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The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Victory stood her ground, sword extended... She couldn't take many more blows like the last two and still stay standing. She concentrated herself, knowing that she would have to take at least one more in order to do as she needed... Sure enough she felt the broom hit her square in this chest, though this time it was quite different. The blade punched into her deep, and if she had been a mere mortal the wound would have surely been fatal; instead it pierced only her shriveled lung, her lack of need to breathe saving her. At the same time the electrical shock was even more powerful, causing her to scream in agony, her legs and arms trembling as her nerves misfired... She swung her sword desperately, and this time she knew from the sound the witch made that her blade had struck its target. That was all she needed; now she knew where the damned coward was, and she could end this fight! She would have to, her body was on the verge of collapse, the energy of her soul on the wane. It was time to do or die!
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Resilient or not, the witch had decided that it was time to put the knight down. She stepped in with her latest thrust, getting much closer than she had on the previous attacks as she jabbed the blade back into her opponent's chest. The reason might become clear as she enacted yet another devious ability of her weaponized broom. Anthea pulled a hidden trigger and a gunshot rang out. Rather than shooting the vampire, however, the buckshot had emanated from the other end of the broom which was safely behind the witch and sprayed harmlessly into the air. The true purpose of the shot was to use the recoil of the built-in shotgun to force the blade even further into the vampire. The short Crolian woman then took advantage of the increased contact to pour as much electricity through the metal as she could in a short period of time.

But the witch had underestimated her opponent's remaining durability. When the vampire not only remained standing but proved still able to swing her weapon, Anthea had committed too much to her own attack in order to dodge the other woman's counter. The flat of the vampire's blade struck the side of her head, causing her to cease her attack and wobble backward as she tried to adapt to the sudden concussion. She was just fortunate that her magical boon was in place and that the other woman's blindness seemed to have thrown off her edge alignment or she might've lost the brain she had such pride in. "Ow!" She cried out in pain, holding the struck area with one hand as she tried to regain her wits. "N-no fair! You're not allowed to make the world spin!"
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Anthea: HP = 80/82, PP = 46, EP = 39/96, Status = Fine, 29/40 Temporary HP, Transformation X = 10, Devil's Lightning X = 5, Upkeep = 7 EP, 9/30 TP, Stunned
Victoria: HP = 7/90, PP = 50, EP = 31/60, Status = Fine, Dark Armor X = 10, Upkeep = 6 EP, Blinded, Naked

Anthea is stunned, so she doesn't get a turn.

Attack: 82 vs 70, hit.
Damage: 22 + 19 + 63 - 40 = 64 damage.


Blinded - The character can no longer see, and takes a -25 penalty to all attack rolls and to Dodge, a -10 penalty to Parry checks and DCs, and automatically fails all Perception checks relating to sight.

Anthea: HP = 45/82, PP = 46, EP = 32/96, Status = Wounded, 0/40 Temporary HP, Transformation X = 10, Devil's Lightning X = 5, Upkeep = 7 EP, 0/30 TP
Victoria: HP = 7/90, PP = 50, EP = 25/60, Status = Fine, Dark Armor X = 10, Upkeep = 6 EP, Blinded, Weakened, Naked
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

"Says the one who FUCKING BLINDED ME" the vampire shrieked in reply, taking a couple of steps forward and this time leveling her blade a bit more properly at her opponent, though how long well she could maintain it remained to be seen. This time the edge of her long sword struck true, swiping across the witch's petite body and cutting her. Fairly well too, given the sound that came out of the wounded woman! Victoria grinned wickedly, only wishing she could see in this moment, could watch the witch's reaction as a blow struck her for the first time in this fight. "Doesn't feel good, does it!?" she shouted, though her own body was nearing its limit... Even as supernaturally strong and durable as she was she was growing tired, her legs wobbling, her hands refusing to grip her sword the way she expected them to. No one had ever pushed her this hard before, not even close! She had to press her advantage now, there were no two ways about it!
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

The witch snapped out of her trauma-induced confusion just in time to see and feel the vampire's massive sword cleave across her belly. The sudden attack would draw a pained shriek from her lips as she simply stood there, unable to do anything to prevent the other woman from slicing through her like a practice dummy. It was a decidedly new experience for the witch, being on the receiving end of someone attempting to disembowel her. If it hadn't hurt so gods-damned much, she would have wanted to take notes. After all, it wasn't every day that someone got to personally experience several inches of steel cutting them open and could be confident that they'd be alive and intact when it was all said and done. But oh ancestors, it hurt too much to hold onto a coherent thought for long and trying to clutch at it with her left hand just spread blood over more of her body. Being on the receiving end of the vampire's sword almost made her pity all those frogs she'd dissected early into her education.

In truth, if she'd been a perfectly normal human there was no way she wouldn't have died instantly from the brutal attack, even in the goddess of war's realm. With the strength and skill behind it, her opponent's swing ought to have left her entrails in broad daylight. Instead, the knight's weapon cut an easy line through flesh and fat, loosing a waterfall of blood across the human's stomach along its path, but found muscles that might as well have been steel plates for how difficult they were to cut through. This too was part of Crolian witchcraft, and her mother's wisdom. People too afraid to experiment on themselves have no business experimenting on others, that was what her mentor-slash-parent had always said. Anthea had toyed with her own body until she could manipulate its various aspects with a simple liquid catalyst and the energy of her soul, and it had paid off by allowing her to keep on her feet and remain in one piece when by all rights she ought to have been a pair of scattered witch halves. Now if only she could've done something about the horrific pain.

The petite Crolian would hiss as every nerve ending near her stomach flared in agony, and only kept it to a hiss out of fear that screaming might worsen things. "You stupid, cow-titted slut," she growled at the other woman through teeth gritted in pain and rage, dropping any charade that beneath it all she wasn't cruel, petty, and narcissistic. She was furious that the knight would cause her such pain, even despite what she herself had done to Victoria, furious that her clothing was torn and likely ruined by her own blood, and most of all furious that her damnable opponent had weathered her attacks long enough and well enough to inflict such an incredible wound upon her. "I'll make sure you regret ever crossing paths with me!"
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Anthea: HP = 45/82, PP = 46, EP = 32/96, Status = Wounded, 0/40 Temporary HP, Transformation X = 10, Devil's Lightning X = 5, Upkeep = 7 EP, 0/30 TP
Victoria: HP = 7/90, PP = 50, EP = 25/60, Status = Fine, Dark Armor X = 10, Upkeep = 6 EP, Blinded, Weakened, Naked

Victoria goes first.

Attack: 67 vs 71, just barely misses.

Anthea Attacks back: 94 vs 6, hit.
Damage: Probably more than 7.

Blinded - The character can no longer see, and takes a -25 penalty to all attack rolls and to Dodge, a -10 penalty to Parry checks and DCs, and automatically fails all Perception checks relating to sight.

Anthea: HP = 45/82, PP = 46, EP = 20/96, Status = Wounded, 0/40 Temporary HP, Transformation X = 10, Devil's Lightning X = 5, Upkeep = 7 EP, 0/30 TP
Victoria: HP = 0/90, PP = 50, EP = 25/60, Status = Defeated
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

The witch was so intent on punishing the vampire that she moved in early, and in the process nearly took another devastating cut from her opponent. The short Crolian was forced to duck the coming attack in order to avoid losing precious body parts and did so just in the nick of time, the knight's sword knocking her witch hat off of her head and coming so close to tasting flesh that Anthea could briefly feel the cold steel against her scalp. That narrow dodge was all she needed to seal her victory though. Her own foolish aggression had nearly cost her the entire battle, but with Victoria recovering from her swing, the witch was in a perfect position to end the fight. She stood up and gave a mighty thrust into Victoria's stomach. Without delay, she fired her gun to force the blade deeper and delivered another devastating blast of lightning through the metal into her opponent's supernaturally resilient body.

This time, however, Anthea didn't retreat for fear of a counter swing, she went all in on the attack. She raised the gun-end of her broom high so that the blade was angled downward into the other woman's stomach and then fired a second time, then a third, fourth, and fifth time in order use the recoil to knock the vampire off of her feet and onto the ground. And when the vampire lost her footing, Anthea followed the other woman with the sharp end of her broom, unleashing a terrible electricity through the vampire's body the entire time. Tens of seconds past the point of her opponent being unable to fight, the enraged witch glared at the knight and electrocuted her as petty vengeance. Only when her own wounds began to knit did Anthea withdraw her weapon.

