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The Trial of the Champion

Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay would start to relax herself again as she seemed to misinterpret what the Lich was trying to say. Mostly the shock of it all as no one really ever seemed interested in her as she was growing up in her village. Over the course of what seemed to be only a few weeks in her time, Lindsay went from an aspiring knight in training to warrior of destiny. Not being one to think inward about herself only, Lindsay never really even considered that someone would simply want to live a normal life by her side.

The Lich seemed to be the person that she figured him to be from their initial interaction with each other. Why else would the Lich go through the trouble of helping the person that had just defeated one of his vassals? Millia and Alera would certainly be able to find their own way once Lindsay had finished what she felt to be her goal of defeating the persons ultimately responsible for destroying her whole village. Lindsay felt this tournament needed to be done, and she could not be wavered from this decision. If for no other reason than to prove to herself that she can do it, Lindsay needed to come to terms with her ability as a fighter and there was no better way to do it than in a controlled environment of a tournament. The prize of the Lich's phylactery was an added bonus to it all were she to be able to win the tournament as a whole.

As the Lich continued, he would offer a few alternatives toward a match that could feature the group of girls in an exhibition match of some manner. Thinking a little about it, as much as the Lich would seem interested in putting Lindsay into a dream state, Lindsay was not as receptive to the idea initially. As Lindsay wanted to prove herself to herself, she also wanted to see how Alera and Millia would handle themselves in the heat of battle. This was not something that could be done with illusions. Lindsay did not want to be outright dismissive of the concept, so much as wanting to explain the reasoning behind her own point of view. All in all, the idea was not a bad one though. Lindsay could be put into a sleeplike state by the Lich after a battle in the arena and she could continue to fight albeit in an illusionary world while her body recovered in the physical world.

There was alot to be done still. Alera seemed to be stirring about now as well. With Alera waking up from her nap, the private time that the Lich and Lindsay had between themselves was starting to draw to a close. Not having heard anything from Millia either through the rune, it might be that she had already finished with the armorer at this point and was headed back toward their location. Still fearing for how Millia might react to seeing the one responsible for tearing her body and spirit apart from each other, Lindsay would be on guard to diffuse any possible situation that could arise. The last thing Lindsay wanted to do was ruin a relationship that she had formed between herself and Millia.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Millia arrived at this time as Linsay would hear it in her link with her friend, Alera was laying on the pillows looking over at Linsay and the lich. He sat next to her watching her, his own mind wandering.

"Well my dear Linsay I suppose you should actually know my name, I feel silly for holding it back but, it is Michael." he paused as Millia entered the room, Her new armor shining slightly it was a armored top that covered her breasts but was form fitting showing off her curves perfectly. her lower half was an armored skirt and leggings, with a light piece of cloth attacked to the lower portion of the breast plate which covered her stomach for the most part.

"Hello there," Millia said with a large grin as she stared at Linsay and Alera. "I hope you two didn't have to much fun while I was busy, that armorer does amazing work. I think you'll enjoy getting your new armor from him quite a bit. Who might our sponsor be?" She asked as Linsay would see she obviously didn't recognize the lich in his human form.

"Good evening Millia, your armor does look perfect, protective but sexy. It should win you quite a few fans in the tournament." He said with a leering stare as she plopped down into the pillows that were in the room. She gave him a half smile as she looked over at Alera, fresh and clean from her bath.

"You could have turned off your link while you were getting molested and fucked, between you and Linsay it was really hard to not masturbate myself silly in my bath you know." Alera said to Millia with a slightly annoyed look at her face. "Although I think Linsay probably have the most fun out of all of us, I didn't really want to interupt." She said as she looked away from Michael and Millia. Michael leaned in and whispered into Linsay's ear.

"She was so horny she wanted to fuck, and I have a hard time saying no to sexy women who throw themselves at me. We did, I hope you don't think less of me for it." He whispered this time, and for the first time honestly concerned in Linsay would hate him for doing so.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay was only really startled that the rune Millia had given could be turned on and off. Millia was on her way back from the armorer at this point, and Alera was sitting on the pillows she was previously napping on. The Lich for so long had neglected one very minor detail, and Lindsay kind of laughed to herself as she overlooked it as well. Lindsay did not know the Lich's name, though he would remedy that detail as he would give his name as Michael. He would trail off soon after and his eyes shot right toward Millia as she walked in wearing her new armor.

