thighs until she reveals her cute, uncovered mounds. It is odd for a woman of such taste to shave her pubic hair to point at her, currently glistening with desire, pussy, but it is probably to help whatever buffoons she deals with here, right? A road-map like that only needs one thing, a head (or two) to make use of it and start suckling that delectable woman-flesh. To nuzzle up there with your lover and taste deeply of both this beauty and the one you love...

The door seems to swing shut on its own but that doesn't worry the two undressing whores, watched by deep, dark, lusty eyes of the one who requested their services. In her husky voice she says "Go on now, don't be shy..." Clearly indicating to her lovers for the hour that it is time to begin. She pulls her thighs apart further to make plenty of room, even a little dribble of excitement escapes her plump lower lips. A hand pats the lady-flesh there then reaches for the nearest girl's head to gently caress and hold, bringing it then the other girl in to begin making sweet tongue love to her.
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