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The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
Reputation score
As soon as you entered the field, the heat bears down on you. Dust and rust fill the air and once you manage to get a good look, through the grit and glare, you find that the ground is little more than compacted earth constantly eroded by the endless wind. The battlefield is not empty, however, far from it. Thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of swords litter the field. Each of them has been plunged into the earth, marking the spot their wielders fell. Unlike the champions, these warriors did not rise once more.
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Re: The Warrior's Graveyard

The endless field of discarded blades, stretching across barren hills to mark the endless graves, was a grim but appropriate location for what was about to take place. Kavika didn't waste time, merely opting to tell Routa; "You needn't bother concealing my name here... I doubt Korgoth has the ability to organize something like this. And now is not the time for fear." There was no hesitance on her part, Kavika drawing her bow and going for an arrow as she turned a glare upon her opponents. "You should beg... I might be kinder to you, in the end."

Kavika's sheet.

(Going to suggest no free buff rounds for this.)
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard

Walking in, Routa nodded. "I see. You would know better than me." she replied, cracking her knuckles in her hands. "So, ready to become my mount in this place, creature?" she inquired, taking a stance.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard


"What a background for a climactic showdown," the swordswoman remarked as she ran her fingers over the pommel of one of the swords stuck in the ground. She let out a low whistle as she attempted to count the number of weapons sticking out of the eroded land. "Makes me regret that I ended up on the bridge instead of here for my last duel."

The pale warrior should've been more affected by the grisly scene of so many improvised tombstones, but she'd seen worse. This rated pretty low after enough time spent adventuring, unfortunately. Keeping a sense of humor, even if it was morbid, was the best option most times. The super serious types tended to collapse under the weight of it all. Wasn't much good in a person defeating evil if they carried it home and let it crush them, she figured.

"And I take offense to that. I'm way more dangerous than whoever Clavicus is," she would belatedly respond to the stranger's remarks about her. "Especially to pretty women with fluffy ears and tails who think they're going to be the ones making me beg," she winked at Kavika.
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Re: The Warrior's Graveyard

"And *I* take offense to that! Kavika is not merely pretty, she is the most beautiful woman of our tribe! Her ears and tail are in honor of Wolfe, whom we share an alliance with. They carry more history than you can comprehend!" she praised Kavika. "And yes, they are inconceivably fluffy. My battle sister allows me to touch it. Jealous?" Routa smirked mockingly at the pale woman. "Even you would only earn temporary rights to it. Be thankful." she said, before looking at Kavika. "This one might actually be of use to us in our quest, Kavika! She is already seduced by your tail. Perhaps she can be manipulated by your charm, just like Clavicus." she referenced the man again.

Then, she finally reacknowledged the creature across from her. "Meanwhile, I shall claim this mount!"
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard

"Mounting is right but you've got it the wrong way, girlie. I'm going to be the one riding you. And when I'm through you'll be begging for more, just like the slut you really are.." Haro smirked and readied her Warhammer. The grit didn't bother her a bit, though the number of weapons was a little unsettling. What kind of battle had happened here? She shook her head. Didn't matter.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard

Round 1!

Tamonten: HP = 86/86, PP = 58/58, EP = 60/60, Status = Fine
Haro: HP = 96/96, PP = 50/50, EP = 48/48, Status = Fine

Kavika: HP = 85/85, PP = 75/75, EP = 60/60, Status = Fine
Routa: HP = 104/104, PP = 72/72, EP = 42/42, Status = Fine

Tamonten (59), Kavika (49), Routa (38), Haro (37)
However, Routa is acting last this round.

Tamonten attempts to punch Kavika:
Attack: 83 vs. 81, hit.
Damage: 42 - 8 = 34.
Reflexes Check: 42 vs. 38, Kavika is Stunned.

Tamo attempts to grapple with Brawler:
Grapple: 88 vs. 71, success. Kavika is Grappled.

Kavika loses her action this turn, being stunned.

Haro attempts to smack Routa:
Attack: 69 vs. 45, hit.
Damage: 52 - 32 = 20.
Reflexes Check: 46 vs. 47, Routa is not Stunned or Weakened

Routa smacks back:
Attack: 113 vs. 49, hit.
Damage: 63 - 33 = 30
Reflexes Check: 43 vs. 41, Haro IS stunned, and will miss her next action.