There would be some small talk as Michael saw little reason to hold back his opinion as he looked over Millia. Lindsay would identify the Lich as Michael and say little else. Possibly because she herself did not want to lie about anything, and this would allow Millia and Michael to get off on better terms as Michael had a second chance at a first impression now. Maybe he could get through it without blowing it as it were? Lindsay would ask Millia about turning these runes off or undoing them in some way since they were all there together now.

Alera who seemed to get the worst of it all having to sit on the sidelines while Millia and Lindsay had their fun would now voice a little protest that she could not even properly shower because the runes that they all had were still apparently on. She would get her chance soon enough though as both Lindsay and Alera still had to go visit the armorer.

With Michael and Lindsay so close to each other, Michael would whisper into her ear. Lindsay would after disabling the communication rune answer back. Simply shrugging her shoulders as she did not seem to have the same level of concern that Michael did. As far as Lindsay was concerned, what happened.. happened.

"Don't worry about it.. It isn't like I wanted it myself or anything.. Though I think Alera and I should head down to the armorer now. Please do not blow this between you two." Lindsay very obviously meant that with Michael and Millia left together it might be a bad idea, but Alera and Lindsay did need to go to the armorer and Lindsay felt sooner was better than later in that regard. Hopefully Michael would be able to handle himself with Millia for the time that they were going to be seperated from Lindsay and Alera.

"Alera, what do you think about going to the armorer now? I think Michael may be able to arrange a warm-up as it were for us to get a feel for how the arena here works. I think we should at least get the armor out of the way first. Wouldn't want Millia to steal the show. Lindsay was quite impressed with the armor that Millia was wearing though she was not really able to express it with Michael being the first to compliment her when she arrived.

If all went to plan, the girls would all have their armor taken care of before the day was done. If Michael were able to arrange a battle in the arena so that Millia, Alera, and Lindsay were able to adjust both to the level of heat and the new armor they were all wearing it would be a bonus for sure. Even if it was just a bunch of other soldiers and the like who were more likely to want to rape the girls than anything that they fought against. A monster like what Lindsay and Alera saw when they first arrived was out of the question though as they would be unable to compete in the tournament. A "warm-up" as it were.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Michael nodded his head as Millia turned off the runes as they were together now. The conversation was relatively short as Linsay would glide through everything else. Finally getting up with Alera to go get their armor situation handled. Alera left the room with Linsay as Millia sat down next to the lich on the pillows stretching herself out comfortably.

The trip to the armorer was a short one and thankfully not too overbearingly hot. The heat from the sun certainly shifting how they moved as Linsay found the shade rather comfortable but in the direct sunlight, she rapidly began to feel over heated. At the armorer the slave girl on the cloth was still there peddling the wears assigned to her. The door was open and inside was a gruff man, he looked thick with muscle from his days of hard work but it was not toned or sculpted. It was obviously entirely functional.

"Good day ladies are you looking for some new armor?" He asked as they entered his eyes very obviously looking them up and down as he moved from behind the counter he was standing at.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Aside from the heat getting worse as the sun was almost directly overhead of them now, the trip between Michael's tower and the armorer was pretty short and uneventful. The woman with the collar around her neck was still peddling the wares right outside of the tent they were headed to so there was no real issue with getting themselves lost. Lindsay would look at the collared woman with a slightly disinterested look as she wanted to do what was right and free her. Maybe even in a fashion similarly to how she freed Alera previously. Crusading against slavery would have its place and time however, and this was not it. Entering the tent, it would seem that there was only the armorer and no one else about. Quite the gruff man, but it had to come with the territory of working metal all day long. Lindsay could sense a little excitement in the armorers voice as he started to examine the two women in front of him. It would not take long to start the conversation as he would soon ask if they were looking for armor.

"Yes we are. You come highly recommended by a friend of ours. She was here not to long ago actually. We decided that it was best that we head right over so you could get to work, that is if you have the time to do it of course."

Lindsay wanted to be forward and somewhat to the point. Between Alera and her, it mattered little as to which one went first. Alera likely had something in mind for what she wanted, as did Lindsay. Full well knowing the "cost" of doing business here, Lindsay would have little issue playing right into his hands as it were. She knew what she was getting into, and seeing what Millia had come back to the tower with, Lindsay knew the price was easily worth what she was going to get out of it.

