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The "What Do You Do" Game


Sex Demon
Apr 3, 2016
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Re: Just Started a Thread Game

I see its time to get serious
'I am the slam of my jam'
'Leather is my body, Gatorade is my blood'
'I have dunked over a thousand fools'
*slams the ball into the dirt sending it flying into the air*
'Unknown to freethrows, nor known to layups'
*summons a second ball in his left hand*
'Have withstood penalties to own many courts'
'Yet those hands will never throw anything'
'So, as I pray'
*jumps over the lamia grabbing the first ball as it falls*
*dunks both dark magic balls so hard they hit the ground and then bounce back through the hoops to be caught and dunked again this time hard enough to leave them embedded in the ground*


Professional Neko Impersonator
Dec 31, 2016
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Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Cold Night Lamia

I see its time to get serious
'I am the slam of my jam'
'Leather is my body, Gatorade is my blood'
'I have dunked over a thousand fools'
*slams the ball into the dirt sending it flying into the air*
'Unknown to freethrows, nor known to layups'
*summons a second ball in his left hand*
'Have withstood penalties to own many courts'
'Yet those hands will never throw anything'
'So, as I pray'
*jumps over the lamia grabbing the first ball as it falls*
*dunks both dark magic balls so hard they hit the ground and then bounce back through the hoops to be caught and dunked again this time hard enough to leave them embedded in the ground*
She stares at the two balls buried in the dirt and begins counting the dunks. "Two, four... wait a minute! You cheated!" She points to you in accusation, before grinning. "You know what that mean's don't you?" She smirks, "You're disqualified, which means you lose, which in turn, means I, w i n, which then means... you will be punished."


Sex Demon
Apr 3, 2016
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Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Cold Night Lamia

She stares at the two balls buried in the dirt and begins counting the dunks. "Two, four... wait a minute! You cheated!" She points to you in accusation, before grinning. "You know what that mean's don't you?" She smirks, "You're disqualified, which means you lose, which in turn, means I, w i n, which then means... you will be punished."

There was no rule against dark magic, in fact it was impossible for it to be disallowed as the first ball was made of it.


Professional Neko Impersonator
Dec 31, 2016
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Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Cold Night Lamia

There was no rule against dark magic, in fact it was impossible for it to be disallowed as the first ball was made of it.
"The fact that you used dark magic has no relevance, the fact that you made and used a second ball does, basic basketball rules do not account for two balls." She slithers towards you, placing her hands on your shoulders, "Now what shall I do with you...."


Sex Demon
Apr 3, 2016
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Re: Just Started a Thread Game

You should look deep into my eyes, let loose your inhibitions and


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Cold Night Lamia

She blinks a few times before taking a deep breath. She slithers over to the lake and tests the temperature with the tip of her tail, once she feels the temperature is safe she slowly crawls in, taking a deep breath and holding her nose before diving in.

She searches under the weeds, in the crevices and the cracks, until she finds... something. "Ah!" She accidentally opens her mouth, causing water to rush in, she quickly struggles in the water trying to get back to the surface, but the tip of her tail has gotten stuck under a heavy rock. She just barely pokes her head out of the water shouting for help.

"Help! *Cough cough* HELP!!!"
Unmoved by her plight I only leer in her direction as she continues to struggle.

Only upon her eventual drowning will she find that I've already cast Water Breathing upon her, and that she in fact did not drown.


Professional Neko Impersonator
Dec 31, 2016
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Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Cold Night Lamia

You should look deep into my eyes, let loose your inhibitions and
As you toss the sand in her face, she quickly tries to blow some of it into yours, this of course caused her to accidentally inhale the sand, leading to coughing as well as burning eyes. Before you can escape, she still manages to grab you and squeeze you with her tail, despite choking. After calming down a little she looks to you with red eyes, burnt from the sand, slowly her tail wraps around your neck, squeezing ever so lightly, tightening slowly.

"*Cough* You brought this on yourself...."

Unmoved by her plight I only leer in her direction as she continues to struggle.

Only upon her eventual drowning will she find that I've already cast Water Breathing upon her, and that she in fact did not drown.
After a moment you see something crawling out of the water beside her, it's a light blue color, it looks like... a slime. Could this be what startled her?

She continues to struggle and cough before she dives back into the water in an attempt to remove the rock from her sensitive tip, it is then she realizes she hasn't drowned, in fact, she feels fine. Slowly she calms down, until something began crawling up her tail, something blue, something... slimy, she screams again, this time leaping out of the water onto land, the slime slowly crawling up to her sensitive region.

"Get it off, GET IT OFF!!" She shouts.


Professional Neko Impersonator
Dec 31, 2016
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Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Cold Night Lamia

*Bites the tail*
"YAAHH!" She yelps as she quickly twists you round and round as her tail unravels around you, leaving you dizzy and falling over.

