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The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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In the harsh desert lands an ancient temple, long buried, rose from it's sandy tomb and attracted many to its once glorious halls. Anubites flocked to the temple, only to find the desert uncovering the rest of the city, and a great treasure. For they had found a place their ancestors used to call home, filled with tombs and riches.

And a buried oasis.

Thus they recruited Yerak and his family to work for them, giving him a place to live and work. When the unfortunate... incident occurred, they were quick to offer him (and a few others) a position as a guard.

Thus he stands, ever vigilant (for six hours day, at least), guarding a tomb of riches beyond his imagination. But others are also drawn to this fantastical oasis city and his abilities will soon be put to the test as a cloud of dust in the distance draws ever nearer.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Another day under the scorching sun. Another day in the blazing heat. Another day with sand gathering between his toes. Yerak sighed heavily, it wasn't the most exciting of duties, but he did it without a fuss, it did bring food on the table for his family, what remained of it, after all. Sometimes he wished for something more exciting however, a chance to adventure, that he would be given a task that wasn't 'walk between point a and point b, and make sure no trouble happens'.

Still, it was what his father and brothers had been doing, and the warped man knew of little else to do. He shifted a bit, one hand letting go of the warmaul he held resting over one of his shoulder, in order to shift his simple desert garb a little. It was a sleeveless robe with split sides, bleached bone in color, with dirt and dust on the lower edges of the splitsided lower part of it. Around his forearms, hands, lower legs and feet there were bandage wrappings, and apart from this and his maul there wasn't much to him. Except the lengthy spines extending from his back, twitching from time to time as if sensing their surroundings, not that they had ever done much good for him apart from getting in the way. The wrappings barely kept his boneplates on his body hidden either, as ragged and tattered as they were.

Only a small glimpse of him would be enough for anyone to see that he were a Direling, a warped freak of nature, much larger than what is considered average, or even large, among Jaculus-kind. He wasn't born that way, but such was his life. His so far dreadfully boring life as far as today was concerned.
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Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

As the roiling cloud of dust got closer, Yerak could begin to make out a few shapes, other members of his race and they seemed to be armed.


"Oi, girl! Can you move any faster?" A grumpy old, one-eyed Jaculus called to Lavinia. "We need to reach the Tomb before the sun gets any higher. This place will roast you alive if you're out too long in it." He gestured to figure they were getting closer to, "They've only got one guard out, we should be able to take him ourselves."
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Pulling up her scarf to properly hide her face, Lavinia was getting agitated by her partners attitude. Then again, he was the only one who was willing to pull off this raid and that much she was thankful for. " I know, I know. I've lived here long enough to know that. I may be young but I'm not stupid." Glancing At the far off figure, she breathed a sigh if relief. Usually those dogs kept more then one guard at these locations. Seemed in their arrogance, they got lazy. "Let take him out quick. I'd rather not have an Anubites lap dog get in the way. We just need to flank him and he'll go down quick" The young woman gripped her weapon tight, waiting for the word go.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

The two bandits began their approach, the elder swaggering forward in his arrogance. However as they got closer Lavinia's companion drew in a deep, sharp breath and, with his eyes bugging out of his head in fear, "It's the direling!" he almost shouted, before turning tail and running back the way they'd came.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak blinked his eyes open, one of his large ears lazily twitching in attention as he looked out towards the desert, towards the two approaching persons. Armed, scraggly looking... Nomads, vagabonds, or petty thieves. He scowled a bit, and began to walk forward, his long tail swishing back and forth slowly, pensively, as he figured he'd try the diplomatic approach first.

Only to get a fairly typical reaction. One of his own kind almost screaming bloody murder over what Yerak had became, that definitely put the two strays in the latter categories. He took a firm grip of his mauls shaft with both hands, holding the weapon of blunt destruction at the ready as he called out. "State yer business! By the looks of yer scurrying I assume yer bandits, you have a handful of seconds to tell me why yer sorry arses are here, or I'll start beating you up, is that clear?", his voice was of the mildly agitated sort, he certainly had little desire, even less patience, to put up with how strangers reacted to his appearance.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

She scowled at her cowardly partner, upset that he would so easily run away because of one damn direling. She yelled at her fleeing companion. "Coward! Fine more spoils for me!" She glared back at the direling, pure hate in her eyes. Loyal pets of the dogs no doubt. He even had the nerve to call out to the pair, or more accurately, to her. Not fearing the twisted being, the redheaded bandit moved forward, stopping to address the traitor. "I see little cause to answer to traitors. One who would sell out his people to the dogs." Knowing she had little to lose, she tore off her her scarf revealing her face to the guard.

