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The Waterfall and caves

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The valley has a large cliff running through it and when the river reaches there, it creates a 40 feet high waterfall.
At the base of this, there is a small series of caves that extend into the cliffs.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry sits in the shadow of a tree near the waterfall and tries to skip stones over the pool of water - failing miserably each and every time. Now and then he checks his watch as if he's waiting for something or somebody.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Grace moves briskly through the forest (but certainly not that section of it...), towards the described caves. Somehow every shadow seemed suspicious right now. She was a little off track, but listening for the sound of the waterfall as she neared the general area, she was soon heading in the right direction.

She emerges through the tree line at the other side of the pool. Looking up at the impressive waterfall first, she follows it down and spots Barry. "Hey there! I'm looking for a mighty warlock, seen any around?" She calls over jokingly.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry slowly gets up and brushes off a bit of grass that clinged to his pants. He has slung a backpack over his shoulder and grins back at Grace. "We're fresh out of mighty, but maybe I could interest you in an omniscient one." He gestures over to the base of the waterfall. "To get to him you have to pass the Caves of Terror, climb the Mountain of Dread and sacrifice seven magic crystals to the Ancient Dragon of Destruction. He will be in the mail within two weeks."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Grace laughs and starts heading round the pool. "I'm up for a quest, though all that kinda sounds like it may take a while." She says, then leaning forward to try to look behind the waterfall, "Caves of terror huh? Sounds fun."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Oh yes. On your way you will meet a rebelling princess, a sorceress and a grizzled swordsman that's really a big softie inside." A small path leads along the cliff up to a dark cave entrance. Barry steps up to Grace and hmphs. "Kinda narrow, don't you think?"
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Hmm. I'll watch my step then. Onwards!" Grace begins to make her way up to the cave. "Coming?"
Re: The Waterfall and caves

An "In a moment" is yelled - and then something whizzes past Grace and lodges itself in the wall next to the entrance. Something that looks disturbingly like a human spine...
And then Barry flies by. The spine retracts back to something under his jacket and draws him towards the cave. His hair waves wildy, and a "Woohoo" comes from his lips. As he approaches the wall he forces his legs forward and lands, taking a few quick steps to regain balance. As the spine dislodges itself from the rock and retreats under his jacket Barry spins around, sporting a huge grin. "I always wanted to try that", he shouts over the waterfall's rumble.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Grace very nearly spun round and planted a barrier in Barry's face, still being on edge from meeting Mia. Instead she hopped up the rest of the way and gave him a quizzical look. "And what exactly was that?" It was cool, but what was it?
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry pushes up his sleeve to reveal the Glove. "This? This is an artifact that's been in the possession of my family for many, many years." On cue, the spine on the back of the Glove seems to grow. It stretches a bit and waves at Grace.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Grace leans in just a little to take a look, "That, is distinctly creepy, and very cool." She says waving back. "So unfair. Where's my ancient family artefact? All I got is this pen here. Here, I'll trade you for it." Said pulling out her ornate fountain pen and holding it out in a mock offer as it sits lifelessly in her hand.

It's a stylish red and black with gold linings and designs on it, but otherwise not much to look at compared to the glove.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry chuckles and shakes his head. "I don't think he would listen to you", he says with a nod to the Glove. He adjusts the strap on his shoulder and turns around. "Alight, let's get some fireballing done." Quickly he steps into the cave and raises his left hand, engulfing it in grey fire to light the way.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Righto!" Grace steps up and follows along beside the young warlock into the cave. "He? You telling me that disfigured ribcage is a living creature? Ah, or a possessed artefact perhaps?" She ponders.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Congratulations. You are one step closer to being spared when Evil rises to devour those tasty butterscotch souls." Barry licks his lips before breaking out into a short laugh. "Meet One Fifth." The spine shoots out and stops a few inches before Grace's chest.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Graces eyes go wide as she stiffens up and stops on her heels. Nearly falling over backwards trying to avoid the spine but catching her step as she realises the spine has stopped. In a blink her heart rate has sky rocketed. The barrier spell that was now at her fingertips was a whole second too late, and her face went from shock, to embarrassment and irritation.

"Fucking Finster!" She recomposed herself, watching the spine and glove. "Sheesh..." She would find it funny was it not herself caught so off guard. For the split second she had then, she had wondered whether maybe father was right after all. Embarrassing. But now the slightest twitch from a spine in her direction and a barrier was going up.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry, on the other hand, nearly falls over laughing. He leans against the wall of the cave and roars with laughter. The caves themselves echo with laughter, adding a very creepy edge.
It takes the warlord much more than a minute to recompose himself. "I... I'm sorry", he says breathlessly, still chuckling under his breath. The spine withdraws slowly. "Didn't mean to quite shoot it that fast. I think One Fifth is pissed off because I'm in a good mood."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Grace crosses her arms and glares narrowly at the glove, allowing Barry to have his laugh. Speaking up when the echoes die down. "Hilarious. And nice to meet you 'One Fifth'." She says dryly, then looking from the glove to Barry. "He better behave, or I am sealing his ass deeper than the pit it crawled out of."

She wasn't pissed, just more annoyed by the fact she didn't manage to stop it. It was pretty damn fast though, after all. She had this awkward little staby feeling lingering where the spine had pointed, a bit like when you see something nasty on TV and cringe.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Seriously though, I'm sorry. It wasn't the pointy variety anyway. Would've given you a bruise at worst." Still Barry doesn't feel bad to quickly cast an Evilmaw. The black tendril, inperceivable to anybody but himself, reach out and lodges itself to Grace's head, feasting on her annoyance. A training like this could be draining after all.
Barry walks a bit further into the cave and plops down the backpack. Reaching inside he pulls out a book that looks surprisingly new. "Ready to get your magic on?"
Re: The Waterfall and caves

((Ooh creepy...)

"Ok then." Grace says relaxing a bit more again as she followed over. Though that barrier would be up in a flash now if another spine came her way. She found Barry's different magic both exciting and frustrating. She didn't like the idea of anyone having power over her, such as being at the apparent mercy of that spine. Though in truth she could most likely bury him in a cage of barriers at the same ease that spine flew, it didn't seem the same. "Let's do it!" She says looking eagerly at the book, snapping her fingers with a small spark.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Okay. Just let me..." The Warlock pulls a lantern out of the backpack and lights it - with a lighter, not the grey flame. He puts it down so it won't shine towards the waterfall and gives away their position.
Barry nods and flips open the book. "I think we'll start with basic spells before moving on to the elementals. Dravin's Light, perhaps, or ...Toren's Magissile." He frowns. "Cocky wizards, always slapping their name on everything. And Magissile- oh, Magic Missile. Har har." He keeps his thumb on a site and reaches the book over to Grace. It doesn't look like one would imagine a magic book - it has a hardcover and is printed rather than handwritten. "Go ahead and try something from this site."