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The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

"Surrender is boring. I'll wait. Beat your current opponent. I'll let you heal up and challenge you for her," she offered.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Haro wasn't exactly in a forgiving mood. She had let her thoughts go, except for beating the tar out of the person who had actually stood up to her. Maybe more like a temper tantrum than a bloodthirsty rage but the effect seemed to be the same. She brought her hammer down again on Routa.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

"Hurk!" The blow came again as she was getting to her feet, and Routa was hammered into the ground by her own opponent at the same time. Kavika collapsed, gasping for breath as her bow tumbled from limp fingers, shocked and stunned by the blow and left to lean against the pale stranger. Being hoisted over Tamonten's shoulder, she coughed a little but otherwise couldn't make much sound, either to condemn Routa or beg for mercy for her second in command.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Tamonten: HP = 86/86, PP = 6/58, EP = 57/60, Status = Fine
Haro: HP = 52/96, PP = 50/50, EP = 48/48, Status = Fine

Kavika: HP = 0/85, PP = 75/75, EP = 60/60, Status = Unconscious
Routa: HP = 34/104, PP = 72/72, EP = 42/42, Status = Stunned, Weakened

Haro attacks Routa again:
Attack: 90 vs. 43, Hit
Damage: 64 - 22 = 42, Routa is KOd.

No need to roll anything else, combat is pretty clearly over.

Tamonten: HP = 86/86, PP = 6/58, EP = 57/60, Status = Fine
Haro: HP = 52/96, PP = 50/50, EP = 48/48, Status = Fine

Kavika: HP = 0/85, PP = 75/75, EP = 60/60, Status = Unconscious
Routa: HP = 0/104, PP = 72/72, EP = 42/42, Status = Unconscious
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

That comment makes Routa pause. "You tossed her into me! How is this even a fair du-" Routa was too upset and caught in the details before a giant oni hit her at full force, enough to crack something and send Routa to the ground. Alive or dead was impossible to tell, but Kavika would know better than anyone if the woman could survive such a blow. Not that she could comment either.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

That finally calmed Haro down. She just managed to avoid striking again and instead leaned on the hammer, using it as a crutch as she took deep breaths. "Calm, calm down, Haro. No damaging the goods." She looked over at her ally. "I guess I owe you a thanks for earlier. That's it, though. We both got what we wanted." She replaced the hammer on its strap and grabbed Routa, hoisting her over her shoulder like a sake of grain.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

"Eh. I was just taking the first possible excuse to get into a fight," the swordswoman cheerfully admitted. "I'll see you around, I'm sure." With that, she moved to return to the feast hall, her prize secure on her shoulder. She was ready to touch a fluffy tail.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

New Fight

The short, blonde witch traversed the ancient battlefield with a spring in her step, despite having an oversized broom in one hand, a shovel in the other, and bearing a massive pack on her back that looked to weigh as much as she did. This was an opportunity that most witches would only ever be able to dream about! The chance to explore a daemonic realm without needing to die first was something truly special. If Anthea was ever released, she might even be able to take her findings back with her. She'd be a legend in witchcraft! Future generations of witches would learn about her as a pioneer in uncovering the truth behind the powers of the gods and maybe even harnessing them for witch-y pursuits. Of course, that meant that first she needed to actually have some findings.

So far, she'd mostly found a bunch of other people who were interested in fighting and fucking one another, which was fun too. She'd been able to cut loose and really put her years of training to the test without concern for the well being of her targets. The young witch had also been able to put a few of the things she'd learned more privately into action as well. She was apparently a father now, which was pretty neat. To think that she'd always believed that particular transformation shot blanks.

Still, the matter of finding something out about the powers of the goddess who had summoned her was far more pressing than further research into the application of magical dicks, so she had wandered out to a particularly interesting location: the place generally called the warrior's graveyard by the talkative types in the feast hall. Many of the bodies and discarded weapons never disappeared from the arid plains, unlike from other areas which seemed to undergo a regular cleansing every so often that left them pristine and ready for new battles. That meant that experiments in the unique location might offer her the beginning of a trail to discover something about their host. And analyzing the various contents of the battlefield might allow her to better understand the mechanics of how the would-be goddess of war's powers shaped the world and affected its inhabitants.

It was also why she had brought the backpack and the shovel: Anthea was going to desecrate the hell out of an ancient graveyard.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Victoria made her way through the ancient graveyard of warriors with a surprisingly quiet clanking sound following her everywhere she went. If she were honest the vampire warrior was torn as to the situation she found herself in. Part of her was happy to be able to test her skills, honed over so many years of toil, in battle against other warriors, perhaps the best in all the world. On the other hand, this lazy goddess could have at least brought her horse with her. Walking around in all this plate armor was hardly pleasant even if it wasn't difficult, after all. Granted, it was also nice to be able to walk about in the day without bursting into flame. The noble found herself drawn to this place above all others in the daemonic realm, probably because it wasn't a nice place washed clean after every battle. The evidence of past orgies of violence littered the land, seemingly preserved for all time... And she hoped to add to it.

