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The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak had given Lavinia an odd, questioning, look as she spoke of one day buying out her own family, and sighed heavily as she slowly shook his head, but didn't say anything about the matter, and had instead moved onto his little ploy regarding the water canteen. As amusing as Lavinia's reaction had been, he had to keep his laughter down, and as she finally closed her eyes and puckered her lips... He slightly tilted his head, rose one hand up, and as his lips touched against hers, his hand lightly placed against the back of her head. He was gentle and careful with her, his hand on her head was more so he could caress her then keeping her from pulling away, but she might be dissuaded from doing so out of fear alone. The kiss was light and tender, with tongues involved unless Lavi herself made an attempt at such, and even then he'd do so in a gentle manner. And he made the kiss last for some time before pulling away, and held up the canteen to Lavinia's lips.

Holding the canteen for Lavinia, he'd set the pace for the flow by angling it from time to time, letting the water flow in small mouthfuls at a time for the female jaculus to savor, while he spoke. "Listen, Lavinia, if I were you? I'd forget about my parents. Yer a bandit now. If you walked in with a purse of coins, they'd grab you for yer bounty, turn you in, and keep yer purse ontop of it. You turned to a life of banditry, and now, that life is over. Yer caught. And I ain't going to let you go.", Yerak kept the canteen to Lavinia's lips, making sure to pace the flow slowly, drawing it out so she couldn't talk back, and he certainly didn't seem to care that he was giving her far, far more than a single mouthful; she was getting half of a full canteen's worth of water, if she chose to accept it. "That fire in yer eyes earlier? That was real pretty. And right now? Dying embers is all I see. I certainly ain't rekindling them, but if yer handed to the hounds, so that they can do what they do with bandits like you? There wouldn't even be that left in your eyes. Real shame, if you ask me, since yer such a pretty lady.", he sighed quietly, and whenever Lavinia decided she had had enough water, be it once the canteen was empty, or she had finally had enough and wanted to retort, Yerak would casually pull the canteen away, and drink the last drops that remained if any did.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

She knew she must have looked silly, her face sticking forward and her eyes closed, as if that would actually make a difference. But before she could say anything, she felt something she did not expect: his hand, gently placed on against the back of her head. Seemed the beast had a soft spot after all, but she could not afford to be rude. He was cradling her as if they were lovers. His tongue and hers exploring their opposites, like what a married couple would do. This action repulsed the bandit as she was surprised at how willing she was to do so. The bandit in her was yelling at her to stop, to clamp down and bite off his tongue as it was exploring her mouth. But a tiny fraction of her did not object. How could she so casually reject her first kiss, which, while not ideal, was still a mile stone. NO! She couldn't let her thoughts get the better of her. She just had to suffer through it. Any rash move and he could easily crush her head like a piece of fruit. She suffered through what little of it remained and was pleased that she was being rewarded for her efforts. Each drop of water was a small victory for her, as she enjoyed every sip.

But her joy would to sadness as the mutated jaculus began lecturing her. About how her mission was ultimately fruitless. That, even if she got all the money, her life of crime would finally catch up with her and make all her efforts meaningless. She was only a name and only worth as much as the bounty placed on her head. Any attempts to save them would only end in her in chains and all her money gone. The word that stung her the most however was before he finished. "You turned to a life of banditry, and now, that life is over. Yer caught. And I ain't going to let you go." He...he really couldn't mean that? She...She'd find a way! She'd get away from the damn hounds. She'd find away to raise the money. She'd use third parties to secure her parents freedom. It had to work! It just had to! She wasn't about to throw them away! But she couldn't argue as he kept the canteen to her lips, preventing her from speaking. At the same time however, she was getting more water in one sitting then she ever had in a good while. It was the only positive thought that could cross her mind as he continued to speak. How she so quickly lost the fire in her eyes but that to him, the fire wasn't worth saving if it dies out. How if he just gave her to the hounds, what little spark of resistance she had left would crumble away to despair and hopelessness. Just before the canteen was empty, she pulled herself a way, a tiny bit of water running down her lip to her chin. "Even if those damn dogs get their hands on me...I won't let them break my spirit. It's their fault I resorted to banditry and they should be punished for the wrongs they committed." Some of her earlier passion had returned to her, but to any who noticed, it was but a faint spark. Nothing compared to her words earlier. She really was running out of options and she didn't know what to do next. For the first time in her life, she didn't have the answer. And that prospect scared her.
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Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