Tamonten: HP = 86/86, PP = 48/58, EP = 57/60, Status = Grappled
Haro: HP = 66/96, PP = 50/50, EP = 48/48, Status = Stunned

Kavika: HP = 51/85, PP = 75/75, EP = 60/60, Status = Grappled
Routa: HP = 84/104, PP = 72/72, EP = 42/42, Status = Fine
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Re: The Warrior's Graveyard

The swordswoman decided not to dwell too much on the strange, strange history lesson or equally odd taunting coming from the opposing team's melee fighter. Though she did kinda feel like she should've punched the woman for the continued comparisons to... whoever Clavicus was. Still, between the fluffy ears and tails and the bow and arrow, it was pretty obvious who she needed to go after first: the archer that she wanted winner's rights on. Maybe she'd handle the rest of the punching later.

As soon as hostilities began, Tamonten launched herself at the wolf-eared archer as fast as her supernatural body could move. She didn't bother with any fancy tricks or feints and instead relied on her speed to assure her attack's success. She took a wide swing with her blackened arm resulting in her hammering the remnants of the iron manacle on her wrist against Kavika's right temple. While the archer was still off balance from the blow, her pale hand shot out and grabbed her collar, then the pale warrior pulled her target closer. "Hey there, fluffy~ Ready for me to play with your ears and tail or do I need to beat you further into submission first?"
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Re: The Warrior's Graveyard

"Don't lose spirit, Battle Sister!" Routa shouted in encouragement, receiving her opponents blow and shrugging it off with a roar of anger, before retaliating in kind, slamming her mace against Haro so hard it sent her spiraling from the blow. "Kneel and submit to your new trainer!" Routa demanded. "Then, I might give you some of that carnal pleasure you seek."
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard

Kavika realized she had perhaps underestimated the strangely enthusiastic demon about when she crossed the distance between them before she could even raise her bow and some kind of bracer or manacle slammed into her temple. She was sent reeling, her vision tunneling as she just barely kept her feet, but she managed to keep conscious only to find herself face to face with the woman who had just nearly knocked her out. "...Way with my tears and hail?"

Well, she wasn't always an eloquent woman. Especially when she'd just been hit in the head.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard

Haro stumbled. This was a bit new to her. But she tried to clear her head, mumbling "S'not... going to happen... brat. Even if... you top... I win...." She shook her head, trying to clear it. If she didn't manage, she was in a lot of trouble. She held onto her warhammer, ready to launch an attack as soon as the world stopped spinning.
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Re: The Warrior's Graveyard

Tamonten: HP = 86/86, PP = 48/58, EP = 57/60, Status = Grappled
Haro: HP = 66/96, PP = 50/50, EP = 48/48, Status = Stunned

Kavika: HP = 51/85, PP = 75/75, EP = 60/60, Status = Grappled
Routa: HP = 84/104, PP = 72/72, EP = 42/42, Status = Fine

Initiative: Kavika, Routa, Haro, Tamonten

Grapple check, Kavika vs. Tamonten:
112 vs. 126, Tamonten wins, and will take her action on her initiative.

Routa attempts to grapple Haro:
121 vs. 42 Dodge, success. Haro is grappled.

Tamonten then... throws Kavika at Routa. Which will also hit Haro because those two are grappling now.
113 vs. 34 and 15 Dodge. She definitely hits.
Deals 31-8=23 damage to Kavika, 31-22=9 to Routa, and 31-33=The minimum 1 to Haro.

All three then have to make Reflexes checks against Tamonten or be knocked Prone:
Tamonten: 50
Kavika: 31
Routa: 33
Haro: 52

Kavika and Routa are knocked prone.

Also probably should have shown this last turn. Using the suggested method of just cycling initiative order to make this less of a clusterfuck, so next turn's initiative will be:
Routa, Haro, Tamonten, Kavika.

Tamonten: HP = 86/86, PP = 16/58, EP = 60/60, Status = Fine
Haro: HP = 65/96, PP = 50/50, EP = 48/48, Status = Fine

Kavika: HP = 28/85, PP = 75/75, EP = 60/60, Status = Prone
Routa: HP = 75/104, PP = 72/72, EP = 42/42, Status = Prone
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Re: The Warrior's Graveyard

"Is that so? Then let us both win then, and become my steed, why don't you-huh?" Routa turned, just to see a flying Kavika. Only a gasp formed before Kavika was the bowling ball to the two pins, knocking into Routa and sending her onto her back with Kavika on top. "Why are you losing, chieftain!?" she exclaimed. "You're making me lose too!" she whined.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard

"Don't mind if I do," Tamonten replied to the archer's confused question. She did hope the concussion wasn't too bad, even if she was willing to take the words tumbling out as a result of it as consent. But before she could get in so much as a single ear scritch with her blackened hand, the reality of just how badly her own teammate was being beaten down became too much to keep ignoring. "Ugh. I guess I should probably do something about that. Don't want this to become a 2v1 before I even get to stroke your tail. Sorry about this."