She spotted the witch before the witch spotted her, and her lips curled into a smile. The girl would do. "You there, girl!" she shouted with a booming voice, "what are you doing here with that shovel? Have you come to dig up the dead?" The vampire paused, a gauntlet resting against her armored hip while the other rested on the pommel of her sword. She was relatively tall, almost six feet in height, with long lavender hair tied up in a ponytail that hung just past her shoulderblades, a pair of piercing red eyes glaring at the smaller woman. She was decked out in full plate armor, the color of it a dark blue that made the vampire look even more pale than she truly was. "I suppose I should lecture you about respecting the dead... But I would much rather teach you. Prepare yourself!"

With that Victoria drew her sword, hefting it up to her shoulder with some difficulty before grasping it with both hands. The blade was almost as long as she was tall, enchanted to be wickedly sharp; it had taken her many, many years to learn even the most basic techniques for wielding such a weapon, but she felt now that she had fairly well mastered it. She would soon see, though... This was her first fight in this strange realm. She had watched a few however, and all who seemed capable of such had boosted their physical abilities before the fights, allowing their opponents to do the same without fuss. That was just fine with her, and soon inky black shadow crept up from the ground beneath her to coat her armor, sticking in the joints and weak points, bolstering her defenses even further, a bit more snaking around the blade of her sword before seemingly sinking into the metal...
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Dammit. She'd been so excited about future discoveries that she hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings. The five-foot tall witch spun to face the vampire and made a fruitless attempt to hide the shovel behind her back. "N-no! It's not that at all!" She called out in response. "It's just, uh, my lucky shovel! I can't go anywhere without it! I get claustrophobic. Like what if a landslide happened and I was caught underneath it without a shovel? That would be really bad, right?" Anthea was pretty sure she'd hit on a winning lie there, but the vampire didn't seem to buy it. She supposed this fight was just unavoidable.

"Fine! So what if I was? They're not using their bodies anymore. What do you or they care if I use them to advance the art of witchcraft?" She complained as she threw the shovel aside. In response to the vampire knight's efforts, Anthea set her backpack down on the ground and quickly withdrew a small potion brimming with her own spiritual energies out of it. She would pop the cork and down it in one gulp, empowering herself with a boon of her own. "I guess I'll just have to settle for experimenting on your body first!"
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Anthea: HP = 82, PP = 46, EP = 96, Status = Fine.
Victoria: HP = 90, PP = 50, EP = 60, Status = Fine.

Buff round!
Dark Armor and Transformation goes first.

Speed: 38 vs 57, Anthea goes first.

Anthea uses Chemical Splash, uses free action analysis, and scry's auto-hit.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 5 x 10 = 50 damage, also 100 to her armor treating DU as 1, which hits 0 TP. Halved against Victoria herself and still reduces damage by Dark Armor's AV, soooo 30/2 = 15 damage.
Resistance: 33 vs DC 48, failure.

Victoria responds with A BRUTAL ASSAULT!
Dodge: 84
Attacks: 50 and 60, both miss. Bad rolls.

Blinded - The character can no longer see, and takes a -25 penalty to all attack rolls and to Dodge, a -10 penalty to Parry checks and DCs, and automatically fails all Perception checks relating to sight.

Anthea: HP = 80/82, PP = 46, EP = 68/96, Status = Fine, 40/40 Temporary HP, Transformation X = 10, Upkeep = 5 EP
Victoria: HP = 74/90, PP = 50, EP = 49/60, Status = Fine, Dark Armor X = 10, Upkeep = 6 EP, Blinded, Naked
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Anthea would follow up the potion she drank by withdrawing a perfectly round glass orb filled with a sloshing, fizzing clear liquid from her backpack and then throwing it at the vampire, just as the other woman began to move in for an attack. The orb would strike true, shattering on her target's breastplate and splashing dangerous chemicals across the other woman's armor which immediately set to work dissolving almost everything in their path. Steel rusted away in seconds, leather straps dissolved, and cloth disintegrated. Despite Anthea's best efforts the chemical wasn't capable of melting flesh, but it would still prove painful where it made contact. It left a terrible stinging sensation and burns in its wake and the fumes were noxious enough to cause swelling and blindness even in a vampire's eyes.