"Oh my! I lost my temper a little bit there," she remarked flippantly as she looked down, both figuratively and literally, on the defeated vampire. "Good thing I snapped out of it! I don't want you heading back to the feast hall just yet. After all the trouble you've caused me, there's no way you're getting to leave until you make it up to me. We've got so much to do, you and I!"

The witch pulled her backpack off and set it to the side. While she was at it, she went ahead and pulled the tatters of her bloodied jacket and shirt off as well -- in the process revealing her slender pale body and breasts too petite to need a bra or wrappings, not that the blinded vampire could see either just yet -- just on the off chance that the goddess of war's healing process might make a mistake and knit cloth fragments into the sealed wound. Afterward she would stoop low just long enough to retrieve two more flasks from her backpack before standing up and returning to her position looming over the vampire.

She uncorked the first of the two flasks and poured it across the armor and clothing covering the vampire's crotch without bothering to bend low enough to do so accurately. The liquid splashed just about everywhere and began to pop and fizzle as it made contact with metal, leather, cloth, and dirt alike, dissolving it all almost as effectively as the witch's first brew had. It destroyed everything in its path, leaving Victoria's body from her crotch to her breasts exposed. Its mere contact with cloth was enough to make the fabric burning hot to the touch, but the solution went lukewarm and inert as soon as it made contact with the vampire's body. "I originally considered this a failed experiment because it doesn't work at all on skin, but even mistakes have value when they're produced by Crolian witchcraft," Anthea remarked toward the defeated vampire. "Also, it did cause tumors in rats. You'll probably be fine though."

Anthea uncorked the second bottle next and poured it onto Victoria's face, again not bothering to bend or kneel before doing so. Given that the goddess of war's powers already seemed to be at work healing the vampire Anthea wasn't certain how necessary her second draught was, but she wanted to make sure her opponent could see for what came next. The second liquid felt icy cold against the vampire's skin and almost immediately reduced the swelling of the knight's eyes and allowed her to see again... just in time to watch the witch's shoe descend upon her. The short Crolian would waste no time in stepping on the side of Victoria's face, putting only minimal pressure on the vampire knight for the time being.

"Long time no see, huh? I've gotta say, I like you a lot better like this! Hey, maybe if you lick my boots I'll take pity on you and let you go. What do you say?" The blonde witch's lips curled into a cruel grin aimed at the defeated woman. "If not, well, I'm sure I can still find a way to make you useful to me...."
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Victoria lunged forward, detecting the presence of the witch right in front of her and swinging her sword as swiftly as she could manage... Just a little bit too late. The slash took the cloth hat right off of Anthea's head, coming perhaps fractional inches from simply lobotomizing her on the spot. If only she had been able to see the vampire would have easily ended the fight, probably long before this. Even if she had been about twenty seconds sooner in landing her first blow, before her arms and legs had started to quiver and twitch thanks to the electricity that had coursed through her so many times, from the strain of having maintained the shadows that strengthened her, that too would have been enough to give the witch a taste of her enchanted steel again.

Instead she soon found the witch's broom jabbed into her cold guts, the loud crack of the gun on the other end bursting in her ears as the blade punched in deep, electricity surging through her once more. She screamed out in pain, turning her wrists and trying to work herself up to another slash, one that would put the little witch in her place once and for all... But then Anthea shifted the blade in her stomach and fired off her broom again. Another piercing cry left the vampire's lips, her whole body quivering as she starting to swing her sword... and then a third shot, the blade digging all the way down into her womb, the demonic electricity seeming to strengthen all the while, and her hands relaxed, dropping her blade. Fingers twitching, hands unclenching and then clenching into fists tight enough that her nails drew blood from her palms.

Tough though she was the vampire had never felt even a fraction of the pain she was experiencing now, or suffered anywhere near this much physical damage. Her shadowy armor faded away as her opponent continued to drive her blade in deeper, her body and soul unable to maintain their concentration. Finally her legs wobbled, her knees knocking together, and she fell with an agonized cry, hitting the ground with a hard thud. Even though clearly defeated she reached out to try and find her sword, her fingers quivering wildly. Indeed, her whole body writhed in pain, the electricity causing her nerves to misfire all along the length of her slender frame. It didn't help that she had been opened up pretty viciously, blood running down her stomach into the remains of her clothing, soaking it quickly. She cringed when the blade was finally pulled from her, feeling as if it stole every ounce of her strength with it, one last jolt of pain hitting her as she finally fell back flat against the grass, accepting that further effort was futile for the moment.

"Cowardly... worm..." she spat out, clenching her teeth as she felt the wounds in her stomach and chest start to knit together thanks to the daemon's magic, though it was a hollow feeling; there was no real healing in it, nothing to restore her strength of body and spirit, only keeping her from bleeding out into the grass. "You cowardly little worm... I've nothing to do with you!" she shouted, her wits not quite about her at the moment, nothing else coming to mind.

The initial blast of acid had eaten away almost all of the armor and clothing on Victoria's upper body, leaving mostly just the padded pants she wore under the leggings. Her body is slender but toned, much of her strength coming from supernatural sources rather than her physical form itself, and her skin is so very pale that it almost seems to have a blue tinge to it, whether because of her undeath or simply because eight decades had passed since the sun had touched it difficult to say. She felt the liquid, whatever it was, splash against what was left of her armor and felt it melt away quickly, the cloth becoming burning hot... She squirmed in anticipation of the stuff burning through her clothing, splashing onto her most intimate bits, gritting her teeth... but then it started to dribble onto her bare flesh and felt sort of cool, almost pleasant as it laid her bare. And there it was, her sex the slightest tinge of pink set against her pale skin, revealed and vulnerable before another for the first time in more years than even she would have preferred to admit.

"You like to hear yourself talk, don't you?" she asked, her voice dripping with bitterness. "I don't give a damn about your 'experiments' or whatever you want to call them!" It wasn't long after that before she felt another cold liquid splash against her face, focused on the area around her eyes... It felt wonderful, far more healing than anything the daemon was doing for her, though the rest of her wounds were gone, already closed up by the rules of this realm. The swelling that had closed her eyes at the very beginning of the fight almost immediately went down, causing her to blink as she finally was able to see once more. Only to see the witch's shoe approaching her face, stepping on her cheek and lightly turning her head, pushing it against the dirt.

There was a part of Victoria that was... conflicted, just a bit. This realm had rules, and the winners had certain rights with the losers. More or less whatever Anthea did, it would be well within her rights. The honorable thing, perhaps, would have been to submit to her demands, to lick those boots clean. It certainly would have been the easier thing! But a large part of her didn't feel she had lost, not really. If her opponent had fought her in honorable combat she would have trounced her! And of course, she had more than her fair share of pride to go along with whatever sense of chivalry remained in her shriveled heart. She glared sideways at the witch, her red eyes practically glowing with hatred as she gave her reply. "I will never bend my knee to a worthless little girl like you! You'll have to cut my tongue from my mouth for the honor of having it grace your filthy feet!"
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

"There's really no need to be such a negative Nancy about all this! Why, I think the grumpy knight might need a little attitude adjustment~♪" The witch ground her boot into Victoria's face a little harder and then began to trace the bloodied, spring-loaded blade of her broom against the vampire's skin. The deadly spear-tip made a little circle around one of the knight's nipples, then moved between the woman's cleavage and down her abdomen toward her sex where Anthea pressed the flat of the cold metal against Victoria's lower lips. The pressure was always just firm enough to let the defeated woman know it was there without needing to see it, but it never drew blood. She indulged in taunting the vampire like that for nearly half a minute before suddenly pulling it away and pressing the metal against the woman's side instead in order to send another jolt of electricity through the vampire's body without further delay. It was hardly even a fraction of the power she'd been using earlier, but more than enough enough to cause the woman's weakened body to quiver anew.

After a few seconds of applied demonic current, Anthea would halt the vampire's punishment and speak again. "As for cutting out your tongue... I was considering it, actually! I was thinking that I ought to thoroughly dissect you. I'm really curious as to why you're so durable. If I were to cut you open and pull out each organ one by one and inspect your insides, I might be able to figure that out and incorporate it into strengthening my own body. In this place you'd probably even be alive afterward and end up able to remember every second of it. Wouldn't that be interesting?" The witch began to idly tracing a Y-shape with her blade across the woman's front with the same level of pressure as earlier. "Unfortunately for the pursuit of witchcraft, pulling you apart and figuring out what makes you tick would make you wholly unsuitable for another few tasks I have in mind for you. So none of that, at least for today!"