Lindsay would look over at Alera for a quick second and between the two it was just a matter of who was going to be first in line. Alera probably would want to go first since she was resting so much as of late, and Lindsay would have no problem with that.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

"As you know I'm a touchy feely type, I have two reason for it, I like fonding your lovely bodies. And I need to know your exact curves so I can fashion the armor into something perfect for you. I fancy myself an artist so I like to give you what I think would be best but I do take requests, if you have a look in mind feel free to give me the run down and I'll make it happen as best I can." He said rubbing his hands together as Alera stepped forward and put her hands behind her back.

"Start with me, I think my friend has a good idea what she wants, and sadly I've always worn the battle garb you see me in now. It's overly skimpy I would like something more covering but I admit your hands and wisdom probably knows best." She said with a smile. He walked over to her pacing around the young girl twice.

"You have a lovely form I think I can make something property aluring for the arena and protective. If you have a plan please speak with my associate outside, she may have a collar on but she is highly skilled and she can help you get any extra pieces I need together." He waved his hand to Linsay as he began stripping Alera down his hands slicing over her body, his fondling of her chest obvious but his face was not of a complete pervert he was focused and seemed very driven to know her curves. He cupped her breasts lifting them up and letting them fall, as he watched the bounce lightly with a smirk.

"Interesting, your breasts are going to be your weakness, making something tight enough that keeps them out of your way is going to limit my options but not too much. Please finish stripping so I can get a full interpretation of your form." He said with a smirk wondering if Linsay would stay and watch or speak with the girl outside.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay would give a smile when rhe armorer explained how he does things. Alera would go first as she stepped forward almost immediately. After pacing around Alera a few times the armorer would address Lindsay to inform her that she might want to look over what was available to her outside.

Looking back at Alera, she was already getting stripped by the armorer. As he started to examine Alera, he mused that her breasts going to be an issue. Not wanting to waste time, he would get right to work and start feeling about Alera's body. He would hone in on Alera's breasts almost instantly and start to comment out loud as he fondled rhem some.

Lindsay took this as her cue to go outside and start looking as she did not want to interfere with the armorer or his process. It would be unfair to Alera she thought if she just stood there and watched. As Lindsay went outside, she would start to chat up the woman. She was looking for pieces that would work for a lighter armor. The heat was pretty oppressive and that meant heavier armor would just tire her out leaving her vulnerable.

If she were able to, Lindsay would try to find a top that almost showcased her breasts. A low neckline perhaps with a string or mesh of some kind. If there were dresses available, then she would simply look into using one of those and adding a belt to it to keep it in place. Lindsay certainly had an idea of what she wanted though she did want to get an opinion from the armorer as well before getting too attached to ant particular items she would come across while outside.

Lindsay felt like she was a kid in a candy store right now. This was a complete reversal to how she needed to conduct herself ever since she had bwgan her training as a knight a few years before the trials. She never had the chance to experience sometjing like this, and she wanted to take it for all it was worth while she could.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Linsay could find a dress of white, a nice light color and it had a low neckline as well as a wide belt that could function as a makeshift corset possibly. Keeping the dress in line while she moved and fought, as well as holding most of her gear. It was surprising as she found the items she was looking for as the woman could point her to the places she needed to look with practiced ease. She had a lovely smile and seemed to be genuinely enjoying herself.

All the while she would hear a moan escape the shop as Alera's exam continued. She finally heard something she had not completely expected, Alera moaned out. "Yes please do!" Before more passionate moans could be heard from the shop. Linsay might need to avoid the shop for a little bit as it sounded like Alera had moved to the payment portion of the exam. Although she could also go inside and watch, or talk with the woman here, she seemed very knowledgeable about the armors and items to make it up that sat in front of her.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay would find a dress that was almost too perfect. This place was a gold mine as it were. Just about everything she could have ever dreamed of was here.. somewhere. The woman would almost always have a genuine smile on her face so Lindsay did not really seem too turned away by the collar around her neck. She would ask about possibly making a suit of armor that would be more functional once she were free of the heat and humidity of the desert. Lindsay knew that she wanted something light and easy to move around in for this tournament, but she did start to think about what may come about after the tournament was done as well.

