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The Tiberium Wars Chronicles Sign-up, Character sheets, and OOC thread

The Tiberium Wars Chronicles Sign-up, Character sheets, and OOC thread

  • GDI

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • NOD

    Votes: 7 46.7%

  • Total voters


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Okay. So a few of my friends were tossing around an idea of a C&C RP. So I decided I'd try and get one going. This is just an interest checker. Those of you who think "Oh C&C, a RTS-like RP, you're sorely mistaken. I want this RP to focus on the little man, the soldiers fighting the war, not the commanders. The storyline and faction we will be using will be either GDI or NOD, depending on who votes for what. As I said this is just an interest checker, more information will be given out if enough people show interest.
Re: Command and Conquer RP idea.

The nod shall rule. The scorpions will stalk. I will devour all who stand before me. Except yuri :D. Intrest.
Re: Command and Conquer RP idea.

Peace through Power!
Re: Command and Conquer RP idea.

I'm voting GDI. Once more info comes down the tubes, I'll be eager to see what comes out of this.
Re: Command and Conquer RP idea.

Interest shown. I wants to shoot some peoplez. Also, I prefer GDI. Will there also be Tiberium monsters? Or will it be pure GDI vs Nod?
Re: Command and Conquer RP idea.

Interest shown. I wants to shoot some peoplez. Also, I prefer GDI. Will there also be Tiberium monsters? Or will it be pure GDI vs Nod?

This is coming right out of Tib war 3. The universe is gonna be altered a little since I never played any of the earlier games >.>. So yeah. Mutant cities and the such are still around, but random tiberium monsters are not. Visceroids will be around, since those are formed from soldiers dying on Tiberium. So yeah. Hope that answers your question. If a few more people show interest I'll post the basic outline of the universe.
Re: Command and Conquer RP idea.

Kane LIVES! \o/
Re: Command and Conquer RP idea.

Okay. Since enough people have voted and enough have shown interest, It's time to give you guys the run-down on the universe:

The past two Tiberium Wars have left Nod beaten and broken. Kane is thought to be dead, and Nod has splintered into multiple factions. Each is vying for control of the once great military power. But Kane still lives, and watches as Nod tears itself apart, preparing to reunite them against GDI. That is where we come in.

We will start off as rebels, a part of Nod, or as soldiers of GDI, during the Great Rio Insurrection. Depending on which faction you choose to be with, will depend on how the story unfolds. I will be allowing all players to pick either GDI or NOD, as I myself will be sitting out and GM'ing. This will be more of an "I attack, GM determines what happens" deal. Rest assured, I plan on running this as fairly as possible, with a neutral standing. So no faction will be getting anything better than the other. Pick your faction based solely on which cause you like.

Remember, this is going to be less of an RTS-based game, and more of a game based on the soldiers fighting the war.

Any comments? Questions? Complaints?
Re: Command and Conquer RP idea.

Peace through power! If this actually takes off, count me in. (Although I'm a tad against roleplaying as GDI. Damn hypocritical self righteous bastards :x.)
Re: Command and Conquer RP idea.

I want to bite off Gdi's left pinky toe!

Rebel of the Noderators.
Re: The Tiberium Wars Chronicles Sign-up thread

If you can break through their tech, then yeah, you can, Dia.

This will hopefully get off the ground within the week, so get your characters ready.
Re: The Tiberium Wars Chronicles Sign-up thread

Excuse the double post.

But this RP has just moved into the character sheets stage, seeing as we have a subforum now.

The sheet is as follows:

Character Name:
Allegiance: ((NOD or GDI?))
Designation: ((What Infantry type of unit are you? Rifle squad member, Shadow operative, the like are all accepted, so long as it was an infantry unit from the Tiberium Wars universe. The unit you pick will change what kind of "powers" and "Upgrades" you get. If I am not familiar with the unit type [Read: Not from Tiberium Wars or Kane's Wrath] please describe the powers and upgrades in the following field.))
Powers & Upgrades:
Mental Status: ((What is your character's personality?))
Background: ((What happened before the beginning of this conflict, and what drove you to join your faction?))

Fill out this sheet and add whatever seems necessary.
Re: The Tiberium Wars Chronicles Sign-up, Character sheets, and OOC thread

Character Name: Lauren Fairmount
Allegiance: GDI
Rifle Squad Sergeant. Equipped with standard Pulse Rifle, side arm, and hand grenades. Wears standard issue GDI ZOMCOM infantry armour (Tiberium resistant).
Powers & Upgrades: Over her years in the infantry and Zone Raiders Lauren has made small tweaks to her armour, making it better in her own opinion. She's also got a scope for her pulse rifle to engage long range targets.
Age: 31
Mental Status: To those not in her squad she comes across as cold, and hateful. To those working and fighting alongside her, she is seen almost like the mother to her squad, taking care of them and making sure they get through everything alive and well.
Background: When she was young, Lauren had been a girly girl, and had plans to go on to university. She sympathized with Nod, who just said they had the best in heart for those outside the blue zones, and wanted peace for the world. When her father was killed in a Nod terrorist attack at his office, Lauren's mother couldn't take it and killed herself, leaving 17 year old Lauren on her own. Filled with anger she vowed vengeance against the organization that took her parents from her. She trained herself for a year before joining the GDI, and going for the Infantry. After basic and a few years in a rifle squad she was transferred to ZOCOM and joined the Zone Raiders. She spent three years there before requesting transfer back to a rifle squad. After five months she was moved to a squad, though still in ZOCOM. She has spent her time since patrolling the red and yellow zones.