"But before we get started on those tasks, first you're going to look me in the eyes and say you're sorry for being such a stupid bitch toward me!" The witch stopped her idle tracing and lifted her foot from the knight's face to instead set it upon the other woman's belly. If Victoria used her new freedom to look at Anthea, the Crolian woman would meet her eyes and smile at her opponent with renewed cruelty. "I already have an idea of what you're going to say! 'Why would I ever apologize to a cowardly little worm like you' or something along those lines, right? It's simple really! If you don't, I'm going to give you lots more attitude adjustments," she pressed the flat of her broomstick's blade against the vampire's sex once more. The cold metal began to vibrate with the beginnings of another shock as Anthea prepared to pour more power into it. "I'll electrocute those cowtits of yours and your cunt until your mind shatters from the pain and you wish I'd dissected you. I only need your body intact for the next part, after all! I couldn't care less about the rest of you."
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

The sound Victoria made when told she needed an "attitude adjustment" could only be described as growling, her fangs bared as the witch pushed her face just a bit harder into the dirt. She had never tasted defeat before today, and it was safe to say that she hated it already, hated her inability to silence the arrogant witch and adjust her attitude instead, hated the feeling of helplessness as that filled her as she felt the sharp blade on the end of her opponent's broom tease at one of her breasts, the possibility of its plunging in and shocking her vigorously once again always present... With some effort of will the vampire stayed quite still as the blade ran slowly down her chest and stomach until finally the flat of it was pressed against her slit. She was being teased and she knew it, gritting her teeth as she waited for the shock.

It never came, though, the witch pulling her trickblade away and resting it against Victoria's side. And just when she thought she wouldn't have to feel it the electricity coursed through her body again. She let out a sharp cry of surprise and pain, her back arching slightly off the ground as her hands and feet clenched. Under normal circumstances she would have considered it a pathetic shock, much less powerful than the ones that had brought her down, but her body was at its very weakest at the moment. Even when the electricity ceased she quivered spasmodically, no longer entirely in control of her body.

The witch began to taunt her then, talking about her desire to dissect the vampire, to see what made her tick. And she wasn't wrong; Victoria probably would be able to stay alive through more or less whatever was done to her, especially if the daemon's magic contributed. "Bah... as if you could learn anything new" she grumbled, "you could easily become so durable, if only you would consider inviting another soul into yours." It was true enough, but then who knew how many of the effects could be replicated by magic? Certainly not Victoria.

Her body continued to shudder as the witch's blade teased her once more, moving from the tip of one breast down to the base of her ribcage and then down to her pubic mound, back up and to the other nipple, and then repeating the pattern. Even so her chest was unnaturally still, one of the most readily noticed quirks of her undeath; her lack of need to breathe, indeed her inability even to imitate the function. A good part of her was relieved when told that her opponent wouldn't be using the cut she was currently practicing on her, that she wouldn't be sliced open and examined. No matter how much damage she could take, no matter how tough she might be, she wasn't certain she could withstand that.

Of course, the demand that she apologize (for what she knew not) was completely unacceptable to her. The foot left her face, allowing her to glare daggers at the witch as she stepped on her stomach, her fangs bared in a hateful snarl. Anthea's assertion of what she might reply was pretty damn accurate, and forced her to change up what she was going to say actually. "Are you fucking stupid?" she spat out as the blade came to rest against her slit again, vibrating slightly... she was going to be shocked again, and she steeled herself for the pain as she shouted "you should apologize to me! Fighting dirty, having not a shred of decency!" It was rich coming from the vampire, but hypocrisy wasn't something she worried about too awful much. "Do what you must, but you'll grow up before I apologize to you. Maybe then you won't have to be jealous of my breasts, little girl!" Part of her knew that she was only making this harder for herself, that a few simple words could save her untold suffering... but she couldn't bring herself to listen to that voice.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

"Ooh, how fun! Which do you think will happen first? Will your mind shatter from the pain and leave you a drooling meat puppet until the daemon stitches it back together? Or will your pride break in order to save your body from the unnecessary agony before that happens? Let's find out together!" The witch grinned as her broomstick blade thrummed with impending discharge. She wasn't bluffing, and that fact would quickly become obvious as electricity poured directly through the sensitive nerves of the vampire's labia. The power behind the shock had risen slightly from the vampire's first attitude adjustment, and the witch maintained it for five excruciatingly long seconds.

Once the shock ceased, the witch would stomp on the other woman's belly, right about where her womb resided beneath the skin, and grind her heel into Victoria in order to draw the other woman's attention and worsen the pain. "How about now? Are you sorry now?" She asked with a malicious giggle. "You'd better speak up quickly!" Anthea moved her weapon until the metal was touching the other woman's nipple, and prepared to fire yet another shock through it. Victoria would only have a few seconds to speak up, and if she didn't apologize then demonic lightning would discharge directly into the vampire's breast. The power had increased again and the witch continued her punishment for ten seconds before next stopping and removing her foot from the woman's stomach for just long enough to kick the knight in the side.

"This is such great stress relief! Feel free to continue refusing, I think it's really good for my health!" The smaller woman giggled again. The blade moved back to the vampire's sex, and that travel time was all the chance Victoria would get to change her mind and apologize before she was shocked again. This time only the intensity increased, leaving the knight to spend ten seconds being electrocuted at half the strength that Anthea had used in their battle. The sadistic witch wouldn't bother to say a word before moving directly to the woman's other nipple and electrocuting Victoria for a fourth time at three-quarters the level of power she used during their battle. She continued like that, alternating from breast to slit to other breast then back to the vampire's sex and electrocuting Victoria over and over again at the same level of intensity and same number of seconds unless the vampire relented and apologized. She only delayed enough between shocks to ensure that the knight wouldn't die and escape her punishment. And all the while, the witch reveled in the other woman's convulsions and shrieks of pain. It was the only acceptable price for potentially scarring Anthea's cute body, as far as she was concerned.

It was only if the vampire endured ten such rounds of torture that the witch would halt her new routine. "Wow! You're really serious about not apologizing, aren't you? It's sort of a shame that I need your body intact! This would be a good reason to see what my alchemy can do to a person internally. Still, I want to get back to work, so it's time to speed things up a little bit with the methods I can use, so..." The witch raised her broomstick theatrically, pointing the blade toward the sky before lowering it very gently and placing the flat of it against Victoria's temple. Her expression turned into a scowl as she watched the vampire's face with utter contempt. "What do you think will happen if I pour, say, four times as much power as I used to bring you down directly into that stubborn fucking brain of yours? Want to make a guess before we begin the experiment, cowtits?"
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Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Victoria clenched her teeth, her whole body tensing as she prepared for what was to come. The little blade pressed against her sex began to vibrate softly, the cool metal warming up just a bit... This was going to hurt, and she knew it. Even so she wasn't quite prepared for the feeling of electricity coursing through her lower lips, the pain as it rippled up and down her every nerve. It wasn't nearly as powerful as the shocks she had taken in battle, but she could hardly tell. Even after the witch stopped applying current she could feel it, could feel her muscles seizing up painfully. She was in for a long ride. Almost immediately her opponent brought her foot down hard on the vampire's stomach right at her pubic mound, grinding the heel in hard and taunting her again. If looks could kill she would have been dead a hundred times over, and even as the blade slipped up her stomach towards one of her breasts, teasing against its peak, she spat out "fuck you!"

She was going to continue, to spout out more hate, but before she could open her mouth again she felt the next shock, more powerful than the first, lasting longer. She couldn't keep from screaming out in pain, writhing as the shock surged through her body for a full ten seconds, still twitching wildly when the witch kicked her hard in the side, causing her to roll slightly to try and protect herself, to try and keep the tender spot from being assaulted again. Unfortunately that wasn't what was on Anthea's mind... Instead the broom brushed down over her belly again, resting against her slit for only a few moments before unleashing another electric current into her. The vampire could feel her body, already weak, weakening even further, her every muscle straining and tensing. At first she had tried to think of this as a trial she had to endure, proof of her toughness and ultimately her superiority over her tormentor, but now she was starting to wish for death, for release from this torture...

