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The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

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Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

I'd like to join if it's not too late...
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

... Ok, just remember I haven't done something like this before so I can't guarantee quality.

Also, just to set a definite line now. After Ryu, no more people until I can figure out just what I am doing. I might take a few more people in then.

Additionally, for clarity, the thread 'The City Above: Ascalion' is a game thread where everyone will start. People will get their own personal game threads when their character goes through a door. As soon as someone has their character they can post an intro thread there, possibly wander the city a bit to buy questionable equipment from nosey street vendors, talk with other people to try and find a nearby door, or possibly try and convince people to come with them together through a door.
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Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

*feels speshul*

Just the fact you're willing to DM this is awesome. Don't fret about quality. We as the players should understand that by signing up, we're saying we're willing to take whatever you throw at us. :p

*waits for his rolls, and HOPES TO THE POWERS ON HIGH they're better than those of his recent PnP campaign(seriously... is it so wrong to ask for a re-roll on a 4, 7, 11, 5, 6, 3? The DM said I was out of place...)*
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Ah, one second on rolls. Thanks for reminding me.

Also, currently there is only one realm beyond the doors and 3 enemies (2 home-brewed which I hope are balanced, and 1 from the monster manuel that can be used in several ways), but more should appear when I have days mostly free of classes (However, feel free to wander town and enter a door now, variety just won't be present yet.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Also, just to set a definite line now. After Ryu, no more people until I can figure out just what I am doing. I might take a few more people in then.

I think you missed the line, Loli :(
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Give me a week or two of running this once it gets started and I may end up expanding to 5-6 people. It depends on if I feel I can do that many or not based on how everything is going.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

*feels speshul*

Just the fact you're willing to DM this is awesome. Don't fret about quality. We as the players should understand that by signing up, we're saying we're willing to take whatever you throw at us. :p

*waits for his rolls, and HOPES TO THE POWERS ON HIGH they're better than those of his recent PnP campaign(seriously... is it so wrong to ask for a re-roll on a 4, 7, 11, 5, 6, 3? The DM said I was out of place...)*

That DM's an ass if he wouldn't reroll those, I wouldn't even let someone take those.

Pheonix, just remember: you're basing this off D&D. That means you can just make everything a D20, for example: since this has rape, pleasure can just be an arbitrary number dependent on the enemy doing the raping versus a fortitude save. Just my 2 cents.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Ok, with Newbie's 'complete series' download I have favored soul so that's all good.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

I was hoping you'd do that, fun class, isn't it? :)
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

It's interesting at least, although I prefer arcane casters myself.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

I enjoy Arcane better simply because I think spontaneous casting is the better system, easier to play with. Now that there's a spontaneous divine caster, I'm going to use one more often, see what I can do with it :)
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Won't do you any good when you're bound in a rope with a ball gag while a group of sex demons is abusing your body.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Ryu dear, if it comes to that, then I've already won :)
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Truly? I'm sure a certain Incubus would love to hear that...
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

A certain Incubus, eh? Just one? I must be losing my touch ;)
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

A CR94 156HD Multi-tentacle wielding Incubus with 14 cocks and 6 pairs of tits?
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Well now all I want to do is see the template for that XD
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

A CR94 156HD Multi-tentacle wielding Incubus with 14 cocks and 6 pairs of tits?

I don't quite have anything like that currently planned, especially not for a level one, but...
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

I dunno, the whole thing just feels like one big mixed metaphor...
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