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The Sketch Pad


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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So yeah, I've decided to start up another thread instead of necro'ing my old two. This'll include both normal and hentai images which will hopefully be updated on a semi-regular/regular basis as I'm trying to get back into drawing again.

Anywho, onto the pictures.

This first piece is of Isabella Greenway and Grace Vasser, mine and Squid's characters from Super Boarding School (SBS) respectively. I did actually start this about a month or so ago, but only now decided to finish it. Having not worked in an image editting program for many months (or at least not properly) this took me about 8 hours over two days to finish.

I'm pretty pleased with how this picture turned out, especially the shading on the two girls' clothes.

The second piece is a hentai picture of a Froslass (a Pokemon), which probably isn't to everyones tastes but it's one of the two pictures I've worked on this week so I've decided to post it. This only took me about three hours to line and add colour and it probably shows it. But it was mostly used to get back into using my graphic tablet and Sai.

Anyway, that's it for this post, I should hopefully have another picture finished this weekend, this time one that I started ages ago for Lurker but never got round to adding shade/lighting.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Nice to see ya back to posting stuff again :3
Re: The Sketch Pad

It's great to see it finished. It did come out well. The Frolass one honestly does kinda crack me up, but it's good too.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Are you gonna be doing random artwork here? Like for example, will this just be your artwork or will you be doing your doujins here too?

Im not sure what to expect here is all >.>
Re: The Sketch Pad

@Lurker: Yeah, I've been planning on starting drawing again for about a month or so now, done a few rough sketches but I've packed my scanner away so I won't be able to start work on them until I move into my flat. I will be doing some stuff straight onto my laptop though.

@Squid: I really like it too, glad that the first piece I've worked on properly for quite a number of months turned out as well as it did. There's one or two minor things with it that bug me but overall I'm really pleased with it.

@Enzeru: This thread is just for my artwork, photo's and short pieces of writing. Doujins, ongoing stories and the like will be in their own threads.
Re: The Sketch Pad

@Froslass: LULZ

@SBS characters: The only thing you might want to work on is proportion. I mean, maybe I can't really say much, seeing as I enjoy Wapsi Square, but your characters there seem stretched, and the heads seem just a tad big. Other than that, I like pretty much everything else about the picture.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Yeah, that's what happens after not drawing properly for god knows how long. Some of the proportions are the minor things that I'm not pleased with, but they did occur while I was lining it. I would fix them but it would require me either starting the picture all over again or chopping it into pieces and fixing each piece until it all looked better, and it's such a minor thing to me that I can't be bothered with all that work.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Wow, has it really been over a month? Anyway, finished a sketch today, not the best and there's bound to be a fair few errors but I've finalised it now. It's my character Eleanor for Tassadar's PbP Demon Gate.

Warning, big image is big. And yes I'm well aware she's missing a hand, that's because I couldn't be arsed to fiddle around drawing it in. I had a bad enough time trying to get the ruffles as well as her breasts and corset done properly.


I have had some idea's for sketches during the past month or so but I doubt anyone would want to see them once they're sketched up. They're images I'll be using to get several friends back for trolling me both in real life and on Facebook.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Not knowing much about Tassadar's Demon Gate PbP, the picture really captures a steampunk feel. Everything from the colours used to the actual garments she's wearing. Good capture.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Not knowing much about Tassadar's Demon Gate PbP, the picture really captures a steampunk feel. Everything from the colours used to the actual garments she's wearing. Good capture.

Yeah, that's the feeling I was trying to go for, and thanks. What I intended on being a 4-6 hour max picture turned out to take about 15 hours. Started it about 1pm yesterday and finished the line art (minus the minor modifications I did this morning) at about midnight. Then continued it at about a little after 9am today and finished it about 1pm. Guess that's partly my fault though for not drawing anything worthwhile for quite awhile.

This is actually the fourth attempt at drawing it, when I first started it I couldn't really get the original pose down that I wanted to do properly so I scrapped that and tried several other poses until finally I came to this pose. Then I had trouble getting the corset aligned properly with her breasts, I still don't think I've got it 100% perfect but it'll do. I had a similar problem with the ruffles, I've never really drawn anything that featured them before so that took a bit of work to get down properly. Though I'm not sure the ruffles on the right are all that good, they seem to be sticking out too much for my liking. Then finally once the line art was finished I ran into a couple of other issues; her legs, left arm and torso seemed too chunky for her body so I had to carve them down until I was happy. Of course being me I'm never happy but like with everything else it'll do. Though her breasts seem to have increased in size since I shaved her torso down, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Though overall I guess I'm not disappointed with the picture, though I do admit it could be a whole lot more better. Had to browse a shitton of Steampunk fashion websites to get the overall Steampunk feel though. One thing I am happy about is the colour scheme. At first I wasn't too sure on the colour for the half skirt/ruffles, I was thinking about using a lighter colour. But now looking at it after a couple of hours I'm pretty happy with it. Same with her shorts, I was thinking about doing a darker shade but looking at it now it balances out the light/dark aspect of the outfit quite well.
Re: The Sketch Pad

I think the only things that really popped out that could be improved is that her left breast seems larger and slightly pointier than her right, and the wrist is a little thin. But the ruffles seem good to me.

I think the lighter colours you did choose for her lower garments work well. The whole colour scheme does.
Re: The Sketch Pad

I wish I could draw people like you could. I can only draw backgrounds and stuff :(
Re: The Sketch Pad

Just popped in this thread for the first time, and wow I really like your drawing of Eleanor. My favorite part is her eye. That blue eye is really beautiful. You can even see the sorta...wet eye quality like a sea of blue topaz. The accessories is a cute touch too. ^_^ Good job!

Maybe I should check out your Eleanor story in DG.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Is it odd that I was wondering what the hell you were talking about for a minute before realising you were talking about one of my pictures? Anyway thanks, though I think the eyes are actually the weakest part. At least I'm not that fussed on them, I normally do them so much better. That being said there's no shading/lighting on the picture so that could be the reason why I think the eyes look shit.

Anyway, a friend has asked if I could draw a picture of a character from a short story he's written up and I've said yes because it'll give me an excuse to test out my new tablet. And Robdelobe has said I can line one of his pencil sketches so you may see that here at some point too. May or may not colour it, depends on how I feel, though I'm in no way taking credit for the art.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Oooooh! Now you've got me anticipating this. Before you say anything; I want it to be a suprise. But yeah, this will be pretty cool. Just a heads up, still haven't start on your request. I'm lagging on my other project and am trying to catch up. So yeah... I'll get on it soon, though.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Oh hey, I forgot this thread existed. Anyway, worked on a new drawing recently, my maid for Blarg's game in Maid RPG;

(Big image is big)

And from now on I plan on doing one new picture a week to try and get back into drawing again.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Interesting piece there. But good luck on getting back into drawing.
Re: The Sketch Pad

GJ Oni. Your art is amazing. Keep up the good work~.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Still two days to go so I haven't missed this weeks picture yet. Speaking of I'm currently working on a God Tier Eridan picture, which will probably only have the lined art up this week. I also sketched up a God Tier Sollux picture on the train home today so once I've installed my scanner and finished the Eridan picture I'll be working on that.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Oh hey, I forgot this thread existed. Anyway, worked on a new drawing recently, my maid for Blarg's game in Maid RPG;

(Big image is big)

And from now on I plan on doing one new picture a week to try and get back into drawing again.

Cool. I remember seeing that in your album.