It only got worse from there, of course. The witch slipped the blade over to Victoria's unmolested breast and gave her no time to speak up even if she had wanted to before hitting her with an even more powerful shock. Her mouth opened to scream but no sound came out, her whole body convulsing, and if she had eaten or drank recently there was no doubt that she would have soiled herself right there, only her undeath saving her from that terrible humiliation. Again and again the electricity coursed through her, starting to drive her mad with pain, slowly breaking down her will to withstand it. Still she couldn't bring herself to apologize throughout; it was the one thing she had, the one thing she could control. She couldn't let this awful little witch force her to give in, no matter what she was put through!

The vampire lost track of time, and even though this torment lasted only a couple of minutes it felt like much longer than that. Even though the power of the shocks remained the same her body became more susceptible to them with each, the pain harder and harder to bear. The final shock to her sex caused her to arch her back off the ground, letting out a high-pitched shriek of pure agony as her pale form twisted to one side and then the other, her bust jiggling slightly as she writhed. She collapsed flat onto the ground when the shock ceased and the witch began to taunt her once more. Her face, once twisted with pure hatred, now had a look of anguish written across it, all of her mental fortitude necessary to keep her will from cracking.

If the witch had only kept it up a few more rounds maybe Victoria would have given in, would have whimpered out her apology... but instead she seemed to get frustrated, lifting the broomstick up and then bringing it down to rest against the side of the vampire's head, threatening to give her a shock far more powerful than she had experienced thus far. It gave her hope; if that much electricity poured into her all at once it would most likely kill her, or at least destroy her consciousness. And then she could awaken in the feasting hall, her will unbroken and her torture at an end, ready to plot her vengeance... "Do it... you little shit..." she sputtered, slurring her speech just a bit as her mouth struggled to form the words.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Anthea glared at the vampire as she prepared an incredible amount of energy in the hand her broomstick occupied. The trick-blade shook violently due to a combination of the witch's rage and the sheer amount of power she intended to pour into frying the knight's mind, only remaining in contact with Victoria's head for fractions of a second at a time. If the witch's attack was discharged into the defeated woman's weakened body there was little question as to what would become of the vampire. Victoria's brain would surely be fried outright; the only doubt was whether or not she'd still have a distinguishable head left afterward. Despite the overwhelming display of violence the short woman was building toward, however, the air around them was still and the arid arena was deathly silent. Once she had finished building the charge which would probably end her former opponent, Anthea stood equally as quiet as their surroundings for a few long seconds.

"Juuust kidding~♪" She grinned before she pointed the blade at a distant patch of land and loosed her lightning at it instead. Despite claiming that her threat was insincere, the ensuing attack launched by the witch was anything but. A miniature thunderclap boomed as broken, melted pieces of the abandoned memorial swords were launched in every direction. "Fine! You called my bluff! I can't risk anything that would send you back to the feast hall. You win! You don't have to apologize! I guess you just went and made a big ol' fool out of me, didn't you? You stupid," Anthea's grin turned into a scowl as she stomped on the other woman's stomach once more, "fucking" twice "cow-titted" three times "bitch" four times "slut" five "whore!" She gave Victoria's side one last kick for good measure.

"How's being so brave and prideful feel? Does it feel good? Does it feel like it's really paying off for you? Eh, cowtits?" Anthea followed up her question by spitting on the other woman's face. The knight infuriated her in a way few others ever had. To have wounded the witch's cute body like that and then absolutely refused to apologize even after all that electricity.... She was still sure she could break the vampire, even without further frying the other woman, but the source of Victoria's endurance was still an enigma wrapped in a mystery and it was time to change that. The witch took a short break from pulverizing the defeated vampire to instead examine her.

Anthea lowered her goggles over her eyes and delivered a small burst of her own spiritual energy to them in order to analyze her defeated foe. Information about everything in her field of vision would immediately flood the lenses in easily readable format. She would spend the next few minutes in silence as she took advantage of that flow of information to survey and learn about Victoria's body and her belongings. Looking at the other woman's sword and what remained of her armor produced nothing of particular interest, merely unenchanted darksteel and shiversteel respectively. Her clothing was even duller, made of entirely mundane fabrics. There were no hidden magical trinkets on Victoria's person that were conducting her lightning or otherwise dulling the pain of it either. Perhaps the source of her durability actually was on the inside? It wouldn't hurt to check, so she gave her goggles another burst of juice and began a more in-depth scan.

It immediately became obvious that the knight hadn't been lying when she had spoken about having two souls earlier. Along with that her body was apparently somewhere between life and death, not able to support the functions necessary for life by itself but not rotting either. It was fascinating, really. If Anthea hadn't been more interested in learning about the daemon she would've gone back on her word and dissected the woman. Determining which organs were redundant and exactly what had replaced them to keep her defeated opponent animated might offer some breakthroughs in her craft. Just from an outer scan she could tell that most of the biological functions present were mere mimicry of the living... maybe habitual? No need to breathe, no need to eat, and no need to digest, but it looked like she could do all three in the same ways that a wooden puppet could be built to mimic the same. There was one biological function that the vampire's body was doing far more than mimicking, however, and it happened to fit in nicely with what the witch intended on inflicting upon her defeated opponent before returning to her daemon-related experiments anyway.

Anthea raised her goggles back to her forehead as she began to speak again. "You really are an interesting specimen! You're practically a walking corpse, huh? That explains why poking you in the lung didn't slow you down. That doesn't mean that you're completely without vulnerabilities though, does it? While I was scanning around that body of yours I found that certain parts of you are working just as well as a living person's. So, have you ever given them a test drive before? Or will I breaking new ground here?" Rather than elaborating further on what she meant, the witch would reach down to her own waist and hook her thumbs underneath the waist of her own panties, then drop her only remaining undergarment just a few inches. She flashed another wicked grin at the knight as she utilized another form of demonic magic in order to begin sprouting a human-looking cock from her own loins. It grew into something that looked like it belonged on someone at least two feet taller and wider than her, stopping at nearly ten inches long and two inches thick and still not fully turgid with excitement.

"I can't get a vocal apology out of you, so I'll just take it from your body." The witch shoved the vampire with her foot in order to flip the defeated woman onto her belly. She swung a leg over the prone woman then, and dropped to her hands and knees over the knight as she prepared to take advantage of Victoria's position, along with Victoria herself. "I saw that your womb was perfectly fertile when I was scanning, so make sure to try your best to give me lots of little test subjects to experiment on later~♪"
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Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Victoria looked up at the witch as she felt the blade vibrate and hum beside her head, able to do nothing but wait for it... All was silent around them besides the electricity thrumming in the broomstick, everything seeming to stand still all around them. It was coming, the end to her torment, the beginning of her quest for vengeance! Perhaps the witch sensed that, and so she simply grinned and pointed her blade elsewhere, unleashing the demonic lightning against the ground. Even without having it directed at her the vampire could feel it crackle, the sound reverberating in her ears as it raced to blast against a small hillock, practically melting the very ground itself. If it had hit her there was no doubt it would have burst her head open in a shower of smoking gore, inhuman toughness or no. Instead she fell back flat against the ground, a fair bit disheartened... Now it would all continue.

She couldn't help but half-grin even so when told that she had won, that she wouldn't be expected to apologize anymore. A relatively small victory, but a victory all the same. She couldn't quite reply before the witch brought her heel down onto her stomach again, and then again, and again! She grunted in pain with each successive stomp, finally yelping with the fifth and final one. Her already abused stomach was starting to get pretty sore, and probably would have turned black and blue with bruises if her body were capable of such a thing. Another swift kick hit her in the side and she rolled over onto that side, curling slightly to protect herself as best as she could from further abuse. "Working out just fine, you flat little bitch" she replied finally, fighting back the occasional twitch in her muscles, the residual pain of all that she'd been through thus far today.

The vampire didn't take note of the other woman's scanning of her, which would reveal a few interesting facts. Chief among them were that her body held two souls merged into one abomination, and that few of her internals were functioning in any way that could be considered "normal." Her heart was beating, but it was a very faint beat, not enough to come close to keeping a human alive. No, everything inside of her was held together by some kind of unholy magic, her blood circulating seemingly on its own to maintain her. "You can try... you'll never break my will, even if you break my body a hundred times over! A cowardly, dishonorable little worm like you will never best me, not really!" she shouted, able to bluster again now that she had been given a few moments of rest.