"Lap dog. If you do not wish to die today, then step aside and let me claim the riches of those who destroyed my life. If not, then you will face my fury!" With a yell, she charged headlong at the direling, hoping to take him by surprise.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak rose a brow as the female Jaculus approached him, and let his maul slide off his shoulder and to the right of him, letting go with his hand on the same side so he could drag it forward a bit and prop it up, both his palms resting on the butt of the shaft as he slightly leant forward, resting his chin on his knuckles. A look of complete and utter dismissal to him as he listened to the woman before him, until she called him a traitor, which made him scowl.

"Traitor? What're you calling me a traitor for? Yeah I work for the hounds, so what?", his eyes widened slightly as the Jaculus before him tore off her scarf, a glint in his eyes as he jerked up attentively, his tail tensing slightly. "Man, yer a pretty face, aren't you? I think I've seen yer mug somewhere before... Valenea or something? Some small-time bandit?", he grinned mockingly as he heard the womans challenge, and undauntedly stepped back, pulling his maul up in his hands. "Stand aside? Is my bloody job guarding this place! I ain't letting yer pretty tush walk anywhere you want just like that!"

Yerak was no slouch in combat, but the female Jaculus' speed had him beat, not that it mattered to him, he already knew what he wanted to do with an opponent that pretty. And breaking some legs wasn't it. He swung the butt of his maul forward, his regular strikes would be too slow, he wanted to knock her weapon away, see her panic a little... All while a crazed grin crossed his lips and a predatory gleam shone in his eyes. The hunt was on!

[Action: Disarm, Spends 3+5=8SP to use, 1d10+5 VS Valinia's Hit]
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak pushes forward, swinging the butt of his maul to match her sword strike, and to Lavinia's surprise he hits her weapon and knocks it from her hand with great force.

She watches dismayed at the blade lands a few feet to her left.

So, initiative was Yerak: 10+4 and Lavinia: 3+7 and The attack was Yerak: 6+5 vs Lavinia 1+5

is that how this works?
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

The proud womans face twisted in rage as the man so casually dismissed her remarks. He instead seemed intent of belittling her and trying to throw her off guard. "My name is Lavinia, lap dog. And I took only what I needed to survive and only from the hounds. Not like they need more food anyway." Her rage at the Anubites was strong. Strong enough to drive her to common banditry. But it seemed they had taken notice and had put a bounty on her. A terrible prospect. But she wouldn't have to worry about it long as she was confident she'd defeat the direling and be on her way, slightly richer to boot. Her target was close. Now was the time to strike!

Taking a swing at the beast and his massive weapon, she was certain her speed would win over the day over his size and strength. But that confidence was shattered when the Jaculus stuck her weapon hand with the butt of his maul, sending her bronze blade tumbling into the dirt. No! This was just what she was afraid of! She watched the weapon tumble a few feet away before noticing the wicked grin in the direlings eyes. She couldn't let him win! Stumbling back a few feet, the proud bandit took action and attempted to grab her blade, either by reaching for it or by diving at it. She could only hope the guard wouldn't stonewall her efforts.
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Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak grinned widely as he managed to knock the blade out of his opponents hand; being versatile had its perks! A good lesson from dear old dad that he had taken to heart. Too bad it hadn't helped the old man in the end. He scowled. "Just because they got an abundances gives you no right to steal, Lavi. You -earn- your keep around here, hound or not!", the way he had said 'Lavi' was as if she were one of his kind, a fellow Jaculus, not some bandit with a bounty he was about to bring in for a reward. And the tone to his voice... He was chastising her for her choice of living.

As the female Jaculus dashed to the side, Yerak did the same, but moved to intercept the nimbler female, and turned sharply, swinging his weapons heavy head along in a wide arc, trying to slam it into her stomach or side! "Give up already, pretty flowers like you ain't gonna last against freaks like me!", he growled the words out, in a predatory, feral manner that no natural Jaculus could produce; a clear sign of his corrupted status.

[Action: Attacks Valinia]
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Lavinia scrambled to reach her weapon with a dive, only to be intercepted by the maul crashing into her side. She could feel her ribs cracking under the blow and the wind was knocked from her body, leaving her gasping. However, she did land within arm's reach of her weapon. Yerak's blow carried him a little farther forward than he expected, and he would need to shift to regain his balance before striking again.

For the turn, Yerak got an 8 while Lavinia got a 7 and for the actions Lavinia's agility almost won out at a 12 (penalties because she was diving for the weapon) but Yerak's attack of 15 got her good. So, 16 damage to Lavinia, you keeping up Aust?
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

The tribal turned bandit was hardly in the mood to try and have a philosophical debate with a traitor. Who was that man to speak of her experiences?! Did he not know how much she suffered? All her friends and family taken, leaving her all alone. At first, the sadness nearly consumed her, but she persevered. She stood up and decided to fight back. Little did she know, fighting back was about to change her life for good, maybe costing her everything.