"HOW DARE YOU!" She snarls, she quickly leaps on top of you, pinning down your arms, your vision still spinning. She penetrates her fangs into your neck, injecting aphrodisiac before removing her fangs.

She yells, "The tip of a lamia's tail is JUST as sensitive as a MALE's DICK! How would you like it if I bit your dick huh?! You wouldn't like that would you?!" She slaps your face before taking a deep breath to calm herself. "It doesn't matter now... you're not going anywhere, you're going to stay here, with me. Who knows, if you behave, I may even let you live."

Your sexual excitement is rising extremely fast due to the aphrodisiac effect of her venom. (you're lucky her venom isn't lethal.)

What do you do?
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Professional Neko Impersonator
Dec 31, 2016
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Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Important Note:

I've asked a moderator to move this thread to the appropriate section, which he/she mentioned would most likely be under CYOA, thus where we are now. I'll change the title soon and try to get this thread organized so it can potentially host multiple RPs at a time. Unless someone thinks this is a bad idea and that we should create different threads for different roleplays.

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know, I want to provide the best experience possible, and I have more ideas for more roleplays/situations.


Jungle Girl
Feb 2, 2017
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Re: Cold Night Lamia

"Tsk, tsk." She responds, "You won't be cold for long...." she grins evilly, you worry she may not only rape you, but kill you... or worse.
I take a few steps back and ask her: "I don't really want to fight, so isn't there another way to settle this?"

Meanwhile i take a look around.


Sex Demon
Apr 3, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Cold Night Lamia
What do you do?
Now that her tail is off you can cast again. "Your hickey only makes my penis harder." Cast and overpower the lamia.


Professional Neko Impersonator
Dec 31, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Cold Night Lamia

Cold Night Lamia

I take a few steps back and ask her: "I don't really want to fight, so isn't there another way to settle this?"

Meanwhile i take a look around.
"No one said you had to fight." she smirks, "Just, come a little closer..." She lures you with her hand. Since a lamia's voice is laden with , she begins to sweet talk you, hoping you'll fall under her spell. "You know... I've never seen someone so, innocent, so, handsome as yourself. So young, I know, you have a soft core, a kind soul, so gentle, yet, so fragile. Come closer, won't you tell me your secrets? Your... deepest desires?"

What do you do?

• Try to resist the lamia's magic

• Give in

• Something else.

Now that her tail is off you can cast again. "Your hickey only makes my penis harder." Cast and overpower the lamia.
You used Might and gained enough strength to force the lamia up off of you, she seems surprised at your ability to push her up, she begins to push back, trying to force you down to no avail. "What... what are you doing?! Stop! This isn't how this works! Lay down!" She continues to push, before attempting a different strategy.

A lamia's voice is laden with . She begins to speak softly. "Alright, fine, you win." She stops pushing, raising her hands. "I give up, I can't force you to be with me, you're too resilient, even my venom is useless against you. You're resistant, you're strong willed, I like that..." She chuckles lightly, "No one can force themselves on you, you are your own leader, you make your own decisions, independent, you need no one, but yet, you're lonely. Yes, I can sense that. You long for affection, and love, but no one seems to notice. You do everything you can, you help the townsfolk, you rescue damsels in distress but yet, your efforts seem to be taken for granted, when do you get what you rightfully deserve? I'm certain, you want children to call your own, you want them to grow strong, to be noble, brave, and pure, just like you..." She smiles kindly, placing her hands behind her back, slowly swaying side to side, looking cute as she tries to lure you over.

What do you do?

• Continue to resist her attempts to win you over. (The aphrodisiac combined with her magic makes this extremely difficult, few men have ever resisted the sweet talk of a lamia, will you be the next, or will you slowly give in?)

• Slowly stagger towards her, unintentionally falling for her due to her magic, let her share her love for you, to coil around you gently, to let her call you her darling... to travel back home, with her by your side. You've always wanted a family to call your own, now's your chance, will you go with her, or forever be alone?

• Something else

• ???? (Secret option, shhh! No one knows what this does! :eek:)


Professional Neko Impersonator
Dec 31, 2016
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Re: The "What Do You Do" Game

Important Note:
I have updated the description/rules of the game in my original post above, please read through it, it explains how the game works to ease some of the confusion, I apologize for not getting around to it sooner. If you're confused about anything please let me know and I'll try to make the description clearer.
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Jungle Girl
Feb 2, 2017
Reputation score
Re: Cold Night Lamia

Cold Night Lamia

What do you do?

• Something else.
I make a run for the lake, dive in and clear my mind with the cold shock.
I turn around to the lamia and say :"Now now, i am not inexperienced so you better listen to my warnings or i might have to get serious."

