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The Unseen (SirOni)

Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The living room was almost a sight for sore eyes, picturesque middle-class furnishings completly untouched by the disaster. There was a nice soft couch that would be a good place to unwind, if it weren't right in front of the large windows. From the glimpses Alex got of the rest of the house as she started to search, the entire house was in the same state, nice and clean, simply unpowered.

As her guard lowered, Alex could tell the noise was actually coming from several places, the small airvents in the floor. It was coming from one louder then the others, though, which is why it had been hard to figure out. Next to a door in the kitchen she could hear small squeeks coming from down below, probably in the basement, in a slow pattern. She still couldn't tell what it was, but at the very least it was unchanged by her walking around the house, so that was a good sign.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex let out an irritated sigh as she realised where the sounds were coming from. "Looks like I'm not going to catch a break just yet..." She says to herself quietly, contemplating on throwing a flare down into the basement or one of the floor vents. Though a minute later she realises that's a dumb idea as it would only alert whatever it is to her being here. Instead Alex decides to look for something she could wedge under the handle of the basement door to hopefully stop, or at least make it harder for the door to be opened should anything down there finally notice her presense.

Once her current business is concluded in the kitchen Alex decides to cautiously make her way upstairs to check to see what state it is up there as well as to hopefully find a shower with running water. Not bothered whether it's hot or cold water Alex just wants to wash the smell of zombie cum off her.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Many kitchen objects make good wedges or doorstops. Unfortunately the door opened away, so that method wouldn't work. Alex was in luck, however, because as she was nearing the end of her search, she found some stretchy cords with hooks on the end, made of bungie matieral. They'd tie the handle in place good, and no doubt if anyone did try and open the door there'd be a massive racket to alert her as well.

The house's upstairs was quite small, only three doors. Two were bedrooms, also undisturbed, but the center door led to a small bathroom. A quick check showed that the water was still running, despite the disaster outside. The water was luke-warm, but at least not cold. There were plenty of products on the shelf, such as shampoo and conditioner, to aid Alex in relaxing.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

"Now this is more like it," Alex says joyfully after checking to see if the water was running and spotting the skin and hair care products. Alex is about to disrobe when she realises that she'll need something to hold the door in place incase one of those things notices the running water and decides to investigate. Picking her axe back up the girl decides to check the two rooms for anything to hold the door in place. "While there may be a lock on the bathroom door you can never be too cautious..." Alex thinks to herself as she leaves the bathroom.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The obvious answer was to use the bedsheets to tie the door shut, but that wasn't exactly strong. Both bedrooms had walk-in closets, though, full of interesting items. In fact, in the first, Alex found a nice, modern compound bow, plus a set of twenty arrows. A cool, silent weapon at the very least. However, there wasn't anything else specifically helpful inside, besides a nice selection of some fancier clothes, if Alex felt like putting on a skirt or dress, or even a suit. Fortunately, in each room itself there was at least one chair, perfect for propping the door shut.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

A slight smile spreads across Alex's face at the sight of the bow, and while she's never used one before Alex decides it wouldn't hurt to take it with her. After much rummaging through clothes, grabbing what she thinks would look good on her Alex grabs one of the chairs and quickly makes her way back to the bathroom where she clothes the door, locks it and jams the chair under the handle.

Dropping the pile of clothes on the floor Alex rests her axe on the top of the toilet and leans the bow and its quiver of arrows against it. Checking the door one final time to make sure it is firmly shut Alex then turns on the shower on. Dropping her bag to the floor Alex slowly gets undressed, removing her hoodie first she allows it to drop behind her, then goes her teeshirt, revealing her slim frame and A-cup breasts. Next to go are her baggy pants, pulled over her boots and dropped uncerimoniously dropped with the rest of her pilfered, soiled clothes. Taking a seat on the toilet the girl quickly removes her boots and socks, making sure to place the former down quietly to reduce the noise she is making. Finally, last to go were her panties.

"Goddamn, I smell..." The girl says to herself with slight disgust before stepping into the shower. Standing directly under the shower head Alex allows the water to wash over her completely for several minutes, using the time to finally allow herself to relax for the first time since she had set out. Alex also thinks on what she plans on doing once she escapes the city, if she even makes it out of here. After all, they may have some kind of special unit after anyone who's been in contact with these freaks... Alex thinks to herself, her expression taking on a more dejected tone.