As Lindsay were moving about the area, she could hear Alera from time to time moaning. Likely from the armorer using his rather hands-on approach, Alera would respond in kind. Not really wanting to spoil the surprise for when it was her turn to be fitted, Lindsay would allow Alera to be uninterrupted so that she could get the best result possible. Lindsay was now starting to get herself a little excited as she knew her turn was going to be coming up next. Lindsay started to look around again almost to shake away the nervousness that she was building up. How was Alera going to look? How was she going to feel after it was all done?

Once Alera was done, they would probably need to make sure that nothing had gone wrong though it was a mere formality Lindsay thought. At least judging from what Millia ended up with, it would be fairly safe to assume that Alera would be taken care of just as expertly. Lindsay could almost see herself already wearing the suit of her dreams. All she had to do was wait until Alera was done, and by the sounds of it that time was coming soon.

Lindsay was starting to get a little jumpy, but could you really blame her. This was the first time she really had the ability to not worry about money and just gorge herself on clothing. Back in her village, wandering merchants would pass through from time to time. Of course she was too young to have built up any real amount of money so she could only ever look from afar as other people bought elegant clothing to wear to formal events. Lindsay only really ever had worn her training outfit and other simple clothing when she was in her village.

With everything she felt that she wanted picked out, Lindsay with the help of the woman outside had everything ready to go for when it was her turn to be sized up by the armorer. Of course, if the armorer himself had any suggestions, Lindsay was likely to listen as she only ever had the ability to wear hand me down type armor that barely ever fit her until now.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

It was not as long as she expected before Alera emerged from the shop, her clothing was rather interesting, a tight leotard of armor covered her body leaving a rather tasteful cleavage window below her neck line, around her hips was a short skirt that always seemed to be fluttering in the wind as she moved. her arms were covered a black stockings to just below her hips, with armored boots and knee and elbow guards. She walked over to Linsay and took her hand and pulled her into the shop.

The armorer was once again resting against the table as Linsay brought in her items, he would put them on the table and smile.

"You have elegant taste, and yet it's still very functional. Come over here you already know what needs to be done." He said as she was moved and stripped with ease. His fingers began exploring her body, starting at her neck and slowly working his way down. His hands were firm yet comforting, he was obviously testing where her muscles were and where her body moved. She gave her breasts the same treatment he gave to Alera's lifting them up and letting them fall, smiling at how firm and perky they were.

"Your body is just as good as your friends, although I think your breasts will require slightly less work to keep in line, her's are comparable to yours in size but hung more readily then yours do." He said with a pinch of her nipples, as his hands moved over her stomach, taking note of every change in her muscles, as his hands slid between her legs and over her pussy, he could feel her wetness but for now ignored it. More interested in how her hips and legs moved then her aroused body. Finally running his hands down her legs before finishing at her feet and smiling.

"I think yours will be one of my best works of armor. First you'll pay for it then I'll fit it. I have a few more things to test but I want to do it while we enjoy ourselves." He said with a chuckle as his erect cock was hanging ready to go.

"Start with your hands and we'll go from there." he said guiding her hand to his erect member.

(If you would be so kind as to give this scene it's life, as mostly it's going to be Linsay leading the way before he fucks her and fits her. You can even put that in your next post and describe her armors final appearance.)
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(will do, hopefully its not as terrible as usual..)

Lindsay would look at Alera and what she had recieved from the armorer. She was almost stunned to see how Alera looked, yet the whole package was still a fully functional set of armor from top to bottom. Alera would waste little time as she took Lindsay by the hand and brought her back inside. The armorer had clearly wanted to get right to it as Lindsay laid out onto a table what she had picked out from the available wares outside.

It looked like the armorer was resting a bit from his time with Alera, but he knew as well as Lindsay did that nothing good was going to come from waiting around. Asking Lindsay to bring her arms out to her side, he would begin stripping her of her clothing. Not wanting to interfere with his work, Lindsay would stand firm while her clothing was dropped to the floor and the armorer started his examination of her body.

He started the same as Alera, bringing his hands up and down her breasts a few times to see how they moved. Even commenting that Lindsays breasts were similar in size and shape yet completely different as Alera's were less perky. Lindsay would get a slight smile out of hearing that as the armorer pinched her nipples. His hands would move down her body, focusing on every little contour and detail. Lindsay jumped a bit as his hands would glide over her pussy though he was disinterested in exploring further for the time being. The armorer at least for now was the consummate professional taking note of Lindsay's body and every detail.