I also have 1 question
Do you want a more Pen and Paper RPG-ish answer like "I try to" where you then tell me if i were succesful or should i decide that on my own ?
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Professional Neko Impersonator
Dec 31, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Cold Night Lamia

I make a run for the lake, dive in and clear my mind with the cold shock.
I turn around to the lamia and say :"Now now, i am not inexperienced so you better listen to my warnings or i might have to get serious."

I also have 1 question
Do you want a more Pen and Paper RPG-ish answer like "I try to" where you then tell me if i were succesful or should i decide that on my own ?
In response to your question, so far it's been where players try something, and it may or may not work, this could depend on the player however. If you specify within your response whether or not something worked, then we can go with that,(the story/situation adapts to the player.) if not, then we could go with the player trying a particular action that may/may not work out. It's up to you and the play style you prefer, I'm still trying to develop the rules so if you dislike anything or would like to suggest a change please tell me, I want to provide the best experience for you as I can.

Also, and this applies to everyone, if I seem unfair in my responses or actions, please let me know, I don't want to irritate anyone. I'm personally new to roleplaying with multiple people, I used to only RP with one other person and I haven't roleplayed in years, so I'm learning the ropes and proper behavior, please tell me if I overstep my boundaries.


Cold Night Lamia

She grins as she slithers over to the lake, "Warnings huh?" she smiles. In the back of her mind she thinks, 'You're the one who's going to need warnings...' She tests the water with the tip of her tail before jerking it back. "The water's cold, why don't you join me on land, my darling..."

What do you do?

• Ignore her and drag her into the lake, (Lamia's hate the cold, they'll go into hibernation if they're too cold, water accelerates this and adds the possibility of death if they pass out in the water.)

• Somehow break her spell and manipulate her.

• Something Else


Jungle Girl
Feb 2, 2017
Reputation score
Re: Cold Night Lamia

Cold Night Lamia

She grins as she slithers over to the lake, "Warnings huh?" she smiles. In the back of her mind she thinks, 'You're the one who's going to need warnings...' She tests the water with the tip of her tail before jerking it back. "The water's cold, why don't you join me on land, my darling..."

What do you do?

• Something Else
Speaking with a more serious tone: "You don't take me serious, huh? Well i won't repeat myself."
I take a deep breath and dive into the water searching for my equipment.


In response to your question, so far it's been where players try something, and it may or may not work, this could depend on the player however. If you specify within your response whether or not something worked, then we can go with that,(the story/situation adapts to the player.) if not, then we could go with the player trying a particular action that may/may not work out. It's up to you and the play style you prefer, I'm still trying to develop the rules so if you dislike anything or would like to suggest a change please tell me, I want to provide the best experience for you as I can.

Also, and this applies to everyone, if I seem unfair in my responses or actions, please let me know, I don't want to irritate anyone. I'm personally new to roleplaying with multiple people, I used to only RP with one other person and I haven't roleplayed in years, so I'm learning the ropes and proper behavior, please tell me if I overstep my boundaries.
I would prefer to only have control over my own character rather than full control of the environment. (More like an actual rpg)

Also have more self confidence! With the way you have been writing up until now i doubt you will screw up big time.
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Professional Neko Impersonator
Dec 31, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Cold Night Lamia

Cold Night Lamia

Speaking with a more serious tone: "You don't take me serious, huh? Well i won't repeat myself."
I take a deep breath and dive into the water searching for my equipment.


I would prefer to only have control over my own character rather than full control of the environment. (More like an actual rpg)

Also have more self confidence! With the way you have been writing up until now i doubt you will screw up big time.
As you search within the lake for your missing gear, a vine from a seaweed wraps around your foot, preventing you from swimming any further, you try to quickly get air from the surface, but the vine holds you under the water.

What do you do?

• Struggle in hopes that someone will see you under the water and help.

• Try to find something to cut the vine.

• Try to pull the vine apart with your hands. (May make the situation worse if the creature becomes angry.)

• Stop Struggling and hope for the best.

• Something else.


You got it.

Thanks, just want to make sure I don't make situations seem unfair or too forceful for the people involved.


Jungle Girl
Feb 2, 2017
Reputation score
Re: Cold Night Lamia

Cold Night Lamia

As you search within the lake for your missing gear, a vine from a seaweed wraps around your foot, preventing you from swimming any further, you try to quickly get air from the surface, but the vine holds you under the water.

What do you do?
Since there has to be a sword somewhere in this lake i will go with

• Try to find something to cut the vine.


Professional Neko Impersonator
Dec 31, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Cold Night Lamia

Cold Night Lamia

Since there has to be a sword somewhere in this lake i will go with

• Try to find something to cut the vine.
You quickly continue to search for your sword, looking beside rocks, checking cracks in the walls, until you see something in the distance. You squint before you realize it's coming directly for you. The seaweed vines have your sword, and it's charging towards you.

Quick! What do you do?