Anthea's chemical took effect in the nick of time, too. Without it, she probably wouldn't have been able to safely sidestep and then back away from the ensuing swings of the vampire knight's massive sword. She didn't let that stop her from getting cocky though. "How do you like your first taste of Crolian witchcraft?! It's the greatest form of magic in the world!" Anthea yelled out triumphantly. The witch would retrieve her backpack and set it back in its proper place upon her back, and then heft her broom with both hands. "Now, stand still so I can give you another demonstration!"
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Victoria brought her sword down off her shoulder, holding it off to the side for a moment as she watched the other woman down a small vial of liquid... She didn't think a whole lot of it, as she wasn't familiar with that sort of magic. It was to cost her dearly soon. The witch pulled a small glass orb from her pack just before the vampire started running, beginning her assault.

She was almost stopped in her tracks when Anthea threw the glass at her, hitting her directly in the chest. Almost immediately it burned itself through her armor, the cold steel melting away into rust and nothingness, some having splashed across the straps that held it on and dissolving them as well. In mere seconds it had burned its way through the plate and onto her cold flesh, creating a terrible burning sensation despite doing no real damage to her. The main problem came as the foul fumes wafted up from her ruined armor, making her eyes sting and swell, involuntary tears starting to stream down her cheeks as the world went hazy and dim. "You little BITCH" she screamed as she raced forward, her opponent suddenly impossible to make out... Her armor simply fell to the ground in a heap as she ran, what little bits clung to her useless for their purpose. She swung her long sword in a wide arc just in front of the witch, falling just short thanks to her lack of sight, and then followed up with a thrust forward that missed by only a few inches to the right.

The entire left side of the vampire's face twitched as she was taunted, tears still leaking from her eyes, nearly swollen shut. Even the gambeson she wore beneath her armor was eaten away at irreparably, her breasts unbound and hanging out of it, almost the whole torso gone... and the acid was still working, still burning away the padded cloth. "I must say, I'm not a fan of such cowardice!" she replied, leveling her sword at Anthea... or rather, at a spot a couple of feet beside the witch. "I do so hope you're ready to be a foot or so shorter!"
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Anthea: HP = 80/82, PP = 46, EP = 68/96, Status = Fine, 40/40 Temporary HP, Transformation X = 10, Upkeep = 5 EP
Victoria: HP = 74/90, PP = 50, EP = 49/60, Status = Fine, Dark Armor X = 10, Upkeep = 6 EP, Blinded, Naked

Victoria goes first this round.... Or would if she didn't cede initiative.

Attack: 98 vs 25, hit.
Damage: 17 + 29 + 30 - 30 = 46, 46/2 = 23 damage.

Victoria's turn.
Attack: 85 vs 82, but Anthea used Scry to auto-dodge her first attack.

Blinded - The character can no longer see, and takes a -25 penalty to all attack rolls and to Dodge, a -10 penalty to Parry checks and DCs, and automatically fails all Perception checks relating to sight.

Anthea: HP = 80/82, PP = 46, EP = 55/96, Status = Fine, 40/40 Temporary HP, Transformation X = 10, Upkeep = 5 EP, Scry Sickness (-2d10 Dodge/to-hit, -5 to Resistance checks)
Victoria: HP = 51/90, PP = 50, EP = 43/60, Status = Fine, Dark Armor X = 10, Upkeep = 6 EP, Blinded, Naked
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Anthea took advantage of the exposure of the vampire's upper body and the vulnerability presented by her opponent's blindness in order to thrust her broom at the other woman, smacking the brush end against the other woman's exposed side. While the attack would've normally been unimpressive, the witch's unconventional weapon held a few nasty little secrets. A single press of a button and a small, spring-loaded blade launched outward from its hiding place within the straw and into the knight's skin. It didn't penetrate far on its own, due to the other woman's own hardening magics and her vampiric durability, but it made enough contact for Anthea to employ a second devious trick as she channeled demonic lightning through the metal and directly into Victoria's body.

Though she would've been content to continue electrocuting the other woman until she went down, a swing of the vampire's sword forced her to back away lest the knight make good on her previous threat and take several precious inches from Anthea's body, which set the Crolian woman on a small rant. "I'm trying to get bigger, not smaller! I already have to fetch a stool just to reach all the cabinets in my workshop and before I grew my hair out everyone confused me for a young boy..." the witch belatedly complained at the other woman's threat. "I've been drinking milk every day for years without even an inch of progress to show for it. And all the potions I've come up with are only temporary. I just don't have the genetics or the magic to be a giant with cowtits like you! Maybe when I experiment on you I'll finally make a breakthrough!"
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