The armorer was satisfied with what he had to work with. That much was obvious, and not really sure if Alera was given the same offer or not Lindsay was told to pay for her armor first and then it would be prepared for her to be fit into it. Having a little laugh, the armorer would expose his member and ask Lindsay to use her hands to further stimulate his already erect member. Finding no reason to distrust the armorer, Lindsay would do exactly that. Getting herself on her knees she would reach her hand out and start to work his member while the armorer went back to work on Lindsay's body.

As he would start to be serviced by Lindsay, he would start to examine her shoulders, back and neck. Almost instantly he had an idea pop into his head and he would say as such while Lindsay was working his member. "Yes, I have just the thing to help with that.." As the armorer would finish his thought and move onto the next area he wished to examine. Lindsay would get overpowered somewhat, as she was pulled toward the armorer while he examined her back. She would instinctively take his member into her mouth now as his hands were now focused on examining Lindsays back.

"Hmm.. This won't do." The armorer would proclaim as he did not seem to be able to get the proper angle to examine Lindsay's body from. Adjusting Lindsay again, he would push her aside and she landed on all fours where he told her not to move. Lindsay would obey his command and the armorer would get into a doggy style position with her which was perfect for him to examine Lindsay's back and ass. His member now erect enough that as the armorer moved, his member would rub up against the outside of her folds.

Once the armorer was satisfied that he had enough information about every single part of Lindsay's body, he would simply grab hold of Lindsay's hips and insert himself inside of her. Lindsay would wriggle around from time to time, but the armorer would keep her steady and stable with his impressive grip strength. It was not long before they would both reach their finish. The armorer was suprisingly adept at keeping his discipline and not just firing his load into Lindsay. Lindsay would reach her peak and go limp before the armorer would pull himself out and fire his load onto her back.

As Lindsay would come to, she felt like it was maybe a minute or two that she was out. The collared woman and Alera were both next to her and it was the pair of them who had cleaned Lindsay up while she was out cold. Alera was holding her while the woman with the collar had gone back outside to peddle her wares again now that Lindsay was awake again. Now resting herself in Alera's lap, Lindsay would look up to see a dress that was hanging. The armorer would re-emerge from his forge with the final touches and motion for Lindsay to come over and try the dress on while he assembled the rest of the armor around it.

The dress itself seemed to be modified somewhat as Lindsay's chest was too much for the dress itself to handle apparently. There was a custom made v-neck design made into the dress, which Alera would point out was done by the woman with the collar while Lindsay was out. A string was inserted into where the dress was modified to keep Lindsay's assets from spilling out in the middle of a battle, though with enough effort someone could still easily enough remove the string. As Lindsay put the dress on, she could feel how perfectly the form of the leather matched her body. Alera would wrap the belt around her waist as the armorer would start to work on her shoulderguards.

With the main elements of the dress itself assembled Lindsay would start to move herself around. Simulating a few combat moves, Lindsay felt almost nothing as the dress seemed to feel weightless while she moved around. She almost did not realize that she had completely forgotten to put on the boots. Looking back to the table, she would realize this minor little detail. Far too eager to try on the dress that she completely forgot about the boots. The look was completed with the boots that would cover her shins. Again made of leather to be lighter these boots did have a shinguard made of metal. Light enough that they did not hamper her movement, but sturdy enough that if she kicked someone they would know it.

All told, Lindsay was amazed by how her ideas were turned into reality by the armorer. She just had to go back to the tower and show Alera and herself off. Both of them had expertly crafted armor to go with Millia's that was made before. Lindsay could not wait to get herself into a battle, if for no other reason than to show herself off and test out her newly made armor.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

The trip back to the tower came with more then a few glances and stares as they moved through the busy city streets again. But the path back to the tower was easy enough to follow, upon arriving they heard laughter from the top of the tower, although the tower itself was the same as before.

In the top room Millia sat on the pillow watching the arena as the last match of the day winded itself down. The small group of goblins were pitted against four orc's, it was a comedy match as the goblins fought by throwing rotting fruit and vegetables at the orc's. As the orcs did little more then wade into them tearing them limb from limb.

