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The Tome of Infinite Dungeon


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
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Hey so finally done with the CYOA I started putting together when princess was going. Hopefully this one will go along better it's actually partially inspired by The dungeon of lust, not really in that your a heroine going into a dungeon but the combat and choices. I like how he's putting things together, anyways I hope you enjoy and hope you help me vote our heroines through the adventures into the liches book of infinite dungeon.


The kingdom of Tamriell, knows as the kingdom of trade and crossed roads It lies in the center of the continent and keeps trade flowing between it's four neighboring nations. The age is one of peace and prosperity, but it is a recent peace, monsters were a problem in small sale until a year ago. And when the end of the monsters had a problem for the rulers, adventurers had sprung up and had taken to dealing with the foul creatures as their job. Unfortunately as with all things as this that is not a maintainable revenue stream, and the stream has just trickled dry.

The king of Tamriell stands in his study staring at his fireplace as a cloaked figure enters the room. He bows to the king and closes the door he approaches and removes his hood revealing a skeletal head.

"Good to see you Grim. I need your advise." He paused walking over to the window to gaze at his might city. "Do you remember when my grandfather asked you to assist us with the powerful swarms of monsters starting to rise from the conflicts between the nations?" He asked knowing the answer but wanting his arcane adviser to say it.

"Of course, I created a plane and currently keep it locked away in a tome in my home. Why my lord, it sounds like you need me to use it for something and I warn against that with great fever. The monsters captured in there would wreak massive havoc before they could be stopped." He said a worried chatter on his teeth as he spoke.

"Yes they would and I don't need them released, we have a new problem that these two issues may be able to help solve. Our kingdom is currently filled with almost five hundred adventurers with no work. And that is a conservative estimate, and just in the capital. We need some way to occupy them and ideally remove them from my nation. I dislike having so many obvious sell swords hanging about just waiting for a noble to decide he wants to be king." He paused as he calmed himself, his emotions starting to get away from him. "They are a threat that I can't simply send the guard after, or lock in prison. Any obvious aggressive stance I take towards them would give me five hundred extremely well trained and well armed rebels seeking my head. So my friend, you have served this crown for eight generations with great honor. Can you help me occupy and ideally remove at least some of these adventurers?" He asked his lich advisor.

"Well my lord I believe I can but, it will cost you much for me to do so. Although I gather from your stance money is not currently an object." He smiled at his lord who nodded his agreement to the statement. "Good then I need a cave nearby, and a innkeeper willing to run an inn there. Ideally I would like the inn near a road so it seems less odd but either way. I will set up a challenge there, one with so much rewards of power and riches that any greedy adventurer will never turn it down." He paused and walked over to his lord. "And those are the only one's you need worry about, the ones who are heroic will not turn against you unless you deserve it, and your fair and honorable so it should not be an issue." He said with a chuckle as the king nodded to him.

"Go and make it happen." He said returning to his chair still heavy with thought, it was obvious this was not the only issue facing the kingdom but it was the only one that needed Grimscales attention.

The Infinite Dungeon

Papers and rumors have circulated around the inn known as adventures end. It is said that if your proven worthy you can enter the basement and give your chance at a dungeon where a single payout would give you gold to live like a noble for the rest of your life. This inn has drawn many groups including our current group of four adventurers. The Feeme Fetals.

Choose your first heroine

A - Masasuki ‘Suki’ Korisuma – Mistress of Blades
Bio: Raised from a young age in the far eastern kingdom to be her fathers’ heir. She is currently upon her fathers’ final test of her ability the warriors’ quest, it is not a quest for any particular object or goal merely a journey to meet and train with all different kinds of warriors from around the world. She found herself in the band of five young woman adventurers early in her quest and as they became fast friend she remained with them. A rigid honor moves her soul, this does not put her above murder or assassination simple one who believes if a fight is going to happen it should be fair with both sides knowing they are about to battle to the bitter end.

