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Lex simply frowned at that answer, unsure what to say about religious fervor, as dogmatic doctrine didn't rely on any logic. As Meria explained why her Mistress was able to see the projection, Vampire Lex felt a pride in her how powerful her Mistress must be for her to see Meria. "So Im guessing that it only allows to communicate an nothing else?"

Lex shivered and leaned back into her Mistress as her ear was nipped at and she felt Mistress's husky breath tickle her ear. "O-ok, yah! Im sure we can get Vic to see just how amazing and lovely you are!" Yah! If Vic saw the truth of Mistress then they could serve her together!! She wanted her lover next to her so badly!

"Wow, Mistress, you must be even more amazing than I realized if the world is in trouble of collapsing without you here!" Vampire Lex was finding that she absolutely loved how powerful and influential her new Mistress was! "So, uhm, do either of you have any idea of a place to hide away in? Im not too familiar on where to start with that..."
Narrator: Universal Aspects:
Cult of the Seven Sisters, Dissolution. World: Earth 24671; Aspects: ???. Situation Aspects: General Store, ???. Advantages: None. Notes: None
Father Anderson pauses a moment, seemingly taken aback by the acceptance of her friend's death. Then when Vic took the bullets he smiled, the chilling metal seeming to numb any skin it contacted. These bullets were something powerful, designed to kill the undead after all. Straightening up he watches you carefully as another moment passes. Then he smiles, hearing the words of needing to protect your modesty. "Yes, of course. There is a general store nearby. We could also take a little time for one last preparation." Almost gently he leads you around the corner and in front of him, as he takes back alleys around to the store.

The general store is a simple affair, with a number of racks with woman's clothing available to purchase within. There were also guns on a wall, gunpowder by the barrel, mining equipment, some food supplies and other assorted items. Alexander said that anything you wanted would do, just to make sure you could fight in it. As he turned away from the changing room his two hook-like blades are revealed. Shining even in the dim interior of the store. He seemed busy with another matter near much of the mining equipment and the store-keep was quietly reading a book at the counter. Much could be done... if only Vic had a plan.

Narrator: Universal Aspects: Cult of the Seven Sisters, Dissolution. World: Earth 24671; Aspects: ???. Situation Aspects: ???. Advantages: Mistress' Thrall. Notes: None

Alostromeria Aspect: Cautious Scientist, fearing destruction.
Meria seems a little taken aback as Lex poses her question. Fiddling with a colorful handheld device for a few moments before answering. "Well, yes. I'm basically a hologram there, but I can see what's going on beyond where you are standing. Also, I can try to look through what records the world is supposed to have and work from those to help resolve issues. Does that help clarify at all?" She looked rather nervous as she added this, like it would be a problem if again she'd be on the sidelines unable to help.

Mistress Marilyn chuckled quietly. "Vhy, of course I 'ave an idea. A number of places really. The problem is sunlight burns me, so I'd need to be carried if we are outside in the day. Preferably in a container of some sort, but cloth works too. That is why I wanted to send you out on errands." Meria cuts in asking, "Wait, do you mean the desert cave about two day's ride from here?" Lazily, almost catlike in her response Mistress acknowledges that had been her plan. With little explaining Meria points out that would leave the two vampires exposed and rather easily visible in the day especially when Lex would have to carry her mistress. What's worse is Lex might be harmed in the endeavor as well. Since the sun isn't good for any vampire, but the young ones handle it better. Meria's alternative is an abandoned cellar where the two could hide out and make some more preparations. Make it a temporary thing. Mistress' worry is that the hunter will find them if they stay too much longer, since he's the one that has managed to kill every other member of her race. Finally, she turns to you. "Vhat do you zink my cherry blossom? What do you zink would best protect us?"
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Victoria Mason; Location: Earth 2467: A bar; Tag: Alexis, Vampire Mistress; Mood: Aloof;
Aspect: Endlessly curious scientist; Stress: Physical: [123] Mental: [123] Fate Points: 1 Refresh: 3/3
[Craft 6]

"Thank you for your courtesy father," Vic bowed and after lingering for a moment returned to her upright position, making sure not to stray too far behind the man as he leads the way.
The store was a bustling enough general store, containing any sort of necessity that they might need, Vic recognized some of it as good's that might be found it an old western show, but some of the items on sale seemed to be from a time period a bit more advanced. Come to think of it, she'd managed to figure out 'where' they were but never bothered to think about the 'when' of it... If they were to solve things here that might be an important factor... She continued her rambling thoughts as she picked out a plain-looking outfit, one which would allow her to dexterously move if needed, but wouldn't show too much skin. Once that was settled she turned her mind to more pressing matters.
'Right, now I have to think of how I'm going to save Lex, and get away from him and the vampire at the same time,' She took a deep breath thumbing through a number of the provisions the store had to offer, brushing the long blond locks of her hair out fo the way when she had to stoop to read labels. 'There's enough stuff here to build up some pretty neat stuff... but I think that simple will do me best. Flashbang, smoke bomb. Grab the pup... kitty in the confusion and then we'll try to sort out the whole vampire and church fude after that.' She sighed, taking the provisions she needed up to the front counter. Though, it seemed that Father Anderson was a bit preoccupied. Perfect. After putting the stuff on his tab she scuttled off to the changing room once more, assembling her homemade pyrotechnics unnoticed!
"I'm all set," She approached Father Anderson, only when his gaze softened enough that it didn't seem likely she was interrupting a thought. "I'll take you over to the brothel as soon as you're ready." She touched the handle of her gun and nodded that she was prepared for what needed to be done. Allowing the duo to set off for the brothel.