"I know watching some monster getting torn limb from limb shouldn't be funny, but in this case I find it hilarious." Millia said as they watched. Michael would look over smiling at Linsay and Alera's new armor as they entered the room.

"Your looking lovely Linsay that armor certainly accentuates all your curves perfectly. I knew he was a master of his craft but he truly out did himself this time." He said with a smile towards her.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Enough time had passed while Alera and Lindsay were at the armorer's shop that the sun was nowhete near as oppresive as it was before. The trip back to the tower was simple enough for the pair, though it was tough for either not to notice they were the center of attention as they moved among the crowds.

Millia could be heard laughing as they arrived. She was watching a match in the arena and she seemed to get a laugh out of whatever it was that was going on. Lindsay and Alera arrived at the very end of the match which seemed to have featured a group of orcs along woth whatever they were fighting against and alot of food was strewn about as well.

Not thinking much of what was in the arena presently, Lindsay knew she wanted to be in the arena herself. Michael would pay a compliment toward the girls as he caught sight of them entering the observation area where Millia and he were watching the battle from.

"So, you think up a way we can get into a match in the arena before the tournament starts? Lindsay had really only one thing in mind right now. She wanted to put her armor on display for all to see.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Michael sat back contemplating to himself. As Millia got up and walked over to them giving them a once over, spinning them around to get a good view of the whole armor set.

"You two do look really good in your armor. A match might be a bit odd but that being said it could be fun. Although I'm slightly more interested in leaving it as a surprise for our appearance in the tournament itself." Millia said with a smile as Alera look at the cieling not wanting to be involved in the conversation, a deep blush moving across her face.

"I can probably put together something but with the tournament only a couple of days away it might drain you somewhat for your first match. Which I would not want to do. Did you have something in mind?" he asked leaning back taking in their forms with a smile on his face, happy they were back, and enjoying the visual appeal.

"Or you can do the illusionary fight against a monster. Tomorrow is the day before the tournament starts so it's going to be rather dull in the arena. lots of cleaning and preparing the place for the matches to come." He said rubbing his chin.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay would probably take Millia's advice and just wait things out if she were her normal self. What Millia said made perfect sense afterall. Thinking back on what Millia had said once they left the temple, she would remember that her sword was pretty banged up.

"I would really love to go and see just how much of a factor the heat will be, but you are probably right Millia. I think tomorrow would be better used trying to procure weapons if they are not provided for the tournament."

Lindsay would turn to Michael and ask him if he happened to have any ideas. Both for the desire that Lindsay wanted to sate and the issue Millia raised previously when they left the temple to journey here. Lindsay wanted to get it out of her system as it were and just fight someone or something though she was not too keen on it being an illusionary fight like Michael had proposed since Lindsay wanted to see and feel and experience as much as she could almost as a warm-up match as it were. If she knew how the heat would affect her then she could fight more intelligently in the tournament.

That all being said, Lindsay most wanted a fight and would likely accept any idea that they would come up with. If it had to be the illusionary battle that Michael proposed, then that was what it would be if no other option presented itself to be viable.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

"Okay then Linsay lets have a match, My tower I have quite a bit of control over the rooms. Lets head down to the bath." He said with a smile as he headed down to the bath letting the girls follow him. As they arrived he was waving his hands as dirt shifted into the room, covering the ground and making the bath itself into a large mostly solid pool of mud, more like knee deep quicksand then a pool anymore. As he finished he thickened it further, finally getting it to the consistency he wanted, he stood upon it and they would watch as his fee sunk in, but slowly, he would have to sand still for a good minute for two inches of his feet to sink in.

"So if you want to test yourself against the arena's conditions, here they are dirt that will be soft and slowly sucking you in. Heat that will be sapping your strength, and bright light that will blind you if you look in the wrong place." He said as they began to feel the change in temperature, it felt hot and muggy but not oppressively so, it would obviously drain their stamina but not outright drop them. "Would you prefer a duel or two on two?" He asked with a raised eyebrow as he moved across the room.

(Sorry for the delay on this post, was out most of the last night for new years, I have the next four days off tho so I should be around often.)
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Kinda figured, it was new years parties for most all of us afterall. No worries, I'll be out most of tomorrow watching the ufc so that will pretty much kill tomorrow night, other than that I go back to work on the 5th myself as well.)