Appearance: The most toned of the group her body is a tight taunt set of muscles dedicated to her craft, her breasts are a small A cup but her nipples and skin is sensitive to the touch and her friend tease her with it constantly. Her skin tone is a light tanned mild yellow and her hair jet black held behind her head in a tight pony tail. Her face is simple but well-rounded and symmetrical as her ears are long and pointed and her eyes slanted and a deep green. Her head is the only place she has a single strand of hair her dedication to caring for her body requires her shaving herself pure of hair every day. She wears her armor as her clothing normally covered most of her body, her only unique piece is the scarf she wears everywhere she goes.

Weapons: Her primary combat style is dual wielding short curved blades given to her by her father, they are colored green and blue, and named Coral and Grotto. Masterfully crafted but have no magic innate in them.

Stats: Fight 4, Sneak 2, Trick 3

B - Alicia Von Grinzuld – Markswoman Extraordinaire

Bio: Raised upon the streets of the kings capital she learned from a young age that trust was the fastest way to kill yourself, or to save yourself. She sought out groups to trust to help her, sadly her first master was not a man to trust. He taught her the art of sniping with her crossbows, she rarely missed and often hit in a vital area. Sadly he also lusted after her lovely body, raping her from the age of fifteen until she was seventeen. She killed him on a mission by selling him out to the town guards who were currently hunting him. She’s never let a man touch her since, she met her friends and trusted allies as they passed through town a year ago. She joined them for a quest to deal with some goblins in a nearby set of caverns and attached herself to them quickly. She cares for them more then she cares for her own life, she has found her trusted allies who will save her, and they pulled her from her own darkest night.

Appearance: The most beautiful of the five adventurers her curvaceous hips and ample bust have made her the target of many a horrible man’s lust. Her light skin, mildly colored by the time spent in the outside world giving her a lovely traveled look to her. Her hair is a light blonde kept cut small so none can use it against her, barely shoulder length her clothing is conservative and shows little to no skin aside from her neck and above.

Weapons: Two handed crossbow for sniping and a hand crossbow for close quarters combat.

Stats: Force 2, Sneak 4, Trick 3

C - Rialakia Wogen – The Shaman of Axes

Bio: Born and raised in the harsh northern lands, in the ice locked islands. A land of islands surrounded by treacherous waterways. Travel only possible when the paths between islands froze over. She learned from her village shamans in the ways of protection and healing, although her passion was combat. With that when she obtained her focus it manifested an ethereal ax. To everyone it was a sign that she was not meant to live a normal shaman life, but to adventure, so she was given all the provisions she could need and allowed to go as she wished. She left the day after she was given permission, after a month of traveling with caravans and random adventurers she found the party as it was forming. And with Tami and Alicia formed the group gaining Suki soon afterwards.

Appearance: A fierce and athletic woman she has the body of an adventurer, but even by her villages standards she was quite beautiful. Her body was toned and honed a pale while skin covers her body, and her eyes are a piercing deep blue. Her hips and chest are of equal size and her C cup breasts match her form well. She is a virgin due to never finding a man strong enough to tame her, even for one night.

Weapons: Consists of just the bell she wears at her hip to summon her axes, she can cast without the focus but it concentrates her power and she is sentimentally attached to it.

Stats: Fight 3, Sneak 2, Trick 4
D - Tami Whittens – Arcanist Extrodinare
Bio: Raised in the kingdom of Tamaria she has lived in the land most of her life, having two years ago met with the party and joined it. Before that she was a student at the academy of magic where she received lectures from Grimscale himself. She favors her elemental mastery over all else, preferring to deal with threats before they become them. But in all honesty she hates fighting in general, she’s never been very good at it and her spell pool is not well suited for casting, she focuses on healing and summoning monsters and elementals to fight for her, while they do just that sometimes they do not obey her orders or stop from causing property damage. As such she is the most reserved member of the party preferring to stay back and read her book then go into a dungeon for weeks at a time. While she is the most vocal and the most likely to complain about a dungeon crawl she knows their profit and considering she already has enough money saved to be raised into the noble’s she stays with her friends refusing to abandon them as they have never abandoned her even when she has been captured by monsters. She was raped by them, for four days, and despite her constant statements otherwise, she still has pleasurable dreams of that time.