"You wish me to stand still? Very well! Come at me, coward!" Victoria cried, peering through her hazy, tear-filled eyes to try and get a glimpse of the witch, her ears straining to hear any approach. She could only see motion, and that only just barely, which simply wasn't enough to dodge her opponents next attack. She felt the straw end of her broom smack against her exposed chest, and a second later a blade shot out, punching into her cleavage. She grimaced a little bit, but it was nothing more than a minor inconvenience... Until the electricity began to course through her, causing her to cry out in pain and swing her sword forward without really even trying to cut the smaller woman; she just needed that to stop, and quickly! The witch's rant, well... Just what was she made of, anyway? She was clearly quite mad! "Silence!" the vampire shouted, raising her sword and adjusting herself to face where the voice was coming from. "I know of but one way to make you taller, but many to make you shorter! Which shall I choose, I wonder!?"
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Anthea: HP = 80/82, PP = 46, EP = 68/96, Status = Fine, 40/40 Temporary HP, Transformation X = 10, Upkeep = 5 EP
Victoria: HP = 74/90, PP = 50, EP = 49/60, Status = Fine, Dark Armor X = 10, Upkeep = 6 EP, Blinded, Naked

Anthea goes first.

Attack: 79 vs 25
Damage: 17 + 20 + 30 - 30 = 37, 37/2 = 19 damage.

Attacks: 53 and 54 vs 89, both miss.

Getting diced so effing hard.

Blinded - The character can no longer see, and takes a -25 penalty to all attack rolls and to Dodge, a -10 penalty to Parry checks and DCs, and automatically fails all Perception checks relating to sight.

Anthea: HP = 80/82, PP = 46, EP = 48/96, Status = Fine, 40/40 Temporary HP, Transformation X = 10, Devil's Lightning X = 5, Upkeep = 7 EP
Victoria: HP = 32/90, PP = 50, EP = 37/60, Status = Fine, Dark Armor X = 10, Upkeep = 6 EP, Blinded, Naked
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

"Bah! You'll never overcome Crolian witchcraft with such brutish techniques!" The short witch stepped in with another thrust aimed at the vampire's exposed bosom. Once again, she struck true and deliver another shallow jab and a heavy dose of lightning before dancing backward from the knight's attempted counterattacks. This time, however, she grimaced rather than smiled at the result. What in the name of the first witches was the knight made of to take such a beating and still be standing? Anthea might have to actually experiment on her opponent once she had disabled the woman. Really experiment, rather than the kind of experimenting she had done with the sorceror's apprentice who had stayed with her mother while his master went off on expedition with the local lord. Well, to be honest she'd probably find time for both kinds of experiments.

For the time being though, she settled for taunting her opponent again. "There's no technique at all that will beat me, because Crolian witchcraft is the greatest in the world! And I'm a genius at it! And once I win, I'm going to figure out how to siphon a few-hundred grams from your breasts to take for my own!"
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Victoria was rather annoyed by the assertion that her technique was brutish; after all, the witch had never seen her swing her sword without being blinded. And again she couldn't avoid the broom smacking against her chest, the blade jabbing into the underside of her right breast and delivering another powerful electric shock. She screeched in a combination of pain and rage, swinging her sword blindly and forcing Anthea back and getting that accursed broom off her. Blood dribbled down her pale chest as little flecks of her gambeson fell away, the acid still eating away what little remained of her clothing... "If I could see you you would already be in PIECES" she shrieked, enraged at being fought in such a way, at the witch's cowardice.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Anthea: HP = 80/82, PP = 46, EP = 48/96, Status = Fine, 40/40 Temporary HP, Transformation X = 10, Devil's Lightning X = 5, Upkeep = 7 EP
Victoria: HP = 32/90, PP = 50, EP = 37/60, Status = Fine, Dark Armor X = 10, Upkeep = 6 EP, Blinded, Naked

Anthea goes first because heavy metal.

Attack: 102 vs 43
Damage: 9 + 18 + 53 - 30 = 50, 50/2 = 25 damage.

Attacks: 63 vs 75, miss but got a 26 on base dice making it an auto-hit that becomes a glancing blow if it doesn't beat Dodge, so min damage.
Damage: 51 - 40 = 11 damage.
Resistance: 54 vs 52, Anthea is stunned.

51 - 10 = 41, 41/2 becomes 21 TP damage.

Blinded - The character can no longer see, and takes a -25 penalty to all attack rolls and to Dodge, a -10 penalty to Parry checks and DCs, and automatically fails all Perception checks relating to sight.

Anthea: HP = 80/82, PP = 46, EP = 39/96, Status = Fine, 29/40 Temporary HP, Transformation X = 10, Devil's Lightning X = 5, Upkeep = 7 EP, 9/30 TP, Stunned
Victoria: HP = 7/90, PP = 50, EP = 31/60, Status = Fine, Dark Armor X = 10, Upkeep = 6 EP, Blinded, Naked