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The Waterfall and caves

Re: The Waterfall and caves

Grace peers over the page, and her face twists a little as the writing begins to defeat her already. "Hmm, well this seems a lot more clear than the stuff I found at home, but... Ehm... I, kinda can't read half of this. This missile one here, I've tried it before, but it only blew up in my hand."

Some sections of the spells seemed regular enough to her, other parts unrecognisable. Some parts seemed familiar, but on closer inspection made no sense. Previously she'd tried to fill in the gaps with her own magic, like throwing in your own language when speaking in another and hoping the listener could figure it out. Most of the time it didn't really work. "I could try it anyway..."
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Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry groans out. "Does that mean I'm gonna have to teach you common Magi language? That's gonna take months." The warlock is not that big on teaching words. He wants to get to fireballing shit as soon as possible.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Grace sighs. "Months? Aw crap..." Grace had similar feelings. She had already learnt it all once, and having to start over if she wanted to do anything fun with it was a pain. "I'd been trying to learn this back home, but my parents kept it all locked up, only for reference. Most of it was advanced stuff too, always assumed you knew half of it already. Even the easier books still glossed over things." She idly flicks over a few pages as she says this, not finding anything clearer.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry sighs. "Okay, wait, maybe we can work around this. The spell's just words, right? I don't think you have to know the meaning." He doesn't really sound convinced.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Worth a shot. I'll try what I can, and figure out exactly what I'm doing latter. If I could borrow one of the books covering the basic theory, I might be able to work out some of what I'm doing wrong. I think..."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Sure, you can take that one." He points at the one that Grace is holding. "I'd get you one of the books that is meant for kids... but for that I'd have to write home, and I really, really, really don't want to do this."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Thanks. Er, don't worry I won't ask you to write home for kids books... that'd be embarrassing for both of us. There should be something in here I can use." She says flicking through the pages again. She'd just have to take a bit more time deciphering it. At least this one seemed a little more consistent and orderly than the one she'd found before.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Sooo... that's it for today then?" Barry leans against the cave wall and crosses his arms. He looks somewhat disappointed.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Grace grumbles a little. She should have known there wasn't any secret trick Barry could just teach her over night and solve everything. She kinda already did know even, but it was something at least. Just to meet another magic user without an ever suspicious eye watching over her shoulder the whole time. That was something. "Uh, I guess so. I was looking forward to blowing something up today, but I guess that's easier said than done." She looks just a little bit glum for a moment, staring at the perplexing book, before something comes to mind and she looks back up snapping it shut. "No wait, there was something else I've been thinking about. Back at that time you hit that girl Ima with the stun spell. You weren't really there the whole time were you? Not quite. You were IN the shadows weren't you?"
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry grins. "That's an entirely different school of magic that you can't learn from a book. Allow me to demonstrate. Now you see me..." Barry steps behind the lantern - and disappears in the shadows. "Now you don't."
The warlock is about to reappear when he notices the big shadow that Grace casts in the light of the lantern. He sinks completely into the shadows and steps out behind her a moment later. "And now I'm over here."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Grace had already been sneaked up on that way once today, so she wasn't taken by surprise by the voice sounding behind her, turning round when she heard it. "Yes that's what I saw earlier! Cool... So how did you learn it then? Because your not the only one here that knows that trick."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"A trip to the space between spaces", Barry flatly says. "No, seriously. My father's brother has specialised in spirit transfer. Rocketed my soul into the realm of the Shadowdwellers. We had to pay a shitload of money for that trip, and the goal was pretty random. I could have landed in the Pit of Ulgoth or the Corner of Hagghaquur."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"You can actually pay to get to a place like that? Can't say I've tried soul travel before. And to think some people are scared of flying on a plane. I don't know those places, but I'm guessing they're not ideal holiday spots." Graces says putting the book safely away into her messenger bag. "Part of the reason I ask, is I was thinking of working on my shadow barriers."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"People are paying to be launched into space", Barry says with a shrug. "And I can't really manipulate shadows. I can hide in them and make small jumps, but that's about it. Oh, and Ulgoth and Hagghaquur are something like demonic gods. Think of Lovecraft, and you're close."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Hmm, well let me just try this anyway. I know all the theory behind a shadow barrier, but I've not had much reason to do them before." Graces says taking a step back towards the lantern. She closes her eyes and concentrates for a moment. Then she begins, spreading her arms out fingers extended, she mouths a series of whisper like incantations. A subtle glow flows around her arms as she gradually and smoothly brings them in. After several seconds of this, her hands almost together again, she slaps them shut. The glow disappears, and the dim light and shadows of the cave seem to wave and shimmer for split second. Brief enough that one could mistake it for the eyes playing tricks in the dark.

"There, it's done."

The spell has worked, and the plane of shadow has been severed from the local space inside the cave. If the shadow world can be thought of as a layer underneath the rest of the world, then grace has put a bubble in between, stretching them apart.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry hmms and steps into the shadow again - only to come back out a few moments later. "Impressive. But... just who is this other person that can jump shadows anyway? Oh - that girl that I knocked out?"
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Yeah that's her. Ima, though her behaviour is strange, as in erratic. It didn't feel like the same person. I don't really know everything that's going on, but this girl is dangerous. There was some kind of fight on the girls dorm rooftop last night, though I didn't see it. And this morning, she poisoned my room mate! Ellisia? Do you know her? I don't know what she's got to do with it either. And when we were looking after her in the med room, miss shadow slipped in, coming out of the ceiling and started spouting all this talk about gods, destroyed worlds, and other other worldly things that were generally beyond me. It's crazy. This is my first time at a school for nearly three years and all this starts happening. It's why I wanted to give a shadow barrier a try, since I don't want her sneaking into my room at night or anything like that."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry looks worried. "Yeah. You definitely should do that, especially if she's been after your roommate before. I'll try and work a sealing circle myself to keep out all the strange things that seem to pop up here." He sighs and scratches his head. "Right. Try a few of these spells, and try not to set the dorm on fire. When do you want to meet again?" The warlock seems about ready to wrap things up.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Grace subconsciously copies the head scratching motion. "Yeah, she's not something I want to wake up to. I don't even understand any motives here, and I don't think she's got any thing against me specifically in any way yet. I mean, I did kick her, but, I dunno. Either way that's not going to stop me sealing up my room good and tight. I'm going to put as many seals and barriers down as I can properly maintain. Are you going to that dance thing tomorrow? Since I doubt I'll be throwing fireballs that soon, I suppose I could see you then? I'll give that book a good look and try some stuff out. Don't worry, I'll cast a fire proofing spell or something first. I gotta say thanks again for this. Hey, if you want, I could even help you locking up your room some more." Any evilmaw wouldn't have much to feed on right now. Graces emotions could change pretty quickly, but right now things seemed up. Of course with the exception of a particular psycho shadow girl making thing's less homely, but she'd long had enough of "homeliness" anyway.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry's eyebrows raise, and an amused smile plays around his lips. "Are you asking me out?" The warlock crosses his arms and breaks out into a grin. "Don't mention the whole book thing. Seriously, don't", he says, getting serious again. "To anybody. I don't want people pointing at me going 'Witch, Witch" or something."