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The Unseen (SirOni)

Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The uncoordinated, flailing mass of infected men, and actually a few women too, pinned Alex better then any one directed attack ever could. They started to moan as they rubbed themselves, and their sexual organs, all over the trapped girl. Eventually one managed to grab onto her waistline and pull her clothes down, though not all the way, her panties dangled from her left foot, caught in a bunch. For the time being the infected bumping around for position prevented them from entering her pussy, but the one under her had a perfect shot and stuck his cock right up Alex's ass, gripping her breasts through her shirt at the same time. The shirt was being torn up a bit, but prevented the man's nails from digging in like they would have if she was bare.

More zombies wanted in on the action. A female one got behind Alex and pulled her head down, making sure she wasn't propped up on the back of the bench. She yanked on the girl's hair quite hard until Alex's head was at the level of her pants, or where her pants would have been had the zombie actually be wearing any. Manuevering around, the zombie woman straddled Alex's neck before shoving the girl's face up to her pussy, griding against her mouth and upset if Alex did not lick.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

As the monsters rubbed against her Alex begun screaming again, her voice cracking as she strains her vocal chords. And as she felt her shorts, then her underwear being pulled down she flailed once more, trying desperately to pull herself from the mass of undead crowding around and on her to get away from the inevitable.

However she was unsuccessful. As her ass was speared Alex let out her loudest cry yet, her body tensing up and her hands instinctively tightly gripping the nearest zombie as she was entered. All her strength now gone from her Alex was unable to do anything as her breasts were roughly played with, and despite herself Alex's body begun to react to the sensations, sickening the girl to her core.

Alex's arms hung limp as the female zombie yanked her head back, tears as well as saliva stained her face and the only sound that could be heard from the girl was a faint cracking moan. Whether it was of pleasure or pain no one would know. Alex had receded to the very back of her mind due to her ordeal by the time the female zombie had knelt over her face, unaware that the creature wanted her to pleasure it with her tongue.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The rest of the zombies were slowly tightening in the circle to take their turn with Alex. The best spots were quickly taken, an infected man fell ontop of the woman right away and penetrated her with a loud howl before bucking madly. The rest had to be content with just rubbing around on her now, though they seemed to enjoy it, if slightly upset about not getting to plug a hole. Some went after the female infected as a secondary prize, the one at Alex's face soon had one pumping her from behind, causing severe whiplash for Alex as the zombified woman still held on tight to the back of her head. The zombie under Alex was quite happy, the violent movments above him were causing him great pleasure, Alex could feel his cock twitch a few times and a small trickle of pre-cum lube up her ass, making the experience less painful.

Overall, as Alex's senses dulled from the onslaught, she started to feel a bit of pleasure. As time went on the zombies penetrating her were able to slide around with greater ease, their piston motion within her perhaps the best she'd ever had, though the traumatic circumstances took away a bit. Even the juices leaking from the zombie pumping her face seemed to taste good. It would be interesting to see how Alex's willpower and mentality held up during the attack.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

As Alex's body got used to the feeling of the zombies assault her mind slowly came back to her and as it did a waves of pleasure gradually washed over her. First starting off almost unnoticeable, though one by one the pleasure grew until it snapped her mind completely back to reality.

There was a small part of her mind that knew that she shouldn't be enjoying this, that what was happening was wrong and sick, yet the pleasure she was experiencing told her a completely different story.

Alex let out a moan of pleasure, her voice cracking weakly as she was brought back to reality, her mind suddenly flooded with sensations she's never experienced before. Feeling the female zombies juices run over her lips Alex reflexively opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue, where it makes contact with the creatures womanhood. For a moment she stays like that, allowing the juices to flow over her tongue before Alex begins to tease the female zombie, the girls tongue tracing the zombies slit, licking at her slowly for several minutes before eventually sliding her tongue into the creature. Alex's hips bucked in time to the male zombies thrusts, her virgin ass and honeyhole aching from the heat of their members pounding her roughly, both holes unwilling to let go and release them until they had pleasured the girl fully.

With her hands free Alex sought to rectify that, and driven by her mind shattering lust they instinctively wander, one towards the chest of the female zombie and one outwards, groping blindly for a male zombies organ or whatever else she can grip onto.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The zombies were much more happy as Alex started participating enthusiastically. Zombies quickly lined up for a handjob from her. The zombies that started in on her first were quickly reaching their breaking point, the female zombie and the one in Alex's ass came at nearly the same time, flooding two holes with different fluids. While both would have been temporarily weak enough to throw off, or even be moved away by another willing infected, due to the position the group was in they were firmly held into Alex, the one under her couldn't slide around at all, and the female zombie was still having to hump the girl's face as her own ass was being penetrated.