Of course, what the witch did next was... concerning. Victoria didn't know quite what she was referring to when told that the woman had scanned her body, and asked if she had given the bits of herself that worked as if she were living a "test drive" whatever that may have meant... But then she pulled down her panties, revealing her sex. An odd move, until demonic magic flowed through her and she began to grow a rather large cock. Perhaps the biggest the vampire had ever seen, in fact. "I'm surprised you know what one of those looks like, little girl" she intoned derisively, "have you ever taken one of those for a 'test drive?'" She couldn't stop the woman from rolling her over onto her abused belly, from mounting her from behind. "Do you want tips on how to use it?" She was, of course, just talking, trying to get under Anthea's skin. In reality it had been many a decade since she had had sex, and this was likely going to be pretty rough on her... She was also fairly confused about what the witch meant when she said that her womb was fertile; surely that wasn't true? Right?
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

"No thanks! You're so helpless that using this on you is basically no different than using a toy," Anthea remarked cheerfully despite the vampire's attempt to goad her back into her anger. She set her hands on the knight's shoulders for balance and repositioned just enough to begin prodding the head of her cock against Victoria's petals. "Feel free to keep talking though! You'll have more difficulty later because once I'm done I'm going to shove this down your throat to clean it off."

With that, Anthea turned her attention back on the matter at hand. The witch had gotten so involved in shocking the other woman that she'd completely forgotten to get the oil out of her bag earlier, but at this point she was committed. The human forced herself between her defeated opponent's long disused petals inch by inch relying only on the unnatural amount of precum her demonic cock was letting out to lubricate her way. Throughout all her progress she let out a prolonged, satisfied moan that lasted from the initial penetration all the way up until her tip pressed against the vampire's cervix. The short Crolian woman had gotten quite a bit of practice with human-ish partners in the last few days, but she was still far from being a sexual dynamo. If Victoria's depths hadn't been almost painfully crushing in the way they squeezed around the human's intruding girth, the witch might've embarrassed herself by cumming immediately.

Instead, at the end of the initial penetration she went mostly still, outside of pleasured shudders and panting, as she tried to acclimate to the feeling of the vampire speared on her cock. At the same time, she looked at the back of the subjugated knight with a sense of smug satisfaction. For all Victoria's bold words, for all her defiance, and despite all the pain she'd endured for both of those things, in the end she was still going to provide several different types of satisfaction as the witch's cock sleeve. "I hope I'm the one who gets a child on you," Anthea thought aloud as she finally began to slowly roll her hips, repeatedly alternating between removing her cock a centimeter at a time until it was just shy of falling out of the vampire's sex and then replacing it at the same pace. "The only shame is that, even if I am the father, I won't be able to stick around and watch you round with my seed. I won't get to see your reaction to the final results of your defeat~"

Anthea began to pick up the pace, spurred on by the thoughts of putting a child in Victoria's belly. Her motions weren't yet at a speed comparable to normal thrusting, but all the force the witch's still-empowered body could offer slowly crept into her efforts until the vampire's body began to wear a rut in the dirt with each slam of the human's hips against her ass. That went on for as long as it took for the knight's body to begin to get accustomed to the massive insertion, at which point the witch grabbed the back of the vampire's neck with one hand and slapped her ass with the other. "Don't go getting too comfortable! Tighten up, cowtits!" Anthea's pistoning quickened slightly and she began to deliver a flurry of swats against the defeated warrior's ass, alternating between cheeks.

That preference for power over speed, along with the rhythmic spankings, continued for many long minutes. If Victoria found an orgasm despite her abuse, Anthea would surely note it mentally so that she could remark on it later, but if not then the witch couldn't care less. At that moment in time she was wholly consumed by the pleasure of it all. She let out grunts of effort and pleasure in time with every thrust as she indulged in the physical sensations of having her sensitive rod wrapped in the other woman's wet, squeezing depths. Mental pleasure radiated from thoroughly defiling the knight and treating her as little more than a masturbation aid that happened to be able to bear children. Between the two she could barely think well enough to form a coherent thought, let alone words. The only reason she didn't let herself go and cum inside Victoria as soon as she felt herself nearing her peak was because she wanted to prolong both those pleasures for as long as the nearly virginal witch was capable.

But her inexperience set a hard limit on that, and despite all her willpower and manual control over many of her body's sensations not even ten minutes had passed in the entire act when Anthea felt herself pass the point of no return. "Ooh, here it comes! You think those cowtits of yours will get even bigger when you're pregnant, even though you're a corpse~? Let's find out!" Anthea's exclamation came with sadistic glee between shallow breaths. Her cock began to throb powerfully within Victoria's depths. Her steady, hard pounding of the knight would rapidly devolve into quick, shallow thrusts as the witch's peak began to rapidly approach. Her hands returned to the vampire's shoulders for balance, shoving the other woman even harder into the dirt. And then, with a few last erratic thrusts, she would bottom out directly against Victoria's cervix and deliver the first massive of cum. Then there was a second, a third, fourth, and then after several more a ninth final deposit of cum for the vampire's womb. Anthea, in the meantime, would collapse limply onto the vampire as she was overwhelmed by the pleasure of it all.

It took the witch a full minute and change before the afterglow left her and she finally found the strength to withdraw from the vampire's abused sex, then a little bit longer before she could push herself up to her feet. Once upright, Anthea would return to the knight's side and flip the other woman with her shoe again, giving Victoria a full view of the flagging cock which had just violated her and was still wet with the act. "I've gotta say, you're way better at being a fucktoy than you are at fighting. Have you ever considered making a career of it?" Anthea remarked, once again looking down on the defeated warrior with a sadistic grin. "A shame the rules of this realm don't allow me to keep you as a permanent toy or I could remove those arms and legs of yours and keep you in a cabinet for stress relief. Alas, since there are limits I'm afraid our time together is almost at an end! As soon as you clean this," the witch wrapped her fingers around her own shifted manhood and gave it a wiggle for clarification, "I'll be going back to work. I don't suppose you'll choose not to be difficult this time?"
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Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Victoria gritted her teeth as she felt the tip of the other woman's unnatural cock poke and prod against her sex, bracing herself... this was not going to be to her taste, to put it mildly. The idea of the thing forced down her throat afterwards rankled, the submissive position she found herself in so deeply objectionable... But there was nothing she could do about it. She could only try to focus on little things, whatever small victories she could manage. Not that she was in any shape for even the smallest of resistances at the moment! The witch started to push her thick, unlubed cock into the vampire without concern for her pleasure, moaning out lewdly all the while... the sound burned Victoria's ears, made her hiss through clenched teeth. Her whole body squirmed when the tip of that dick hit her cervix, sending a twinge of pain racing up her spine... Many decades of disuse had left her quite unaccustomed to this feeling in addition to keeping her almost fiendishly tight, and as her victorious opponent lay hilted inside of her she could have sworn that she felt every little vein and crease in its shaft.

The slow thrusting that followed was unpleasant even for its comparative gentleness, every tap against her cervix drawing a quiet "nnnn..." out of her as she struggled to adjust. Although perhaps it would be better not to. "You don't ever fucking shut up, do you?" she practically hissed in response to the musing about her potential pregnancy, "that isn't even... possible!" Of course, it very much so was, though Victoria would have to figure that one out the hard way.

Of course, her body was starting to show signs of betraying her by the time the witch picked up the pace. Each thrust was a little bit easier, her sex wetter and more yielding... She couldn't help but feel humiliated at the involuntary reaction, at the little dribs and drabs of pleasure that began to mingle with the pain. Of course, she wasn't prepared at all for the sudden force Anthea began to put behind them, letting out a surprised yelp that was soon muffled by the dirt as the tip of the cock pounded against her cervix and sent a jolt of pain racing through her. Victoria sputtered and spat as she lifted her head again, struggling to keep it up, though all that accomplished was to push her bare stomach and chest into ground in its place at the end of every thrust. As if that wasn't bad enough the witch soon grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and held her head down, the other hand spanking her pale rear hard. She did indeed tighten up, her inner walls squeezing down against the shaft that stretched them... and her tormentor didn't let up, smacking her jiggling rump again and again!

The pain and humiliation were starting to mingle with pleasure in increasing measure, an unfamiliar warmth starting to grow in the vampire's belly. She couldn't be enjoying this... There was no way she could allow herself to enjoy this! Her pride, her esteem in herself, they simply wouldn't allow it! She concentrated all her being on resisting the pleasure the witch's cock was giving her, on trying to ignore the sensation of her inner walls being stretched seemingly to their very limits. It was so very difficult, though... Her body was soon used to the girth and even the length of the intruder, her arousal wetting it enough to keep it sliding in and out with pleasant ease. She was even getting used to the feeling of being spanked, of the way her tight inner walls clamped down around the monstrous shaft inside her with each smack of her soft, cool flesh... She could feel the witch's cock throb and twitch inside of her, knew that she was close to orgasm. Why wouldn't she do it!? Why wouldn't she just hurry up and cum!?

