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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Tom hesitates before letting out a resigned sigh. "This way, miss."

The street urchin leads Helena and Cindy to the poor part of the town, past hordes of beggars. Tom seems to wander aimlessly through the streets, until finally leading them into a back alley. Just as he's about to reach a door, Helena feels something touch her belt, and then the weight of her purse disappears. As the thief starts running, Cindy already has her dagger out, and she manages to stab the thief, but her blade only causes a shallow wound on his arm.

Initiative: Cindy, Helena, thief.
Status: Helena: unhurt Cindy: unhurt Thief: lightly wounded
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena curses under her breath even as Cindy lashes out, turning and letting her bow slide into her hand as she drew an arrow, she took careful aim and let it fly, not about to let anyone run off with that money. "You Son of a Bitch!"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The arrow hits the thief in the back, but though he staggers, he continues running. Onlookers are rapidly disappearing from the scene, apart from three men who appear at the end of the alley. Cindy quick yells: "Thief!" Dropping her dagger and shooting at the thief as well, her arrow passing the man's arm close enough to leave a bleeding gash. The thief staggers, but continues running.

Initiative: Cindy, Helena, thief.
Status: Helena: unhurt Cindy: unhurt Thief: heavily wounded Unknown men: unhurt
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena doesn't miss a beat, knowing he was still in range and that the window was fast closing. Knocking another arrow, she drew it back to her ear, let out her breath as she looked down the shaft, and let go of the arrow in a single fluid motion, her archery lessons coming back to her far more naturally then she thought they would. "No one steals from me..." She muttered as she let the arrow go.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shoots true, her arrow catching the heel of the thief, causing the unlucky urchin to fall down with a curse, going limp as he hits the street hard, sliding a few more feet before coming to stop. The three men make no move to interfere, though they're watching Helena and Cindy with interest. Tom seems to have managed to disappear along with most of the beggars.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sprints up to the fallen thief, calling to the onlookers after snatching her purse back. "Help me get him inside somewhere and there's 5 bridles in it for each of you, I have no interest in having his death on my hands." She shouted, Trying to get her arm under the urchins and lift him. "I can help you, but don't test my patience anymore" She whispered hurriedly. "Well Come on! You want free gold or do you want to piss off the angry woman with the bow?" She asked looking at the men.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

None of the men seems interested in helping Helena. A closer look would tell Helena that they're all wearing maille to go with the swords on their hips. "You'd be the one they call Helena?"

Cindy follows Helena more slowly, an arrow nocked but not drawn, looking at the men suspiciously.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Cindy, Run. NOW!, Get back to the Inn, I don't care how and find Jasmine* Helena sent over hurriedly, her mental tone leaving no argument.

"What of it." She said in a clipped tone as she layed the urchin against the wall, knocking another arrow and getting ready for another fight. This could be so bad...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The thief doesn't seem to be bleeding heavily, but he's unconscious and has lost quite a bit of blood. Cindy puts her bow back to the quiver and looks around, trying to find a way out.

None of the men draw their swords, or try to get closer. "Malken wants to see you. And your friends, too. Interested?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena doesn't aim at anyone, but still keeps the arrow knocked just in case. "I'll go with you, without a fuss, but my friend is not to be involved in any way yet, don't blame a girl for being cautious. As for my Sister, which I'm sure you already know about, she won't deal with you until I have and that's not me being cautious, it's just a fact of life."

Taking a deep breath and relaxing, Helena made a show of complacency by putting the arrow away and putting the bow back on her shoulder before handing the purse to Cindy. *Cindy, I don't know if they'll take the offer, but if they do, help the boy.*

Walking slowly towards them, Helena nodded. "Lets go, I promise full cooperation" she said quietly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man sighs and pulls out an envelope. "Not so fast, darling. Tonight. Here's directions." Walking towards Helena, he hands her the envelope. "Come alone or with your friends, either way. And don't try anything funny." Turning away, the three thugs leave Helena and Cindy alone in the alley.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena holds the envelope and stares into the mans eyes before he turns to leave. "I won't, But you're not winning any favours by letting a young boy bleed in the streets. We could have talked about this while I was treating him" Helena said coldly before snatching the envelope away and picking up the urchin.

"Come on, lets get him somewhere quiet and patch him up" Helena said heading for the door Tom had been about to open and carrying the lad inside.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The men seem completely indifferent to the fate of the young urchin and they leave quickly, disappearing to the crowds that are once again flowing to the alley from the streets.

The door leads to what seems to be an alchemists laboratory, its air heavy with dozen different stenches and with a one-legged man sitting next to a table, staring at Helena. "Don't you know how to knock, woman?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles at the man inside, letting the anger of the situation fade away before showing the man the arrow sticking out of the urchins back. "I do, but this is called for and I also need something special from you as well. I apologise for the intrusion." Helena said laying the boy down on the floor. "If you don't want to see something illegal, then turn away for a few moments" Helena said quietly, gesturing for Cindy to stand between her and the man as she got to work removing the arrow and muttering the words to the healing spell Jasmine had taught her on both his back, and his leg as many times as she needed to.

Only when that was finished did she turn around and look at the man. "I need deadly nightshade, I know you deal in poisons, and If you forget that little display, I'll never betray your expertise to another soul, my word." Helena said seriously.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man sniffs at Helena and continues working on whatever he's doing. The boy doesn't wake up, but at least he's not bleeding anymore, and his wounds seem to be well in their way to healing.

Turning to look at Helena as she makes her request, the man regards her coldly, before pulling out a vial from his desk and showing it to Helena. "40 bridles."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks at the man, trying to gain his measure a bit. She was getting awfully tired of everyone's attitude, still, he had what she needed. Shaking her head, she thought for a minute. "What I need is the plant before its been used" She said. "As much as that would be useful to me for something else, I don't need anything more then the herb itself right now."
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man nods and points to a shelf behind him. "Would you mind serving yourself? You can have the whole jar for 10 bridles."

Behind the man there's a large shelf with numerous jars and bottles, each meticulously labeled, including a jar labeled "nightshade" filled with berries.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Cindy, Pay the good man" Helena said, tucking the jar into her quiver. Turning back, she looked at the boy and sighed, rubbing her temples and thinking.

Shouldering the lad, she wondered what to do with him. Part of her recoiled at the idea of picking up strays, but he was also just a child. Shaking her head an sighing, she tried to shake him awake, not wanting to have to carry him all the way back to the Inn if she didn't have to once they were outside. "Oi, Kid! Wake up."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy pays the man, who seems eager for them to leave. As Helena shakes the kid, he groans, looking around disoriented.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena carefully sets him on his own feet, looking him in the eyes and holding his shoulders "No punishment, no reprisal. Take this, and Go Home." Helena said tucking a bridle into his hand and ruffling his hair before turning and leaving. It tore at her heartstrings that a child needed to steal to get by, hopefully the coin would see him over for a bit. And likely, as a child, he would tell others, and word would get around. She also needed to have a little chat with Tom, who had Vanished earlier when things had gotten hairy. Patting the envelop tucked in the front of her armour, Helena headed off towards the Inn.

When she got there, she would sit down, toss Jasmine the jar, open the envelope, and read it carefully, sharing the entire event with her Sister and wondering about what the hell this Malken guy wanted badly enough to send for them in such a manner. It was puzzling, she had never heard the name before.

She would wait to talk to Tom for now, and focus on the ritual instead, wanting to blow off some steam and replenish her reserves after the shitty morning and the confusing interactions.