As for Alex herself, she was almost to her own happy place. The effort of keeping up with the orgy was really draining her, and she could also feel sleep being forced upon her. The zombie in her pussy came was was moved out of the way by another as she was about to be finished off.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex's body acted on its own volition, and despite her becoming exhausted to the point of falling unconscious her hand coils around the nearest organ, her fingers gripping it tightly as she frantically jerked the zombie off.

As the female zombie climaxed, juices flooding into Alex's mouth, her broken mind forcinh the girl to drink up all that she can, lapping and sucking at the female zombies womanhood even as she recovers from her orgasm. Sensations unlike anything Alex had experienced before rush through her body as both male zombies reach their own orgasm, pumping warm semen into both her ass and womb, pushing the overpowered girl to her own mindblowing orgasm. Alex arched her back as she let out a cry of pleasure that echoed throughout the complex, her hand that was already gripping the female zombies breast squeezes it ever firmer as her juices mixed in with the seed of the monster pounding her floods out, staining her thighs as well as the zombie below her.

As Alex gradually recovered from her orgasm she let out another small wimper of pleasure as yet another male zombie penetrates her, the girl reaches out to grab the female zombie, with the intention of pulling her down to kiss her.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

By this point Alex was too weak to truely do anything other then hold on for the ride. Her body automatically bucks and sucks, but she's unable to pleasure the zombies with her hands. They pick up their pace as they get more and more frustrated with how limp the girl is starting to become. Fortunately, Alex passes out before they start violating her with fury.

When Alex wakes up she is laying on the bench in a massive puddle of cum. Most of the zombies are gone, but one is still humping her leg. She's tired, but feels like she could get up and run or fight if she had to.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The first thing that hits Alex, besides the putrid taste in her mouth, was the overpowering smell of the zombie semen she is currently lying in. She fights the urge to vomit as memories that don't quite seem to be hers flood back to her mind. Images of those creatures violating every orifice as she seemingly accepted their manhood, taking her virginity in the process flash before her minds eye, filling her not only a sickening disgust but also anger at herself for allowing herself to get caught by them.

Alex hadn't noticed the zombie getting off on her leg at first, what with all the other emotions and feelings rushing through her as she woke up she felt quite disconnected from reality. But, fighting them off for now she glares at the zombie, white hot rage rushing through the girls body as her gaze falls upon the undead creature. Reaching out to grab the nearest object Alex allows her anger to take control of her, her intent to beat this pathetic sack of shit to a meaty pulp whether it be with a solid object or her own two hands.

((Attack the zombie regardless of whether she can find an item to hit it with or is she has to fight with her own hands))
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

As it turns out, when Alex leaned back to try and find a weapon, the best attack would consist of a kick right to the zombies face, a move which the infected almost aided in as it was surprised when Alex began to move. In the end, Alex's rage made it hard to remember after the fact just how she'd attacked, but before she realized it, Alex was standing above the zombie who was trying to skitter back to its feet, seriously injured in the face.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

There is no pity or remorse in Alex's eyes as she stares down at the injured zombie, only pure hatred as the girl brings her foot up once more ready to smash it down onto the creatures face.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The zombie almost has enough intelligence to realize what's about to happen to it, and why, but not quite. The look doesn't stop Alex from killing him, though. A satisfying crunch sounded as Alex was now alone in the deserted lobby of the mall. The floor and bench were covered with the evidence of her violation.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Despite the zombies death Alex continues to smash her foot into the creature's face, growling angrily until it is little more than a meaty paste and her anger has subsides.

Once the adrenaline runs out everything that had happened hits Alex once more, a wave of mixed emotions; pleasure, disgust and anger wash over her, and unable to hold back any longer Alex doubles over and vomits, wave after wave of puke mixing into the pool of semen, adding to the already stomach churning smell.

Alex stays knelt on the ground for several minutes after she finishes vomiting, her eyes shut tight as she wishes that this was all a dream, that once her eyes open up she would be back at home in her own bed. Unfortunately for her though that was just wishful thinking, and this was reality. Slowly getting to her feet Alex wipes her mouth on her arm, evident that she was covered in not only vomit but the zombie's semen as well as the juices of the female zombies, which made for a truly horrid scent.

Thinking it the best option for now, Alex decides to check on her possessions as well as the state of her clothes. If any of them was damaged beyond wearing she would then try to see if there was any open clothes stores that she may change her clothes.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex was lucky she didn't alert other zombies, who might still be nearby, as she engaged in her vengence. Fortunately, the display was not overly loud and over quickly. Her recovery afterwards was similar, not causing much stirr despite being in a very exposed location. A few times in her daze, Alex might have heard the zombie pack down at the far end of the mall, howling at something or other, but the noise was faint enough that it might have been all in her head, no danger brought itself against her anyway.