All the while Victoria tried to suppress her own noises, though of course she let out the occasional grunt and groan... though towards the end the sounds became increasingly lewd, mingling with the wet slapping sound that emanated from her whenever the witch's hips met hers, the fact that she was being pleasured fairly obvious. Even so she found her efforts more or less successful, the powerful thrusts she had been met with diminishing to faster, shallower thrusts... and then one last hard thrust into her cervix, and the feeling of hot cum spurting through her innermost barrier directly into her womb. It was a feeling she had forgotten entirely, and one that would have been eminently pleasant if not for the circumstances. Just to lay there, feeling the shaft inside her throb and pump warm seed into her depths... it was something her body certainly could have gotten used to, even if she never would have allowed it.

Indeed, by the time Victoria felt the witch collapse onto her back she was... frustrated, in a way she had never known. If not for Anthea's inexperience and inattentiveness to her pleasure she probably would have failed in her efforts, would have been made to orgasm around that magical cock. As it was a part of her longed for just a few more thrusts, just a couple more... Surely that would've been enough. Instead the witch laid there for perhaps a minute, giving her some time to collect herself. A little bit of cum drooled out of her as her tormentor pulled out, proof that she was quite thoroughly filled. The vampire couldn't find the strength to resist being flipped over, though she closed her legs to try and hide just how wet she was... a futile gesture, given the way the witch's cock glistened in the light. If she had been capable of blushing Victoria's cheeks would have lit up with shame, and she turned her gaze away slightly as she was taunted. "Shut up... bitch of a girl, I'll make you pay for this!" she protested, her voice wavering slightly, "I'm not going to clean you, and I won't be anyone's fucktoy, never again! I'll show you...!" She started to focus on various fantasies, things she would do to get back at the witch... Though she probably wouldn't be left with her thoughts for long.
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

"Ooh! I hoped you'd say something like that!" Anthea clapped her hands with vicious glee. "This next part is going to make you wish that I was still stabbing and electrocuting you!" The witch's spirit surged and her eyes began to glow as she prepared a massive amount of energy behind them. It was another trick with demonic origins, and another that many frogs had suffered in order to give Anthea mastery of it. The Crolian woman went down to one knee and placed a hand on Victoria's chin, grabbing it roughly and forcing the defeated knight to look into her eyes. She held a brief staring contest with Victoria, lasting several seconds during which the human's eyes began to look like dancing green flames. Without warning, those same flames would suddenly burst in a blinding flash that the vampire wouldn't be allowed to shield herself from, and Victoria would find herself almost completely unable to move.

The vampire wasn't stone and could still feel pain, as Anthea would demonstrate by pinching one of her nipples and giving it a hard twist, but there was no longer any meaningful manner in which she could struggle or backtalk the witch. With Anthea's latest cruelty, Victoria was trapped in a body that was functionally little more than a doll, able to smell, see, hear, feel, taste, and even think, but unable to move anything other than her eyes even a centimeter. "Crolian witchcraft," she softly explained with that persistent sadistic grin, "is the greatest form of magic in all the world. Just look at what it's done to you. You're finally less annoying, and so much more useful."

"Look at what your resistance got you. A whole lot of pain and just enough pleasure to leave you wet and wanting. Meanwhile, I took everything I wanted from you anyway and had a lot of fun doing it~" Anthea's hand trailed the knight's stomach to the other woman's vulnerable crotch, where she wasted little time in shoving two fingers into Victoria's used sex and violated her for a few moments longer just to prove her own dominance. "But what I've done so far is nothing compared to what will happen next. After I'm done fucking that throat of yours to get all your wetness off of myself, I'm going to set you up for as a toy for anybody who happens to be passing by~♪ I'm going to write free slut on that red ass of yours, and maybe just give you a proper makeover in general. Imagine all the big, strong warriors who are going to come by and show that tight little slit of yours no mercy. I'm sure a few will try your ass and mouth too, some of the people in this realm would probably even try to fuck a knothole on a tree. But first it's my turn~"

Anthea began to reposition the knight, grabbing her limbs and moving them as if she was little more than a doll. First the paralyzed vampire went onto her belly, then up on one arm, the second, then each knee until she was on her hands and knees like a dog. The witch would waste little time in moving in front of Victoria, though she did decide to play with her toy a little longer before indulging in the vampire's mouth. She set her cock, which was beginning to grow turgid again from sheer sadism, on the vampire's face. The rod, sticky with cum and the knight's own juices, laid between the undead woman's eyes across the bridge of her nose and forehead. Anthea merely watched the vampire for a few moments as her manhood returned to full length across the other woman's face, only able to imagine what was going through her foe's mind. Was she sorry that she hadn't licked the witch's boots? That she hadn't relented? Or perhaps she still had some insult in mind regarding Anthea's flatness? Regardless, nothing would've changed her course then. Victoria had waited too long to earn mercy and had to be put firmly in her place.

"Wow. It's lucky you don't need to breathe, isn't it?" She asked moments before pulling back and slapping Victoria across the face a few times with her shaft, just to humiliate the other woman further. But after that she would waste no more time. She pulled the vampire's mouth as open as it could get, set both hands atop Victoria's head, and began to push her cock into the other woman's mouth. She gave the paralyzed woman even less time to adjust to her latest violation, pushing in an inch at a time and continuing even as she literally forced herself down the other woman's throat. The witch groaned anew, the feeling of the vampire's wet tongue against the underside of her shaft and every muscle in the woman's neck practically molded around her head offering a sense of physical rapture on par with the persisting mental pleasure of dominating the prideful woman.

While her previous performance had been anything but artful, Anthea's latest efforts showed even less concern for the vampire's pleasure or comfort. Once she had buried herself until Victoria's nose was pressed into the Crolian's trimmed pubic hair, Anthea simply began to piston in and out of vampire's mouth like a cheap masturbation toy. It was a quick, rough pace that more or less matched the efforts of an academy student to stealthily get off in the public dorms. And indeed, that's all Anthea was doing. She was just bringing herself to another orgasm because she wanted to cum again, and the fact that she even had a partner was merely incidental and didn't concern her in the slightest. Victoria was forced to endure around three minutes of the Crolian's pubic mound smacking into her nose just hard enough to be painful before the witch would, with an orgasmic groan, unceremoniously shove herself back to the brim and begin to cum directly down the vampire's throat and into her stomach. About halfway through, she pulled out and painted Victoria's cheeks and jaw with the remainder. As a final personal insult, once Anthea had recovered from her brief afterglow she wiped her cock off using the vampire's hair.

"You're a pretty decent cocksucker too! Even if you were a bit of a board. I probably should've guessed!" The witch giggled at her own cruel joke. "That's a nice look on you too. Almost makes me want to have another go. It'd probably be less interesting without all that useless defiance of yours though, and I have work to do so it's time to put this away and finish up." With a snap, Anthea's cock began to recede into her groin until it eventually vanished without a trace. She would pull her panties back up, go rummaging through her backpack once more, and return to Victoria's side with a small brush and a bottle of ink. She uncorked the bottle, set it on the vampire's back, and sat down in a cross-legged position at the vampire's side. "Let's get you ready for your new role as a public cum dump!" And then she dipped the brush into the ink and began to write words on the vampire's body....


By the time Anthea finished ten minutes later, Victoria had writing on her ass, back, stomach, shoulder blades, both breasts, and her face. The witch hadn't proven to be very creative, though the vampire knight would never be able to see the specifics. She had, of course, written the most mandatory bits of body writing in large, bold letters. Fertile, Cum Lots Inside, Public Slut, were present on both her belly and her back. One side of Victoria's butt was adorned with Ass and the other had Pussy with a single tally mark beneath it. On her face, one cheek had Mouth with a tally mark and the other was a bit more verbose, noting Fuck My Throat I Don't Need Air. Her breasts read Cowtit 1 and Cowtit 2 respectively. Of final particular note was I'm a stupid whore who needs to be punished along her shoulder blades. Beyond that it was all random scrawling and a few cartoonish dicks.