A rather amused Dasypus cleared his throat. He was standing a few feet away, spear in hand. "I see you managed to catch something out here today. With any luck maybe I'll find my own pretty little thing." He grinned suggestively at Lavinia. "Good news, the end of your shift has arrived, if you want to take that luscious peach somewhere cooler."
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Lavinia's turned her face away from the man out of sheer embarrassment, trying to let his words get the better of her. Easy for him to make such rude and slanderous comments when it wasn't him tied up and forced to embarrass herself "I'm no thing, lap dog. I have a name." She stared daggers at the rude Dasypus as he made the suggestion that Yerak would even consider such a thing. Whispering to Yerak, she tried to clear up the haze a little. "What...What do you have planned? I thought you were going to take me to a healer first before turning me in."
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak was more than a little surprised at how quickly Lavinia went along with the kiss, but only a small smile on his lips would betray such surprise. And it wasn't like she could see it during the kiss, right? Still, he had kept his end of the bargain and would let her drink during his speech, and it did provoke some kind of reaction from her, as she pulled away before finishing. He'd raise his canteen upsidedown and savor what few drops remained, while one of his large ears twitched in attention, as if to make sure Lavi knew he was listening despite his indifferent look. That little flare of passion in her eye brought a satisfied grin to his lips though, and he didn't even try to hide it.

Her ranting about dogs and throwing blame around however, turned the grin into a frown, especially when she spoke about punishment. And as he opened his mouth to answer her, a fellow guard turned up. Yerak turned his head, looking to the Dasypus with mild agitation at first, but it quickly turned into an amused smile. "A real beaut, ain't she? Thought she could take me on just like that! I proved her wrong, of course.", as Lavinia mouthed off about 'lap dogs', Yerak shot her a harsh glare and a quiet growl, before turning back to the Dasypus. "Thank heaven for that, I oughta bring this bundle of trouble to the healers. I think I broke her a bit... Her name's Lavinia, by the way, you know, that bandit chick?", he grinned proudly, and thumped his chest. "I doubt I'll be giving the hounds this pearl, though! Far too pretty to give away, bounty or not. I wish ya good luck finding a girl this pretty. Yer gonna need it."

Yerak chuckled heartily, and then crouched as Lavinia motioned for him to come closer, and grinned a bit at the uncertainty in her words. Without further ado, he'd put his arms behind her, and whisk her off her feet. Gently, as she did have a cracked rib after all, a fact that hadn't slipped him by. And then he spoke aloud. "What I have planned? Taking you to the healers, then to the captain, and then back home! Maybe pick up something shiny to put around that pretty little neck of yers on the way home too... If you behave, that is!", he chuckled again, and nodded to the Dasypus before starting to head off, carrying both Lavi and his Hammer without too much effort.

Once he had put some distance between himself and the other guard though, his eyes hardened, and he glared at Lavinia, leaning in to whisper, his words seething. "Best you shut up with those fighting words of yers, no 'dog', 'hound', or 'lap dog' with such hostility around here, or else I just might leave ya with the hounds. What they did to you and yers might've been bad, but yer not doing yerself any favors by keeping that old wound from healing. All races got bad apples mixed with the good. I oughta be proof enough of the former existing. The hounds around here have been good to me and my family, and I ain't going to ask ya to be nice to em. Just be quiet if you got nothing nice to say."
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Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

She could tell that her words were having some effect on the man at the very least. At first, she caught sight of a satisfied grin crossing his face as she spoke with her earlier passion. But that smile was turned right around when she started slinging her insults at his employers and at his partner. As if he would be able to convince her that what she was saying was wrong. Every word of it was rock solid truth. He couldn't deny it, so all he could do was glare at the confident young girl. Her pride however was replaced by a tiny hint of shame as the direling began talking to his companion. Treating her as little more then a prize was always a good place to start. He even made his own victory seem like something much bigger then it actually was. He got in a couple lucky hits and that was all. Had he not nearly broken her ribs, she could have run circles around him and turned him into a pincushion.

While it seemed her words were not well received by the direling, she wanted to speak again, but her chance was cut off by the growl and the glare. At this point, she knew another fight would only end badly, so she quickly silenced herself. She let her captor finish his little rant. Gave his partner her name and his plans with her. The healing was almost certain, but what followed did not. He was gonna keep her? Regardless of the bounty? But wouldn't that be against the wishes of his superiors? They'd want a known fugitive behind bars, not in the hands of one of their employees. Well, then again, a part of her knew that might be the safer option as the justice system for the hounds was rather cut and dry on how to treat bandits. Not a risk she was willing to run.