Appearance: The most homely of the team, her appearance will not turn heads and her smaller breasts do not draw cat calls. But she prefers it that way, she’s never been fond of the humans or elves, or any one in any kingdom. She is not a virgin and finds her preferences disturbing as most would.

Weapon: She has no focus but her weapons are the elementals she summons to fight with her, and for her most times. But her lack of confidence and forceful personality tends to make them a unreliable ally.

Stats: Fight 2, Sneak 3, Trick 4.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon


What do the stats mean and why does Alicia have Force instead of Fight?
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Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

A, although is she a virgin? She's the only one who's not been clarified on that front.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

(Yes she is still a virgin. And it does appear we have a vote winner for A, Suki is to enter the dungeon.)

The First Delve, Suki's journey

The fatals sat at their table drinking discussing their plan for the dungeon. Suki leaned back sipping her tea while the Tami laid out the plan.

"Okay so were all in agreement, we go in one at a time, which works for what were doing. But we wait for the last member to get lost in the dungeon or get out. If your lost the next goes in trying to save you, and get paid obviously." She paused as everyone nodded in agreement to her as she finished and pulled a small pack of cards. "Okay then lets draw for the first one of us going in." She said as she drew a card from the deck, on it stood the warrior and the party looked at Suki.

"Good luck Suki, heh of all of us you'll probably fair the best." Alexis stated as Suki rose and adjusted her scarf and blades.

"Thank you for your confidence, hopefully I wont disappoint." Suki added as she left her friends to their drinks hey each added a wave to her as she headed down to the basement. Sitting on a simple table was a black book, and a simple message next to it. 'Simply sign your name and you'll be transported into your dungeon, good luck.'

Suki took hold of the pen and opened the book turned to the fifth page, the first page with an open spot to sign her name. She placed her full name upon the page and felt an odd pulling sensation rush though her body as she felt her body pulled through the ether. Her senses returned to her as she found herself laying in a simple room stone walls surrounded her and a single exit was before her. She rose to her feet and checked her gear, it was all exactly where she left it.

She headed from the room keeper her hands on her blades as she entered a large circular room, to her left and right a pair of exits from the room emerging before her. She stopped dead in her tracks as she saw the room, it was ankle deep in water where stood now at the entrance. In the center resided a rather large mass of writhing tentacles, in the center of the mass was a large center body, with one large eye and a closed mouth resting there. It was currently asleep, but there was no way running through the room, did she really wish to battle something so large, it was easily teen feet across. She could probably win, but if she didn't it would almost certainly end poorly for her. Her confidence was still high she knew she could win.

-Tackle the tentacle beast and get out of the room. Do you leave to the east or west, then how do you deal with the monster, fight it, sneak past it, or attempt to trick it into doing something that would give her the edge.-

Fight 4, Sneak 2, Trick 3
Willpower remaining 5/5

A quick overview of the stat checks.
So the option you pick I roll a d6 then add the modifier for the room. Wont tell you those, then if she rolls under the stat number so for Suki if I roll fight and get a total of 3 she wins. If I roll above that she takes a point of willpower damage and keeps going.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Fight, exit east

EDIT: Do we know anything about the exits?
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

They both seem to be just doorways into other hallways Sadly no markings or anything on them.
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Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

To quote Diablo 2 here, 'East, always east'
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Defeat it and head east afterwards.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

(fight then east it is, round one fight!)

Suki drew her twin blades and rushed forward, her speed and strength pushed her through the ankle deep water easily enough as she got within striking distance she was not nearly down to her waist in water. But she struck out at her foe before it could react as it was awakened by her rush.

-Fight Check 3+2(Monster difficulty) 5 check failed 1 willpower damage sustained.-

Her blades sunk into the creature but sadly were not fatal and it's bulky mass in the center shifted as she felt her blades pulled away from her. They were stuck in the creatures hide. She shifted to get her hands upon it again but in the deeper water found her movement heavily hindered, although her movement would be less of an issue soon. As she felt a tentacle wrap around her food from under the water and pull her leg away from her blades. She struggled but found it difficult as other tentacles swarmed over her, restraining her hands and arms behind her back as they lifted her up onto the creatures mass and spread her legs.

