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The Vents

Re: The Vents

"Well then maybe next time you should join me instead of just watching yes?" he teased Looking for the next room to raid its odd were all these perverted he hadn't found a single male other them him self so far dispite the large amount of holding cells...
Re: The Vents

Carefully, the gargoylegirl slides into the vent as well, and thus far everyone keeps up as you search for a new target.
Re: The Vents

"I wonder yes am I just luckly to get all the pretty girls first or am I the only male in this entire place yes?" he said continueing down the vents looking for something new...
Re: The Vents

The girls giggle. "There's a few, though not as many as the females," Pierce admitted, as another room seems to show signs of life.
Re: The Vents

"Well the anwser is obvious yes? Were in some kind of Japenese movie ware the scientists are nothing but perverts and creature sexy woman for there own sick reasons yes?" he teased them as he looked into this room as well
Re: The Vents

"Hey!" Pierce said, sticking her tounge out.

This room has a deep rumbling in the sounds.
Re: The Vents

"Let me Guess you personally over saw my testing then pierce yes?" he teased one final time before takeing a look into the room...
Re: The Vents

"Sorry, Cindy made sure you were taken care of, though!"

The creature seemed to be a big hulking mass of muscles, it's gait gorrilalike and it's muscled upper torso much stronger then you would expect it needed to be.
Re: The Vents

"Its a big one I may need you ladies help with this one maybe yes?" he said continued to observe the creature hopeing to atleast figure out its gender and wether it was intellegent or not.
Re: The Vents

Pierce took one look inside at the hulking male creature, and with a small gasp, stuck her head away. "Whatever the hell you do, do not open this vent!" she said, causing the others to look at her in surprise.
Re: The Vents

"That thing isn't called a Tank for nothing. We still don't think those mithral security cuffs are enough, and if it were to get free...." she shuddered in fear, wings curled around her. "Just please..."
Re: The Vents

"Is he intellegent violent what yes? Tell me more about him yes I have been itching for a fight yes. Or maybe a powerful ally yes?" he cooed moveing closer to peirce as he spoke.
Re: The Vents

"It's basicly a zombie with a major bad attitude. It's been inflicted with a new sorta chemical process to use on rioting cities, to attempt to help pacify them. However, it mutated beyond our control." She looked sad at this point. "It nearly killed four people before we could restrain it..."
Re: The Vents

"A zombie yes? Zombies Can be controlled if you know what they want yes if you know what they need yes... There must be something it hungers for yes." he voice lowered as he spoke mumbleing to himself lightly.
Re: The Vents

Pierce rolls her eyes, shaking he head, an expression of exasperation on her face.
Re: The Vents

"Why are you so worried yes? If it bothers you so much then We can leave him be for now yes? But runing from a problem never solves it yes." he said stareing at the strange creature studying it.
Re: The Vents

The creature was a mass of muscles, it's gorilla-style build barely held by it's skin, a loud panting and growling coming from it as the beast tugged at the huge cuffs holding it in. The primal rage in it's eyes is visibly seen as it bellows it's hatred through the room. You can tell that the room is also heavily soundproof.
Re: The Vents

"Yes I can see it I can feel you rage yes..." he said to him self as he moved on to another room. "I will come back for you yes..." he added to him self out of ear shot of the girls... "What room is next I wonder yes?" he said looking for another acupided room...
Re: The Vents

The fourth vent entrence that appeared led to another room. This one was also dark, but the sounds of soft crying can be heard.