Thankfully, the direling at least allowed her to ask her questions. She was a little upset that they were at first met with a grin. Did her words mean so little to him? Was it wrong for her to be concerned about her own fate? Especially given that she was now at the mercy of a direling. But she had little time to think on that as she was hoisted off her feet. At least he was gentle enough to not agitate her injury. While she nursed her wounded pride, Yerak would continue telling the wounded girl of his plan. Seemed the healer trip was a certainty still and going to see his boss, but it seemed like he wasn't joking about keeping her, much to her chagrin. Taking her...home? That could only mean one of two things and both prospects scared her. Especially with is promise to get her something "Shiny to put around that pretty little neck" That could only mean one thing: Slave collar. She'd be sharing her parents and her villages fate, the ultimate failure in her quest to restore her village. Seeing no other option, the girl's mind raced for something to say. "Please, you have to reconsider. Turn me in if you must, but after that, convince them to let you keep me then let me go when they aren't looking! After that, I'll leave this realm never to return. Maybe I'll go to the northlands or the grasslands of the east. Surely they wouldn't bat an eyelash as one girl from the desert."

Her train of thought however was interrupted once again by the mans harsh words. Seems he was trying to put a stop to her barbed tongue and her insults. He then felt the need to lecture her. Treating it as if the dogs actions were just the decision of a few bad seeds. No. In her eyes, the whole race was to blame. They actively decided that another town was too much of a risk and they had it whipped out. Even if Yerak and his family were still around, how can one act of kindness forgive the atrocity they committed? "I will hold my tongue for now, but I want to see more proof of their supposed kindness. Had they been as benevolent as you describe, then they would have spared a village of no more then 40 people. What harm could we have done? I will give you one chance, so make it a good one." Even though she was being carried, she still made demands as if she was a free woman. She was almost certain her words hurt the direling in some way and she was prepared for the repercussions.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

At hearing Lavinia's pleas, Yerak looked baffled more than anything else, but that hadn't stopped him from 'lecturing' her about her foul mouth. Her retort didn't make it any better, if anything it made things far worse. "Proof of their kindness? Well I see no proof of the cruelties you speak of, now do I? Yer calling me a liar, yet expect me to believe yer words? If the rest of yers where that stubborn maybe they...", Yerak caught himself from ranting, his words had started to take a very negative downturn, but he stopped in his speech aswell as in his tracks. After recomposing himself and taking a deep breath, he continued to walk, and talk, somewhat calmer than before.

"I don't care. Whatever happened to yer folks, you were the one that chose a life of banditry. You could've found another village, settled down, to try and live a quiet and cozy life, but no. You became a bandit. And now that life of yers ends today. And letting you go, slinking off, just like that? No girl, yer not, yer gonna live with me now, and unless you want another rib cracked, you better get used to it.", he scowled a little, and set his gaze upon Lavi's eyes, an intentful, unflinching look. "You got dealt a bad hand, you chose what to do with it, and this is where that choice have gotten you. You won't have to like it, but you better get used to it, for yer own sake.", and with those words, he continued marching onwards, hands lightly clenching onto Lavi's clothes. Just the fabric though, and not around her limbs. He wasn't going to let her go, but he didn't seem keen on hurting her further either.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

For the first time in her you life, Lavinia felt well and truly scared. For all he bold words, for all her claims and for all her harsh criticisms, she had nothing. The direlings words were harsh and scathing and as much as she wanted to counter him, she felt it would be for naught, especially in the face of such lopsided odds. She let the man rant until he finally caught himself mid sentence. Seemed even he had bouts of anger and frustration overtake him. Guess she really was getting too him, something that filled her with a tiny bit of pride

That however was sapped right out by his next words. For one, he wasn't going to let her just leave to find a new life in another part of the world. He made it abundantly clear what she could have done. She could have found another tribe or group. Work herself into their tribal structure and gain some semblance of her old life. But no. He reminded her of the choice she made out of desperation, fear and anger. And that choice led her to this: beaten tired and in the hands of a man who was going to turn her into little more then property. The though of this caused her eyes to get watery.It was getting to be all too much. At the top of her lungs, the young Jerboa woman let out a scream, before banging her fists into the direlings back. It wasn't suppose to be like this. I was suppose to live in myr little village, eventually lead it like my father. I was suppose to get married, have kids, and raise a happy family! It wasn't suppose to be this way. I did nothing wrong!

His words fell upon her like a boulder crushing an ant. The hot tempered bandit fell quite as the man gripped her weather worn outfit and carried her on. All she could do was wait.
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Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Their walk took them to a squat stone building with a very badly made wooden door. Inside showed many jars hanging from the ceiling, all dripping water onto the stone floor. The temperature difference between the outside and the inside of the building was severe and, if one was not used to it, one could feel their fur begin to stand up a little from the cold.