Suki looked down in fear as she saw another appendage move towards her pussy and press against it, her eyes widened as it pushed it's way inside spraying something white to lubricate it's entry. She screamed in pain as it stole her virginity then moaned in pleasure as she she felt it fill her. She hated herself for the feeling that washed over her body but could do nothing to stop it, another moved over to her face and sprayed more of the white liquid onto her. To her shock it tasted sweet and the fight in her belly ignited even further. It was an aphrodisiac there to arouse her for the mating that was coming. She moaned in pleasure as it began pumping her cunt, the other tentacle sliding over her clothing coating it in it's liquid. She writhed on it's tendril as she felt an orgasm begin to build, it was large, far larger then anything she had experienced to date.

With a moan which rapidly escalated into a scream of pleasure she came upon the tentacle inside her. It sprayed more of the goo inside her, her body was hot but she still had her wits about her. As the creature obviously expected her to be docile from here as it withdrew all it's tentacles from her. She shifted grabbed her blades from it's flesh and plunged them into the creatures large bulbous eye. She shuddered as she felt the creature writhe under her, the blow was deadly but she had little strength left, as a tentacle grabbed her leg and tossed her from the creature into the water.

Suki came up from the pool of water her clothing drenched but in one piece and white liquid deluded off her body and mouth. Her body still burned with lust, but it was not anything she couldn't handle. She stared down at her scarf as she noticed a small blue gem on it.

"What in the world are you?" She asked mostly to herself as she got back to her feet. A voice responded to her, she didn't know who it was but at the moment she didn't care much.

"That is the gem I will track you with. If you fall in here your friends can either collect your body, or your gem and if they escape you are free. Also any gem's you find through out this dungeon function the same if they glow their owner lives, if they do not, they have perished and you can use their gem to escape. Good luck Suki" Suki shuddered, she didn't really want to continue the conversation with what ever that was. So she gathered her blades and turned to leave, stopping and checking the creature for loot. To her frustration she found nothing but the nest.

"Stupid fucking beast stealing my virginity and not having a single thing to take when your dead!" Suki screamed at the empty nest, it was mostly frustration at what had happened. That and the fact that even if she didn't want more, her body desired much much more.

She left to the east, through the door and the ten foot hall way to the next chamber. She walked into a large room, at last the same size as the one before and around the edges of the wall rested cages, inside half the cages resided women each of them had a gem around their neck, but it was not like the Gem Suki now had it was a deep red and their eyes were empty. She knew those collars, they were slave collars. The rest of the room had the implements to break in a slave, from simple restraints to devices to give one locked in it all but endless pleasure.

"Welcome to my parlor, my stupid little fly." The voice said as a large muscular orc emerged from one of the cages and stood in the room. "I will give you the same challenge I gave all of them. You can fight me, and if you kill me all the slaves are yours, or you can enter a battle of wits with me and if you win I let you leave. What do you choose slave?" He said his eyes shone with confidence in both options, Suki's body was already on fire from the last creature she didn't want to think about what he might do to her. Two rooms in and already on her back foot, Suki was having a rather poor run of luck here.

-Deal with the slave breaker, fight him or trick him, then deal with the room filled with slave. Secondly which direction do you leave the room in, there is an exit in every cardinal direction from the room, you came from the west entrance, but a norther, eastern and southern exit exist. Again simple plain doorways leading deeper into the ever changing dungeon.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Fight, east entrance

So a question on the gem:
So if we lose and are captured or whatever, as long as someone from our party escapes with our gem we will be released from the dungeon? Unless we died in which case they can use the gem as a free escape?

Forgot that east was the magic direction
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Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Fight and go East
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

So yeah forgot to add the loot the room option. Essentially dealing with the rooms worth of slave girls.

And correct on the gem info so long as she lives if they escape with it she is teleported out with them.
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Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Fight, East, Take the slaves with us. second choice would be to take their gems with us. Those seem like the 2 main options assuming we don't want to escape now.
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