As the minutes pass Alex slowly slides down the wall, eventually sitting down on the floor of the shower, her head tipped forward as the water continues to wash over her naked form. Her mind emptying from the exhaustion finally catching up to her Alex allows her mind to wander, images of the previous events flashing before her eyes; the unknown creatures chasing her, her crawling through the brambles to try and unsuccessfully avoid detection, escaping the mall, smashing the zombies head in with her foot, being surrounded by the zombies, entering the mall... The one event she tries to ignore pushes itself to the front of her mind, Alex trying her best to escape the zombies, then grabbing her and forcing her down, piling on top of the girl to begin raping her, then her finally succumbing it... and what was that? unconsciously enjoying it?

Alex shakes that thought away almost as soon as it pops up. There's no way I could've enjoyed that, she thinks to herself, holding her head in her hands. Though... a hand slowly makes its way down her body, tips of her fingers idly running over her flat stomach until it came to rest between her legs. Biting her lower lip Alex allows the memories of the zombie attack to return to the front of her mind, them forcing her down, tearing at her clothes, their cold hands grabbing and pinching every inch of her. The tip of Alex's finger began to run along her slit, lightly pleasuring herself the girl would occasionally tease her clitoris not really sure of what she was doing, only knowing at the back of her mind that she wanted to feel good something good amongst all the hurt.

Then came their taste, the female zombie forcing herself down on Alex's face, being made to perform oral sex on her, the zombies juices running over Alex's lips, tongue, down into her mouth, swallowing it. Now using two fingers Alex began to pleasure herself at a faster pace, tentatively sliding the tip of her middle finger into herself every so often, letting out short gasps with every breath. Then came back the memories of the zombies penetrating her, not only taking her vaginal virginity but stealing her anal virginity as well. Alex remembers with complete clarity the way they thrusted into her, slamming their hips roughly against the girls lithe frame. Threatening to break her not just mentally but physically with their violent sexual acts, surely ruining her body for wouldbe future lovers with their thick members stretching her holes...

Their thick, powerful members pounding my innocent sex... fucking me mercilessly, stretching me, pumping their thick seed into my ass and womb... forcing themselves down my throat, my tongue running the length of their cocks as I have to hold back vomiting... their cum shooting down my throat, filling up my mouth, spilling out... Alex is now frantically pleasuring herself, two fingers rapidly sliding knuckle deep into her honeyhole, still miraculously almost too tight to even accomodate that, her overflowing juices aiding. The other hand had found its way to her mouth where a single digit slides in and out of the girls mouth as she sucks on it, rolling her tongue around its length as the memories of the zombies forcing their lengths down her throat flood her memories. Alex's fingering quickly becomes more erratic as she brings herself closer to orgasm, sliding down the wall even further so now the girl is almost completely lying down, her head and shoulders the only thing resting against the wall as finally Alex climaxes. Tightening her legs together Alex bites down on her lower lip in an attempt to stifle her moaning, her body going almost completely rigid, until finally her orgasm passes.

The girl lies there for a moment, her mind awash with the fading memories she allowed herself to masturbate to, the pleasure that those memories had just brought her to and a little bit more than slight disgust with herself to allow herself to use those memories of her stolen virginity to make herself feel better. Propping herself up she continues to mentally curse herself, then after a moment she drags herself to her feet to begin washing.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

(Seeing as that was all musing pretty much, I can't hope to match it. Left you some rep to make up for it. Still tried to make it as long as possible, not sure I did a good job though...)

The water washes away all traces of the past days' activites, the zombie's scent, both metaphorically and literally, as well as the signs of her own self pleasure. The temperature doesn't fade, the large reserve only having cooled, not run out, providing a small a mercy as Alex takes her shower.

Alex had just finished up the basics of cleaning, getting nice and wet, but not having yet applied shampoo and the like, when there was a sudden clamor from downstairs. It was muffled through the door, and over the rush of water, but it very much sounded like the door Alex had bungied shut trying to be opened. While startling, the door sounded like it was holding, but no way to be sure how long it'd stay strong.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex was just about to get down to some serious cleaning time when she thought she had heard a noise. Turning the shower down for a moment she listens intently, wondering whether she her mind was playing tricks on her. A moment later her fears were confirmed by a faint rattling noise; whatever had been trapped in the basement had noticed her, or at least heard the running water.