She sighed and set her blackened hand on Kavika's shoulder. Then, in another display of supernatural strength, she flung the archer in the direction of their teammates. To be completely honest, she hadn't really given... well, any thought at all to whether the oni would be okay through the maneuver. The end result seemed to have worked out well enough though. She'd bought the woman some breathing room and, by extension, bought herself a little bit more time to indulge in ear scritches once she'd defeated her own opponent.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard

"Grrr..." Haro had to be saved. Such humiliation she had never felt until this moment. "Just... shut up!" Yeah, Haro wasn't taking this too well. She stomped her foot on the ground and brought her hammer to bear on her downed opponent (Routa).
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Re: The Warrior's Graveyard

"Wait, sorry for - wah!" Hurtling through the air after a one armed throw, Kavika began to realize that maybe she had gotten in a bit over her head about when she collided with Routa and knocked her second off of the downed oni. Already she was trying to scramble to her feet, however, so it seemed that she wasn't just going to give up. "Just... Keep the oni distracted!"
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Tamonten: HP = 86/86, PP = 16/58, EP = 60/60, Status = Fine
Haro: HP = 65/96, PP = 50/50, EP = 48/48, Status = Fine

Kavika: HP = 28/85, PP = 75/75, EP = 60/60, Status = Prone
Routa: HP = 75/104, PP = 72/72, EP = 42/42, Status = Prone

Initiative: Routa, Haro, Tamonten, Kavika.

Routa stands up, and attacks Haro, who is now Raging:
Attack: 104 vs. 18, Hit.
Damage: 56 - 43 = 13

Haro attacks Routa back, with Crushing Blow:
Attack: 80 vs. 49, Hit.
Damage: 63 - 22 = 41

Reflexes, Haro vs. Routa:
59 vs. 29. Routa is Stunned and Weakened.

Tamonten punches Kavika again:
Attack: 119 vs. 80, Hit.
Damage: 50 - 8 = 42. Kavika is KOd

Tamonten: HP = 86/86, PP = 6/58, EP = 57/60, Status = Fine
Haro: HP = 52/96, PP = 50/50, EP = 48/48, Status = Fine

Kavika: HP = 0/85, PP = 75/75, EP = 60/60, Status = Unconscious
Routa: HP = 34/104, PP = 72/72, EP = 42/42, Status = Stunned, Weakened
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Barely able to do much for the sake of victory thanks to the sudden and swift defeat of Kavika, Routa merely tries to do as her chieftain commands, striking the oni, before she is assaulted with a blow that stuns her and leaves her reeling in response, taking a knee from the wounds. "I thought... My chieftain... Was invincible..." she said between pangs of her headache.

This did not bode well for Kavika's future success, if an unarmed fighter could best her so instantly. Routa despaired over the sight of Kavika on the ground, making little to no progress to go over and check on her. "If you have killed her... I will... Nnngh... Wring your neck, pale warrior!"
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

The swordswoman would finish her opponent by driving her fist into Kavika's stomach as the archer was trying to get to her feet. It was a forceful enough punch to knock the wind out of the other woman and send her back to the ground, but Tamonten wouldn't let the other woman fall. Instead, she grabbed hold of the wolf archer's shoulders and gently guided her into laying against the warrior's own pale shoulder.

"Nope! I'm afraid none of us are invincible. She'll be fine though," the pale woman would remark toward Routa. "Well, kinda. She'll be exhausted once I'm done with her, but in one piece. I've been around faeries and a kitsune who occasionally forgets her anti-estrus potions for a long time, you know? Once is never enough when you get used to that. But don't worry, I'm not going to turn this into a two versus one. I'm just going to go enjoy my prize over there. Have fun, you two." She would then move to hoist the recovering archer over her shoulder and begin to walk off with her prize, unless said prize's sister tried to do something to stop her.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Seeing Kavika be carried off, Routa looked with panic. "Wait, do not make my sister vanish from my eyes! I will surrender, but I do not wish to be apart from her again! If you do, then my heart will ache and I will desire vengeance!"