The witch had, following her attempts at artistry, done her best to repair her clothes using her magics and had gotten redressed. She had re-donned her backpack and picked up her broom and shovel again. "See you around, cowtits! Make sure to milk lots and lots of dicks in the... well, probably twelve or so hours you'll be there! And remember, you could've avoided all of this if you hadn't been such a stupid bitch~♪" The short witch giggled and waved farewell as she turned and began to walk away, leaving the paralyzed Victoria behind to serve as a doll for any and everyone who happened across her.
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Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Victoria recognized the trick the witch was about to pull on her; it was a thing she could do herself, something she'd done a fair few times, though she couldn't imagine that she was going to get off so easily as to be immediately killed and turned into a stone statue, as she normally used it. She was forced to look into her enemy's eyes, and she knew that closing hers wouldn't be an option. Instead she glared hatefully, cursing herself for her helplessness. Green flames lit the witch's eyes for a moment, and there was a painful flash of light... and then Victoria found herself unable to move. Completely and utterly frozen. She hadn't been turned to stone, and yet every ounce of concentration and effort wouldn't allow her to so much as blink. And despite all that she could feel everything just as if she hadn't been completely paralyzed, as she was taught quite rudely with a harsh tweak of one of her nipples. All sorts of responses to Anthea's taunting flitted through her mind, mostly annoyance at her claiming demonic magic as Crolian, but she just couldn't reply, couldn't move her mouth.

Of course, what the witch said to her made a lot of sense really. She hadn't accomplished much more than salving her pride a little bit by resisting, and she had probably taken a hell of a lot more pain and anguish than she needed to. And of course, she was indeed wet and wanting... somewhat humiliatingly so. She felt the fingers slip into her, working around inside of her needy, sensitive sex... It was such a strange feeling, being toyed with while all of her muscles were paralyzed. Her body wanted to react, which was a deeply strange feeling, and quite unpleasant at that. It was as if all of her motion was being held back right at the very end, the potential energy diffusing uselessly. It was a sense of frustration every bit as real as her desire to climax, and both were likely only going to get worse. What the witch said while teasing her gave her a sick feeling in her stomach as well... She wasn't going to be going back to the feasting hall, not any time soon. She would be set out, a statue, to be used by anyone who passed by. A small kernel of fear started to grow inside of her thinking about that fate, about all of the random unworthy men who would make use of her helpless body for their pleasure...

The vampire was drawn from her thoughts by the sensation of being moved about, slowly arranged like she were nothing more than a child's doll. She was soon posed on all fours in the manner of a dog, the witch walking around in front of her and slapping her stiffening cock onto her face. The bitch was getting hard just from the pain she was causing, wasn't she? Victoria could only look past the fat dick up at its owner, the sheer hatred that defined her feelings towards her tormentor joined with that hint of slowly growing fear... She was utterly helpless to prevent the other woman from smacking her cheeks and nose with her cock, prying her mouth open and slipping it against her tongue, and she absolutely hated it! Being made to service her opponent, dishonorable and unworthy though she may have been, was just such a dreadful feeling...

It had been many, many a decade since the vampire had sucked cock, and the taste was unfamiliar to her, and although she would never have admitted so it wasn't an unpleasant one. Of course, it was more than a little bit humiliating to taste so much of her own arousal on the shaft, a tangible reminder of just how close her body had come to truly betraying her. The smell that wafted up to her nose, the oddly feminine musk... that too had its pleasant qualities. Thankfully the witch had no intention of letting her enjoy this experience, just forcing her long and thick shaft down her paralyzed throat and forcing it open inch by inch. The urge to gag hit Victoria, slightly at first but quickly growing... and yet she couldn't. Her throat wouldn't constrict, she couldn't retch, and the sensation was terribly strange and uncomfortable. It wasn't long before she found her lips pressed against witch's crotch, her nose nestled in the woman's well-trimmed pubic hair. A living being would have been troubled by the inability to breathe with her throat full of dick, but that at least wasn't a concern for the vampire... even if part of her wished she could be choked out right about now.

The witch began to thrust then, rapidly and with force, brutalizing Victoria's throat without a care in the world. Her throat was soon sore and burning for relief, the urge to gag overwhelming, even the feeling of the other woman's hips slapping against her face starting to hurt. Thankfully the abuse didn't last very long, the witch's inexperience and lack of desire to make it last working in Victoria's favor, and it was only a handful of minutes worth of harsh facefucking before she felt that cock throb and expand in her throat for a moment before spurting hot cum straight down her throat into her stomach. A few more shots went down her throat before the other woman pulled out, one gout of cum squirting into her open mouth and against her tongue, another few hitting her cheeks and nose, a little bit splattering up to sting her eyes. She couldn't swallow or spit out the seed, so it remained sitting on her tongue, slowly drooling both down her throat and out down her chin, the taste sticking with her. Try as she might not to she found herself enjoying that taste, its musky bitterness... and of course it was an immense relief to have her throat clear again, to have her body left alone for a bit.

The witch taunted Victoria again, finally dismissing the demonic cock she had grown, and for a moment the vampire thought her torment was at an end for the moment. Of course, that was just a tad bit optimistic... Her ears burned when she was called a public cum dump, but it was hard to deny that she was headed for exactly that fate. If she had been able to she would have squirmed and fought nonstop against being written on, but instead she was left to try and figure out what was being written by the feeling of the brush against her flesh. It probably would have been better for her if she could have figured it out, because not knowing caused her imagination to run wild, all sorts of horrible and humiliating possibilities flitting through her mind. Even so, when the witch made to paint on her rump she would find a small bead of arousal trickling slowly down the vampire's pale thigh, the vampire even more aroused than she had been after being fucked!

When the witch had written and drawn all that she wanted on Victoria's body she made to leave getting in one last taunt and walking away. The vampire could only stare straight ahead, the phrase "twelve or so hours" echoing through her mind. Twelve hours? Kneeling here, paralyzed and helpless, being fucked and abused by whoever walked past? That sick feeling in the pit of her stomach returned worse than before, a feeling of dread slowly starting to pervade her consciousness. Of course, she was also terribly wet, her sex feeling so very needy. Part of her dread came from the knowledge that she would be helpless to resist the orgasm that would surely come at the slightest provocation if she didn't have a good long while to cool down. And of course, there was also the simple anticipation of what was going to happen, her mind racing to create all sorts of devilish scenarios that she couldn't push away...
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

Fortunately for her dignity and unfortunately for her ability to stay calm, Victoria would have quite a bit of time to cool down. Nearly half an hour passed in which she proved unable to move, unable to find any sort of comfort except for the receding flames of her own libido, and unable to do much of anything but fill her own mind with the worst scenarios imaginable as she was left totally isolated in the ancient graveyard. It was only after that long waiting period that her fears would begin to come true. Her first customer stumbled upon her... but Victoria never even got to see him. "Hah! It must be my lucky day," the unseen male, and judging by the deepness of her unseen visitor's voice he was definitely male, remarked in orcish accented Badarian before the vampire heard and felt him drop to his knees behind her.

He wasted no time. The man briefly fumbled with his belt behind her in order to disrobe enough to withdraw his cock and press the head of it, a tip that proved even more massive than Anthea's, against the vampire's abused petals. "Really frozen solid, aren't ya? You must've really pissed someone off to be left out here like this. One person's misfortune though..." he remarked with a low whistle when no effort to stop him or even look at him came from the knight. But the first of the strangers who would abuse her that day had no pity or mercy in mind for Victoria, and he greedily shoved himself in to his base, stretching her even further than the witch had, before beginning to roughly mate the helpless vampire. And that was how the immobile woman spent the next fifteen minutes, being taken at an animalistic pace by a man she would never even see with only his rhythmic grunts of effort to accompany it. He'd never be able to tell if and when she came, as her inner muscles could do nothing more than mold to fit his incredible girth, and continued directly through any peak she might have until he found his own. Finally, when he was ready he would simply cum directly inside her vulnerable pussy without fanfare, and after his deposite he pulled out and wiped his dick off on one of her fleshy ass cheeks.

Once his afterglow had faded and he had pulled up his pants, Victoria's unseen visitor would get into the spirit of things by using the brush and ink left by Anthea in order to add another tally mark to the vampire's body. "Not bad for a living statue! Think I might swing by a few more times if I don't find a decent fight out here. Hope there's not a line by then!" He gave the immobile woman a slap on the ass to go with his remark. And with that, Victoria's first 'customer' would stand up and wander off with a spring in his step that the vampire would never even get a chance to witness.

