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The Storm War RP

Re: The Storm War RP

Well, whats the best way to get a hold of the players?

I know, we'll Fox them!

Re: The Storm War RP

Pheonix and I are neenja posters :p
Re: The Storm War RP

Neenja? Is that some retarded version of a ninja?
Re: The Storm War RP

Yes, it is often characterized by:

1)Wearing an orange jumpsuit all the time
2)Using a kunai for melee fighting
3)Shouting some inane catchphrase all the time, and thinking it makes them cooler

Re: The Storm War RP

And naming all their attacks?
That is not reserved for neenja's, but it is a trait they share with other types of ridiculously powerful characters.
#44) Law of Nominative Clamovocation - The likelihood of success and damage done by a martial arts attack is directly proportional to the volume at which the full name of the attack is announced (known as the Kamehameha effect).
Re: The Storm War RP

Okay...No more hold up on the Imperials. Tomoe's character has been GM-Dropped for inactivity.
Re: The Storm War RP

OMG Thank you Wolf. Sorry Tomoe if this is harsh on you. >.<
Re: The Storm War RP

How long until the Imperials reach Fort Shard? This day, or do they have to camp again?
Re: The Storm War RP

This day. In fact, you guys are probably already in sight of it.
Re: The Storm War RP

Alrighty, then I'll edit my post ;)
Re: The Storm War RP

Okay, maybe I missed or misread something, but I believe the group in the eastern farmlands are headed towards Fort Shard, not Fort Telladar.

I hope I missed something, some extra interaction would be great :)
Re: The Storm War RP

Shrike did get things correct. Also, the groups aren't synced on time just yet. I've got an idea, and that means that the Imperials need to be slightly "ahead" of the Kaliverans. However, the current count of items remains the same.
Re: The Storm War RP

So fort shard and not fort telledar? Ok. Editing and changing post.
Re: The Storm War RP

Pale, Shrike, have your characters head to the Forest of Twilight. That'll act as a staging area for when the Imperial Group makes it to their item.
Re: The Storm War RP

Shadow, if you could throw in a progress report or something else to push the imperial group along: there is only so much casual conversation that we can ramble out and I think we're somewhat dry at the moment.
Re: The Storm War RP

Yes. Fort Selan thread please =/. Sorry for whining >.<
Re: The Storm War RP

Fort Selan thread is up. However, I still don't think that the Imperial group has spent enough time travelling.
Re: The Storm War RP

Like in total, or just to Selan? Cause Isha and Kiyo only walked for a couple hours before we requested a thread jump. Sometimes there's just nothing to say...