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The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Lavinia simply nodded and smiled at the healer, offering her silent thanks for the quick healing. Once outside however, she was met with the uncomfortable heat of the desert, reminding her of the situation. Her gaze however caught sight of the Anubite patrol. Her blood went cold at the sight and she averted her gaze from her tormentors, leaving Yerak to deal with them
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak smiled ever so fainly, and returned Goraks wave as he headed outside with Lavinia in tow, still holding onto her arm, it wasn't a rough hold, but it was firm. Despite her truthful words, he didn't have any intention of cutting her any slack by the looks of it.

The heat washed over him, and made him grumble quietly, he was used to it by now, but that didn't stop it from being annoying. Much like the approaching patrol of sour-looking Anubites. Rather than go out of his way to approach them, he simply stepped forward slightly, to keep Lavinia somewhat behind him, and turned his head to quietly speak to her. "Don't speak unless spoken to, the last thing we want is you making things worse for the both of us.", then he turned his attention back to the approaching Anubites, taking a fairly casual stance, as was the norm.

He worked for them, they paid him, he could enjoy their company, but that didn't mean he liked the sour looks they were having when approaching him.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

One of them stepped out from the back of the passing contingent and gave him a half-hearted little grin, "Oy! Got yourself another robber, I see. I wish I could help you with her, Yerak but..." he shook his head. "We just got word that the High Priest is trying to make a journey to the Temple of the Sun at this time of year! I think the old man must be going off his rocker or something. No one is going to be available to help you out with her. It'd be best if you just... kept her." He shrugged apologetically.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Lavinia kept her gaze to the sands as she listened to Yerak, only nodding at his warning and not intending to say anything in the presence of the Anubites. IF she angered them here, she might as well kiss her life goodby. The Anubites took their turn speaking, explaining the situation at hand. Seems they were unable to process her or accept her as a prisoner given that the High Priest was currently on pilgrimage. She clenched her fist at hearing that old bastards name. He was off on a spiritual journey, and not doing his damn job. Lazy bastard. But from the sounds of it, the guards weren't going to do anything about it either, meaning she had to be left with Yerak. Despite her gaze being down, she grinned somewhat. Maybe it wasn't going to be that bad. How terrible could he be, given how kind he had been so far. He hadn't abused her or harmed her, so living with him might not be that bad. She hoped.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak was prepared for the worst, that he would have to fight his own superiors in order to keep this lovely prize he had found himself, in a way he wasn't used to fighting; without beating someone into submission. The man that stepped forward and explained things to Yerak, was met with a confused look at first. Which then errupted into a hearty laugh, as if the Direling had either found himself the luckiest man in the desert, or was going crazy from a heatstroke.

It'd take a short while before he managed to calm down, and by then he couldn't help but grin like a goof while pulling Lavinia in close to him. With a wide, pleased grin to him he looked up at the Anubite. "And here I thought I was gonna have to fight tooth and nail to keep this beauty! The gods are smiling on me today, it would seem! I better offer them a prayer of gratitude later, but for now I have business to attend to! Be well, I'm off to get my prize here a piece of jewelry fitting for one such as she!"

Yerak was far, far too happy than he ought to be about this coincidence, but he for one wasn't going to complain, not one bit! He had been saving up some money as of late, and now was as good as any opportunity to splurge! Without a single further word as to his intentions, Yerak would turn to head off, Lavinia in tow. His first goal was to find the local jeweler(or blacksmith if lacking such), he had to get a collar for this new pet of his, but there was also other things worth spending money on regarding her.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

The Anubite grinned, "Just between you and me, I wouldn't let the priesthood see her without a collar. She's pretty enough they may want to take her from you." He gave a little wave and then trotted off to rejoin his column.

The market was in another building, much like the healer's though much much larger. Merchants from all over called out as they passed.

"Pearls for the pretty lady?"

"No, the lady needs silk!"

"The lady needs more suitable clothing for this heat!"

"The gentleman wants fine Baccano leaf to cure him of his ails?"