"Chris'sakes..." She thinks to herself, irritated more by her shower being cut short than another monster coming for her. "Can't a girl spend some time relaxing?" Turning the shower off completely Alex steps out into the bathroom proper and picking up a towel she quickly dries herself off. Once mostly dry she first fishes out a new pair of underwear from the pile of clothes, and while slightly tight on her Alex is more grateful about having a new pair than wearing the two day old, cum stained panties she had been wearing. Next the girl searches the pile of clothes for something suitable to wear, after several minutes she pulls out a plain teeshirt which she puts on, on top of that Alex puts on a long sleeved shirt which she quickly buttons up. Amongst the pile Alex notices a pair of formal black suit pants as well as a black suit jacket, "Why the hell not, eh?" she thinks to herself after a couple minutes pondering and hastily pulls them on too.

Content with what she's wearing Alex puts her old clothes back into her backpack, "After all I may need to change clothes at some point..." she thinks to herself as she shoulders the bag once she has put her socks and boots on. Picking up her axe and sliding the handle into the pocket of her pants Alex's gaze falls onto the bow and quiver of arrows. "They would come in handy... but would I be able to use it effectively in a house if whatever it is that's in the basement attacks me..?" Alex stands there for a moment, weighing its use up in her mind, then seemingly deciding it would be better to not take it she moves the chair and unlocks the door. Then opening the door Alex goes to leave, though stops and looks back at the bow for a moment. Hesitating for a moment Alex finally decides it would be best to at least take the bow down stairs with her in case. She slides the quiver between her back and bag and carries the bow. Making her way quietly down stairs Alex heads towards the kitchen area, slowly taking an arrow out of the quiver and takes aim at the door. Pulling the bow string back as far as she can manage Alex waits until whatever it is breaks through the basement door.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The noises had died down, and the jolts against the door only came infrequently now, perhaps with a small whining sound, still hard to tell, but easier heard at this range. Whatever was on the other side was pretty tired now, it seemed, and probably couldn't break through now, if it hadn't in the several minutes Alex spent cleaning herself up after the shower.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex continues to hold her bow, arrow notched and bowstring pulled taut, frowning as the noise behind the door gradually goes quieter and quieter, whatever's behind the door quickly tiring.

With no sign of the creature's escape going to succeed anytime soon Alex slowly relinquishes her pull on the string until she can release it safely enough without firing the arrow. Putting the arrow back in its quiver and sliding the bow between her back and backpack much like she has done with the quiver Alex throws one last glare at the door, silently hating whatever it was that had interrupted her relaxation time. The girl wonders for a moment whether she could risk going back in the shower though quickly decides against it as the creature could, for all she knew, renew its attacks against the bound door and break out before she had the chance to prepare herself this time. Regardless, she thinks to herself, I should be able to relax for a little longer...

Taking the axe that is stuffed awkwardly in her suits pants pocket Alex makes her way back into the corridor, this time with the intention of checking out the living room, ready to dispatch whatever may be making the room its home.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

As Alex entered the other room the sounds from the door were just faint scratching noises. It took little effort to retreat back into her own thoughts as Alex explored the living room.

At first nothing stood out. It was the average, middle class stuff. It didn't look like the owners had been around for a few days, either, so because no one had broken in yet, or at the very least disturbed the place, nothing was out of place. The room was pretty clean, but could have used a dusting. The furnature was in an older style, the couch was nice and poofy and the TV had a high quality wooden entertainment system to go with it. Besides those two things, there was an exercise bike, but the room was actually somewhat bare, almost suspiciously so.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex lowers her axe as she quickly realises there is no threat to her in this room. Looking around the girl takes in all the features of the room, making a mental note of how orderly the place seemed to be, as if the occupants of the house had left before the current events had started. Lucky bastards, she thinks to herself, though her thoughts are quickly drawn to herself and how ridiculous she looks dressed up to the nines as the girl catches her reflection in the television screen. Sighing Alex lets her backpack and other equipment, sans axe, drop to the floor behind her and quickly removes her suit jacket which she tosses over onto the settee.

