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The Waterfall and caves

Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Uh..." Grace utters as she only just realises what she'd more or less said. "Asking... Am I? Did I? Oh, er well, I meant if it's convenient, and uh..." Her face twists a little, having suddenly put herself in that classic awkward position. Unsure of what she thought about the idea, but now forced to think about whether she meant that or not. She scratches the back of her head once more, giving a small laugh, "Well I was planning on going. We're... you? And don't worry about witch hunts. I know I said I've wanted to loose lasers upon people, but I do generally have better sense than that. I always make sure to hide my barriers well, and won't be practising in the hall either."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry breaks out in laughter about Grace's reaction. "Hey now! I was just fu- playing with you. I didn't plan on going originally... but hey, there's bound to be a bad vibes around, so maybe I can recharge my energies." Remembering the barrier she casted his smile slips a little. "Oh, while we're talking about that... please don't pull one of those magic barrier things on me, right? I know it's easy for you to pick up the magic around us, but warlocks require a more... specific kind of energy."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"All right then, I'll be seeing you there, whatever you want to call it. Though what do you mean by that? I didn't think a simple barrier like that could be a problem. Specific energy?"
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Oh geeze, am I gonna have to spell this out? All of this is useless." Barry makes a swooping motion to include the waterfall and the landscape before it. "I use negative energy, and that's a bit harder to come by. You can't just let go of it and pick it up again on the other side. I have to store it in myself. Look." To demonstrate he reaches out his left hand and closes his eyes for a second. He grimaces briefly in disgust as a bit of black ichor seeps out of his pores and forms a glob that drips to the ground, quickly dissolving.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Grace realises what he's getting at, and was just about to say something when, "Yeesh!" she exclaims at the demonstration. "Oh of course. I have heard of that actually, though didn't know it was like that. So your saying you let out your entire reserves like that? Aw crap. Sorry, I had no idea. I guess you didn't know that flimsy barrier wouldn't have lasted half a minute after I left either? It probably collapsed right behind you."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry slowly facepalms. "Great. Nevermind. You couldn't know. Took a trip to the cafeteria afterwards and took in some negative emotional energy."
Spill out ALL of our secrets, will you?
Shut it.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Ah, I was about to ask where you would get this stuff from. Interesting way of doing it. Sounds like it could be potentialy troublesome, but I guess there's plenty of moody people around most places. I just pick up the ambient currents passing through the world. This cave is pretty saturated in the stuff actually. I could build a good strong barrier here. I wish I could have learn't more about other magical styles. Is there an emotion that works better than others or anything? If you don't mind my curiosity."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Hate." The answer is prompt. "Real hate would power me like no tomorrow. If I had a mortal enemy I could actually use his hate - and my own - against him."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"I can see how that would be a good advantage. With me, if I was caught in a low magic area without some form of replenishment, there would be little I could do once my reserves were out." Grace peers towards the mouth of the cave. "Hmm, looks like it's getting dim out there."

((At least that's how I've interperated the game time.))
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry has noticed as well. He shoulders the backpack and walks towards the entrance. "Well, I figure we'll see at the dance then... Hm." The warlock stops and ponders. "You know, there's been something I meant to try, but the opportunity never really arose. Should work though." He turns towards Grace and grins. "Care for a ride?"
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Grace knew what he didn't mean, but had an idea of what he might mean, "Oh how gentlemanly. You mean... through the shadow?" Or perhaps she just hadn't spotted the taxi waiting outside.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry shields his eyes as he looks out the cave. "Yeah. Sun gets lower, and the shadows get longer. Perfect condition for jumping." He holds up his arm to signal Grace to hold on to him.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Grace grins with anticipation. This could be fun. "Alright then. Don't leave me half way between worlds or anything." She says taking hold of the arm and waiting to see what would happen.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Just don't let go, no matter what happens." With that Barry's eyes focus on the darkness in the cave. Grace could feel a tug downwards as the current scenery tears open like wet paper, revealing pitch black darkness behind it. Barry takes a step forward, dragging Grace along into the black - and as it touches her skin she finds herself in the shadow of a tree, the waterfall suddenly behind her.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

One instinct was to close her eyes, but Grace would much rather "see" the blackness. Coming through she simply looks about, patting her self once to check she was really there. "Success!"
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry grins. "Good to see that it works. Hold on now, I'm gonna pick up the pace." Barry searches and finds another shadow. The jump this time goes a lot faster - only a split second of blackness between each shadow. As soon as they reappear Barry already makes the next jump - and the next, and the next, transporting them through the forest in a rapid pace.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Grace holds on and follows where ever he leads, grining behind. The trip is a little disorientating as a passenger, but a damn cool way to travel.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

Barry can't turn his head towards Grace since he has to coordinate the jumps. "I forgot to ask - where am I supposed to drop you off?"
Jump - jump - jump.
Re: The Waterfall and caves

"Ehm - the school? - Maybe E Building. - I should check on my - room mate."
Re: The Waterfall and caves

The warlock nods and they keep teleporting. They must look strange there, seemingly standing still while zipping through the forest at the same time.

((Thread change to E building then, I presume.))