Alex's things were scattered around the bench. The zombies did not have enough of their minds left to take anything. Most of it was covered in filth, especially upper clothes, those were in pretty bad shape. Her panties and the rest were able to be saved, though they were pretty dirty. Luckily, Alex was quite near to one of the small department stores of the mall, it was nearly half full of clothing. She'd have her pick of a new outfit. However, the store was large and not well lit, perhaps dangerous to venture into, though it was also fairly open in design, Alex would not have to worry about getting cornered as long as she kept an eye peeled for zombies.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Her head still heaving from her ordeal, Alex rooted around her belongings until everything was wiped down as well as she could and put back in her backpack. Letting out a disgruntled moan at the sight of her clothes Alex at least puts her underwear back on, inwardly thanking the zombie's need to remove them before they became too dirty. Then, spotting the shop she weighed up her options;

Either wear her cum-sodden clothes until she finds an abandoned house and hope that there is no monsters or anything else that would attack her in it or,

Quickly find something in the store before she alerts anything else in the vicinity.

After several minutes carefully weighing up the odds Alex decides it would be best to look around the store, at least that way if something does sneak up on her she can make a run for it and try her second option later.

Folding her cum stained clothes and tucking them loosely in her bag Alex carefully makes her way towards the store, keeping her eyes and ears alert for any movement or sound, however subtle. In one hand she carries her bag by a single strap and in the other she wields her axe, ready to bring it down on anything that moves within her range.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex was in luck, the women's section was right near the front. There were plenty of clothes to pick from. While most of it was a little costly, the stuff that the kids and young adults wore if they just had to have the latest, brand name stuff, considering how the city was in a pretty bad spot right now, it was no time be concerned about fashion or cost. Along one wall were the changing rooms, but those look cramped compaired to the openess of this store's layout, no telling what was back there, but on the other hand Alex wouldn't be showcasing herself to the whole mall if she went back there to change. To Alex's left was the men's department, to her right were washers and dryers, just the first items of the home convinience section, and straight ahead past this section were the electronics, now dark and silent.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex, not wanting to spend anymore time here than necessary quickly grabs pretty much what she had been wearing prior to her attack; black hoodie, loose teeshirt and boots, though this time substituting the skirt for a pair of dark toned three quarter length pants. She's learnt her lesson and its not one she wants to experience again any time soon.

If nothing corners her while she was changing in the open area Alex intends on finding a way out of this hellhole, regretting ever setting foot in this damned mall.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Changing did not take long, and it wasn't too hard to find what she wanted, though Alex now looked a bit trendier then she started out. However, a sense of urgency kicked in as she finished, she could hear a zombie or two slowly making their way back towards her, not nessisarily aware of her, as they sounded to be randomly thrashing around, but still, it'd be best to get a plan of action, fast.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

At the sound of the zombie's return the first thought to pop into Alex's head was to put as much distance between her and those filthy bastards as soon as possible. So, listening to where they're coming from Alex decides to head in the opposite direction, keeping as quiet as possible while looking for a way out of the mall.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Running into any of the three neighboring departments would have worked to avoid being seen by the zombies, but going into the deep, dark electronics department offered the most cover, and the most distance. However, as Alex moved away, she heard the zombies stop and and start moaning. Judging the distance, it was entirely possible they'd stumbled upon the site of her violation and were quite interested in it.

For the moment they were not getting any closer, allowing Alex the chance to look around and search for an escape route. Even further behind her looked to be the entrances to the employee area, though it was very poorly illuminated. She could also slide over to either of the other departments she'd already seen without going back up front, there did not seem to be much in the way deviding the areas, besides some large displays that convieniently offered Alex some more cover.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex glares at the zombies as they stop near the area where she was forced to endure her ordeal at the hands of their undead brethren, and for a moment the thought of attacking them sounded like a good idea. Though she quickly pushed thoughts of vengeance out of her mind as any sounds coming from her or them would probably summon more zombies to the area pretty quickly.

Instead she weighs up her options; the employee area seems like a reasonable choice, though who knows what's lurking in the dark and while she could double back on herself and use the cover to her advantage there was always the risk of the zombies spotting Alex and calling out for more to get her.

Eventually Alex decides that maybe the sections in the department store could be a good hiding place for now. And if anything did notice her and give chase she'd at least be able to lose them in all the aisles, and if needed push some of the more heavier pieces onto them. Using what cover is available Alex makes her way back, deciding to go left while keeping an eye out for any ambushers.
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