As she lept for her weapon, she felt the sudden impact of the direlings hammer in her side. The blow sent her crashing to the desert floor, rolling a few feet in the process. The blow knocked the wind right out of her and she began clenching her side as she tried to catch her breath. This pain, coupled with the lack of air, was making this fight all the harder. But fortune did favor her however as she saw her weapon was nearby. The bandit scrambled to pick it up, gripping the handle of her bronze blade tight. Now was the time to turn the tide! Not wasting a moment, she slowly picked herself up, gripping her side with her free hand. When she finally got back to her feet, she faced her enemy, an expression that was pain mixed with a slight hint of defiance. If Yerak looked close enough, he could tell she was struggling to keep herself up, her stance shaky and unbalanced. Coupled with the immense pain she was feeling, she would be near useless if the fight dragged out. She even tried to taunt him, her words broken by the heaviness of her breathing. "Do...Do you think thats...going...to stop me?! N...Never! So long...as I am still...breathing...I will continue...to fight."
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Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

As the female was sent tumbling, Yerak stopped and steadied himself, and gave her plenty of time to get her weapon and stand back up, his unwavering gaze focused solely on her. One of his large ears twitched a little and he bared his teeth, growling threateningly at Lavi's words, eyes narrowing dangerously. "Fine then! If yer not surrendering, then yer life is forfeit! On yer knees or with yer head held high, I do not care which, yer not walking away from here either way!", he growled out, and dashed forward, and spun around, taking the long way around as he swung his face, spinning a full circle before finally taking the swing; aiming for the female Jaculus legs. A good hit just might break a leg if Lavinia was unlucky. Yerak didn't care. She would've had brought such pain upon herself for not surrendering.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Lavinia manages an astonishing display of agility with her cracked ribs and manages to dance backwards out of the range of Yerak's blow and, even more surprisingly, land a glancing one of her own! Yerak's balance is upset by this turn of events, and Lavinia looks like she's nearly ready to drop.

Already tired of typing up numbers. Deal with it. Fish, take 10 damage
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

All things considered, Lavinia was impressed that she was even able to land a glancing blow on the beast. But her injury from before was beginning to act up, her cracked ribs causing a searing pain in her side. As she tumbled back from the blow, she gripped her side and howled in pain. "Damn it! Blazing hell fire this hurts!" As she yelled, she dropped to her knees, clenching her side the whole time, her weapon falling on the ground next to her . She realized that she was in no position to do any more fighting, lest her rib injury turn into something much worse, or the direling actually manages another hit. She knew her luck wouldn't hold out for much longer. Digging into one of the pouches on her belt, she pulled out a surprisingly clean white handkerchief. She waved it in the air with her free arm, before yelling out to the direling. "Please...I give up. I can't...I can't fight anymore. My ribs...hurt too much." Much as she hated doing this, even she had to admit something. There were plenty of things worth dying for, and riches were not one of them. She could only pray that the creature would show her some mercy.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak growled annoyedly as his heavy swing didn't connect, but it had been a gamble after all, but as he regained his balance, the pained cries of his opponent brought a wry grin to his lips. As he managed to recompose himself for another attack however, the female Jaculus fell to her knees, making him hesitate, and then he saw her pulling out a white flag. He growled loudly and angrily at the sight, and then walked towards her with heavy, forced steps, and unless she were bluffing and hadn't given up, he'd snatch the handkerchief out of her hand. "I expected more from you, especially after fighting words like that! Put yer hands on yer back so I can tie them. My shift is soon over, so if you don't try anything, I just might take you to a healer before I hand you in."

Yerak scowled, grumbling and growling annoyedly if Lavi went through with the treatment, it would be either her handkerchief tying her wrists together, or a bit of rough rope if the first wasn't enough to properly tie her up. "My name is Yerak, but freak works too, now get talking. About what, I don't care, the story of yer life if you got nothing else. You denied me a good scrap, now you'll entertain me another way.", Yerak was still frustrated, and while he might be a little rough in tying up Lavi, and when he dragged her back to nearest spot of shade, and his manners weren't nice either, but still he wanted to hear her talk, anything to keep him from going crazier on grounds of being bored out of his skull.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

As Yerak approached the terrified bandit girl, a million thoughts ran through hear head as to just what he was going to do to her. Was he going to lull her into safety by accepting her surrender, only to cave her skull in when she wasn't looking? With the direlings, it was difficult to tell. But her fears were slightly put at ease when he took the handkerchief from her hand, scolding her all the while. "I apologize if I didn't provide you with enough sport to keep you entertained. Injuries have a tendency to dampen ones spirit" Her words were much softer now, not bearing the same sting as they did before. So placed her hands on her back and allowed the man to tie her up with a length of rough rope. Well, this was it. This was where her story ended. Where she was put to death or sold off as punishment for her months of crime.