A sour looking male Lupinus looked up from the book he was reading and snorted, "It's you. Brought me another prisoner to patch up?"
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Lavinia suddenly felt cold as they entered the creatively decorated of the healer. Seemed the man was not one for luxuries. But she couldn't lie in saying he was rather inventive in his methods for keeping cool. No one in her tribe ever thought of something like this. Either way, she was now at the mercy of the Lupinus. Hopefully this was a man of magic healing over direct healing. She'd rather not have someone poking at her ribs physically. Better to just let magic do the work then manually. "If...If it helps you any, sir, it's my ribs. I think a few of them are cracked or perhaps broken." She silenced herself after that, not wanting to incur any negative comments from either the healer or her captor.
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Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak hadn't expect such a response to his, perhaps too harsh, words, but he didn't lash out at Lavinia for her scream which made his ears ring a little, nor for as she banged and punched his back like that. He continued to listen, as he continued to walk stalwartly towards their destination. As Lavinia let it all out, his eyes softened slightly, there was pity to them, for her, but he wouldn't let her go.

That didn't mean he didn't care for her however. As Lavinia cried, he leaned his head down, and softly nuzzled against her head and ears, murmuring softly. "Shh, shh. Let it all out if you have to, keep punching me if it makes you feel better, I've endured worse.", his words might not be the best ones as far as comforting Lavinia was concerned, but they were sincere; right now, there was no anger in him, and as much as he had made it clear that she wasn't getting to leave, he didn't want to see her like this. A miserable wreck of a shadow of her usual self.

Yerak had taken extra care in carrying Lavinia carefully the last stretch to the healers building, and he for one had never quite gotten used to the sharp decline in temperature, which made him shiver visibly upon entering. The host however, was as pleasant as ever to speak with, not that Yerak minded; he kinda liked the crude, straight-to-the-point attitude of the male Lupinus. "Yeah, I did, you know I ain't one for playing nice.", Yerak grinned a bit. "Always rough with me, you know? Hard to hold back when you're as strong as I am.", despite his cocky grin, the Direling would be careful in handling the supple Jerboa female, and put her down where the Lupinus wanted her, very gently.

"Listen to her, she knows better than I do where she's hurting, just make sure to be gentle with her.", Yerak frowned a little, he didn't usually care much for what happened to the scum he brought in, but in this case, he was going to care.
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Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

"M'name's Gorak, little one and I'll have you patched up in no time." The Lupinus grinned and winked at her before laying his hands on her shoulders. "I'll have to touch the hurt places," he warned her, "If you've got a problem with that I can let you heal on your own. Yerak, you rat, you keep breaking them."
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

"I...I understand sir. I'm in no position to really object and I've let far too many injuries heal on their own before...not a good decision. I"ll make no fuss." The former bandit swallowed her pride and took a deep breath, not making any movements that would get in the way of Gorak's work. She would just grin and bear it.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak shrugged and rolled his eyes a bit at being called a rat, and being accused of breaking those he brought in. "Not my fault they're all softies, Stiches, just... just get her patched up, alright?", the Jerboa grumbled slightly, and took a few steps back, trying to find something to lean against as he closely watched Gorak get to work. While his eyes usually shone with amusement at watching the Lupinus work, this time, there was only concern.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

"Mmm. Softies. Everyone is a softy compared to you." Gorak noted his concern and lightly skimmed his hands over Lavinia's body, pressing a little on the injured places. The young Jerboa could feel her flesh and bone knitting back together, a weird and unsettling feeling.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Lavinia's body flinched lightly at the contact, her face reflecting just how uncomfortable she was at that moment. Heck, even the healing process felt weird as she could feel her ribs knitting themselves back together. She had always practiced natural remedies to heal herself before with mixed results, but this was something else. "Is...Is this going to take much longer."
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

"Not too much," he tapped on her ribs one last time, "There, all done. Feel better?" Then he turned back to Yerak, "What're you gonna do with this one?"
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak couldn't help but grin proudly at Goraks response about softies, but it didn't last longer than until he saw Lavinia flinch and grimace over the treatment she recieved. A look of guilt clear to behold upon the Direlings face.

Still, once the treatment was done with, Yerak wasted no time reaching out for Lavinias arm, gripping firmly, but not roughly, as if to prevent her from getting any ideas of running off. "Thats my business, Gorak. Mine and my superiors. I will let them know just what I intend to do with this one.", he then turned his attention to the female Jerboa. "Can you walk on your own, or do I have to keep carrying you?"

Almost as an afterthought, the Direling turned his head to face the Lupinus. "Thanks by the way, for patching her up."
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

The treatment finally complete, Lavinia made no noticeable effort to try and escape. She had no supplies, no weapon and her hands were bound. She wouldn't last a day out in the wilds with those sorts of odds. Better off that she continue going along with this and hope for a better opportunity later on down the road. But the time came for the two to depart and she didn't want to upset the direling with her hesitation or delays. "I'm fully capable of walking now that my injuries are healed. Not like I can go very far anyway with my hands tied like this."
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

"I'm always here for you, Yerak," Gorak waved them out with a smile.

The heat outside was nearly unbearable after being in the healer's cool room and Yerak would notice a small, unhappy looking, patrol of Anubites headed his way.