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The Warrior's Path (Even)

Re: The Warrior's Path (Even)

The Logrus filled his mind, its unpredictable, wild energy forming into a tendril that lanced out, piercing the veil of shadow easily and stretching out into infinity, until at last it snagged onto something. Even pulled himself through and his eyes beheld thousands upon thousands of worlds pass him by, until he stood upon a fairground in a distant shadow, where a race of green skinned beings with sharp teeth and three fingers upon each hand had congregated to sell something which they claimed to be called jeweller's rouge. It had the form of powder, crimson in color, and it could be used in their strange constructs - large, primitive things that were more like hand held cannons than side arms. The methods they showed for its preparation were crude, and after a while he began to see that while this substance might work, he would definitely need to find a better delivery system - a gun that could pack the jeweller's rouge like gunpowder, to fire a bullet rather than large rock sized projectiles. There was also the issue of the jeweller's rouge's susceptibility to weather. At least, the stuff from this shadow would not work if the air was moist. Rain would absolutely destroy it, but even damp air could make the stuff clump together and be rendered useless.
Re: The Warrior's Path (Even)

Having pulled himself through the Logrus successfully once again, Even finds himself in this Shadow, one of countless others. Whether it was familiar to him or not, he couldn't quite remember, as there were far too many that looked eerily similar to each other, only varying by mere degrees. After all, due to the infinite nature of Shadow, the prince knew that there was hardly any one Avalon, or even one Earth.

Approaching the stand with the creatures, he proceeded to communicate with them, trying the various languages learned from spending time in Shadow--first Thari, then cycling through tongues one by one until he could find a fair medium by which to communicate, combining the code-switching with hand gestures in order to get his point across.

After he had acquired a decent amount, just enough for him to carry around for purposes of testing later on, Even pondered the nature of this jeweler's rouge. Certainly, with it being this sensitive to water, there was no way he could rely on something as primitive as the green creatures advertised. No matchlocks, flintlocks, or anything of the sort, no--he would need cartridges in which to keep the powder dry, for the most part. The prince did know of a shadow that had no shortage of these, one he spent a good deal of time on. One whose internal conflicts lead to great advancements in weaponry, at least with regards to this type of projectile delivery; Earth.

But he didn't need to pick everything up personally. He just needed time. Even sought a secluded area within the same shadow and tapped into the power of the Logrus once more, searching through Shadow with the tendrils summoned from his mind. As a former soldier, he became intimately familiar with all the details of a bullet. He looked for a specific caliber; to Shadow Earth dwellers, they'd call it 9x19mm. Some Amberites or Chaosians may not even be familiar with it, but Even learned to trust his well-being with the reliability of these little things--ones that could just as easily end the life of another, or even his own. So he focused, and did so deeply, in the hopes of finding these, perhaps just a box once he could discern the shape via the dark feelers he had employed.
Re: The Warrior's Path (Even)

The Logrus tendril came back to Even with a box of the cartridges he desired. They were common enough in shadows with guns and Even was intimately familiar with the type of bullet he sought. When he had them in his hands he was relatively confident that he could get the net result he wanted by using jeweller's rouge in place of Earth's gunpowder. He had the notion that such an odd element such as the rouge would not work on a place like Earth, where these cartridges had originated - so he would have to make his bullets in a shadow like this one, where natural law supported the existence of this substance.
Re: The Warrior's Path (Even)

Pleased at the results, Even concentrated once more, sending out a slightly larger tendril to pierce through the veil of Shadow and acquire the second necessary component of his experiment--an actual delivery system by which these bullets can do their work. Finding one of the many projections of Earth, he specified through his mind to focus upon every detail of the gun he desired--a 'Sig-Sauer P226', naturally chambered for the cartridges that he already held in one hand. This handgun was just as recognizable to Even as the caliber of ammunition it used, as every man in his unit was trained to be able to field strip the weapon and put it back together at a moment's notice. The prince took his time, going over every separate component to make sure it was the correct item, otherwise a single incompatibility between the pistol and its ammunition would render him back to square one.

Once he had the familiar steel in hand, Even sat upon a rock in the deserted area he was currently in, and one by one, took twenty cartridges and proceeded to separate each bullet from its case, then emptying out the black powder that was already packed within and discarding it. Normally, this type of operation would require a pair of pliers, but any Amberite was typically strong enough to do this by hand--for Even, it was more a matter of being careful to not accidentally crush the casing itself with his prodigious strength as he pulled them apart. After he was finished, he proceeded to fill the cartridges with the strange red powder before capping them off once more, being careful not to so much as breathe on them. With the rouge sealed relatively tight, he figured it should be enough to keep the experimental explosive dry. It may have looked tedious to some, but to the prince who had spent most of his life in exile, this wasn't so much an advantage to the armies he would lead as it was an equalizer--Amberites would make most races in Shadow look like fools in close combat. Most likely, he would be the only one in the entire force who would be able to properly hold their ground against a soldier of Amber, and there were thousands of them to fight. This was more of a necessity than anything.

Handloading the modified ammo into the clip of his weapon, Even then took the necessary steps to ready it for use, loading the pistol itself before cocking and taking aim. He would then disengage the safety, and took aim at a nearby tree--or whatever passed for such things in this particular Shadow. Slowly, but surely, he pressed the trigger to make sure that the device worked as intended. If it did, he would soon be setting his thoughts on making one last field test, in a realm none other than Amber itself.
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