"Rose Wine! Get your rose wine here!"
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Hearing the words of the Anubites only filled her with more fear then before. Seems they would have had no qualms with taking her prisoner for their own potentially illicit reasons. So belonging to Yerak might be the safest possible situation for her. Well, being free would have been safer, but she didn't have that option now did she? All she could do now was focus.

The market was something new for Lavinia, not having had the chance to go there, ever prior to her turn to crime and her capture. Her people had always just traded with caravans and the like for food and supplies or made their own of anything needed. But to see such a market first hand was more than impressive. And it seemed she was getting more attention now then she ever did before. All these salesmen wanting to sell her a variety of pretty things ranging from silks to pearls to clothing more suited for the desert. She had to admit, it was more than a little flattering. "I take it we're not going to be getting anything too fancy here today? It's all up to you really..."
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak growled under his breath, even if it was a joke, he did not take kindly to the thought of Lavinia being taken away from him. He had been the one to capture her, after all. At the same time, he had other things to do than vocalize those thoughts. His temper only got hotter as he brought Lavinia to the local market though, as nice as it was to get some shade from the sun, the merchants themselves left much to be desired as far as he were concerned. Still, he had business in need to be done, and what better place to do so than the large market?

Still, he would lead Lavinia along, past the merchants, towards his goal; a shop working for the local slavers, that would most certainly have the kind of goods he were in need of. "I've already told ya, haven't I? I'm going to get something nice to put around that pretty little neck of yours.", his words a bit harsh and blunt. Maybe a little too much so, but the Merchants cries for Lavinias attention wasn't putting him in a good mood. As soon as he found his way into the right shop, he'd give the wares in plain sight a cursory glance, he already knew what he was after; a fine silver collar, something of beauty and quality craftsmanship. Anything less wouldn't be fitting for Lavinia.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

A young Anubite merchant was the last stall on the left and there Yerak found samples of what he was looking for. All over the table sat finely wrought silver and gold collars, some with jewels, some with locks, and some designed to be simple torcs.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

More and more now, her captor was strating to scare her. He seemed to be very possessive and especially when it came to his property. He'd sooner take someones head off then hand her or anything he owns over to someone. Much as she hated to admit it, she was little more than property now. Something owned or borrowed or traded between parties. Heck, even Yerak's own words were enough to hammer that point home faster than anything. It even brought some tears to her eyes, the harsh realities settling in and crushing any hopes she had for her future. "I...I guess...I'd better get use to calling you "sir" or "master"..." She couldn't think of or say anything else. This moment was all too much for her. She just wanted to shut her eyes tight, wake up, and find that it was all some horrible dream. But that awakening would never come.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak had been too focused on the goal at hand, to get Lavinia a collar, to have noticed her tears at first. It was when she blubbered out something about having to call her sir or master that he finally turned to look at her. And what he saw made him cringe, and cut him deeper than most blades had done over the years. He gently tugged her close to him, firmly if she tried to resist, and would put his arms around her. He didn't care that he were standing infront of the Anubite merchant, he only cared about trying to console and comfort Lavinia if only by a little bit. "Don't cry, please... I won't have you call me 'sir' or 'master', call me by my name, Yerak. Or freak. Or whatever you feel like calling me, I don't care, just... just don't cry, please?"

Perhaps Yerak wasn't quite as toughened as he thought he were. He was very much adamant about keeping this one though. But at the same time, he wasn't sure why she were crying so much, especially not after her attitude the first time they met, but even that hadn't lasted for long. With Lavinia still held to his chest, he'd reluctantly let go of her with one arm in an attempt to motion towards one of the collars, something pretty. After some hesitation, he'd motion towards a silver torc, something elegant and pretty, something fitting for a slave of high value. Anything less wouldn't do Lavinia's beauty justice, he thought. "A collar like that for her,", he lightly nodded his head, motioning to Lavinia, "How much would it cost?"
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

The Anubite gave him an amused grin, "For this lovely lady and for you Yerak? Three silvers."
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Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

She wasn't sure what it was about the whole situation that was making her weep like this. But regardless, her thoughts of despair and gloom were quickly replaced by some measure of comfort when the much larger direling began to embrace her. Hell, even his words, which had gone from cruel and harsh to a good measure softer and gentler, had somehow calmed her down enough to speak properly. "T...Thank you Yerak. I guess...I guess I over reacted a little. It's just a bit overwhelming. I guess years of living on ones own dosen't prepare you for an event like this.

