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The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

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Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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And so Charles and Crystal decided to set out on their jouney together.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

Charles wandered down the road, humming an old song with Jaws that his father taught him. He was completely oblivious of Crystal, and kept meandering down the road, his head mostly in the clouds. He hoped to meet a number of Pokemon along the way, and increase his knowledge of the nature and relationship that Pokemon had with the world around them.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

Crystal followed loosely behind, maybe fifteen or twenty paces behind Charles. She was trying to act casual, stopping herself just short of whistling a tune as she walked. Her Dratini remained hidded under her hoody with the exception of its tail, which had dipped out of the shirt behind the girl, and was now flicking back and forth in time with her steps, making her look like a cat after prey.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

Charles continued to be completely oblivious, wandering down the road, humming with his Pokemon. Jaws noticed them, however, and alerted Charles. "Don't worry about it, Jaws. We're all going this way. Probably just headed to the same place," he reassured his Pokemon, pulling out the second of his sandwiches and unwrapping it, splitting it once again with his Pokemon, humming between bites.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

In the distance, bot of them could see a vast expanse of tall grass, shuffling around from the wild pokemon scampering about in it.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

Crystal leaned to the side a bit and saw the movement in the tall grass, making her a bit nervous. She increased her pace just a little, hoping to close the gap between the two a bit. You know, in case he needed help in there.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

Charles was about to walk into the tall grass when he noticed Crystal quickening her pace to catch up. He turned, waiting until she caught up, and asked if she was following him.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

"What? N-n-no, of course not!" Crystal responded, with only a little hint of sheepiness. "E-everyone's going to the next town, I'm just headed there too. I just thought I'd catch up in case you needed help in the grass there." She explained, trying to add an air of confidence to her speech, lifting her chin and taking a wide stance.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

"Uh-huh," Charles replied, completely unconvinced. Deciding to let Crystal get away with it, he turns and heads into the tall grass, in order to get some observations of the Pokemon.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

A wild Poochyena attacked.

[Jaws has the speed priority over the wild Poochyena.]
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

Crystal harrumphed at Charles' response, but said nothing as he turned and strode into the grass, just crossed her arms in front of her chest and followed him in, eliciting a muffled cry from her pokemon in her shirt. The wild poochyena appeared and seemed to want to battle with Charles' Totodile, so she stayed back and watched. She said she was here to help, but if he didn't need the help, he probably wouldn't like her butting in.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

Jaws stepped in front of Charles protectively, and uses Leer.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

The wild Poochyena let down it's guard from its Leering opponent and attacked with a full body Tackle, hitting Jaws for a bit of damage.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

Jaws winces, obviously hurt, but attacks back, using its scratch attack.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

The attack hit the poochyena for alot of damage, it doesn't look like it could take another hit from anything. The wild Poochyena growled in defense.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

"Jaws," Charles called, "Finish it."
The little pokemon uses his scratch attack again, trying to look fierce and ending up looking even more adorable.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

The Poochyena collapsed from the hit and fainted, Jaws gained alot of experience from the battle.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

Crystal and her Dratini watched the battle with interest, ready to step in if needed, though it turned out it wasn't necessary at all. If Charles looks her way, she'd smile and turn away a tad, still quite shy. Afterwards, she'd wait for the pair to collect themselves and start walking with them again. "That was cool." She'd comment quietly.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

Charles blushing, noticing the small smile. "Thanks, but it was all Jaws," he mumbles nervously. He steps back onto the road, and motions for her to lead the way, smiling.
Re: The Timid Union (Charles & Crystal's Adventure)

Crystal said nothing else as she accepted the suggestion and took the lead herself. Well he's not so bad. A little hard to talk to, maybe, but any of the others could have been worse. Imagine that smoker, with the bir- she thought, but was inturrupted by her dratini poking its head up beneath hers again. A little too excitedly, judging from the bop on the chin she received from it, jarring her from her thoughts. "Draaa!" It said happily.

"Oh, shush you." She responded in a fake-motherly tone, giving it a pat on its head.
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