And he truly did turn out only to be the first. The vampire was lucky in that the graveyards didn't attract as many combatants as the other locations, but the ones it did attract were almost always bored enough to make time for her. Only in a rare few cases did she see someone who spotted her and moved on without taking a turn. Over the hours, she was visited by humans, goblins, a naga, a kitsune, and even a fallen angel. The humans had come one at a time, two men and one woman who had grown the necessary equipment, each apparently intent on trying their hand at being the one to fertilize Victoria. The goblins, at least six of them, had come as a group and took turns using her every orifice multiple times often leaving each of the vampire's holes penetrated all at the same time, adding over a dozen tally marks to the vampire's body in the process. The naga, equipped with two elongated cocks just a little shorter but much thinner than the orc's, penetrated both the vampire's holes at once and filled her with enough cum to make her belly round, while the kitsune who had stumbled upon the vampire moments after her snake-like violator had left decided to knot Victoria's mouth. Between all of that, Victoria's first 'customer' did end up visiting her multiple times and proved lacking in creativity, as he went about the same process of rutting her and leaving her with a fresh creampie each time before moving on.

The fallen angel proved worse than each of the vampire's previous tormentors combined -- Anthea included -- and spent over an hour violating Victoria in every way imaginable. Between magical tentacles, summoned beasts, spells intended to drive the vampire mad with over-stimulation, and the angel's own foot-long girlcock, the fallen angel singlehandedly doubled the number of tally marks on Victoria's body, and ended up having to move down the vampire knight's thighs and neck in order to continue keeping track. The only bright thing that could be said about the angel's visit was that her presence seemed to keep all the other would-be 'customers' far away while she had her fun. Beyond that, the angel seemed determined to break the immobilized vampire knight with mind-altering pleasure if only because it amused her. It was around ten hours after Anthea had immobilized the vampire that the angel finally got bored with the humanoid statue and flew away on blackened wings to torment some other person.

And then it was an hour more when she heard the approach of another human. "Why am I even here?!" It was the cry of a man with a relatively effeminate voice. "I've been killed dozens of times. Tortured. Bludgeoned. Stabbed. Thrown into spikes.... And I've never even won a single fight! And all these slutty bitches are so strong that I'll never be able to take one of them! Even when I ambushed that sexy elf who was washing off after her last fight she still managed to cut my head off! Why did I have to get taken into such a shitty realm?!" Following the noise with her eyes, Victoria would spot the man to whom the voice belonged. He was fat, greasy, and disheveled looking. His armor was a size too small for him. He'd likely never met a barber in his life. And, perhaps worst of all, his posture was that of a coward. Despite how large he was -- at least width-wise -- he moved along with all the timidity of a rabbit watching for hawks. His fear became doubly evident when he spotted Victoria and his initial reaction was to attempt to shrink away from her.

But as realization donned on him, he found an inkling of courage. He crept to the vampire's side, as if afraid that a harpy might fly by and suddenly gut him, and asked; "H-hey. Can you move? Or talk?" The vampire couldn't, of course, but he erred on the side of caution and waited entire minutes that he spent ogling her naked body and the writing on it. Only once he was truly sure that he was standing in front of a woman who could do nothing to resist him did the fat human find his boldness in full. His lips widened into a lascivious grin as he looked down at the helpless knight. "A slut I can use however I want! Being in this shitty realm is finally paying off! O-okay, let's start out with your mouth!"

Without wasting time, he dropped to his knees in front of the vampire and pulled his pants down just far enough to pull out an average-sized cock which was still only half-stiff and in the process gave Victoria a nose full of incredibly concentrated musk. He didn't even wait until he was fully hard before he shoved his full length into her mouth with a happy groan, leaving his unwashed dick on her tongue and her nose buried into unruly pubes. "Ohh, I've always wanted to use a slut's mouth like this, he cried out as he began to desperately fuck Victoria's mouth. It would be the briefest performance she had experienced all day, with no more than a minute passing his dick began to to throb. "Take it all, bitch," he demanded as ropes of his cum rocketed against her tonsils. He pushed himself as deep as he could get in her mouth and kept her mouth sealed around him for several long moments after he finished to make sure that none of his seed escaped her lips and that all of it slid down her throat.

But he wasn't anywhere close to done with her yet. Almost immediately upon finishing with her mouth, the fat man would scramble to get behind her so quickly that he nearly tripped on his way around her. "What a slut, already this drenched in cum, he remarked with a laugh as he got onto his knees behind her and surveyed her repeatedly-abused sex. "But that's okay. I'm going to be the one to get you pregnant! I can already tell that your body and mine are compatible. Soon you're going to be addicted to my cock, he arrogantly proclaimed as he began to push himself inside her. His proclamation would prove even more arrogant given that he had no more stamina for the second round than he had for the first. Just a few minutes in he squealed "I'm cumming! And then he unceremoniously began to empty himself into her depths.

He spent more time collapsed on top of her back than he'd spent fucking her, but when he finally did recover she felt the tip of his knife pressing against her throat. He gave a low, dark chuckle as he traced her vulnerable neck with the weapon. "Hey... the rules of this realm are that if I beat somebody I've challenged, I get to fuck them however I want, right? I didn't see anybody here when I found you, so you're open for me to take, right? This is as good as a challenge, right? And if I slit you open, the goddess of war will definitely give you to me! I'll fuck you for an entire day! I'll make you wear whatever I want and live out all my fantasies on that slutty body of yours! It'll be great! He laughed maniacally, any grip at all he had on his sanity slipping away quicker by the second. "So that's it! I'm challenging you!" His knife poked into her flesh enough to cause blood to drip down the steel. "I'm challenging you right now! And this is going to be the easiest win of my- hurk!"

Through the half-flaccid cock and the force of his body against her ass, Victoria could feel something heavy impact her latest 'customer' as easily as if it had hit her. The knife dropped away from her throat, and then something simply ripped him out of her and tossed the man's lifeless body away. The vampire knight wouldn't have much time to wonder at what had stopped the man, as a massive hand wrapped around her waist, lifted her up, and spun her around until she was face to face with a minotaur standing at least nine feet tall. And the cow-man wasted no time in taking his own turn with the immobilized woman. Within seconds she felt a massive tip, one belonging to the largest cock she'd taken that day, pressing into her already-violated depths. And then he began to pump her up and down his shaft as easily as if he was lifting a ragdoll, and at animalistic pace.

Only the fallen angel had the minotaur outmatched in stamina. Victoria spent fifteen minutes being fucked like a toy by the cow. And, perhaps to her displeasure, it was around the five minute mark that her joints began to unlock. It started in her joints, her knees, elbows, hips, shoulders all starting to gradually relax, then moved onto her muscles. By the ten minute mark, her limbs were able to flop about limply as the minotaur, showing no interest in her newfound movement, continued to glide her up and down his shaft at a ferocious pace. None of it did her any good, as she was used to milk the cum out of a cock embedded almost entirely inside her that was pushing her supernatural durability to limits. No amount of struggling would allow her to break free of the minotaur's steel-like grip. And eventually, with a bestial moo, he would pull her all the way down to the base before he exploded inside her, each cumshot causing her womb to inflate and her stomach to visibly expand.

By the time the last shot entered her already dilated uterus, she looked to be pregnant with triplets. And when the minotaur was fully milked, he simply slid her off of his shaft and let go of her, allowing her to fall freely and land however she might land. The likely exhausted vampire knight would, upon impact, find herself right next to the corpse last man who had raped her, the minotaur's massive axe still embedded into his back. The giant cow-man would pull his weapon free of the dead body, and then simply turn and leave both the fat man, whose soul was probably even then headed for the feast hall, and Victoria lying on the ground like discarded trash. But the vampire knight's ordeal was finally over. She could move again, if only barely, and nobody else would be able to take advantage of her helplessness. She was finally free to escape to the feast hall and attempt to recoup her strength...
Re: The Warrior's Graveyard (ToC PvP Arena)

and sheets! Starting a new fight here, a 2 on 1.


"So, wait... Like this?"

"No, no... Like this!"

The apparently friendly lesson was taking place among a field of grave markers, ranging from carved stone to half-heartedly assembled wooden crosses, between an elven woman with violet skin and a tiny girl of vaguely Amazonian features. The two seemed to be sparring among the graves, but in a manner far less savage than the battles that usually took place in the goddess of war's realm. The grassy burial yard was otherwise peaceful for the moment, as the duo continued their trading of combat secrets in a non-competitive sense.