Buy what happened next confused her. Instead of dragging her away like she expected him too, the direling struck up a conversation. Seemed the lack of a good fight had bored the aggressive creature, whom she now knew was called Yerak. And it seemed she had to provide him with entertainment till his work shift was over. A strange turn of events, but she was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth."Well, Sir Yerak, since I already told you my name, I guess it wouldn't hurt to fill you in on my story." She spent the time telling Yerak of her old home, a small village to the south west. How hers and several other families wanted to make an attempt at organizing her people, maybe even expand to a town or city eventually. She told him of how slavers, hired by the Anubites began kidnapping villagers before eventually they were all gone, save for her. She told him about her decision to turn to banditry and the desperation she felt in making that decision. She kept the details of her crimes silent, not wanting to give the direling more fuel to feed the Anubites when they decided on how to punish her. She finished her story, unsure of how much time actually passed. She could only hope her captor was entertained by her story.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

As Lavinia made excuses, Yerak growled loudly at her. "Shut yer trap, 'fighting to my last breath', and then this? Yer only shaming yerself further, girl.", he was frustrated more than anything, and while he had just snapped at the female Jaculus, it had been more that and less him being angry that was heard in his voice. Guard duty was dull and boring, and the few times he actually got himself in a fight were the only times he had any fun. And she had ruined that.

Still, Yerak couldn't help but recoil in shock, and chuckle aloud in disbelief, as soon as Lavi called him 'Sir Yerak'. "Wahahaha! Are you for real?! 'Sir', ME? Aren't you all kinds of precious, dear 'Lady'?", he grinned widely, his tone humored, yet mockingly jesting, and he even had a smile on his lips. Once he recomposed himself and gave Lavi a chance to finish her sentence, he'd bluntly speak, "But yeah, go ahead, tell yer story, and I'll listen.", and if nothing else, Yerak would prove to be a good listener. Never once would he interrupt the story, and even if he kept looking out over the desert around them, he'd never look or act disinterested or distant, he was there, listening to her every word.

When she came to the conclusion of her story, he looked much the same as when she had begun, indifferent. "Tough life, huh? Guess wer not all that different. Well, yer much prettier than I am. And I still have my ma and lil brother left.", he took a deep breath, and sighed softly, followed by looking around himself as if he suddenly grew restless. If there were no signs of his shift ending soon, he'd grumbled lowly and reached for his belt, plucking up a small canteen. It wasn't his, but the hounds were kind enough to let him borrow it during his job. He uncorked it and took a small swig, followed by licking his lips clean of leftover water. A wry smile on his lips as he turned his head, looking down at Lavinia. "Yer getting thirsty, hmm? Want a gulp or two?", he'd slightly jostle the canteen, making the water within slosh audibly. If Lavinia answered 'Yes', audibly or visually, Yerak would crouch down by her side, and grin. "A kiss for a mouthful of water, whatcha say? Fair trade?"
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

The growl that came from the mutated Jaculus almost turned the young woman white as she almost tumbled back in fear. However, with her hands tied, she could do little to actually distance herself."P...Please. Do not be angry with me! Those words...they...they were spoken out of arrogance and naivete. I was...I was just..." She had little else to say. The man was making some solid points and she was only sounding stupider by the second.

And it seemed her calling him "sir" had struck a rather strange cord with the giant of a Jaculus, who seemed to find the idea very silly. However, he only made her feel worse about the decision with his jests, even if she was finally seeing him happy for something other then wanting to kill something. Thankfully he was at least nice enough to allow her to tell her story.

And it seemed her tale had at least interested the man enough to have him sympathize with her. Seemed he was no stranger to hardship either and it almost made her curious enough to ask. But she didn't want to turn the man angry with incessant questions. And she also couldn't help but turn slightly red at his pretty comment. Seemed even the beast was capable of some measure of politeness. "It's...good that you still have someone to return home to. I'm hoping to find my parents and buy them back. Pay their owner double for them if they're still alive." If the male Jaculus paid attention, he could see the girl had a determined look on her face, confident she would save her family. But she couldn't help but feel a little bit warm, as the sun continued to beam down on her. And it seemed to be bothering her captor as well, who was taking a drink from a canteen. It was almost like he was taunting her. But a ray of hope! He was offering her some. "Yes, I would love some. I was close to passing..." Her sentence trailed off however as the man laid out his terms for the water. A kiss?! Was he out of his mind?! She couldn't say yes, it was lunacy! But the days heat was starting to get to her and the armor she was wearing wasn't helping much either. No having much option, she girl moved her head forward a bit, closing her eyes as she puckered her lips slightly. Her inexperienced now on full display, she must have looked like a total fool. But sacrifices needed to be made if she wanted to get any water.