Lauren has been recommended by her superiors for the Commandos due to her dedication, loyalty, physical fitness and skill.
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Re: The Tiberium Wars Chronicles Sign-up, Character sheets, and OOC thread

Okay. Update on playable types of Infantry.

Anything from Kane's Wrath is allowed, such as one of The Enlightened or Awakened, as well as some others. If you need a list of the units from KW, I'd be happy to PM them to you. Just letting you know that these units ARE available. Also, any tech from the six factions; GDI, Steel Talons, ZOCOM, NOD, Black Hand, and Marked of Kane, are allowed to be used on your character if the infantry used it. Also, anyone remember the Forgotten from TW2? Those are allowed, but try not to overdue the mutant aspect.
Re: The Tiberium Wars Chronicles Sign-up, Character sheets, and OOC thread

Character Name: Chris Miller
Allegiance: GDI
Designation: Missile Squad Sergeant. Equipped with a RPG, Combat Knife and a Desert Eagle Mark XIX .50 AE as a sidearm.
Powers & Upgrades: Tiberium Suits, Anti-Infantry Sidearm (The soldier is issued a pistol and knife of his choice.)
Age: 30
Mental Status: Miller is jaded as hell and prefers the company of beer and cheap cigars when outside of battle. When in combat Chris looks out for his squad members first and the rest of the army second
Background: Miller grew up in the blue zone of Central Europe (more exactly in Germany) as the son of a GI and a teacher. His father wanted him to be in the military, Chris wanted everything but that. After several encounters with the law young Miller got put through Boot Camp, where he grudgingly accepted his talent as a soldier. Miller has seen too many die in the Tiberium Wars to really care anymore, but he is fiercely determined to keep those few alive that he actually cares about.

Note: The Anti-Infantry Sidearm upgrade is made up by me to justify him carrying a Desert Eagle. If you're not okay with that, Burrito, just say so.
Re: The Tiberium Wars Chronicles Sign-up, Character sheets, and OOC thread

It's alright with me. I had planned on making my own custom upgrades later on anyway.
Re: The Tiberium Wars Chronicles Sign-up, Character sheets, and OOC thread

this is a very cool idea burrito, and perhaps i could participate. just to clarify; infantry only? and if so then the Black Hand are allowed?
Re: The Tiberium Wars Chronicles Sign-up, Character sheets, and OOC thread

Infantry types only. Black Hand are allowed.

More on the "infantry only" rule: Just cus this is set down, doesn't mean there aren't gonna be vehicles. Trust me, this battlefield is gonna be as hectic as any other.
Re: The Tiberium Wars Chronicles Sign-up, Character sheets, and OOC thread

Character Name: "Shade"
Allegiance: NOD
Designation: Mutant hijacker
Powers & Upgrades: Stealing and effectively controlling vehicles, heals in tiberium. Moves fast.
( )
Age: Unknown

Mental Status: Ravaged by a large tiberium crystal in his brain, sometimes he is unable to think, and will act purely on instinct, other times it disables his emotions, and other times he can't recognise colours. He is most of the time antisocial, and avoids crowds, but when he tries he almost always gets singled out because of his appearance. He is a mutant, and it shows as his face has a greenish taint on it at all times, and even lightly glows near tiberium.

Background: Ex-rifleman from GDI, in an attack on a veinhole he was tripped by one of the veins and had his head connect with a tiberium crystal, falling unconscious from the hit. It was a short encounter, and he was rushed out of there as soon as possible, but the damage was already done. On the way to a forward medical station the APC was attacked by NOD, and he was the only survivor as he landed amidst a small field of tiberium. This did not help him a lot, but his mutation kept him alive long enough for NOD to rescue him, and convince him that in exchange for his services they would find a way to help him get rid of his mutation, or at least help him learn to control it, and seeing no way GDI could help him like that he accepted. He preferred stealth over rushing at hostiles, as running right at a tank or other vehicle was often suicide. He dug around an old base in the hopes of finding a Chameleon suit, and most recently found one, and asked the commander permission to take it.
( If allowed)
Re: The Tiberium Wars Chronicles Sign-up, Character sheets, and OOC thread

Everything looks good, XSI. Now, all we have to do is wait on Dia to finish his character sheet and we can start.