"Huh, doesn't seem to be decorated well for a living room..." Alex mutters to herself as she finishes fussing over her appearance and turning her attention to the room once more. "Nice house though... A shame about those things in the basement, could've made for a nice spot to rest for a while longer..." Alex then listens at the scrabbling noises made by whatever is in the basement, a look of slight irritation comes over her face for a moment, annoyed by the creatures presense. For a moment she thinks about barging into the basement to wipe them out herself but quickly decides against it. After all she wouldn't want a repeat performance of the zombie scenario. Though despite her reluctance to stay in the house for much longer Alex does decide to allow herself a small bit of time to relax before she heads out again. Still holding her axe Alex makes her way over to the settee and sits down, relaxing her body somewhat.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The furnature was nice, soft, and fluffy. It was perfect for a nap, there were even a few throw pillows blending in with the matching fabric. This far away, the noise from the basement was drowned out all on its own, so there wasn't even that distraction.

Alex also got a good view out of the window, and up at the sky from this angle. It was still strange, as it had been since the event, but there was something different, yet familiar now. Storm clouds were gathering. Desert rain could be pretty heavy, because it was rare, but these didn't look too bad, localized around Alex's general area at the worst. Still, something to keep in mind for her upcoming travels.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

With her head craned back Alex frowns at the sight of the gathering clouds, their size and colour meaning only bad news for the girl if she set out now. With a sigh Alex pulls herself into an upright sitting position, contemplating on her next action. She could set out regardless of the weather and be caught in the storm and end up soaked to the bone all the while the possibility of getting jumped again looming over her. Or she could stay in the house, sit out the storm and hope she doesn't have to go toe-to-toe with whatever the hell is in the basement.

The answer was pretty obvious she thought. Getting up Alex walks over to the door, leaving her bag on the floor, and heads towards the stairs. Once up them Alex would then make her way to the nearest bedroom and grab a quilt. With that she would then head back downstairs and into the living room, deposit her axe and quilt on the floor and set about moving the settee against the door to act as a barricade. If uninterrupted and successful with her plan she then rests back on the couch, draping the quilt over her legs and keeping the axe within arms reach should she be disturbed from her nap.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The house, and neighborhood as a whole was quiet as Alex set up her makeshift shelter. All that was missing was a chirping bird to complete the mood. As Alex started to move the furnature around in the living room, however, the noises started up from the door in the kitchen again, stronger then before, but still sounding somewhat half hearted. Instead of random struggling, though, it was a deleberate "*pound... pound... pound*".
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex ignores the sound coming from the basement as she allows her tiredness to take hold of Alex, content that her barricade/makeshift bed would hold long enough that should whatever is trapped down there break out the girl would have enough time to come around and be ready to flee, or if it came to it do battle.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

After Alex was finished and quit making so much noise of her own the sounds from the basement eventually stopped too, leaving her in peace. She was able to curl up and nap, though remaining in a simi-ready position in the event of an attack. She drifted off quickly.


Alex awoke with a start. Lightning had struck nearby. In her time out the storm had started, with rain now pounding against the window heavily. While her heart raced from the shock, despite the rude awakining there did not appear to be any immediate threats, and the girl felt at least somewhat refreshed.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

"Who's there?!" Alex shouts out as a clap of thunder shocks her awake, her hand instinctively reaching out and grabbing the axe. The girl manages to stop herself from slamming the blade down as she remembers where she currently is. Climbing off the settee Alex walks towards the window, and seeing the weather she lets out a soft sigh of disappointment.

"Guess I can't continue on in this weather..." Alex says quietly to herself. The girl rests her head on the glass for a moment, the cool window soothing to her, and then stands back up straight as an idea comes to her. Alex looks back out the window, scanning the area for any cars. With a bit of luck she could find a car that she could hotwire and hopefully make it out of this godforsaken town once and for all.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Most of these houses had garages, including the one Alex was in, if she remembered correctly from when she was outside. Only one had it's door up, and there was no car there, but there were at least three other houses she could see that would be good for searching, not counting the one she was in. They were across the street, the only ones she could see from this window, but no doubt more would fit the description of what she was looking for too.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

"Great..." Alex thought to herself as she glanced outside to check for any cars and only saw closed garages. "Well this is just perfect." Getting up the girl let out a deep sigh, contemplating on whether it would be wise to just sit the storm out or if she should risk running out into the rain and breaking into one of the houses. After several minutes thinking Alex decided it would probably be best if she at least checked to see if there was a vehicle she could 'borrow'. As carefully and quietly as she could to try and not disturb the monstrosities in the basement Alex shifted the settee out from in front of the door, and only taking her axe for defense and the quilt for protection against the rain Alex made her way outside and towards the nearest house with a garage, leaving the door open just in case she has to quickly run back to the house.