Lindsay along with the others would be led into the bath area. Michael had created an impromptu recreation of the arena right down to how hot it was outside when Alera and Lindsay went to get their armor fitted earlier in the day.
At first Lindsay thought this to be a joke of sorts, that Michael simply wanted to mudwrestle with her like she would see when passing carnival caravans would do a show in her village.

As the impromptu arena would take shape within the fairly open area. Almost exactly as Michael had described it, Lindsay could feel the room start to heat up and one of the lights were excessively bright so as to act as the sun would overhead. Lindsay could not wait to get this started though she did not see any weaponry handy. Aside from there being no weapons, this looked like an opportunity she could not possibly pass up.

Once Michael reached the other side of the room, he was far enough away that even were Lindsay to rush at him there would be ample time for him to respond. Then he offered to have a match with all of them or just him against Lindsay. Alera almost instantly started to walk over toward Michael as she, being a warrior herself, knew the advantage this little skirmish could provide her. Millia as much as she may not have been instantly thrilled about the idea would give in after Lindsay and Alera goaded her a little bit.

Looks like it was going to be Michael and Alera against Lindsay and Millia. Once Alera made it over to the other side, it would look like they would have a short discussion on strategy. Michael knowing how this would all work best would be able to give Alera the most insight on how to go about approaching this. Lindsay and Millia would do little more than look at each other. Millia was going to try to engage Alera while Lindsay would go after Michael to start.

After they had gotten done with their discussion, they all would agree on the rules. Once someone was unable to continue they would be out, and once both on a team were out the other team would win. With that the battle lines were drawn and their little exhibition match looked like it was ready to begin.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Cool we'll post stuff as we can throughout the days and go from there.)

Michael stood across from them as he tossed up a small smoldering fire floated to the ground.

"When this touches the ground we'll start, the tournament will have an announcer stating the match starting but this will do." He said with a smile as the four friends watched the fire slowly flutter to the ground. Alera shifting her weight from foot to foot as the fire fell. Millia watching the fire intently, her feet sinking into the ground slightly. As the fire hit the ground Alera rushed forward rapidly covering the distance between the two teams as Michael cast a spell. Millia responded in kind by countering his spell but leaving her open to Alera's rush as the young warrior was pushing towards her.

Linsay felt something shifting in the winds as they moved, she could easily counter Alera's rush but it would easily leave Michael able to counter attack her. Although she could also rush towards Michael as well, she could easily get to him before he could cast again, at least she thought so.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

The thing about a plan is that it is great to have one, but you can never really rely on it. Alera would get the initiative and head toward Millia while she and Michael would trade off casting and countering spells. Lindsay would act almost through instinct more than anything and look to cut off Alera.

With Michael and her so far away, Lindsay and Millia might be able to take advantage of Alera getting so far away and isolating herself from Michael. Lindsay and Millia still being close to each other they might be able to double team Alera. Lindsay at least would look to intercept Alera and tackle her to the ground.
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Re: The Trial of the Champion

Linsay rushed towards Alera attempting to tackle her to the ground. As the two girls collided Linsay would see Alera smile at her as she wrapped her arms around her and the two tumbled to the ground their bodies pressed together in the mud. As Millia smiled turning and casting a large spell at Michael which he ignored, the ball of energy smashing into him as he smirked himself absorbing the attack and launching one of his own.

As a tentacle surged from the dirt and slide right between Millia's legs, a surprised squeak coming from the woman as she shifted backwards her feet sticking lightly and she lost her footing tumbling to the ground. As more tentacles emerged and began wrapping around her squeezing her, but really only squeezing her breasts and holding her down as she moaned at the offensive against her.

Alera's smiled quickly faded as she realized in a wrestling match Linsay was decidedly her better. Quickly losing ground as she found herself promptly on her back with Linsay above her, the struggle continued but she was in a losing proposition. Millia while down was not yet out as she continued struggling against the groping tentacles. Michael laughed as he began casting again slowly walking towards the women.

"I have to admit I am not pleased with that blast my dear but I think your equally not pleased with my spell." He said taunting Millia who continued struggling she said nothing, Linsay would recognize her face of concentration, she was casting something through the groping what it was she couldn't tell.