With her words spoken, she would not say much else as Yerak loosened his grip in order to purchase her new accessory. Taking a quick peek, she could see that he was going for a very elegant looking silver collar. She couldn't deny that it looked nice, if not for what it meant. But she couldn't hang on that point anymore. What's done is done. All she could do now was wait for the collar to be affixed to her neck.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak didn't quite like the anubite's grin, especially not given his current situation, and how he might very well look like a softie; a first for many no doubt. He wouldn't complain though, three silver were a good deal in his opinion, and he would fish the coins up and firmly put them down on the counter, and await the collar he had bought as he returned to consoling Lavinia. "Shh, no need to thank me; what I'm doing ain't deserving of gratitude, just... just don't cry. We'll go shopping after we got a collar on you, and find you something nice to wear later on... Alright?"

Yerak would just remain there with Lavinia until the collar was given to him, and would without hesitation bring it up to clasp it around the female Jerboa's neck. She belonged to him, and this was going to cement that fact, and he wasn't going to let her escape or be taken away from him. That didn't mean he wanted her miserable though. Maybe some shopping could cheer her up? It was as good as any guess to him, and with the collar on her he would gently lock his right arm with her left, and lead her back out to the rest of the market, and out there he would let her choose what kind of clothes that caught her fancy.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

The Anubite watched all of this with less of a grin and more of a fond smile. "And this," he reached into a pack at his feet, "Is a gift." What he held in his hand was an exquisitely wrought silver ring that very nearly matched the collar. "Yerak, this one is for you. As long as you wear it, you can hear her heartbeat to know if she's in any trouble. You've been my best customer for the last few years, take it." He would not take no for an answer.

When they left the stand with their goods, another merchant would draw their eyes with a table full of garments all in warm, rich colors. The owner of the stand was a burly looking Lupinus female.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Closing her eyes tightly, she waited to hear the click of the collar around her neck, essentially sealing her fate and signalling the beginning of what may very well be the rest of her life. She would place a hand on the collar, feeling the silver against her hand. "It's...It's nice. Was all she could muster at first. But then she saw how gentle Yerak was being and she couldn't help but smile. "So you said something about lighter clothing? I'll admit, I would like to get out of this stuffy leather armor. It does not fit these sorts of conditions."
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Yerak wasn't entirely sure what to make of the gift he was given by the Anubite, but he would accept it as he heard what its purpose was. He would stare at it briefly, and then carefully pocket it. He didn't quite feel like wearing it just yet, but he did appreciate it. "Thank you.", he wasn't quite sure what else to say, but wouldn't dwell over it. As he wandered off with Lavinia, and eventually found himself before a wholesomely built Lupinus woman and her stand of clothes he would let Lavinia have her pick. He would shrug a little at her question about lighter clothing. "Anything you're comfortable wearing, regardless of the when or where. Depending on price, I might buy you two sets of clothes even.", a little reluctantly, Yerak would let go of Lavinia's arm, giving her some measure of freedom. "Find something you like, you don't need my help for that, right?"
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

The Lupinus woman snorted at the pair of them, "Come here, girl. Let me see what colors will suit you best."
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

Lavinia was not quite ready for this, but all she could do was take a deep breath and gather her thoughts. "W...well, if it helps any, I use to wear lighter colors back in my home village. Lighter blues, greens, whites and the like. Alot of people use to say I looked quite fetching in those colors. Said darker colors clashed with my eyes. It's part of the reason why I want out of the leather." She shot quick glances at the other people in the room, unsure if her explanation would draw some strange looks. Even if it did sound weird, it was in fact true.
Re: The Strongest Jerboa (Fish/Aust)

The woman grunted. "I'll be the judge of that." she held up various swatches of colors and fabrics before picking out a selection of harem clothes in white, green, a beautiful sky blue, and one of a sinful shimmering red. "There, girl. Go see if these fit." She gestured to a circle of wood and cloth panels.